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08-20 投稿


cephalalgia 发音

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cephalalgia 中文意思翻译



cephalalgia 短语词组

1、quadrantal cephalalgia ─── [医] 象限头痛

2、cephalalgia define ─── 头痛定义

3、cephalalgia icd ─── 头痛

4、histamine cephalalgia ─── [医] 组胺性头痛

5、cephalalgia means ─── 头痛是指

6、cephalalgia reflexa ─── [医] 反射性头痛

7、cephalalgia prefix ─── 头痛前缀

8、pharyngotympanic cephalalgia ─── [医] 累加耳氏病, 咽鼓室炎性头痛

9、cephalalgia term ─── 头痛术语

10、cephalalgia pain ─── 头痛

cephalalgia 相似词语短语

1、encephalalgia ─── n.[内科]头痛

2、cephalagras ─── [内科]偏头痛;发作性头痛

3、cephalalgias ─── n.头痛

4、cephalagra ─── [内科]偏头痛;发作性头痛

5、Cephalonia ─── n.巨头症

6、nephralgia ─── [泌尿]肾痛

7、cephalalgics ─── 头痛

8、cephalad ─── adv.向头部地

9、cephalalgic ─── 头痛

cephalalgia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、asthenopia cephalalgia ─── 头痛性眼疲劳

2、pharyngotympanic cephalalgia ─── [医] 累加耳氏病, 咽鼓室炎性头痛

3、Objective To observe the curative effects of puerarin injection on hypertensive cephalalgia and cervicodynia. ─── 目的观察葛根素对高血压性头颈痛治疗效果。

4、Headache (cephalalgia) is a common symptom, often associated with disability, but rarely life threatening. ─── 头痛是一种常见症状,常常与功能障碍有关,但很少危及生命。

5、quadrantal cephalalgia ─── [医] 象限头痛

6、cephalalgia agitata ─── 暴发性头痛

7、Keywords cluster headache;Xuefuzhuyu decoction;migraine;histamine cephalalgia; ─── 丛集性头痛;血府逐瘀汤;偏头痛;组胺性头痛;

8、histamine cephalalgia ─── 组织胺性头痛

9、As reported in the medical journal Cephalalgia, the subjects said they felt an increase in pain or discomfort during 68 per cent of all trials. The degree of symptoms was not associated with the order of trials. ─── 在医学杂志Cephalalgia上发表的研究报告表明,在68%的试验中,研究对象称感到头痛或不适症状加重。而症状的轻重程度与试验的顺序没有关系。

10、The medical term for headache is cephalalgia. ─── 头痛的医学术语为cephalagia。

11、The medical term for headache is cephalalgia. ─── 头痛的医学术语为cephalagia。

12、Differential Diagnosis According to Time with Diagnosis and Treatment of Cephalalgia --The Academic Experience of Professor Zhang Zhiyuan(Two) ─── 时间辨证与头痛证治--张志远学术经验系列(二)

13、The results showed as follow: primary symptoms: cephalalgia and the stable aching point , the feeling of sleepiness after taking food, paroxysmal hemimyasthenia , somnolence; ─── 结果:主症:头痛而痛处不移,食后困顿,阵发性半身无力,嗜睡;

14、Headache (cephalalgia) is a common symptom, often associated with disability, but rarely life threatening. ─── 头痛是一种常见症状,经常与功能障碍有关,但很少危及生命。

15、cephalalgia reflexa ─── 反射性头痛

16、As reported in the medical journal Cephalalgia, the subjects said they felt an increase in pain or discomfort during 68 per cent of all trials. ─── 在医学杂志Cephalalgia上发表的研究报告表明,在68%的试验中,研究对象称感到头痛或不适症状加重。

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