dilatoriness 发音
英:[?d?l?t?r?n?s] 美:[?d?l?t?r?n?s]
英: 美:
dilatoriness 中文意思翻译
dilatoriness 短语词组
1、dilatoriness synonym ─── 扩张同义词
2、dilatoriness def ─── 扩张性定义
3、dilatoriness pronounced ─── 明显膨胀
4、dilatoriness pronounce ─── 扩张音
5、dilatoriness meaning ─── 扩张意义
6、dilatoriness define ─── 膨胀性定义
dilatoriness 相似词语短语
1、predatoriness ─── 掠夺性
2、obligatoriness ─── 必要性;强制性
3、desultoriness ─── n.散漫
4、derogatoriness ─── 贬损
5、filatories ─── 丝厂
6、nugatoriness ─── 贪婪
7、dictatorialness ─── 专制
8、militariness ─── 军事性
9、dilatableness ─── 可膨胀的
dilatoriness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The information renews the ability with the data low, respond the dilatoriness; ─── 信息和数据更新能力低,反应迟缓;
2、Decades went by but no history appeared; the next Elector became quite annoyed at Leibniz's apparent dilatoriness. ─── 几十年过去了但历史仍然没有写出来;下任选举侯对莱布尼茨的明显的拖拉十分恼火。
3、But opposite in other region, the education level in Ningxia dilatoriness. ─── 但相对于其它地区,宁夏教育发展迟缓。
4、The Negative Effect of Nomocracy Dilatoriness on Nomocracy ─── 法治迟缓对法治国家建设的消极影响
5、The Negative Effect of Nomocracy Dilatoriness on Nomocracy ─── 法治迟缓对法治国家建设的消极影响
6、Lyu3 Xiao3 Mei2 give bottom of comment BE:Nature although docile brains dead stupid, although the leg feet be efficient mouth obvious of get and win Alzheimers disease, activity dilatoriness. ─── 吕小梅给下的评语是:心地虽善良但脑筋死笨,腿脚虽勤快但嘴巴明显的患有中老年痴呆症,行动迟缓。
7、For all Mr Zapatero's dilatoriness, Spain has taken more decisive action than Italy to tackle the budget deficit. ─── 尽管萨帕特罗贻误了时机,但与意大利相比,西班牙采取了更为决定性的行动对付预算赤字。
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