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floriculture 发音

英:[?fl??r??k?lt??r; ?flo?r??k?lt??r]  美:[?fl?r??k?lt??; ?fl??-]

英:  美:

floriculture 中文意思翻译



floriculture 网络释义

n. 花卉栽培;花卉园艺学

floriculture 词性/词形变化,floriculture变形

名词: floriculturist |形容词: floricultural |副词: floriculturally |

floriculture 短语词组

1、floriculture nh ─── 花卉栽培nh

2、floriculture pdf ─── 花卉栽培pdf

3、floriculture id ─── 花卉栽培id

4、floriculture test ─── 花卉试验

5、floriculture hg ─── 花卉业

6、floriculture 2019 ─── 花卉栽培2019

7、floriculture is ─── 花卉栽培

floriculture 相似词语短语

1、horticulture ─── n.园艺,园艺学

2、agriculture ─── n.农业;农耕;农业生产;农艺,农学

3、floriculturist ─── n.花草栽培家;花匠

4、floricultural ─── adj.种花的;养花的

5、pomiculture ─── n.果树栽培

6、arboriculture ─── n.树木的培植/栽培

7、olericulture ─── n.蔬菜学;蔬菜栽培

8、mariculture ─── n.海水养殖

9、citriculture ─── n.(美)柑橘栽培

floriculture 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Contrivance of Adjustable Spiral System of Stereoscopic Floriculture ─── 可动式螺旋立体花架系统的设计

2、Answer:The teacher read aloud:Only the Orchids is the rain that absorbed the great universe;Having this floriculture Flower however is the most fragrant in the nature. ─── 答:老师念着:惟幽兰之芳草禀天地之纯精;惟奇卉之灵德禀国香于自然。

3、Floriculture is a practical course; the experiment for floriculture requires fields and assurance of time. ─── 花卉学是一门实践性较强的课程,花卉学实验需要场地及时间的保证。

4、The pattern turning a little bit it once, appearing another floriculture again. ─── 将它稍微转一下,又会出现另一种花的图案。

5、greenhouse floriculture ─── 温室花卉

6、The Agriculture Department says growers in California led the nation in the value of floriculture products in two thousand seven, the latest year available. ─── 农业大臣称加利福尼亚州的种植主们在国家园艺产业增值方面成为领军人物,至少是在可考的2007年之前。

7、A Study on Spray Chrysanthemums of Protected Production Facility-A Case Study of the Floriculture Production and Marketing Group of Huwei Farmers Association ─── 设施多花菊之研究-以虎尾农会花卉产销班为例

8、Brighten Floriculture search wide range of flowers, plants, garden tools, florist supplies, artificial and dried flowers from all over the world for you. ─── 缤纷园艺网罗世界各地鲜花植物,园艺器材,花艺用品,丝花乾花。

9、This course is designed for advanced study on floriculture of specific topics. They are: 1. Germplasm preservation and development. 2. ─── 本课程之目的乃是深入探讨花卉园艺技术,主要内容为:1、花卉种源保存与开发。

10、To speed up the development of floriculture industry, to strengthen the seed engineering of flower productio ─── 加速发展花卉种植业、强化花卉种子工程

11、Having this floriculture Flower however is the most fragrant in the nature. ─── 惟奇卉之灵德禀国香于自然。

12、Floriculture,as a kind of fun in my life,flourishes my heart whenever flowers are in bloom, no matter how they look like,big or small,good or bad. ─── 我只把养花当作生活中的一种乐趣,花开得大小好坏都不计较,只要开花,我就高兴。

13、Research on the Operational Mode of Japan OTA Floriculture Auction Market ─── 日本大田花卉运作模式研究

14、Keywords Greenhouse;Floriculture Farmer;Pesticide exposure;Health Status;Self-reported Symptoms; ─── 大棚;花农;农药暴露;健康状况;主诉症状;

15、The Dutch Floriculture Industry: Collaboration within the Chain and Adaptation to Novel Technologies as Factors of Success ─── 荷兰花卉业的成功因素:产业链内的合作和新技术的运用(英文)

16、humidification,cooling,sterilization and spraying of greenhouse of agriclture, floriculture,greeding etc.; ─── 农业、花卉栽培、养殖等温室的加湿、降温、消毒、喷药;

17、WEN Fang ZHANG Qi-Xiang REN Xiang-Xiang National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture; College of Landscape Architecture; Beijing Forestry University; Beijing 100083; China; ─── 北京林业大学园林学院国家花卉工程研究中心;北京林业大学园林学院国家花卉工程研究中心北京;

18、floriculture course ─── 花卉学

19、At present, more than 10,000 mu of various flowers have been planted in Kunming with an annual production of over 600 million fresh cut flowers. Kunming is becoming an important base for floriculture production and export. ─── 目前昆明已人工种植各种花卉上万亩,年产鲜切花6亿多支, 昆明成为我国重要的花卉生产基地和出口基地,也是旅游、度假的好地方。

20、The floriculture embedded essential oil, creative invention from Alin De Rose, make your life with flowers and their fragrances forever! ─── 每一款香薰花艺作品限量发行,带着设计大师的艺术气质和大自然的灵气,以一种永远灿烂的姿态芬芳优雅你的每一寸光*!

21、Shanghai Bonsi Flower Arrangement Co.Ltd. is dedicated to developing a floriculture chain retailer focusing on high-end market. ─── 上海番芝花艺有限公司(香艺花坊)致力于打造鲜花和花艺行业的连锁高档品牌。

22、Taiwan Floriculture Exports Association, All Rights Reserved. ─── 2004台湾区花卉输出业同业公会。版权所有。

23、Keywords floriculture;genotype;gene polymorphism;paraoxonase;Glutathione S-ransferase;health effect; ─── 花卉种植者;基因型;基因多态性;对氧磷酶;谷胱苷肽S转移酶;健康效应;

24、Noels professional background includes special event planning, floriculture and buying and selling antiques and collectibles. ─── 你可以选择让它们把你击垮,你也可以让它成为你改变的转折。

25、Modern floriculture ─── 现代花艺

26、The pattern turning a little bit it once, appearing another floriculture again. ─── 将它稍微转一下,又会出现另一种花的图案。

27、In this study, the enviromental control performace of three types of greenhouses for floriculture in Taiwan were evaluated by the greenhouse microclimate models. ─── 摘要在此研究中,以温室内部微气候模式评估国内花卉业者所使用之三型温室其环控性能与降温极限。

28、Regional Characteristics of Floriculture Greenhouse in the Middle Yunnan ─── 滇中花卉栽培温室地域特点初探

29、Cultivation Of Fruits Vegetables And Floriculture ─── 果实类蔬菜与花卉栽培的耕作

30、I hope to take up floriculture with my leisure. ─── 我希望空闲时种种花。

31、Secondly, the four policies for flower supply are to make scientific development planning for floriculture industry; ─── 二是四个关于花卉供给方面的对策,即制定科学的花卉产业发展规划;

32、Floriculture,travelling, sporting, reading, Film &cooking compose my free time.Looking for a special partner who would like to share that in my coming years. ─── 个性评价:一颗随遇而安的蒲公英种子,无论落到哪里都能散发出自己的散光点,但永远不能停止自己的脚步;

33、of or relating to or involving floriculture. ─── 属于、关于或包含花卉栽培。

34、Through analyzing facts , it is concluded that development “company+farmer" is the best way to advance the floriculture industry in China. ─── 通过比较分析,“公司+农户”的生产经营模式结合了三种生产模式的优点,适合在我国花卉业发展中扩大应用。

35、CAI Ming TIAN Miao WANG Min TIAN Juan PAN Hui-tang ZHANG Qi-xiang (Beijing Forestry University; China National Engineering Research center for Floriculture; Beijing 100083); ─── 北京林业大学园林学院国家花卉工程技术研究中心;

36、religious cult, culture, agriculture, aviculture, floriculture; treasure island, value, cherished, precious, brutal. ─── 宗教派别,文化,农业,养鸟,花卉;金银岛,价值,珍惜的,宝贵的,野蛮的。

37、At present,more than 10,000 mu of various flowers have been planted in Kunming with an annual production of over 600 million fresh cut flowers. Kunming is becoming an important base for floriculture production and export. ─── 目前昆明已人工种植各种花卉上万亩,年产鲜切花6亿多支, 昆明成为我国重要的花卉生产基地和出口基地,也是旅游、度假的好地方。

38、Srivastava.Singh RP.Srivastava P.Misra.RL Effect of gamma radiation (60Co) on gladiolus Floriculture research trend in India 2002 ─── 孙纪霞.林祖军.崔广琴.刘学庆.辛国胜唐菖蒲辐射诱变育种研究[期刊论文]-福建林业科技2001(1

39、Under the spring premise of the full park, just entitle to to make a kind of perhaps several advantage of floriculture development. ─── 在春满园的前提下,才有资格去搞一种或者几种花的优势培养。

40、he is infatuated about floriculture. ─── 她对养花特别着迷。


42、LI Chun-jiao JIA Pei-yi DONG Li (College of Landscape Architecture; Beijing Forestry University; China National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture; Beijing 100083); ─── 北京林业大学园林学院国家花卉工程中心;

43、to enhance flower production, personnel training and gradually establish the technology and scientific research system for floriculture production; ─── 加强花卉生产、经营管理的人才培养,逐步建立花卉生产技术和科研体系;

44、Cavins, T.J., Gibson, J.L., Whipker, B.E., and Fonteno, W.C., 2000, “pH and EC Meters-Tools for Substrate Analysis,” Floriculture Research, NC State University, USA. ─── 林清杰,1992,灌溉水中电导度及钠吸著率对土壤及作物影响之研究,国立台湾大学农业工程学研究所硕士论文。

45、Scope: Floriculture sales. Floriculture sales. ─── 经营范围:花卉种植、销售。

46、Experiment on Producing Technique of No Soil Floriculture Cultivating and Seedling in Winter ─── 冬季花卉无土育苗栽培生产技术试验

47、Art of Flower Piece and Floriculture ─── 插花花艺学

48、floriculture industry ─── 花卉产业

49、The practice of project instruction method in the Floriculture course ─── 项目教学法在花卉栽培学课程中的实践

50、Han Keting Hu Ke Dai Silan College of Landscape Architecture; Beijing Forestry University; National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture; Beijing; 100083; ─── 北京林业大学园林学院国家花卉工程技术研究中心;北京林业大学园林学院;国家花卉工程技术研究中心;100083;

51、The refined floriculture main management water cultivates the flowers and plants, the fresh flower, to plant, the simulation flower and with it related handicraft green; ─── 如皋市雅致花艺发展有限公司成立于1998年,我们是一支具有行内经验的专业队伍.坚持诚信为本,质量第一,服务至上的原则;

52、she is potty about floriculture. ─── 她对养花特别著迷。

53、Probe into the Construction of Market System of Our Country's Floriculture ─── 我国花卉产业市场体系建设探讨

54、floriculture substrate ─── 花卉基质

55、Analysis on the Experience of Floriculture Industry Growing Up in Colombia ─── 哥伦比亚花卉产业成功崛起经验分析

56、2004 Taiwan Floriculture Exports Association, All Rights Reserved. ─── 2004台湾区花卉输出业同业公会。版权所有。

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