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08-20 投稿


ambulatory 发音

英:[??mbj?l?t??ri]  美:[??mbj?l?t?ri]

英:  美:

ambulatory 中文意思翻译




ambulatory 短语词组

1、Ambulatory Patient Care ─── 门诊病人护理

2、ambulatory automatism ─── [医] 觉醒游行症, 逍遥自动症

3、ambulatory chattel ─── [法] 动产

4、ambulatory traction ─── [医] 非卧床牵引

5、ambulatory plague ─── [医] 轻鼠疫, 不卧床鼠疫

6、ambulatory deed ─── [法] 可变更的契据

7、ambulatory-care ─── 非卧床护理

8、ambulatory claw ─── 步爪

9、ambulatory church ─── 流动教堂

10、ambulatory schizophrenia ─── 流动性精神分裂症

11、ambulatory splint ─── [医] 活动夹

12、ambulatory aisle ─── 流动通道

13、ambulatory will ─── [法] 可变更的遗嘱

14、ambulatory leg ─── 步足

15、ambulatory person ─── 流动的人

16、ambulatory treatment ─── [医] 门诊治疗

17、ambulatory vault ─── 流动金库

18、ambulatory typhoid ─── [医] 逍遥型伤寒

19、ambulatory typhoid fever ─── [医] 逍遥型伤寒

ambulatory 词性/词形变化,ambulatory变形


ambulatory 相似词语短语

1、perambulatory ─── adj.巡视的;巡行的

2、tabulatory ─── 制表

3、ambulators ─── n.[测]测距仪;测程轮

4、funambulatory ─── 回廊

5、ambulatories ─── adj.流动的;走动的;非固定的;n.[建]回廊

6、deambulatory ─── 到处走动的;漂泊不定的;流动的;散步的;步道;回廊

7、adulatory ─── adj.阿谀的,奉承的;谄媚的

8、preambulatory ─── 序言

9、ambulator ─── n.[测]测距仪;测程轮

ambulatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、White WB,Morganroth J.Usefulness of ambulatory monitoring of BP in assessing antihypertensive therapy.Am J Cardiol,l989,63:394. ─── 张维忠,施海明,王瑞冬,等.动态血压参数正常参照值协作研究.中华心血管病杂志,1995,23(5):325.

2、Scalp ambulatory electroencephalogram( AEEG ) ─── 头皮动态脑电图

3、grouting water in the ambulatory condition ─── 动水堵水

4、Twenty-four-hour ambulatory EEG monitoring in patients with reflex epilepsy. ─── 反射性癫痫的24h脑电图监测

5、For patients to be considered acceptable candidates for ambulatory surgery, generally they should hae a relatively stable medical condition. ─── 对认为可以接受门诊手术的病人,一般认为需要有相对稳定的医疗状况。

6、Dr. Jean Wong is a Staff Anesthesiologist at the University Health Network in Toronto and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. Her research focus is ambulatory anesthesia. ─── 博士是多伦多健康网络大学的麻醉学者,多伦多大学副教授,她研究的重点是门诊麻醉。

7、Twenty-four-hour ambulatory EEG monitoring in 151 children with paroxysmal disorder. ─── 151例儿童发作性疾病的24h动态脑电图监测

8、Method: The blood pressure ambulatory changes and left ventricular structure changes of 51 elderly EH and 46 non-elderly EH patients were measured with 24 hour ABPM and echocardiogram. ─── 方法:用24小时动态血压、超声心动图观察了51例老年EH与46例非老年EH患者的血压动态变化及左室结构改变。

9、We've long been recognized as a pioneer in the development of Motion-Tolerant BP devices - and continue to be known today as an industry leader in ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). ─── 我们是世界范围内的运动耐力血压计的先驱,在流动性血压计上也是行业领先者。

10、This earlier study did not use ambulatory blood pressure measurements, believed to be superior to office-based measurements. ─── 这种早期的研究没有采用被认为比在诊所中测量设备更精确的动态血压监测仪。

11、Objective To observe the application of Overall Nursing in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) double system in the treatment of aged patients with chronic renal failure. ─── 摘要目的:观察整体护理在持续性不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)双联系统治疗慢性肾功能衰竭中的作用。

12、The Jataka murals in the ambulatory of Qutan Temple are important examples of extant Ming-Qing mural art, and they have attracted a great deal of interest among art historians. ─── 摘要瞿昙寺回廊佛传壁画是明清之际壁画艺术的重要遗存,正在引起美术史界的高度关注。

13、Methods:72 patients with CHD and 60 healthy subjects were monitored by 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiogram to obtain the parameters of HRV, including time domain and frequency domain. ─── 方法:采用24h动态心电图监测,对72例CHD患者和60例正常人进行HRV时域分析和频域分析。

14、Despite being just a brain in an ambulatory jar, Fortuna was able to defeat Olan. ─── 尽管只是一个被泡在行走罐子里的脑子,但福图纳还是战胜了奥兰。

15、Methods The PD schemes of 22 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients were adjusted properly according to the results of PET, clinical manifestation, plasma BUN and creatinine levels. ─── 方法根据PET结果,结合临床疗效及血清尿素氮、血肌酐,对22例持续性不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)患者的透析方案作适当调整。

16、Are there adantages to performing surgery on an ambulatory basis? ─── 在门诊手术的优点在哪里?

17、Experimentally reducing the normal spontaneous standing and ambulatory time had a much greater effect on LPL regulation, compared to adding vigorous exercise training on top of the normal level of non-exercise activity. ─── 与在正常水平的非运动式活动基础上增加高强度活动训练相比,在实验中减少正常自发的站立和活动的时间对于LPL的调节具有重大的影响。

18、A prospectie cohort study of 134 ambulatory male eterans 165 years of age obsered for 1?4.5 years, including 29 subjects with bacteriuria,reported no aderse outcomes attributable to untreated bacteriuria[44]. ─── 一个前瞻性队列研究134名年龄〉65岁的男性退伍军人,观察1-4.5年。进行了包括细菌尿29个指标的研究。发现不治疗菌尿对被研究者没有不良后果。

19、Objective To evaluate the clinical significance of the number and manifestation of ventricular arrhythmia in ambulatory electrocardiogram. ─── 摘要目的:评价动态心电图中室性心律失常数量和表现形式的临床意义。

20、Ambulatory Surgery for cleft lip repair kim TH, Rothkopf D. Ann Plast Surg,1999;42(4):442-444. ─── 对11例单侧唇裂行流动修复术,与13例住院手术比较,流动手术病人进食早,并发症少,并少花费$1200。

21、Studies of the Relations Between Symptoms and Ambulatory Electrocardiography in the Patients With Atiral Fibrillation. ─── 心房颤动患者临床症状与动态心电变化的关系探讨。

22、Methods The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey database was queried for all patient visits with a diagnosis of AF between1994 and2003. ─── 方法:通过全国非卧床病人医疗护理调查数据库查询1994-003年间的诊断为房颤的病人。

23、Method: Forty-five ambulatory poststroke patients were randomly divided into three groups:STT group (n = 15),BWST group (n = 15) and CGT group (n = 15). ─── 方法:将恢复步行能力的脑卒中偏瘫患者45例随机分为结构性速度依赖性组(15例)、减重组(15例)和常规组(15例)。

24、Other vendors in the ambulatory EHR market are likely to take advantage of the uncertainty in coming months. ─── 急救EHR市场的其他厂商则很有可能在未来几个月利用这一不确定性。

25、How can patients be appropriately screened for anesthesia when ambulatory surgery is planned? ─── 怎么适当拒绝对已经安排门诊手术的病人进行麻醉?

26、Abstract: Objective:To compare the parameters of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring(ABPM) and left ventricular functions of left ventricular concentric geometry in essential hypertensive patients. ─── 文章摘要: 目的:比较原发性高血压左室向心性构型改变患者动态血压监测参数及左室功能情况。

27、Methods Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was done in 58 hypertensive patients,which were divided into two groups-one group with LVH and the other without LVH. ─── 方法将58例原发性高血压患者分成两组-左室肥厚(LVH)组和非LVH组,进行24h无创性动态血压监测。

28、Howeer, the use of high concentrations of a olatile anesthetic can result in delayed awakening, an undesirable consequence in the setting of ambulatory surgery. ─── 但,高浓度挥发性麻醉药易导致延迟清醒,这恰是门诊手术不希望出现的。

29、It needs to be followed by scientific and rigorous methodology, like the audits of ambulatory medical practice. ─── 它需要所应遵循的科学和严谨的方法,如审计动态行医。

30、Methods: 1 DGR was measured using ambulatory bilirubin monitor (Bilitec2000) and pH monitor in the proximal stomach simultaneously, in 48 healthy volunteers from 20-year-old to 26-year-old. ─── 方法:1应用便携式胆汁监测仪(Bilitec2000)和便携式pH监测仪同步监测48例健康青年志愿者的胃内24小时胆汁反流和pH变化情况。

31、Acute, massive, unilateral hydrothorax is an uncommon but easily recognized complication of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis( CAPD). ─── 摘要急性、量且单侧性水胸是连续性腹膜透析一个不常见但容易辨别的并发症。

32、Effect of Patient-controlled Perineural Analgesia on Rehabilitation and Pain after Ambulatory Orthopedic Surgery: A Multicenter Randomized Trial. ─── 患者自控神经周围镇痛对于门诊矫形手术术后恢复和疼痛的作用:一项多中心随机研究。

33、ME-8000 Ambulatory Electroencephalogram System ─── ME-8000动态脑电系统的研制

34、Acute, massive, unilateral hydrothorax is an uncommon but easily recognized complication of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). ─── 摘要急性、大量且单侧性水胸是连续性腹膜透析一个不常见但容易辨别的并发症。

35、Pain and Regional Anesthesia Ambulatory Continuous Interscalene Nerve Blocks Decrease the Time to Discharge Readiness after Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Randomized, Triple-masked, Placebo-controlled Study. ─── 可走动的持续肋间神经阻滞降低全肩关节置换手术患者出院的时间:一项随机,三盲,安慰剂对照的研究。

36、Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is a well-established treatment modality for end-stage renal disease. ─── 摘要以连续性可动式腹膜透析术治疗连毒症病人愈来愈普遍,?y这些病人常有腹壁疝气。

37、Abstract objective To analyze the reason and risk factors associated with dropout of patients within one year after initiation of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). ─── 摘要 目的 通过分析影响持续非卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)患者一年内退出腹膜透析的因素,以期为 此类易感人群制定合理的一体化治疗方案。

38、The association of ambulatory pulse pressure with carotid artery atherosclerosis in the eldly with hypertension ...... ─── 关键词:高血压病;动态脉压;颈动脉;动脉粥样硬化

39、Methods The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey database was queried for all patient visits with a diagnosis of AF between 1994 and 2003. ─── 方法:通过全国非卧床病人医疗护理调查数据库查询1994-2003年间的诊断为房颤的病人。

40、This year optional ambulatory EHR certification is also available for child health and cardiovascular medicine. ─── 今年,儿童医疗与心血管医学还添加了可选性急救EHR认证。

41、The ability to comprehend and comply with postoperative instructions is mandatory to the success of ambulatory surgery. ─── 判断预后的综合能力是门诊手术成功的关键。

42、National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey ─── 全国非卧床病人医疗护理调查

43、Objective: To observe the ambulatory blood pressure character of hypertension combined with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). ─── 摘要目的:观察高血压合并阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)患者的动态血压特点。

44、A medical institution shall, according to the ratified mode of services, execute the relevant system of ambulatory treatment, emergency treatment and hospitalization, and carry out the medical practising activities. ─── 医疗机构应当根据经核准的服务方式,执行门诊、急诊、住院的有关诊疗制度,开展医疗执业活动。

45、The outpatient cost of care for a non-ambulatory DMD boy is among the highest of any disease. ─── 对于非卧床DMD男孩保健门诊费用中的任何疾病的最高水平。

46、Methods Fifteen patients of ambulatory continuous peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) with ultrafiltration failure (UFF) were enrolled. ─── 方法 研究对象为15例CAPD合并UFF的患者。

47、Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) ─── 慢性肾功能衰竭

48、business scenario - ambulatory care process. ─── 业务场景——门诊流程。

49、What is the ideal anesthetic for ambulatory surgery? ─── 什么是门诊手术的理想麻醉?

50、In total 1772 patients (total 5287 visits), 65.4% were ambulatory outpatients, 14.3% from rehabilitation ward, and 18.9% from the other wards of the hospital. ─── 急性期病房物理治疗(到病房给予治疗)??5.6%,其馀则是至物理治疗部门接受治疗。

51、Employing regional anesthesia in the ambulatory surgery patient has a number of potential advantages. ─── 对门诊病人施行区域阻滞有很多潜在的优点。

52、ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ─── 动态血压监测

53、For patients to be considered acceptable candidates for ambulatory surgery, generally they should hae a relatiely stable medical condition. ─── 对认为可以接受门诊手术的病人,一般认为需要有相对稳定的医疗状况。

54、We offer solutions for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, cardiac stress test blood pressure monitoring, and now a general-use, expandable blood pressure device with temperature and SpO2 upgrades. ─── 在现有的急救用血压监护仪,心脏运动负荷测试血压监护仪基础上,我们现在推出拓展体温及氧饱和度测试的综合血压监护仪。

55、The carrier in parking system of flatness and reciprocator tyPe is composed of ambulatory and transverse gadget. ─── 平面往复式停车设备中的搬运器由行走机构和横移机构组成。

56、A new radiology information system (RIS)/picture archiving communications system (PACS) is an all inclusive, unified solution for ambulatory imaging centers and radiology group practices. ─── 一种最新的发射学信息系统(RIS)/图像档案交流系统(PACS)是一种归纳的而非统一的流动成像中心和放射学实践方法。

57、"Should we invest in an ambulatory surgery center?" "If we increase volumes, can our clinic break even?" These are just two examples of common dilemmas facing he... ─── “如果我们投资于日间手术中心?”“如果我们增加产量,可我们的诊所收支平衡?”这些只是两个医疗领导人面临的共同难题,每天的例子。

58、Which patients are considered acceptable candidates for ambulatory surgery? ─── 哪些病人被认为可以接受门诊手术?

59、Methods The ambulatory electrocardiogram of 135 cases with ventricular arrhythmia more than 1000 times were analysed retrospectively, and the multiple parameters were compared. ─── 方法:回顾性分析135例动态心电图中出现室性心律失常1000次以上患者的报告,并进行多项指标的分析比较。

60、Hospital-based ambulatory surgery facility ─── 医院外科急救门诊

61、Aliskiren significantly reduced mean 24-h ambulatory BP (p

62、Methods:According to 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), 68 patients with essential hypertension in stages I and II were classified as dipper type group and non-dipper type group. ─── 方法:将68例原发性高血压I期和II期病人,按照血压昼夜变化分为杓型组与非杓型组。

63、Methods:One hundred and fifty|four cases of hypertension patient were received measurement of ECG (QTd), 24 hour ambulatory electrocardiogram (DCG) and left ventricular thickness (LVH). ─── 方法 :154例高血压病患者接受 QT间期离散度 (QTd)、 2 4小时动态心电图、左心室心肌厚度 (LVH)检测。

64、The biggest failures in ambulatory and home health care are those that lead to hospitalization. ─── 在非卧床与居家健康照护中最大的失败是导致患者住院。

65、Methods WCH and sustained hypertension (SH) were classified by clinical and 24 hours ambulatory blood pressure.The structure and function of heart were measured by echocardiography. ─── 方法通过诊室血压测量和24h动态血压监测将患者分为白大衣高血压组和持续性高血压组,采用超声心动图测量比较每组患者的心脏结构、功能。

66、Hemoperitoneum is an infrequent complication in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients.Most episodes are benign and self-limited. ─── 摘要在连续可活动性腹膜透析(CAPD)病人中并发腹膜出血并不常见,而且多为自限性。

67、With the progress of ambulatory ECG, the sectioned and e-quivalent areas of ST-T segments were extracted. ─── 同时,根据动态心电图发展的需要,分别提取了ST-T段分段面积和有效面积作为动态心电图系统的特征参数。

68、Structured STT in poststroke ambulatory patients resulted in better walking abilities than BWST or CGT. ─── 对于恢复脑卒中偏瘫患者的步行能力,结构性速度依赖性训练较减重步行训练和常规步行训练更为有效。

69、Leave one side rail down for ambulatory clients. ─── 放低病床,锁住轮子。

70、Objective. We present a case of an ambulatory patient with a solitary fibrous tumor of the spinal cord. ─── 目的:我们收治了一例患脊髓孤立性纤维肿瘤的非流动病人。

71、Thirty-three home CAPD(continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) patients were selected in the 1-year-period study.Every patient received effective nursing intervention and scheduled investigation. ─── 对33例持续性不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)者居家透析情况作了1年的科研调查,研究腹透相关性细菌性腹膜炎的家庭内影响因素及相应的护理干预的效果。

72、Inherent anti-nausea and anti-emetic properties of propofol proide a significant adantage in the ambulatory setting. ─── 异丙酚本身具有的抗恶心呕吐的特性是门诊应用的很好优点。

73、Thirty three home CAPD(continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) patients were selected in the 1 year period study. Every patient received effective nursing intervention and scheduled investigation. ─── 对33例持续性不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)者居家透析情况作了1年的科研调查,研究腹透相关性细菌性腹膜炎的家庭内影响因素及相应的护理干预的效果。

74、Methods The National Ambulatory Medical Care Surey database was queried for all patient isits with a diagnosis of AF between 1994 and 2003. ─── 方法:通过全国非卧床病人医疗护理调查数据库查询1994-2003年间的诊断为房颤的病人。

75、A subgroup of patients underwent ambulatory BP monitoring. ─── 另一个亚组采用动态血压监测。

76、Methods 48 cases ofARF complicated with alimentary tract hemorrhage were treated by continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis(CAPD)in addition to etiology treatment and haemostasis. ─── 方法21例急性肾功能衰竭并消化道出血患者在病因治疗与止血的基础上采用持续性不卧床腹膜透析。

77、Objective: To explore follow-up value of ambulatory electrocardiogram (DCG) in patients received pacemaker. ─── 摘要目的:探讨动态心电图(DCG)评价起搏器功能状态的价值。

78、ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring system ─── 动态心电图监护分析系统

79、There was no significant difference between the two groups at the first postoperative ambulatory episode, in getting out of bde, ambulating ability and length of stay. ─── (5)两组病患手术后第一次下床时间、上下床及走路能力、住院天数无显著差异。

80、Objective: To examine the factors affecting serum albumin level in uremic patients receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). ─── 摘要目的:探讨在腹膜透析病患族群中,影响血清白蛋白值高低之因素。

81、Calvin was a highly ambulatory patient; not only did he refuse to be confined to bed, but also he insisted on riding his skateboard up and down the halls. ─── 卡尔文是个完全可走动的病人;他不仅拒不卧床,还坚持踩滑板在客厅滑来滑去。

82、The author tries to describe the ambulatory immigrant society and incompact lineage organization. ─── 描述流动的移民社会与松散的宗族组织。

83、A telephone interview with the parents of 84 children who underwent tonsillectomy was conducted within 24 hours after discharge from an ambulatory surgery center. ─── 一个电话采访时,孩子的父母接受扁桃体切除手术84后24小时之内进行排放从日间手术中心。

84、Ambulatory EEG monitoring in diagnosis of the massive cerebral infarction can almost earlier 12 hours than CT scan,it may win the time for us to begin treatment in the earlier time. ─── 动态EEG监护可以较CT提前至少12h发现大面积脑梗死,为及时有效的治疗赢得了时间。

85、The new funding arrangement has facilitated the further development of the Hospital Authority's ambulatory and community outreach programmes. ─── 新拨款机制有助医院管理局进一步发展日间及外展社区护理计划。

86、The Ambulatory Care Centre of Tuen Mun Hospital was completed. ─── 屯门医院日间医疗中心已经落成。

87、What are the adantages and disadantages to performing a conduction anesthetic in the ambulatory patient? ─── 对门诊手术施行部位麻醉的优缺点?

88、ambulatory blood pressure recordsprocessorprinter ─── 24小时动能血压记录仪

89、An intelligent ambulatory ECG monitor ─── 携带式智能心电监护仪

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