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08-20 投稿


undershot 发音

英:[??nd?r??ɑ?t]  美:[??nd????t]

英:  美:

undershot 中文意思翻译




undershot 反义词


undershot 短语词组

1、undershot card ─── 下标卡片

2、undershot water wheel ─── 下射(式)水轮

3、undershot jaw ─── 下颌突出

4、undershot def ─── 欠热def

5、undershot verb ─── 下位动词

6、undershot elevator ─── 底部输送升运器

7、undershot boots ─── 内衣靴

8、undershot mouth ─── 下唇

9、undershot heels ─── 下摆高跟鞋

undershot 同义词

underhung |underslung

undershot 相似词语短语

1、underfoot ─── adv.在脚下;挡道地;用脚踩(坏)地;践踏地;adj.(尤指马赛)与场地有关的

2、undershoots ─── vt.脱靶;未达到目标;飞机未抵达跑道即著陆;n.[电子]负脉冲信号;vi.未达到目标;飞机未抵达跑道即著陆

3、underset ─── n.暗流;底流;vt.放在…下面;支撑

4、undershoot ─── vt.脱靶;未达到目标;飞机未抵达跑道即著陆;n.[电子]负脉冲信号;vi.未达到目标;飞机未抵达跑道即著陆

5、undershorts ─── n.内裤;男用短衬裤

6、Aldershot ─── n.奥尔德肖特(英国国会选区)

7、undershirt ─── n.(美)汗衫;贴身内衣

8、countershot ─── 副标题

9、underplot ─── n.次要情节;穿插

undershot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Also EMH now agrees that markets can undershoot or overshoot. ─── 而且,有效市场假说还承认,市场调节可能不足,也可能过量。

2、The plane undershot the runway. ─── 飞机跑道。

3、Application of DSP in the Vector Undershoot Measurement of Shooting Range ─── DSP在靶场矢量脱靶测量领域的应用

4、Teeth meet in a scissors bite or they may be level.Overshot or undershot bites faulted to the degree of severity of the misalignment. ─── 上颚突出式咬和或下颚突出式咬和都属于缺陷,严重的牙齿不整齐也属于缺陷。

5、Faults: Severe overshot or undershot jaw, common or coarse head, thick throat latch, thick neck, low neck set. ─── 缺点:严重的上颚突出式颚,共同或粗头,厚throatlatch,脖子粗,脖子上设置低。

6、Based on thesereasons, both overshoot and undershoot do not appear in the case of high strain rate. ─── 基于这些原因,都超下冲不显示的情况下高应变率。

7、undershot distortion ─── 下过冲失真

8、Overshot or undershot bite, or any distortion of the bite or jaw, should be penalized as a serious fault. ─── 在浅色系中[注:指拥有浅色毛发的犬中],淡红色的鼻子是允许的。咬合:应水平或剪状。

9、4.Plot the waveform for a regular pulse and pulses one with poor low frequency response, one with poor high frequency response, one with overshoot ringing, one with undershoot ringing. ─── 绘出下列五种波形:标准脉波,低频不足的脉波,高频不足的脉波,过冲震荡脉波,下冲震荡脉波。

10、Bite--Jaws--The jaws should be massive, very broad, square and "undershot," the lower jaw projecting considerably in front of the upper jaw and turning up. ─── 咬和-颌部:颌部厚重,非常宽,正方形,“下颚突出”,下颌在前面相当突出(比上颌突出),且向上翻。

11、The upper and lower jaws are powerful and neither overshot nor undershot.Faults--A level bite is considered undesirable but a lesser fault than an overshot or undershot mouth. ─── 缺陷:钳状咬合在比赛中属于缺陷,但与上颚突出式咬合或下颚突出式咬合相比,缺陷的程度轻一些。

12、At the points and , an excessive energy is necessaryto create a nucleus of the induced phase compared with the movement of the interface, and therefore an overshoot and an undershoot appear. ─── 在点,过度的能源有必要建立一个核诱导相比较,运动的接口,因此超和下冲出现。

13、undershoot accident ─── 目测低着陆事故

14、Overshot or undershot bad faults. ─── 上颚突出式咬合或下颚突出式咬合属于缺陷。

15、a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw; developed originally in England for bull baiting ─── 大量繁殖的强壮的短毛狗,大头、下颚突出;最早在英国喂养它们是为玩嗾狗逗牛游戏

16、AXJ's growth will likely slow meaningfully, possibly even undershoot our own forecasts. ─── AXJ的增长有可能有针对性的减缓,甚至有可能超出我们的预测。

17、Bite - The jaw is wide and slightly undershot. ─── 咬合:下颌宽,轻微的下颌突出式咬合。

18、The Teeth. The teeth are large, sound, and regular, meeting In either a scissors or an even bite. A bite either overshot or undershot is a serious fault. ─── 牙齿:巨大、健康而整齐,剪状咬和或钳状咬和。上颚突出式咬和或下颚突出式咬和都属于严重缺陷。

19、You can use this discontinuous-control mode to reduce the cycling behavior, overshoot, or undershoot inherent in the two-position mode. ─── 使用这种间断控制器模型减少双位置模型固有的循环行为、超过目标或未达目标。

20、Small and rather flat on top, the skull not too prominent or round, the muzzle not too long, with the bite neither undershot nor overshot and teeth sound. ─── 头部小而且顶部较平,头颅不能突起或拱起。口吻不能太长,不能是上颚突出式咬合或下颚突出式咬合,牙齿结实。

21、Overshot more than 3/16 inch and undershot more than 1/8 inch are disqualifications. ─── 上超咬合超过3/16英寸和下超咬合超过1/8英寸要被取消比赛资格。

22、For the control of non-minimum phase systems, there is a need to solve the problem of tradeoffs between undershoot caused by unstable zeros and settling time. ─── 摘要非最小相位系统的控制中,需要抑制由不稳定零点引起的负调并同时缩短系统的调节时间。

23、The parallel termination can effectively suppress overshoot and undershoot that makes the signal swing less and the system noise tolerance larger. ─── 戴维南并行端接可以有效地抑制过冲和欠冲,使得信号的摆幅缩小,增强了系统的噪声容限。

24、An overshot or undershot bite is a serious fault. ─── 上颚突出式咬合或下颚突出式咬合都属于严重缺陷。

25、Specimens with teeth overshot or undershot are to be disqualified. ─── 上颚突出式咬合或下颚突出式咬合为失格。

26、The SDRs limit the current, thereby reducing signal undershoot and overshoot noise. ─── SDR电阻限制电流,因此减少信号负过冲和超限噪声。

27、of low strain rate under strain-controlled condition, an overshoot appears at the point and an undershoot at the point . ─── 低应变速率下的应变控制的条件下,超出现在点和下冲点。

28、Missing pigmentation on nose, eye rims, or lips.Eyelids round, triangular, loose or small.Overshot, undershot, wry mouth. ─── 大白熊犬生来的时候并不是非常沉稳的,它曾经是出现在战场上的,甚至有些时候还有铁链会挂在它的颈部上。

29、As far as predicting the technological future is concerned, people almost always either overshoot or undershoot. ─── 人们对技术未来的预测总是超前或落后。

30、Jaws/Teeth : Broad with large teeth. The incisors meet with a scissor bite. Overshot or undershot is a fault. ─── 大白鲨/牙:广泛与大牙齿。满足的门齿与剪刀咬的。超越或低于是一个错误。

31、undershoot artifact ─── 照射不足伪影

32、peak undershoot voltage ─── 峰值下冲电压

33、The teeth must meet squarely, either a pig-mouth (overshot) or undershot being a disqualification. ─── 猪嘴(上颚突出式咬和)或下颚突出式咬和都属于失格。

34、undershot jaw ─── 下颌突出

35、Too narrow or small skull.Foxy appearance.Presence of an apparent stop.Missing pigmentation on nose, eye rims, or lips.Eyelids round, triangular, loose or small.Overshot, undershot, wry mouth. ─── 杀手6:不进则退的学习压力不管从事任何行业,只有每天持续不断地进修,才能保持自己不被追上,而白领在这方面的感受和压力特别明显。

36、On the other hand, in the case of high strain rate, both overshoot and undershoot do not appear. ─── 另一方面,在高应变率,都超下冲不会出现。

37、The teeth must meet squarely, either a pig-mouth (overshot) or undershot being a disqualification. ─── 猪嘴(上颚突出式咬和)或下颚突出式咬和都属于失格。

38、A tight scissors bite, a tight reverse scissors bite or a level bite are equally acceptable.A slightly undershot bite is acceptable. ─── 紧密的剪状咬和、紧密的反向剪状咬和及钳状咬和同样可以接受,轻微的下颚突出式咬和也可以接受。

39、Bias affects the overshoot or undershoot of the motion through the keyframe. ─── 偏见影响过头或欠该议案通过关键帧。

40、A bite which is undershot or overshot should be severely penalized. ─── 上颚突出式咬和或下颚突出式咬和属于严重缺陷。

41、Misalignment of teeth (irregular placement of incisors) or a level bite (incisors meet each other edge to edge) is undesirable, but not to be confused with undershot or overshot. ─── 牙齿未对准(门牙位置不规则)或是水平咬合(门牙边缘对边缘相互接触)是不可取的,但不如上下颚突出严重。

42、Decreasing the gas flow rate leads to pressure undershoot. ─── 气量突降时,膨胀波沿程传播。

43、a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw; developed originally in England for bull baiting. ─── 大量繁殖的强壮的短毛狗,大头、下颚突出;最早在英国喂养它们是为玩嗾狗逗牛游戏。

44、Overshot or undershot jaws are undesirable, the latter being more severely penalized. ─── 上颚突出式咬和及下颚突出式咬和都属于缺陷,后者会受到更严厉的处罚。

45、An undershot bite in which two or more of the upper incisors lose contact with two or more of the lower incisors is a disqualification. ─── 下颚突出式咬和如果有两颗或两颗以上的上门牙无法与下门牙接触,属于失格。

46、remain under, stay below, fall short of, fall below, undercut, undershoot ─── 未超出。未超过。低于。(温度)下降。(销量)下落。向下移动。

47、Artillery troops carry on the recruit training, a some recruit artillery emits, the shell undershoot, flies in the nearby vegetable field, sees only bang's one, a person drops down accordingly. ─── 一炮兵部队进行新兵训练,某新兵一炮放出,炮弹脱靶,飞进附近的菜田里,只见轰的一声,一人应声倒下。

48、3. a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw; ─── 大量繁殖的强壮的短毛狗,大头、下颚突出;

49、An undershot bite in which two or more of the upper incisors lose contact with two or more of the lower incisors is a disqualification. ─── 下颚突出式咬和如果有两颗或两颗以上的上门牙无法与下门牙接触,属于失格。

50、The incisors meet with a scissors grip.Overshot or undershot is a fault. ─── 咬和为剪状咬和,上颚突出或下颚突出式咬和都属于缺陷。

51、In the short run, however, soybean complex could undershoot those levels as speculative selling runs its course. ─── 但是在短期内,由于投机性销售仍在继续,大豆类产品期价可能会低于应有水平。

52、Overshot or undershot bite. ─── 上颚突出式咬和或下颚突出式咬和。

53、undershoot to hang ─── 弧形摆成悬垂

54、the mouth level, meaning that the teeth from the upper jaw and lower jaw match evenly, neither overshot nor undershot. ─── 嘴巴为钳状咬和,上下颚牙齿均匀匹配,完全对齐,无上颚突出或下颚突出。

55、an underhung jaw; undershot bulldog. ─── 突出的下巴;下颚突出的斗牛犬。

56、undershot water wheel ─── 下射水轮

57、an undershot jaw ─── 突出的下颚

58、Severe Faults Wry and undershot or overshot bites with a noticeable gap must be severely penalized. ─── 严重缺陷:扭曲的牙齿、上颚突出式咬和或下颚突出式咬和有明显的间隙属于严重缺陷。

59、A bite either overshot or undershot is a serious fault. ─── 上颚突出式咬和或下颚突出式咬和都属于严重缺陷。

60、"Lock the cage was opened, all the oil exploration companies have begun to Checkpoint to undershoot. ─── “笼子的锁开了,所有的石油勘探商们开始直往下冲。”

61、Bite - Undershot. ─── 缺陷:粉色的鼻子、嘴唇或眼圈。

62、undershot elevator ─── 底部输送升运器

63、Overshot and undershot teeth are a fault. ─── 上颚突出式咬和或下颚突出式咬和属于缺陷。

64、trailing edge undershoot ─── 后沿下冲

65、jaw is wide and slightly undershot. ─── 下颌宽,轻微的下颌突出式咬合。

66、Major fault: undershot, overshot, wry mouth. ─── 主要缺陷:下颚突出或上颚突出,齿型不整齐。

67、Nearly half of those firms that reported 2008 results have undershot analysts' consensus forecasts, while only about a quarter have performed better, according to Macquarie Research. ─── 据麦格理(MacquarieResearch)的数据显示,公布了2008年收益报告的公司中有近一半不及分析师的普遍预期,只有约四分之一的企业收益高于预期。

68、Faults to be penalized are: Dudley nose, light or pink eyes, tail too long or badly carried, undershot or overshot mouths. ─── 不合格的为:异色鼻子,浅色或粉色眼睛,长尾或尾跟位置不对,嘴过短或嘴过长。

69、Overshot and undershot bites, missing teeth are to be faulted to the degree present. Broken teeth are not to be faulted. ─── 上下腭中,缺牙会导致品质等级的降低。但断牙并不影响评价。

70、Overshot or undershot bite is a serious fault. ─── 只允许剥除和修剪耳朵、头顶、面颊和足爪的毛发。

71、undershoot distortion ─── 下冲失真

72、Also, determine the absolute value of the maximum input undershoot in milivolts that can be tolerated by the device and still function. ─── 同样,还要确定器件可以容忍且能继续工作的最大输入负脉冲信号(单位毫伏)。

73、The underjaw is deep, square, broad, undershot and well turned up. ─── 在嘴唇闭合时,牙齿不可见。下颌深,正方形,宽,下颌突出,而且向上翻。

74、An undershot jaw is to be severely penalized. ─── 下颚突出式咬和属于严重缺陷。

75、undershoot dismount ─── 弧形下

76、The teeth meet in a scissors bite.Overshot or undershot bites are disqualifications. ─── 上颚突出式咬和或下颚突出式咬和属于失格。

77、Currently the Dow is 32.6% below its moving average, not far from its 34% undershoot on Nov. 20, just before it rebounded. ─── 目前道指比移动平均线低32.6%,接近11月20日的34%,那刚好是在出现反弹之前。

78、Undershot or Overshot bites are a disqualification. ─── 上鄂突出或下鄂突出的咬合都是失格。

79、If we undershoot, we can always hire on the outside market to make up the difference. ─── 如果我们的人才储备不足,我们可以通过人才外聘来弥补差额。

80、Inflation is very likely to undershoot official inflation targets for some time to come. ─── 未来一段时间,通胀很有可能达不到官方设定的通胀目标。

81、Undershoot Undershoot refers to the amount by which oltage or frequency drops below the nominal alue as the oltage regulator or goernor responds to changes in load. ─── 下超调下超调指电压调整器或控制器在应对负荷变化时,电压或频率低于额定的量。

82、Faults to be penalized are: Dudley nose, light or pink eyes, tail too long or badly carried, undershot or overshot mouths. ─── 不合格的为:异色鼻子,浅色或粉色眼睛,长尾或尾跟位置不对,嘴过短或嘴过长。

83、Loss of contact caused by short center incisors in an otherwise correct bite shall not be judged undershot. ─── 由于中间门牙短而造成牙齿无法接触,但其他部分正常的情况下,不被判定为下颚突出式咬和。

84、an undershot water wheel ─── 下射水轮;下击水车

85、Teeth Scissors bite.A badly undershot or overshot mouth is a fault. ─── 剪状咬合,严重的下颌突出或上颌突出都属于有缺陷。

86、Severe Faults Wry and undershot or overshot bites with a noticeable gap must be severely penalized. ─── 扭曲的牙齿、上颚突出式咬和或下颚突出式咬和有明显的间隙属于严重缺陷。

87、Undershot or overshot bite is a disqualification. ─── 上颚或下颚突出为失格。

88、undershot wheel ─── 低水位水轮

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