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08-20 投稿


apterous 发音

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英:  美:

apterous 中文意思翻译



apterous 反义词


apterous 短语词组

1、apterous aphid ─── 无翅蚜虫

2、apterous wiki ─── 阿佩特鲁斯维基

3、apterous insect ─── 无翅昆虫

4、apterous fly ─── 无翅蝇

5、apterous means ─── 适当的手段

6、apterous gene ─── 异常基因

7、apterous wing ─── 无翅

8、apterous protein ─── 异常蛋白

apterous 同义词


apterous 相似词语短语

1、rapturous ─── adj.狂喜的;兴高采烈的;欢天喜地的

2、dipterous ─── adj.双翅目的;具两翅的

3、anserous ─── 鹅绒

4、hapterons ─── n.附着器;菌索基

5、acerous ─── adj.[昆]无角的;针状的

6、apterium ─── n.裸区,裸域

7、-pterous ─── 翼状的

8、amberous ─── adj.琥珀色的;琥珀制的(amber的变形)

9、asperous ─── 粗糙的;不平的

apterous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、genetic relationship between the fundatrix (apterous), virginoparae (apterous) and virginoparae (alate) in the green peach aphid. ─── 和迁移蚜之间的遗传关系最近。

2、"This should be obvious but it's worth highlighting how damaging this is, because the son is very likely to bring up the topic with his wife," says Apter. ─── “这应该是显而易见的,但值得强调这是多么有害,因为儿子很可能会把这个话题跟他的妻子说,”阿普特说。

3、an apterous insect. ─── 无翼昆虫

4、On the contrary, some medium and small-scale importers may be apter to keep in touch and is close. ─── 相反,一些中小型的进口商可能更容易接触和接近。

5、Except for because when I talking very loudly,smiling very magnificently,I am apter to forget those Annoying mood.. ─── 只是因为我在讲得很大声,笑得很狂浪的时候,比较容易忘记那些烦人的情绪..

6、The EAG responses to 6 methyl 5 hepten 2 one, E 2 hexenol and methyl salicylate were significantly different between alate and apterous adult aphids of S. avenae. ─── 麦长管蚜的有翅和无翅成蚜对 6 甲基 5 庚烯 2 酮、反 2 己烯醇和水杨酸甲酯的反应差异显著 ;

7、Thus, Apter suggests that instead of reducing the size of the tiger (fear), you should strengthen the metal of the cage (protective frame). ─── 保护构架越坚实,你就能够面对越凶猛的老虎,你所获得的乐趣也就越多。

8、Dr Apter said one woman she spoke to began receiving messages from her mother-in-law-to-be two months before the wedding. ─── 阿普特博士称,一位受访女性称,她在结婚前两个月就不断地收到婆婆的来信。

9、"It just makes things worse," said Apter. ─── “只是让事情更糟,”阿普特说。

10、apterous protein ─── 无翅蛋白

11、It is an apterous insect. ─── 它是一种无翅昆虫。

12、Instead, says Apter, "mothers should assume that they will need to negotiate" a new way of communicating with their sons. ─── 最不想听到“我这样做,你应该这样做的,”阿普特说。

13、Taking a confrontational stand too quickly. If your mother-in-law expresses a view that differs from yours, you don't have to get your back up about it, Apter says. ─── 阿普特说。媳妇们可以非常敏感,任何的婆婆说的关于房子的外观或还孩子的行为,阿普特说。

14、Using Swiss sabre to describe this mobile phone is apter. ─── 用瑞士军刀来形容这款手机是比较贴切的。

15、"Don't expect your mother-in-law to care as much about your career and your potential as she does about her son's," Apter said. ─── “不要指望你的婆婆关心你的职业生涯,像对她儿子的一样, ”阿普特说。

16、As to sight, the expression is apter to distinguish the other side's mood , clue of the attitude. ─── 相对目光而言,表情是更容易辨别对方心情、态度的线索。

17、It is one of the more thorny and apter to be controversial research fields in our country"s foreign strategic thought is studied to study about the diplomatic strategic thought on day. ─── 对日外交战略思想研究是在我国对外战略思想研究中比较棘手且容易引起争论的研究领域之一。

18、Assuming your daughter-in-law wants your advice. Most don't want to hear "This is what I did so this is what you should do," says Apter. ─── 假设你的媳妇需要你的咨询。最不想听到“我这样做,你应该这样做的,”阿普特说。

19、Goods fork sharp fork and wheel toper installation bracket design year, can protect year ship and drive wheel, it is apter to load and unload the tray too; ─── 货叉尖叉和载轮上锥形安装托架设计,可保护载轮和驱动轮,也更易装卸托盘;

20、On one hand we are from school build up, closer from the student, can the demand of apter reaction student. ─── 一方面我们是从学校起家,离学生比较近,能够更贴切的反应学生的需求。

21、4) Letting things slide at the start.If you find that your mother-in-law is interfering too much, or visiting too often, or offering too much advice, don't put off talking to her about it, says Apter. ─── 如果您的婆婆干涉太多,或尝尝来探访,或提供太多的建议,不要推迟谈论她,阿普特说。

22、In some species, such as aphids, the flightless morph lacks wings and is called the apterous morph. ─── 一些昆虫种类,如蚜虫,出现无翅个体,被称为无翅型。

23、As Apter sums up in her book: "Each is the primary woman in her primary family. ─── 正如阿普特在在她的书: “在她的“家庭中每个女人都是重要的”中所说的。

24、apterous gene ─── 无翅基因

25、You do this not by reducing fear's intensity but by increasing the robustness of what British psychologist, Dr.Michael Apter, calls your "protective frame. ─── 他说:"有很多次,公司的员工向我保证某个计划的可行性时,我总是望着他们说:'我觉得不行。'

26、some species, such as aphids, the flightless morph lacks wings and is called the apterous morph. ─── 一些昆虫种类,如蚜虫,出现无翅个体,被称为无翅型。

27、Those comparatively clever persons are apter to grasp forefathers‘ mental labour achievement, can utilize social resources and natural resources more, the comparatively obtuse person is opposite. ─── 那些较为聪明的人更容易掌握前人脑力劳动成果,能够更多地利用社会资源和自然资源,较为迟钝的人则相反。

28、"Offers to help are often perceived as criticism," Apter said. ─── “提供帮助往往被看作是批评,”阿普特说。

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