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08-20 投稿


bicycle 发音

英:['ba?s?kl]  美:['ba?s?kl]

英:  美:

bicycle 中文意思翻译




bicycle 网络释义

n. 自行车vi. 骑脚踏车vt. 骑自行车运送

bicycle 词性/词形变化,bicycle变形

动词过去式: bicycled |动词现在分词: bicycling |名词: bicycler |动词过去分词: bicycled |动词第三人称单数: bicycles |

bicycle 短语词组

1、by bicycle ─── 骑自行车

2、bicycle traffic ─── [网络] 自行车交通

3、bicycle lane ─── 非机动车道

4、bicycle rack ─── 自行车托架

5、bicycle tyre ─── [机] 自行车轮胎

6、bicycle wheel ─── [网络] 自行车车轮;脚踏车轮;自行车轮

7、bicycle-built-for-two ─── [网络] 为双人的自行车组装

8、bicycle shed ─── 自行车棚

9、bicycle tube ─── [机] 自行车内胎

10、bicycle clip ─── 裤管夹(骑自行车时用)

11、bicycle-clips (bicycle-clip ─── 的复数) n. (骑自行车用)裤管夹

12、bicycle seat ─── [网络] 车座;自行车座垫;求购车座

13、bicycle ergometer ─── [医] 自行车测力计

14、bicycle-clip n. ( ─── 骑自行车用)裤管夹

15、a motor bicycle ─── 摩託车

16、bicycle pump n. ─── 气汞; ─── 气筒

17、bicycle chain n. ─── 自行车链条

18、bicycle race ─── 自行车比赛; ─── 自行车赛

19、astride a bicycle ─── 骑自行车

bicycle 相似词语短语

1、bicycled ─── n.自行车;vi.骑脚踏车;vt.骑自行车运送

2、tricycle ─── n.[车辆]三轮车

3、bicyclers ─── n.骑单车的人

4、bicycler ─── n.骑单车的人

5、bicycles ─── n.[车辆]自行车;脚踏车(bicycle的复数)

6、biocycle ─── n.[生态]生物环(指组成生物圈主要部分的一组相关的生态域,即陆地、海洋与淡水域)

7、epicycle ─── n.[天]本轮;[数]周转圆

8、biocycles ─── n.[生态]生物环(指组成生物圈主要部分的一组相关的生态域,即陆地、海洋与淡水域)

9、bicyclic ─── adj.[化学]二环的;两圈的

bicycle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tom was an unlucky dog. His wife found all his pin money that would be used to buy a ten - speed bicycle. ─── 汤姆打算用来买十速自行车的所有私房钱都被妻子发现了,他可真不走运。

2、She is too little to ride a bicycle. ─── 她太小了,不能骑脚踏车。

3、He propped his bicycle against the fence. ─── 他把自行车靠着篱笆放好。

4、Can you lend me a pump to blow up my bicycle tyres? ─── 你能借给我个打气筒给车胎打打气吗?

5、His wife wanted him to repair their son's bicycle! ─── 他妻子叫他去给他们的儿子修理自行车!

6、How much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle? ─── 他修理自行车收了你多少钱?

7、You should check your bicycle before you ride it. ─── 你在骑自行车之前应该检查一下。

8、Can you get my bicycle fixed? ─── 你能把我的自行车弄好吗?

9、She blow up the flat tyre with a bicycle pump. ─── 她用自行车打气筒给瘪了的轮胎打气。

10、Do you know how to repair a bicycle? ─── 你知道怎样修理自行车吗?

11、She chained her bicycle to the gate. ─── 她用链子把自行车锁在大门上。

12、A bicycle's often far more convenient than a car in busy cities. ─── 在热闹的都市里骑自行车往往比坐汽车方便得多。

13、He is leading in the bicycle race. ─── 他在自行车赛中领先。

14、Have you pumped up the bicycle? ─── 你给自行车胎打气了吗?

15、He was excited like a child might be excited before being told that his parents had decided to go out and buy him a brand new bicycle. ─── 那时的他很兴奋,就像一个小孩从父母那里收到自己期望已久的全新自行车一样兴奋。

16、He fell off his bicycle and cursed loudly. ─── 他从自行车上摔了下来,大声咒骂着。

17、He's suffering from concussion after falling off his bicycle. ─── 他从自行车上跌下来,脑受了震荡。

18、He is repairing Laowang's bicycle. ─── 他在修理老王的自行车。

19、How much did your new bicycle set you back? ─── 你的新自行车花掉了你多少钱?

20、He beguiled me into lending him my bicycle. ─── 他骗我把自行车借给了他。

21、He used his savings to buy the bicycle. ─── 他用存的钱买了这辆自行车。

22、He strapped his books to his bicycle . ─── 他把书捆到了自行车上。

23、You put air into a bicycle tyre through the valve. ─── 你通过汽嘴把空气打入自行车轮胎。

24、He got on his bicycle and rode off down the road. ─── 他骑上自行车,沿着路一直驶去。

25、He said, "There were murders last night in the town. The aide-de-camp of the military governor, a sergeant and a girl on a bicycle. " ─── 他说道:“昨天夜间城里发生了几起谋杀,一名军事长官的副手、一位中士和一个骑自行车的女孩被杀。”

26、He propped his bicycle against the ferry. ─── 他把白行车靠在栅栏上。

27、It is true that he stole the bicycle, but he is not so bad as you might think. ─── 他偷脚踏车是事实,但他并不像你所想的那样坏。

28、He traded an old bicycle in for a new one. ─── 他把那旧的自行车折价换了一辆新的。

29、A bicycle is much cheaper than a car. ─── 一辆自行车比一辆小汽车便宜多了。

30、You can have a new bicycle all in good time. ─── 在适当的时候,你可以买一辆新自行车了。

31、Unlike the truck driver, he did not take up riding a bicycle. Nevertheless, he stayed near the bridge. He liked fishing. ─── 与卡车司机不同,他没有开始骑车运动,但他也没远离大桥,他喜欢钓鱼。

32、Y is sometimes a vowel, as in bicycle. ─── Y有时是元音字母,如在单字bicycle中。

33、He pedaled off on his bicycle. ─── 他骑着脚踏车离去。

34、He hired a bicycle by the day. ─── 他按日租用自行车。

35、Do you go to school on a bicycle? ─── 你骑自行车去上学吗?

36、He rode a bicycle to the post office. ─── 他骑着自行车去邮局了。

37、It is dangerous to ride a bicycle along an icy road, so we have to use a brake to slow down the bicycle. ─── 在冰路上骑车是很危险的,因此我们必须用车闸使自行车减慢速度。

38、He spun the wheel of his bicycle. ─── 他快速转动自行车的轮子.

39、She propped her bicycle against the wall. ─── 她把自行车靠墙放好。

40、In a poor country, owning a bicycle is a sign of comparative wealth. ─── 在贫穷的国家里,有辆自行车就是比较富裕的象徵。

41、He lost his bicycle; he had to foot it. ─── 他的自行车丢了,只好步行。

42、He was disconsolate after his bicycle was stolen. ─── 他的自行车被偷后,他郁郁不欢。

43、Being tired of shelling out on repairs to his bicycle, he sold it cheap. ─── 他再也不愿为修自行车而花钱,于是便廉价把它卖掉了。

44、How much did he pay down on the bicycle? ─── 他买那辆自行车先付了多少定金?

45、He pedaled his bicycle slowly up the hill . ─── 他缓慢地踏着自行车骑上山坡。

46、A young Chinese lent me his bicycle. ─── 一位年轻的中国人将他的自行车借给我。

47、His bicycle is of better quality than yours. ─── 他的自行车质量比你们的好。

48、A bicycle this me and rolled me over. ─── 一辆自行车撞着了我,把我在地上翻了个个儿。

49、The old lady saw the thief running up the street and chased him on her bicycle. ─── 老妇人看见小偷跑到街上,便骑着自行车去追他。

50、She got off the bicycle. ─── 她从自行车上下来。

51、He zagged down the street on his bicycle. ─── 他东歪西倒地从自行车上跌倒在街上。

52、You can use the bicycle on condition that you return it tomorrow. ─── 只要你明天归还,自行车你可以拿去用。

53、He's set his heart on having a bicycle of his own. ─── 他很想有一辆自己的自行车。

54、Nathan watched him climb on his bicycle. ─── 内森看着他骑上车子。

55、bicycle lay upended in a ditch. ─── 自行车翻倒在一条小水沟里。

56、You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend. ─── 周末你可以去滑草,骑脚踏车,或购物。

57、The bicycle works fine if you oil it regulally. ─── "只要你定期给它加点油,自行车就会运转得很好。"

58、She accused him of stealing her bicycle. ─── 她控告他偷窃自行车。

59、A new bicycle is out of the question we can't afford it. ─── 买新自行车的事谈不到--我们买不起

60、He mounted his bicycle and rode away. ─── 他骑上自行车走了。

61、She arrived late because her bicycle was out of condition. ─── 她的自行车出了毛病,所以迟到了。

62、She jumped on her bicycle and raced to the library. ─── 她跳上自行车向图书馆飞奔而去。

63、He drummed up a new way of changing bicycle tires. ─── 他想出一种调换自行车轮胎的新方法。

64、He chained his bicycle to the post. ─── 他把自行车拴到柱子上。

65、He bought a bicycle last week, and it makes it easier for him to get round. ─── 他上周买了一辆自行车,这使他来来往往更加方便了。

66、He pedaled his bicycle slowly up the hill. ─── 他慢悠悠地骑着自行车上山。

67、He left his bicycle in the shed. ─── 他将脚踏车放在车棚内。

68、He propped his bicycle up against the fence. ─── 他把脚踏车靠在篱笆上。

69、Oscar had a new bicycle. ─── 奥斯卡拥有一辆新的自行车。

70、A bicycle is a real boon when you live in a small town. ─── 住在小城镇上,有辆自行车确实极为方便。

71、You can coast downhill on a bicycle. ─── 你可以骑自行车滑下坡。

72、He was covered in bruises after falling off his bicycle. ─── 他从自行车上跌下来,满身青一块、紫一块。

73、Good heavens! what's wrong with my bicycle? ─── 天哪!我的自行车出了什么毛病?

74、You can coast downhill on a sled or a bicycle. ─── 你可以乘雪撬或骑自行车向山脚下滑行。

75、Can you ride a bicycle? ─── 你会骑自行车吗?

76、You must have left your bicycle in the rain. ─── 你一定是让自行车淋雨了。

77、He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle. ─── 他执意要骑那辆破自行车。

78、He messed with his bicycle whenever he had time. ─── 他一有空就摆弄他那辆自行车。

79、Henry bragged that his bicycle was the fastest. ─── 亨利吹牛说他的自行车最快。

80、Don't ride your bicycle on the pavement. ─── 不要在人行道上骑自行车。

81、He will persist in tiding that dreadful bicycle. ─── 他执意要骑那架破自行车。

82、He wired the basket to the bicycle. ─── 他用金属丝把篮子绑在脚踏车上。

83、A bicycle brushed past me in a very rude way. ─── 一辆自行车无礼地从我旁边擦身而过。

84、He is learning to ride a bicycle. ─── 他正在学习骑自行车。

85、He lost control of his bicycle and fell down. ─── 他因控制不住他的自行车而跌倒了。

86、She can't ride a bicycle,let alone drive a car. ─── 她连自行车都不会骑,更别说开小汽车了。

87、Jonas stowed his bicycle beside Mother's and made his way through the throng to find his group. ─── 乔纳斯把他的脚踏车停在妈妈的脚踏车旁然后走向群众去找他所属的团体。

88、His bicycle collided with a lorry. ─── 他的自行车撞在一辆卡车上。

89、I'll get along with a bicycle until we can afford a car. ─── 在我们买得起汽车以前,我将继续用单车凑合凑合。

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