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08-20 投稿


bungling 发音

英:[?b??ɡl??]  美:[?b??ɡl??]

英:  美:

bungling 中文意思翻译




bungling 网络释义

adj. 笨拙的;粗劣的n. 拙劣的工作v. 拙劣地工作(bungle的现在分词)

bungling 词性/词形变化,bungling变形

副词: bunglingly |名词: bungler |动词过去分词: bungled |动词过去式: bungled |动词现在分词: bungling |动词第三人称单数: bungles |

bungling 短语词组

1、bungling meaning ─── 拙劣的意思

2、bungling clue ─── 拙劣的线索

3、bungling bay ─── 胡闹湾

4、bungling bags ─── 垃圾袋

5、bungling define ─── 笨拙的定义

6、bungling lake bungling ─── 湖

7、bungling means ─── 拙劣就是 ─── 拙劣

bungling 相似词语短语

1、bunglingly ─── adv.笨拙地;错误百出地(bungling的副词)

2、youngling ─── n.年轻人;adj.年轻的;经验不足的

3、brangling ─── 布兰林

4、bugling ─── n.喇叭;军号;筋骨草属植物;vt.吹号集合;vi.吹号;吹喇叭

5、bunging ─── v.堵住,塞住;攻击;扔,丢;乱放;n.塞子,盖子;贿赂;adj.破损的;无用的;n.(Bung)(美、印)本(人名)

6、bundling ─── n.捆扎;集束;v.捆起来;包裹,捆扎;塞;穿很多衣服保暖;捆绑销售;额外免费提供;用力推;把……撵走;(人群)混乱地移动;与某人合衣同睡;归拢;匆忙地走(bundle的现在分词形式)

7、Yngling ─── 鹰铃级

8、burgling ─── v.入室偷窃,破门盗窃(burgle的现在分词)

9、pungling ─── vt.捐…;付…;vi.捐钱;付钱

bungling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a bungling workman;did a clumsy job;his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf. ─── 一个拙劣的工匠;将工作搞糟了;他企图搭一个架子的想法是笨拙的。

2、Ignorance and bungling with love are better than wisdom and skill without love. ─── 爱的无知和笨拙胜过缺乏爱的智慧和技巧。

3、Although his bungling, haphazard mannerisms constantly landed him in hot water, his good nature and loyalty somehow helped him triumph in the end. ─── 虽然他的笨拙、随意行事的行为总是给自己惹麻烦,但他的好脾气和忠实多多少少还是帮助他走出了困境。

4、Ignorance and bungling with love are bebtter than wisdom and skill without love. ─── 具备爱的无知和笨拙胜过缺乏爱的智慧和技巧。

5、The act of bungling,especially a poor stroke in golf. ─── 笨拙的动作,不尤其指在高尔夫球中笨拙的一击。

6、insensitive, bungling, etc bureaucrats ─── 麻木的﹑ 坏事的...官老爷.

7、Ignorance and bungling with love are better than wisdom and skill without love。 ─── 具备爱的无知和笨拙胜过缺乏爱的聪明和技巧。

8、China cannot be blind to the Kims' bungling and bellicosity, nor welcome their nuclear ambitions. ─── 中国无法对金氏政权的无能笨拙与好勇斗狠视而不见,也不欢迎其怀有核野心。

9、4. a bungling workman; ─── 一个拙劣的工匠;

10、Total points acquired. How high will you raise your score? Take care: bungling an action can make you lose points. ─── 获得的点值。你能获取多高的分数?注意:做出拙劣的行为会被扣点。

11、If he keeps bungling,he'll lose the job. ─── 如果他老是拙劣地工作,他会失去工作的。

12、bungling worker ─── 笨拙的工人

13、The story of Ms Politkovskaya's death in 2006 and the bungling, evasive behaviour of the Russian authorities in dealing with it was just the sort of topic suited for her own fiery pen. ─── 波利特科夫斯卡娅女士2006年的死亡以及俄罗斯政府在处理这件事时笨拙的逃避行为非常适合作为她尖锐笔下的又一主题。

14、He had no training, no skills, he was just a big, bungling, useless lout! ─── 什么也不行,什么也不会,自己只是个傻大黑粗的废物!

15、The initially bungling lead character, Po, is an amusingly sympathetic figure who proves himself to be above mockery. ─── 但是这种批评被笑浪淹没,而笑声过后,伴随着的往往是自问。

16、a bungling performance; ─── 笨手笨脚的表演;

17、a bungling workman; did a clumsy job; his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf. ─── 一个拙劣的工匠;将工作搞糟了;他企图搭一个架子的想法是笨拙的。

18、Well, your bungling has set the project back a month. Now try laughing that off! ─── 嘿,你出的差错使工程推迟了一个月。现在你休想一笑了之。

19、George Bush and his defence chiefs neglected the war in Afghanistan while they devoted themselves to bungling the war in Iraq. ─── 乔治·布什及其国防官员忽视阿富汗战争,而将他们自己致力于瞎指挥伊拉克战争。

20、That man is a bungling oaf. ─── 那个人是个草包。

21、Mr Murdoch's bungling of the crisis has cast him as a fading emperor blind to his own mortality. ─── 默多克对此次危机的拙劣应对,令人感到他像是一位完全没有意识到自己死期将至的衰老帝王。

22、a bungling workman; did a clumsy job; his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf. ─── 一个拙劣的工匠;将工作搞糟了;他企图搭一个架子的想法是笨拙的。

23、The act of bungling, especially a poor stroke in golf ─── 笨拙的动作,不高明的一击拙劣的行为,尤其指在高尔夫球中笨拙的一击

24、'Enough, too,' retorted George. 'We'll all swing and sundry for your bungling.' ─── “还不够吗?” 乔治反问道,“就因为你乱指挥,我们都得荡秋千,被日头晒干。”

25、Second, the regime's shocking, bungling response to the crisis might lead even some of its own members to wonder whether their leaders know what they are doing. ─── 第二,缅甸军政府应对此次危机的笨拙的、令人震惊的反应可能会促使一些军政府官员对其领导人的执政能力产生怀疑。

26、With the help of the Bungling Troop, police arrest the criminals and bring them to justice. ─── 公安人员在“倒蛋部队”的协助下,将罪犯老五、三条捉拿归案。

27、and though I was but a bungling Shipwright, yet as I knew the Usefulness, and even Necessity of such a Thing, I apply'd my self with so much Pains to do it, that at last I brought it to pass; ─── 所以,过了几天之后,我又带星期五外出工作,谈话中我对他说,我将给他一条船,可以让他回到自己的部族那儿去。为此,我把他带到小岛另一头存放小船的地方。

28、These parties, when they had power in the 1990s, became known mainly for feathering their own nests and for bungling. ─── 这些政党在九十年代掌权时,就以自私自利、成事不足败事有余著称。

29、You can't do a thing without bungling it. ─── 你做事总是笨手笨脚。

30、She was bungling the situation unpardonably, fatally ─── 她不可饶恕地使大好时机毁于一旦。

31、Why is Ottawa still bungling the China file? ─── 为什么渥太华仍然粗制滥造中国档案?

32、Unfortunately, the bungling inefficiency of these amateur detectives has turned the International Space Police Force into a worldwide laughing-stock, and earned them the nickname "Star Cops". ─── 不幸的是,这些笨拙无能的业余侦探让国际空间警察局变成了一个世界性的笑柄,他们获得了一个昵称"星际警察'。

33、He's a bungling or evil or bad god. ─── 他是一个笨蛋或邪恶的上帝。

34、So, too, was the bungling of the invasion of Afghanistan. ─── 而搞砸入侵阿富汗的行动也反映了这一点。

35、The ensuing bungling crime spree of thieving, vandalizing and trespassing brings an ecstatic break from an otherwise boring routine for Jiro. ─── 一连串笨拙但又疯狂的盗窃,肆意的破坏,擅自闯荡使得次郎从以往的单调日子里,获得了暂时性的狂欢。

36、bungling incompetence ─── 笨拙无能

37、To be fair to Mr Musharraf, some of the bungling described in the report is unremarkable in Pakistan. ─── 有些的拙劣描述,在巴基斯坦并不起眼,对穆沙拉夫是公平的。

38、Morning, several rural young people, Sui Nv Lou Dou Shui Gou and others, join the Bungling Troop on the road and enter the city with baskets of eggs. ─── 清晨,农村青年岁女、漏斗、水狗等人带着一筐筐的鸡蛋,加入了公路上的“倒蛋部队”行列,浩浩荡荡进了城。

39、There is no crime to detect, or, at most, some bungling villainy with a motive so transparent that even a Scotland Yard official can see through it. ─── 竟没有罪案可以侦查,顶多也不过是些简单幼稚的罪案,犯罪动机浅显易见,就连苏格兰场的人员也能一眼识破。

40、For as long as it believes sacrificing Sir Victor and Mr Daniels would be interpreted as a recognition of its own bungling, they will stay. ─── 只要政府觉得,将维克托爵士和丹尼尔斯扫地出门,将被解读为(政府)承认自己把事情弄糟了,他们就将一直留任下来。

41、The biggest single Alt-A casualties are America's bungling mortgage agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. ─── 贷款唯一的最大受害者是美国那两个愚蠢的按揭抵押机构,房利美和房地美。

42、Ignolocatece border bungling dawn love calm preferequattempty tobacco wisdom border skill lacking love. ─── 具备爱的无知和笨拙胜过缺乏爱的聪明和窍门。

43、We have very strong views that we are bungling this issue [by] conflating the illegal immigrant issue with the issue of getting highly skilled employees into the US. ─── 我们强烈认为,由于将非法移民问题与引进高技术员工混为一谈,我们正在把这件事搞得一团糟。

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