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08-20 投稿


nightgown 发音

英:['na?tga?n]  美:['na?tɡa?n]

英:  美:

nightgown 中文意思翻译



nightgown 短语词组

1、batiste nightgown ─── 巴蒂斯特睡衣

2、sleeveless nightgown ─── 无袖睡衣

3、nightgown cotton ─── 棉质睡衣

4、nightgown 3x ─── 睡衣3x

5、nightgown sets ─── 睡衣套装

6、nightgown silk ─── 睡衣丝绸

7、nightgown patterns ─── 睡衣图案

8、nightgown sewing pattern ─── 睡衣缝制图案

9、nightgown sets for women ─── 女式睡衣套装

10、nightgown with zipper front ─── 前拉链睡衣

11、chemise nightgown ─── 女式睡衣

nightgown 词性/词形变化,nightgown变形


nightgown 相似词语短语

1、night owls ─── n.夜猫子

2、night out ─── 节日的夜晚;外出的一夜

3、nightglows ─── [地物]夜气辉;夜辉

4、nightglow ─── [地物]夜气辉;夜辉

5、nightgowns ─── n.睡衣(等于dressinggown或nightdress)

6、right-down ─── 彻底;一直朝下

7、night owl ─── n.夜猫子

8、fight down ─── v.克服;努力抑制

9、nigh on ─── 差不多;近

nightgown 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He had expected to find Apollonia in her nightgown when he returned, already between the covers. ─── 他原来预料,等他回来的时候,就会看到阿波罗妮娅穿上睡衣,早已躺在被窝里了。

2、shorty gloves; a shortie nightgown. ─── 短手套;短睡衣

3、Michelle Reis replaced nightgown wearing pajamas, lying in bed in accordance with the requirements put on a variety of positions, seemed calm elegance. ─── 李嘉欣换上穿睡衣睡袍,躺在床上按要求摆出各种姿势,显得优雅从容。

4、A woman in white nightgown, whoes head lowered, with the long neat black hair drooping in front, so that I couldnt see the face. ─── 一个穿着白色的睡衣的女人,头低着,长长的头发垂在前面,看不到脸。

5、5.Princess Ann: I hate this nightgown. ─── 安娜公主:我讨厌这件睡裙。

6、One of them took my nightgown back to his cell.It's still there. ─── 其中一个把我的睡衣拿到他的单间,它还在那。

7、Please get my nightgown and then burn it up, in the morgue. ─── 请拿到我的睡衣,然后在太平间烧掉。

8、Now I saw it, or her, the woman with white nightgown, whose head lowered, with long hair drooping in front, and whose arms feebly hung besides her body. ─── 然而终于看清楚了,竟然是个穿着白衣的女人,头低着,长长的头发垂在前面。

9、Please get my nightgown and then burn it up, in the morgue. ─── 请拿到我的睡衣,然后在太平间烧掉。

10、One of them hopped about on one leg in his long white nightgown, and the other stood on a chair surrounded by the clothes of all the children, and declared he was acting Grecian statues. ─── 一个穿着睡袍单腿地跳来跳去,另一个站在椅子上宣称自己在扮演一尊希腊雕像,而椅子的周围堆着孩子们的衣服。

11、He regularly encountered the ghostly figure of an old man in a pale-colored nightgown, who was prone to walking up and down the stairs of the chap's home, and with his head held under his arm!" ─── 他经常能看到一个穿着浅色睡衣的鬼影,那鬼影总在他家楼梯上上上下下来回走,胳膊下夹着自己的头!”

12、I hate this nightgown ,I hate all my nightgowns.and I hate all my underwear too.can I just keep the top half ?did you know there are people who sleep with nothing on at all ? ─── 我不喜欢这件睡袍,我讨厌我所有的睡袍,我也讨厌我全部的内衣,我能只穿上衣么?你有没有听说有人睡觉什么都不穿的?

13、Give me your nightgown, Melly. I`ll wad it around his head. ─── 把你的睡衣给我,梅勒妮,我来把他的头包起来.

14、Upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown. ─── 穿着他的睡袍楼上楼下跑。

15、In my Victorian nightgown. ─── 穿着维多利亚式的睡袍。

16、The hem of my nightgown came into view, ─── 在我的睡衣折边进入他的视野

17、a nightgown ─── 睡衣

18、Ms.Li, 38, her petite frame dressed in a pink nightgown, spoke softly and stared at the ceiling with teary eyes. ─── 李女士,38岁,身形瘦小,穿着一件粉红色睡衣,柔声诉说,泪眼一直盯着天花板。

19、women's and girls' woven' robe, negligee, nightgown, pagama, slip and lingerie fabrics ─── 女睡衣用织物

20、The moon just cast a light on her body.The white nightgown appeared more ghastly and horrible than ever. ─── 窗处的月光正好照在她身上,映着那白色的睡衣越发地显得惨白和可怖。

21、It doesn’t only have to be lacy lingerie, experiment with your nightwear too - a chiffon negligee or a sexy, silk nightgown. ─── 后来经过心理医生的治疗和在小琼的温存、鼓励下,小琼的丈夫总算重振了雄风。

22、Well, God's nightgown, let them do it! ─── 嗯,见他妈的鬼,要来就来吧!

23、I hate this nightgown ,I hate all my nightgowns.and I hate all my underwear too.can I just keep the top half ? ─── 我不喜欢这件睡袍,我讨厌我所有的睡袍,我也讨厌我全部的内衣,我能只穿上衣么?

24、Clothes, such as pajamas or a nightgown, worn in bed. ─── 睡衣睡觉时穿的睡衣或睡袍

25、When I brought the evening medication, Kate would be sitting in her chair, in nightgown and slippers, awaiting my arrival. ─── 当我把晚上的`药`拿去时,凯特总是穿着睡袍和拖鞋,坐在椅子上等我。

26、Standard Performance Specification for Women's and Girls' Woven Robe, Negligee, Nightgown, Pajama, Slip, and Lingerie Fabrics ─── 妇女及女孩用机织浴衣、长睡衣、睡衣、长衬裙、内衣织物的性能规范

27、She is wearing an evening gown.She is wearing a nightgown. ─── 她穿着一件晚礼服。她穿着一件睡衣。

28、About two weeks later, however, when I came home from work, she had prepared a romantic meal and was wearing the nightgown I had bought her two weeks before. ─── 但又过了两周后,我下班回来,她已为我准备了浪漫的晚餐,穿着两周前我送她的睡衣。

29、She told me that I shouldn't wear a nightgown to school, that in America people only wear nightgowns to sleep in ! ─── 她告诉我不行穿睡衣来学校,在美国的人只有睡觉才穿睡衣!

30、Tossing her mute on her bed, she swiftly changed into her nightgown before falling onto the mattress herself. ─── 她在床上无声地辗转反侧,在身体坠落回床垫之前,她很快换上了睡衣。

31、She was wearing only a thin robe over a flimsy nightgown, and her feet were bare. ─── 她只在薄薄的睡衣外面穿了件薄袍子,还光着双脚。

32、It was a couples wedding night, and the bride got all dressed up in her beautiful nightgown and began waiting in bed. ─── 新婚之夜,新娘穿上美丽的睡袍,在床上等候新郎。

33、I thought, 'That's what I need. I need to get out of my nightgown and I need a gun. ' ─── 我当时就觉得,‘这正是我需要的,我想脱掉睡衣,好好拿枪过把瘾。’

34、A frequent source of such memories: a magenta nylon nightgown with pink frills around the chest. ─── 经常引起这样的回忆的是:一件在胸部带有粉红色皱边的洋红色的尼龙长睡衣。

35、She changed into her nightgown and hopped into bed. ─── 她换上了睡衣就一头钻进了被窝里。

36、Ms. Li, 38, her petite frame dressed in a pink nightgown, spoke softly and stared at the ceiling with teary eyes. ─── 李女士,38岁,身形瘦小,穿着一件粉红色睡衣,柔声诉说,泪眼一直盯着天花板。

37、A long, loose, flowing garment, such as a robe or nightgown. ─── 长外衣,长袍一种肥大飘垂的外衣,如长袍或睡衣

38、women's or girls nightgown;, knitted or crocheted of textile materials ─── 女式或女童长睡衣,针织钩编纺织材料制

39、Little Maya was all curly brown hair, doe-like dark eyes, and adorable in her shiny pink nightgown. ─── 小玛雅有一头卷曲的褐色头发,小鹿般黑色眼睛,穿着闪亮的粉红色睡衣可爱极了。

40、She picked up the carpetbag which held Scarlett's new velvet frock and bonnet and nightgown and tucked the neat bandanna bundle that contained her own belongings under her arm and shepherded Scarlett across the wet expanse of cinders. ─── 她提起里面装着思嘉的新天鹅绒长袍、帽子和睡衣的帆衣布袋,把包着自己衣物的干净包袱夹在腋下,然后领着思嘉走过到处是煤渣和灰烬的湿地。

41、She rose in her pale nightgown. ─── 她起了床,穿著淡色的睡袍。

42、a long,loose,flowing garment,such as a robe or nightgown ─── 一种肥大飘垂的外衣,如长袍或睡衣

43、No wife has ever changed a husband one whit, and do not you be forgetting that. And as for changing a Wilkes--God's nightgown, daughter! ─── 你可千万别忘了哪个妻子也不曾把丈夫改变一丁点儿埃至于说改变威尔克斯家的某个人,那简直是笑话,女儿。

44、“You can be a fulltime homemaker, but you can’t look like one.If you wear a nightgown when your husband leaves for work in the morning, you must not wear the same gown when he’s back. ─── 正如秀芳所说:“做全职太太,但是你不可以把自己打扮成家庭主妇的样子,先生出门前看到你穿睡衣,晚上回家后还是看到你穿着睡衣,那样是不称职的。”

45、10 Can I have a silk nightgown with rosebuds on it? ─── 我可不可以穿件丝制睡袍,睡衣上并且有花图饰?

46、She was still in her nightgown, with her hair hanging loose over her shoulders. ─── 她仍穿着睡衣,头发披散在肩上。

47、ANN: (brushing her hair) I hate this nightgown. ─── 安妮:(梳着头发)我讨厌这件睡袍。

48、It sometimes happened that she had to greet the public from the balcony with her nightgown tucked up under her coat. ─── 有时候她不得不在睡袍外面批件外套然后在阳台上问候公众。

49、When I brought the evening medication, Kate would be sitting in her chair, in nightgown and slippers, awaiting my arrival. ─── 当我把晚上的药拿去时,凯特总是穿着睡袍和拖鞋,坐在椅子上等我。

50、I'm still in my nightgown. ─── 玛丽:但是我现在还穿着睡衣。

51、I prefer something bright for the dress and something pink for the nightgown. ─── 我想要一件颜色鲜艳的连衣裙和一件粉红色的睡衣。

52、He had simply slipped on a long nightgown with an insertion front ─── 他只随便披上了一件长睡衣,前边敞着领口。

53、She pulled the strap of her nightgown onto her shoulder. ─── 她把睡衣的带子拉到她的肩上。

54、Yes, the woman with white nightgown again!She was floating outside the window so weirdly. ─── 是的,又是那个穿白色睡衣的女人,就那么诡异地浮在窗外。

55、Finally, it got to the its destination, standing besides me, so close, as if even my breathe can reach her white nightgown... ─── 终于到了床头,就立在我边上,是那样的近,仿佛我的呼吸都可以吹动她白色的睡衣...

56、It mainly produces the underwear, nightgown, T-shirt and so on.It attracts its importance to quality and reputation, then goes without saying;it gets wonderful honor . ─── 一直在为来自世界各国的客户提供高品质的产品及服务,专业生产睡衣、睡袍、T恤等,并以信誉第一的经营理念赢得各方一致好评。

57、nightgown, nightdress ─── 女睡衣

58、She pulls back on the long sleeves of the nightgown: one hand, its nails painted bright purple; the other hand, her little hand, has mere stubs for fingers. ─── 她从长袖下伸出一只小手,指甲上涂着淡紫色的指甲油.另外一只手没有手指只有小肉球.

59、She is wearing a nightgown ─── 她穿着一件睡衣。

60、Standard Performance Specification for Women's and Girls' Knitted Robe, Negligee, Nightgown, Pajama, Slip, and Lingerie Fabrics ─── 妇女和女孩针织浴衣、便服、长睡衣、睡衣、长衬裙和女内衣织物的性能规范

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