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08-20 投稿


groom 发音

英:[gru?m]  美:[ɡrum]

英:  美:

groom 中文意思翻译




groom 网络释义

vt. 整饰;推荐;喂马;刷洗(马等)vi. 打扮n. 新郎;马夫;男仆

groom 词性/词形变化,groom变形

动词过去式: groomed |名词: groomer |动词第三人称单数: grooms |动词过去分词: groomed |动词现在分词: grooming |

groom 短语词组

1、groom isd tx ─── 新郎是德克萨斯州

2、groom funeral home ─── 新郎殡仪馆

3、groom definition ─── 梳理定义

4、groom lake ─── 新郎湖

5、groom of the stool ─── 凳子上的马夫

6、groom-to-be ─── [网络] 新郎要成为

7、personal groom ─── 个人新郎

8、bride and groom ─── 新娘和 ─── 新郎

9、groom clipart ─── 梳理阴蒂

10、how wowen and men groom wowen ─── 和men如何培训

11、bride groom ─── 法兰凹槽

12、car groom ─── 汽车美容师

13、groom meaning ─── 修饰意思

groom 相似词语短语

1、grooms ─── n.(Grooms)人名;(英)格鲁姆斯

2、broom ─── n.扫帚;金雀花;飞天扫帚(出自《哈利·波特》);vt.扫除;vi.桩顶开花或开裂;n.(Broom)(英)布鲁姆(人名)

3、vroom ─── n.加速时发出的呜呜声;vi.发呜呜声;n.(Vroom)人名;(荷)弗罗姆

4、groof ─── 格罗夫

5、room ─── n.房间;空间;余地;机会;房间里所有的人;vt.为…提供住处;租房,合住;投宿,住宿;留…住宿;vi.居住;住宿;n.(英)鲁姆(人名);(俄)罗姆(人名)

6、gloom ─── n.昏暗;阴暗

7、groomed ─── adj.打扮的;修饰的;v.喂马(groom的过去式和过去分词);整饰;推荐

8、groomer ─── 美容师

9、-room ─── n.房间;空间;余地;机会;房间里所有的人;vt.为…提供住处;租房,合住;投宿,住宿;留…住宿;vi.居住;住宿;n.(英)鲁姆(人名);(俄)罗姆(人名)

groom 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Why does he belittle me by making me a groom to his horses? ─── 我在花果山称王,怎么哄我来替他养马?

2、The rain wets the bloom as the bride weds the groom. ─── 天要下雨,娘要嫁人。

3、Three cheers for the bride and groom! ─── 向新娘、 新郎三次欢呼!

4、Oh, boy. The groom 's guests are all his business associates. ─── 乖乖!新郎的客人都是些和他有工作关系的人。

5、I guess I should have used you as a jockey instead of a groom. ─── 我想我本来应该聘用你做骑师,而不是让你做个马夫。

6、The bride's car had broken down and meanwhile the groom and wedding guests in the church could only mark time. ─── 接新娘的车在路上抛了锚,与此同时在教堂的新郎和来参加婚礼的来宾只能干等着。

7、Help me to groom the horses for the show this afternoon. ─── 帮我梳洗打扮这些马参加今天下午的展出。

8、Then there was at time for people to say special things about the bride and groom. ─── 接下来的时间里,人们向新郎和新娘表达特别的祝福。

9、She had actually made her own woman inquiry of Mr. Willoughby's groom. ─── 她实际上已经对威洛比先生的马夫做过她那妇道人家的长舌的询问。

10、A white car turned up to take the groom and the bride to the church. ─── 一辆白色轿车前来接新郎新娘去教堂。

11、After the wedding reception,the bride and groom changed into their go away clothes. ─── 婚宴之后,新娘新郎换上去度蜜月的服装。

12、Oh, look! The groom just can not keep a grin off his face. ─── 你看,新郎一直笑眯眯的。

13、So the groom searched under the tables and behind the pictures. ─── 于是新郎就在桌子底下和画后面的墙壁搜了一遍。

14、All brought fine gifts for the bride and groom . ─── 大家都带来美好的礼物送给新娘、新郎。

15、As the ceremony begins,the groom and his attendants stand with the minister,facing the audience. ─── 当仪式开始的时侯,新郎和他的伴郎同牧师站在一起,共同面对着来宾。

16、with training, the monkeys began to treat the arm as their own, even trying to groom it. ─── 经过培训,猴子们也开始能够把其作为自己的手臂灵活使用,有时甚至去打扮梳理机械手臂。

17、His friend said: "No groom, how capable and strong he may be, can be of any use to you if you stick to going northward. " ─── 他朋友说:“如果你坚持向北方走,虽然有能干强壮的马夫,也是没用的。”

18、I proposed a toast to the bride and the groom. ─── 我敬新娘和新郎一杯。

19、Her groom was much older than she was. ─── 她的新郎比她大很多。

20、Ladies and gentlemen,a toast to our groom and his beautiful,enchanting bride! ─── 女士们,先生们。让我们为新郎及他美艳迷人的新娘干杯!

21、To Bride and Groom, love and happiness always. ─── 恭祝新郎新娘恩爱幸福,白头偕老;

22、Present Song Let us hear a special song, song today for the bride and groom. ─── 开场曲让我们来听一首特别的歌,今天给新娘和新郎的歌。

23、During the ceremony she and the groom accepted each other as husband and wife. ─── 在婚礼上,新郎新娘互相接纳对方为自己的配偶。

24、People are showering the bride and groom with flowers. ─── 人们往新郎新娘撒花。

25、In the worn wedding album the first picture of the bride and groom is blurred. ─── 在那本破旧的婚礼相册里,第一张新娘和新郎的合照已经模糊不清了。

26、The king ordered a carriage to be brought to take the bride and groom straight to church. ─── 国王派了一辆马车把新娘和新郎直接送到教堂去。

27、Eleanor and I drank a toast to the bride and groom. ─── 埃莉诺和我给新郎和新娘敬了酒。

28、They clink their glasses together to toast the bride and groom. ─── 他们碰杯向新郎、新娘致贺。

29、The wedding feast went on until midnight but bride and groom would leave before that in the Alfa Romeo. ─── 婚礼宴会将要进行到半夜,但新郎新娘在半夜之前就要坐“小罗密欧”离开宴会。

30、Let's cheers for bride and groom. ─── 我提议为新娘新郎的幸福干杯。

31、I left the house a little after eight o'clock this morning in the charactor of a groom out of work. ─── 我今天早晨八点稍过一点离开这里,扮成一个失业的马夫。

32、The groom wore a handsome black tuxedo to the wedding. ─── 婚礼上的新郎穿着潇洒的黑色无尾礼服。

33、Didn't you see that she was patronizing you as if you were a groom. ─── 你没看见她对你摆出那副屈尊俯就的样子,就象你是一个马夫。

34、Groom an employee for advancement. ─── 准备提升一名雇员

35、Yes, it is the bride and groom's wedding day. ─── 也就是两位新人大喜的日子。

36、At the wedding reception, the bride and groom greet their guests. ─── 在结婚喜宴上,新娘和新郎向宾客表示欢迎。

37、Charles: He says... He suspects the groom loves someone else. ─── 他说....他怀疑新郎爱着别的人。

38、At the wedding reception,the bride and groom greet their guests. ─── 在婚礼招待会上,新郎和新娘要向来宾致意。

39、Oh, boy. The groom 's guests are all his business associates . ─── 乖乖! 新郎的客人都是些和他有工作关系的人。

40、The groom and bride have to figure out how to counter their friends' hazing. ─── 如何对付朋友们闹洞房是新郎新娘的必修课。

41、You, bride, submit to the groom as the church submits to Christ. ─── 你,新娘,要顺从新郎如同教会顺从基督耶稣。

42、The groom got cold feet just before the wedding and ran off. ─── 就在婚礼开始之前,新郎退缩,溜走了。

43、She is getting married.The groom is Ling.She is writing wedding invitations. ─── 她要结婚了,新郎是凌,她在写结婚请帖,一张,两张,三张。。。。。

44、The lawyer is being groom as a candidate for mayor. ─── 律师正在准备竞选市长。

45、He felt it was very odd to groom future American leaders who did not understand Chinese. ─── 他觉得学校培养的未来美国领袖如果不懂华文,将是很奇怪的事情。

46、Just as you adapt your language to the audience and the occasion, so should you dress and groom appropriately. ─── 正如你要使你的语言适应听众和当时的场合,你也应合适地穿戴打扮。

47、To help groom bilingual and bicultural elites for Singapore. ─── 举办展览、促进对华文和华族文化的认识与鉴赏。

48、The groom get cold feet just before the wedding and run off. ─── 就在婚礼开始之前, 新郎退缩, 溜走了。

49、Most wedding cakes are topped off with a Bride and Groom on the top. ─── 大部分婚礼蛋糕的顶部都用新娘和新郎的形象作为装饰。

50、He drank a toast to the bride and groom. ─── 他提议为新郎新娘干杯。

51、Eg: Let's drink to the bride and groom. ─── 为新郎新娘祝酒。

52、"Take out the horses quickly, and come up to me," said Andrea to his groom. ─── “赶快卸马,上来见我,”安德烈对他的马夫说。

53、But these desert animals groom themselves with dust instead of water. ─── 但是这些沙漠动物总是用灰尘修饰自己而不是水。

54、Film adapt Winston ? novel of the same name of Groom since. ─── 影片改编自温斯顿?格鲁姆的同名小说。

55、Groom after appraisal is eligible, imprest gives return entirely. ─── 培训鉴定合格后,预付款予以全部退还。

56、We were the first to congratulate the bride and groom . ─── 我们是最先向新娘、新郎祝贺的。

57、A bride stands to the groom's left at a wedding so that his sword hand would be free. ─── 婚礼上,新娘站在新郎的左边,这样新郎的拿剑的右手是自由的。

58、The groom is Ling.She is writing wedding invitations. ─── 她在写结婚请贴,一张,两张,三张。。。

59、Like a father brings his daughter to her bride - groom and gives her to him, so God brought the woman to the man. ─── 如同父亲把女儿带到新郎面前交给他,神也把女人带到那人面前。

60、Have you ever seen the bride groom welcoming the bride by boat? ─── 您有没有见过新郎哥乘著渔船去娶亲?

61、I acted in the capacity of backer, or best man, to the bride groom. ─── 我充当陪新郎的,也就是男傧相。

62、The wedding guests were given confetti to fling at the bride and groom. ─── 参加婚礼的客人们拿到了向新郎和新娘抛撒的五彩纸屑。

63、If you were a newlywed groom, you could annul a marriage if on your wedding night you discovered that your wife has bad breath. ─── 如果你是新婚的新郎,你在新婚夜发现你的新娘有口臭你可以解除婚约。

64、We all drank a toast to the bride and groom. ─── 我们大家向新娘新郎敬酒。

65、China will groom a new generation of astronauts for its future space programs. ─── 中国将为将来的宇宙空间项目培养新一代的宇航员。

66、The glum groom grew glummer. ─── 忧郁的马夫变得更忧郁。

67、What could she have had against the groom? ─── 她有什么好跟新郎对着干的呢?

68、The German groom applicant has to give me his unmarried/single proof paper. ─── 德国新郎报名者,需申请单身证明给我.

69、I tell the groom I shall dismount, and he holds the horse still. ─── 我手里的缰绳开始变得松弛,今晚特别觉得自己老了。我告诉马夫我要下马,他让马停了下来。

70、When the even wealthier to-be-groom said no, she convinced her mother to purchase it for her. ─── 但家境不错的新郎拒绝后,她让自己的妈妈为她买了那枚戒指。

71、Wedding guests traditionally give gifts to the bride and groom. ─── 依照传统,参加婚礼的客人要向新郎新娘赠送礼物。

72、To the bride and the groom love and happiness, love and always. ─── 恭祝新人,恩爱幸福,白头偕老。

73、I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. ─── 我提议为新郎新娘的幸福干杯!

74、To Bride and Groom,love and happiness always. ─── 恭祝新郎新娘恩爱幸福,白头偕老;

75、The bride and groom will start to sing antiphonal songs. ─── 就已经开始对歌了。

76、A romantic groom will carry his bride over the threshold of their new house. ─── 喜欢浪漫的新郎会抱着新娘跨过新家的门槛。

77、Beneath the wooden table her hand rested on the muscular thigh of her groom. ─── 在木头桌子下面,她的手放在她的新郎肌肉发达的大腿上。

78、I congratulate you all the more on your intellectual choice of a good groom. ─── 我特别祝贺你聪明地选了一位好新郎。

79、Guests toasted the bride and groom with champagne. ─── 客人们以香槟为新娘新郎敬酒。

80、Oh, look! The groom just can not keep a grin off his face . ─── 你看,新郎一直笑眯眯的。

81、When the wedding party is gathered by the altar, the bride and groom exchange vows. ─── 当婚礼一行人聚集到教堂的祭坛前时,新娘和新郎互相表达誓言。

82、Ladies and Gentlemen, please raise you glasses to the bride and groom. ─── 女士们,先生们,让我们为新娘新郎的健康干杯!

83、Three items retained by trunk box groom custody. ─── 三件物品全归大衣箱箱倌保管。

84、Her parents spent great efforts to groom her for a violinist. ─── 她的父母花了很大精力来培养她成为一名小提琴演奏家。

85、You groom ski slope before a competition . ─── 你在比赛前清扫一下滑雪坡道。

86、If he than his groom be better or worse. ─── 如果他和他的马夫相比,更好,或者更差。

87、Your targets are the groom and the father of the bride. ─── 你的目标是新郎,以及新娘的父亲。

88、You toast a bride and groom to wish them health and happiness. ─── 为新娘、新郎的健康幸福干杯。

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