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08-20 投稿


notch 发音

英:[nɑ?t?]  美:[n?t?]

英:  美:

notch 中文意思翻译




notch 网络释义

n. 刻痕,凹口;等级;峡谷vt. 赢得;用刻痕计算;在…上刻凹痕

notch 短语词组

1、angular notch ─── [医] 角切迹(胃)

2、acetabular notch ─── [医] 髋臼切迹

3、Charpy V-notch test ─── [化] 沙尔皮V形缺口试验

4、coracoid notch ─── [医] 肩胛切迹

5、cotyloid notch ─── [医] 髋臼切迹

6、cinder notch ─── [建] 渣口

7、costal notch ─── [医] 肋切迹(胸骨)

8、a notch above the others ─── 高人一等

9、be at the highest notch ─── 处于最高点, ─── 处于顶峰

10、calibration notch ─── [化] 校准槽

11、code notch ─── [计] 编码切口, 代码槽口

12、auricular notch ─── [医] 外耳道 ─── [软骨]切迹

13、anterior cerebellar notch ─── [医] 小脑前切迹

14、aortic notch ─── [医] 重搏切迹(脉波)

15、clavicular notch ─── [医] 锁骨切迹

16、cardiac notch ─── [医] 心切迹(肺)

17、craniofacial notch ─── [医] 颅面切迹

18、cerebellar notch ─── [医] 小脑切迹

19、conchal notch ─── [医] 外耳道 ─── [软骨]切迹

notch 常用词组

notch filter ─── 陷波滤波器;凹口滤波器;阶式滤波器

top notch ─── 大腕;拔尖的,出众的

notch sensitivity ─── 切口灵敏度;缺口灵感度

notch 词性/词形变化,notch变形


notch 特殊用法

1、finger notch ─── 指状凹口, 椭圆形沟

2、code notches ─── 标志缺口

3、shallow radiused notch ─── 半圆型凹口切铁

4、metal notch ─── 金属流出口

5、intervertebral notch ─── 椎间切迹

6、breakoff notch ─── 缺口断开, 换级触点断开

7、body notch ─── (罐身)切角

8、cinder notch ─── (高炉的)出渣口

9、adjustment notch ─── 调整槽口

10、suprasternal notch ─── 【解】胸骨上切迹

11、gu(u)ging notch ─── 用规检验的记号

12、izod notch V ─── 型缺口[切口]

13、locking notch ─── 锁(闭缺)口

14、regulating notch ─── 调整挡[凹口]

15、card notch ─── 卡片切口[凹口]

16、controller notch ─── 控制挡

17、felling notch ─── 预定采伐标记

18、radial notch ─── 径向切口

19、iron notch ─── 出铁槽[口]

20、slag notch ─── 出渣槽[口]

21、circumferential notch ─── 圆形缺口, 圆周槽口

22、lever fork notch ─── 擒纵叉槽

23、saw notch ─── 锯痕

24、axial notch ─── (流量控制阀的)轴向凹槽

25、film notches ─── [摄]胶片切口

26、run-off notch ─── 放渣孔

notch 习惯用语

1、notch up ─── [口]完成; 创下, 达到

2、a notch above others ─── 高人一等

3、up to the (last) notch ─── [美]称职; 胜任; 无负于自己的声望

notch 相似词语短语

1、kotch ─── 科奇(人名);吾父吾子(电影名);

2、hotch ─── vt.使…坐立难安;使…摇摆;vi.坐立难安;不停地换脚

3、rotch ─── 罗奇

4、potch ─── n.劣质蛋白石;漂洗;巴掌;vt.打巴掌

5、natch ─── adv.自然地;天然地;合理地;天生地;表现自然地(等于naturally)

6、nooch ─── 套索

7、notchy ─── adj.(手动变速装置)难以操作的

8、notched ─── adj.有凹口的;有缺口的;有锯齿状的

9、botch ─── vt.糟蹋;拙笨地修补;拙劣地拼凑;vi.拙笨地修补;弄坏某事物;n.难看的补缀;笨拙的修补;笨拙的工作

notch 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Great strides in technology allowed both the Germans and the Allies to raise the notch in the stakes of the Atlantic. ─── 德国和盟军在技术上的大幅提升使得双方都将赌注压在了大西洋上。

2、His eyes suddenly cold, down to the mouth, his lips two deep lines, his exultant, Mei Xin Road, put up several notch. ─── 他的眼光蓦然冷漠,嘴角向下垂,露出唇边两条深深的纹路,他的眉飞色舞,眉心竖起了好几道刻痕。

3、The resolved shear stresses increase with the increasing of notch radii. ─── 切口半径对持久寿命的影响作用非常大,切口半径越小,持久寿命越大。

4、Top notch wirework and an interesting and complex plot set this above many other period films from the nineties. ─── 一流的钢丝特技和趣味十足头绪纷繁的情节,使之超越了许多90年代的电影。

5、Indications exceeding the reflection from the notch shall be unacceptable. ─── 大于参考切槽的指示信号的缺陷应不予以验收。

6、You must notch up a fine victory in the competition. ─── 在这次比赛中你一定能大获全胜。

7、The formation principle of weld mark in extrusion product was analyzed finely. It was pointed out that the weld mark had two forms such as notch and weakly connected. ─── 对挤出制品熔接痕形成的原理进行细致的分析,指出制品的熔接痕有“V形槽”及“弱连接”两种形式。

8、Provides top notch protection for file servers based on the Windows operating systems. ─── 为Windows操作系统提供顶级的文件服务器防护。

9、In the study, an infinite plate with elliptic notch is subject to remote stresses at infinity. ─── 在分析中,设带椭圆孔口的无限平板受远处应力作用。

10、Osteophytes bordering the intercondylar notch are removed to eliminate a potential source of impingement on the patellar prosthesis. ─── 在膝盖修复中要去除内踝槽口边缘的骨贽以消除潜在的侵犯来源。

11、The pistol grip adds a notch for the middle finger and more texture to enhance the grip.The buttstock was lengthened by 5/8 inches. ─── 后枪托被设计得延长了5/8英寸,并使用了新兴的科技使其比1960年的枪托更结实。

12、We're looking for people with premium-brand retail store or district leadership experience who are ready to take it up a notch. ─── 我们正寻找具有优质品牌零售店性理经验或者区域零售管理经验,而且随时准备跨越巅峰的人士。

13、The machinability of developed steel is improved by taking advantage of notch effect and lubrication action of dispersed fine graphite particles. ─── 开发钢的组织由铁素体和石墨组成,其中,石墨的缺口效应和润滑效果赋予了开发钢较高的切削性能和冷成形性能。

14、The SCF at the bottom of U-shaped notch of three-point bending beam is smaller than that of the counterpart pure bending beam, and the largest relative difference is -7.3%. ─── 将U形切槽梁三点弯曲的应力集中系数与对应的U形切槽梁纯弯曲的应力集中系数作比较,发现前者比后者小,最大相对偏差达到-7.3%。

15、They have a notch in their belt. ─── 他们的皮带上有个切口。

16、Motherboard adopts hard notch steel. ─── 底板采用坚固槽钢。

17、He cut a notch in the stick with a sharp knife. ─── 他用利刃在棒上刻了一个凹痕。

18、In the overall quality, Benz cars are a notch above all the other brands. ─── 从汽车的整体质量而言,奔驰轿车比其它任何牌子轿车都好。

19、Improving demons should also help kick Demonology up a notch. ─── 加强恶魔也会提高恶魔术士的能力。

20、Until Leopold's innocent act, every step in civilization had been another notch in controlling and retarding nature. ─── 在利奥波德这天真的行动之前,文明迈出的每一步都走上控制和阻隔自然的又一个阶梯。

21、I pull my belt tighter one notch. ─── 我把皮带拉紧一格。?,喂,你以为你的肚子是面团啊?

22、The graphics in Joker's Quest are top notch. ─── 在滑稽角色的寻求过程中的图形是第一流的。

23、In each case the setting will be the first notch of its type in the slider. ─── 从第一个滑快开始介绍,每个滑块的作用在不战术里的设置。

24、That indicates how much to scroll when the mouse wheel is rotated one notch. ─── 一个指明鼠标滚轮旋转一个格时滚动多少距离的。

25、The distributing of SIF along the root of notch is founded, the situation where crack started is confirmed, and the dynamic SIF is calculated. ─── 得出了压口根部的应力强度因子分布状态,确定了起裂点的位置,并计算了起裂点的动态应力强度因子。

26、My friend is a top notch salesman. ─── 我朋友是个最棒的推销员。

27、"The half cock notch, disconnector, and hammer block may also be inspected to ensure that they are functioning as originally designed. ─── 另外还要检视两段式击槌保险、扳机阻绝器、及击槌阻铁等,确保其动作合乎原始设计。

28、Donofre's work was a clear notch above that sold in most of the kitschy shops that lined the sun-dappled streets. ─── 他的作品,很明显比那些在光斑下的街道上出售的粗劣作品要好得多。

29、Invest in a classic one-or two-button tuxedo with peak or notch lapels. It makes no sense(stylistically or fiscally) to rent a tuxedo each time you attend a black-tieevent. ─── 买一件经典的一扣获双扣的翻领无尾晚礼服也是一项投资。无论怎么说,老是专门为正式晚会去租衣服很不合理也不划算。

30、A notch, as in the edge of a leaf. ─── 切口,如叶片边缘

31、When i realize i have to put up the volume of my TV to notch #30 instead of the usual 10, i know i have to put on earplugs to protect my virgin ears. ─── 当我意识到我必须将电视机的音量从一般的10提高到30等级。我知道我必须要戴上耳塞来保护我纯洁的耳朵。

32、Host-based authentication is generally a quick and dirty way to raise the bar a notch, but is close to useless. ─── 基于主机的认证通常是设置防护的快速和直接的方法,但它接近于无效。

33、For each day he spent on the island, he cut a new notch in his stick. ─── 他在岛上每过一天,就在手杖刻上一个新的记号。

34、On February 4th Fitch, a rating agency, downgraded Russia by one notch. ─── 在2月4日,金融等级评估公司菲奇调低俄罗斯一个等级。

35、To notch or serrate the edge of; make jagged. ─── 做成锯齿状凿或刻边缘;使成锯齿状

36、You will always be proud of dad, dad did not ask you to read to top-notch, just hope you can do to be a good person, so, father to meet. ─── 你永远是爸的骄傲,爸不求你读书能拔尖,只希望你能踏踏实实地去做一个好人,这样,爸就满足了。

37、Once a certain pushbutton gives off light, player must press it just can notch immediately. ─── 一旦某个按钮发光,游戏者必须马上按下它才能得分。

38、The threshold of the fatigue crack initiation from the notch of the microbeam is close to that of the bulk material. ─── 疲劳裂纹从尖缺口处萌生的门槛值接近块体材料。

39、My regard for her went up another notch. ─── 我对她的敬重又增加了一等。

40、However, for the specimen that has a sharp notch close to an ideal crack, the measured fracture toughness is not sensitive to the specimen geometry. ─── 尖槽切口接近理想裂纹,裂纹起裂始于尖角的顶点,实测的断裂韧度不存在尺寸相关性,即是材料常数。

41、He is keen to notch up yet another success. ─── 他渴望能再次成功。

42、The thread has not been passed through the notch of the bobbin case tension spring . ─── 底线不能进入到梭壳的线张力弹簧下面。

43、As contrary as this, the city that this investigation shows to global life quality ranks lowest is Bagdad, notch it is only 14. 5 minutes. ─── 与此相反,此项调查显示全球生活质量排名最低的城市是巴格达,得分仅为14.5分。

44、Notch signal pathway might involved in the maturation of dental pulp cells, and DEX at the concentration of 10-7M could depress the expression of DSPP and increase that of Heyl. ─── Notch 信号途径可能参与了牙髓细胞的诱导分化过程,10-4M浓度DEX能抑制DSPP的表达,促进Hey1的表达。

45、She decided she was going to take this man down a notch or two. ─── 她下定决心要把这个男人的锐气打下去一截子。

46、We're looking for people with premium-brand retail store or district leadership experience who are ready to take it up a notch. ─── 我们正寻找具有优质品牌零售店管理经验或者区域零售管理经验,而且随时准备跨越巅峰的人士。

47、He has a high quality double-breasted, notch collar tux. ─── 他有件质地优良的双排扣V领晚礼服。

48、The skimmer,slag notch plug and hot metal ladle were reformed,and also the quality of workers was improved through technical train. ─── 同时,举办炉前技术培训班,提高职工的整体素质。

49、With the addition of DAPT, which inhibited Notch signaling, the effects of OEC-conditioned medium on NPCs were blocked. ─── 他们发现嗅鞘细胞通过调节特定信号通路促进神经干细胞增殖同时抑制神经元分化。

50、The notch in the Izod specimen seres to concentrate the stress, minimize plastic deformation, and direct the fracture to the part of the specimen behind the notch. ─── 埃佐德待试验样品的切口用来聚集(冲击)应力,将塑胶形变减至最小,并且将裂缝引向待试验样品切口后面的部分;

51、I cut a notch in a stick. ─── 我在一根棍子上刻了一个V字形。

52、recognizable by their coloring (mostly brown with yellow spots), large pointed teeth, and the notch in their lower lip. ─── 它们的颜色(大多是带有黄色斑点的棕色)、大尖牙和下唇的凹陷处辨认出来。

53、When he recaptures his flag, he'll fall a notch since he will have held his 3 flags less time than yours. ─── 当他重温他的旗帜,他会下降一,因为他已举行了他的三旗缺口不到你的时间。

54、Blade submits heart form, the brim has a notch or toothed. ─── 叶片呈心脏形,边缘有缺刻或锯齿。

55、In will putting aside an outfit to be covered in rope, embed rope notch. ─── 将搁架装在粗绳套中并将粗绳嵌入槽口。

56、So do not sit idle thinking you will always be in top notch condition! ─── 因此不要闲下来无事可做,而滞足不前。

57、Well, at least you know this bottle has only the top notch sort of tenderness you expect from fine whiskey. ─── 哦,至少你知道你期待的这瓶威士忌只有顶尖的度数。

58、But, in fact, Americans and Canadians had almost identical scores on measures of assertiveness: a slight notch above the average in the study sample. ─── 但是事实上美国人和加拿大人在过分自信的测试中几乎是同样的得分,而这样的结果在研究案例中几乎是比比皆是。

59、Its build quality, materials and design are all top notch. ─── 在质量/用料/设计等方面三儿均获得高分。

60、The profile design adopts European standard hardware notch to connect many locking points for better security. ─── 型材设计采用欧洲标准五金槽口,连接多个锁点,达到很好的防盗作用。

61、The distance between the CLIC to the greater sciatic notch was about 85.43 mm. ─── CLIC点距坐骨大切迹前支85.43mm。

62、Notch Strategy Game Partners. ─── 我们个个都是策略游戏的高手。游戏里老板可不是我的对手。

63、Prices are at the lowest notch. ─── 价格已降到最低点。

64、When you rotate the wheel, a wheel message is sent as each notch is encountered. ─── 当您旋转鼠标轮时,每碰到一个凹口就会发送一个鼠标轮消息。

65、Spend the night in something soft and cozy. Grosgrain trim. Top has notch collar and covered buttons. Full-length pant has drawstring elastic waist. Imported cotton. ─── 在一些度过舒适柔软,夜晚。罗纹装饰。顶部有一流领子和覆盖按钮。全长喘气的束带弹性腰围。进口棉花。

66、It is suggested that the mixed type of cavities developed from the notch and mesophyll types. ─── 在此基础上对该科各类型分泌囊的形态演化关系以及各亚科或各属间的亲缘关系进行了探讨。

67、Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar(SHPB) with a wedge and its holder appended to the end of the incident bar was used to exert dynamic split force at the edge notch of the specimen. ─── 为了获得岩石在高加载速率作用下的动态断裂韧度值并分析加载速率的影响,由分离式霍普金森压杆入射杆杆端附加劈尖及其基座对边切槽圆盘试样施加动态劈裂载荷。

68、With a fine image, outstanding staffs and top-notch quality, BOCP offers wholehearted service to clients at home and abroad. ─── 北京有机化工厂以良好的企业形象、秀的职工队伍、流的产品质量,竭诚为国内外用户服务。

69、Your team are becoming dauntingly efficient but with each machine-like victory they are becoming a notch more charmless, and in this they are only keeping pace with you. ─── 你的球队是有那么一点效率去赢得那些机械的胜利,不过你们胜利的方式几乎成了沉闷和无趣的代名词。当然,这个和你的性格也蛮相符。

70、Notch - An indent on the edge of a wafer used for orientation purposes. ─── 凹槽-晶圆片边缘上用于晶向定位的小凹槽。

71、He is a notch above the others. ─── 他比别人高一等。

72、He has been top notch in his class. ─── 他在班里的学习成绩一直都是冒尖的。

73、All the time since the booty that the man thinks the gender is them, if get it, still have you, he already " notch " . ─── 一直以来男人就认为性是他们的战利品,如果得到它,还有你,他就已经“得分”了。

74、AML-III consisits of a feeding metal frame ,leveler grooving roller, hydraulic notch and punch square machine ,hydraulic shearer and folder. ─── 力丰风管生产线AML-III是由上料架、调平压筋机、冲尖口和冲方口油压机、液压剪板机、液压折边机组成。

75、Fatigue notch factor K(subscript f) is usually used to express the reduction in fatigue strength of the component notch. ─── 疲劳缺口系数K(下标f)是表征缺口部位疲劳强度降低程度的参量,这一系数在结构抗疲劳设计中经常被使用。

76、The trailing edge of the fourth notch, which causes the pulse, is four degrees before top dead center (TDC) of the corresponding piston. ─── 产生的脉冲的第四凹槽的后缘,位于相应的活塞在前上死点(TDC)4度的位置的位置上。

77、It was clear that we should have to bite the bullet and pull our belt in a notch. ─── 很明显,我们得咬紧牙关,更加节约地过日子。

78、The actual control condition at the root of the notch is more problematic. ─── 在缺口根部的实际控制条件是更难捉摸的。

79、In order to get good notch, it is very important to grasp the pertinence between the quality of notch and influence causes. ─── 为了得到优质切槽,掌握切槽质量与影响因素之间的关系,文章从两个角度进行分析。

80、She tightened her belt an extra notch. ─── 她将腰带又束紧了一格。

81、We sell these products during airshow throughout the us. The quality must be top notch (very good). ─── 我们销售这些产品在航空展。质量必须是一流的(非常好)。

82、What factors do you attribute most to your personal success,your mastery of English,your top notch MBA education or your marketing experience at a Fortune 500 companies? ─── 你认为你的成功最应归功于哪个因素:对英语的掌握,顶尖商学院的MBA学位,还是你在世界500强公司的营销经验?

83、Create top notch docs Find templates, fonts, images, sounds, animations, and other add-ins to enhance documents created in Office programs. ─── 创建一流文档:查找模板、字体、图像、声音、动画以及其他加载项以改进在Office程序中创建的文档。

84、MARK COLVIN: The fight against sexual slavery is being ramped up a notch. ─── 同性奴隶的斗争已经箭在弦上。

85、At mile 19 I went down another notch and was now slogging through 13-minute miles. ─── 在19公里处时我更慢了,以每公里13分钟的速度艰难地行进。

86、If the timing notch is more than 13 mm (1/2 inch) away from the TDC mark in either direction, the valve timing is incorrect. ─── 如果正时凹口无论在哪一边距离TDC标记大于13公厘(1/2英寸),则阀门正时不正确。

87、A joint between two pieces of building material formed by a notch and a fitted projection. ─── 啮合扣两块建筑材料之间的连接,由一个槽口和一个与之相称的凸起物构成

88、A detent is one notch of the mouse wheel. ─── 制动器是鼠标轮的一个凹口。

89、She tightened her belt an extra notch. ─── 她将腰带又束紧了一格。

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