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08-20 投稿


blucher 发音

英:[[b'lu:t??]]  美:[[b'lu:t??]]

英:  美:

blucher 中文意思翻译



blucher 短语词组

1、blucher mocs blucher mocs

2、blucher moc ─── 布鲁彻moc

3、blucher german ─── 布鲁彻德语

4、blucher boots ─── 布鲁彻靴子

5、blucher vs derby ─── 布鲁彻vs德比

6、blucher park ─── 布鲁彻公园

7、blucher scenarios ─── 布卢彻情景

blucher 词性/词形变化,blucher变形

名词: blubberer |动词现在分词: blubbering |动词过去式: blubbered |动词第三人称单数: blubbers |形容词: blubbery |副词: blubberingly |动词过去分词: blubbered |

blucher 相似词语短语

1、blushers ─── n.脸红的人;红色敷面粉

2、Blücher ─── 书

3、bleacher ─── n.漂白剂;漂白业者;露天看台;n.(Bleacher)人名;(英)布里克

4、bruncher ─── 布伦彻

5、blencher ─── 搅拌机

6、sloucher ─── n.下垂;笨拙的人,懒散的人;懒散的样子(slouch的变形)

7、blancher ─── n.杀青机,杀菁机;热烫机,烫漂器;n.(Blancher)人名;(法)布朗谢

8、blusher ─── n.脸红的人;红色敷面粉

9、bluchers ─── n.半统皮靴;n.(Blucher)人名;(英)布卢彻

blucher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A French cavalry patrol to capture弗里西蒙side than Rop avant-garde, a military officer, the officer carrying Blucher Wellington addressed a letter that is Blucher bound and on his way to join Wellington. ─── 一支法军骑兵巡逻队在弗里西蒙那边捕获了比罗普军前卫的一名军官,这个军官携有布吕歇尔致威灵顿的一封信,信中称布吕歇尔正开往与威灵顿会合的途中。

2、At this epoch when Waterloo is only a clashing of swords, above Blucher, Germany has Schiller; above Wellington , England has Byron. ─── 当滑铁卢剑声铮铮的时代,在布吕歇尔之上,德国有哥德,在威灵顿之上,英国有拜伦。

3、Blucher design allows for adjustability to accommodate various widths. ─── 鞋面采用柔软的牛皮制成,结实耐穿。

4、Had the action been begun two hours earlier, it would have been over at four o'clock, and Blucher would have fallen on the battle won by Napoleon. ─── 假使战事早两个钟头开始,到四点便可以完毕,布吕歇尔赶来,也会是在拿破仑得胜之后。

5、Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science ─── 康拉德布鲁彻测量及科学研究所

6、About the first adventure we had yesterday afternoon after landing here, came near finishing that heedless blucher ─── 我们上岸后,在昨天下午碰到了头一件险事,差点断送了冒失鬼勃鲁吉的性命。

7、Napoleon had routed blucher three days earlier. ─── 三天之前,拿破仑已经打垮了布鲁克。

8、Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon. ─── 普鲁士和英国军队在布卢彻和惠灵顿公爵领导下击败了拿破仑领导下的法国军队。

9、Napoleon had routed blucher three days earlier ─── 早在三天之前,拿破仑已经打垮了布鲁克。

10、Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon. ─── 普鲁士和英国军队在布卢彻和惠灵顿公爵领导下击败了拿破仑领导下的法国军队。

11、I walked about the city a good deal with a young Mr. Blucher, who was booked for the excursion. ─── 我陪了一个名叫勃鲁吉的青年人,在城里逛了好多路,这人也是登记前去游览的。

12、Now the Prussian general, Muffling, declares that one hour's delay, and Blucher would not have found Wellington on his feet. ─── 所以,再迟到一个钟头,据普鲁士将军米夫林说,布吕歇尔就不会看见威灵顿站着;

13、The war of liberation renewed in 1813, and as chief of staff to Gebhard von Blucher he planned Prussian, and sometimes Russian, strategy. ─── 他在陆军元帅布吕歇尔麾下任参谋长,负责制定普鲁士和俄国的作战方案。

14、The battle of Waterloo could not be begun until half-past eleven o'clock, and that gave Blucher time to come up. ─── 滑铁卢战争只有在十一点半开始,布吕歇尔才能从容赶到。

15、I walked about the city a good deal with a young Mr. Blucher, who was booked for the excursion. ─── 我陪了一个名叫勃鲁吉的青年人,在城里逛了好多路,这人也是登记前去游览的。

16、the battle on 18 June 1815 in which Napoleon met his final defeat; Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon. ─── 1815年6月18日拿破仑遇见了他的最后战败的战斗;普鲁士和英国军队在布卢彻和惠灵顿公爵领导下击败了拿破仑领导下的法国军队。

17、Wellington expected Blucher;he came. ─── 威灵顿等待布吕歇尔,他来了。

18、On both sides some one was awaited. It was the exact calculator who succeeded. Napoleon was waiting for Grouchy; he did not come. Wellington expected Blucher; he came. ─── 两方面都在等待援兵。计算精确的人成功了。拿破仑等待格鲁希,他没有来。威灵顿等待布吕歇尔,他来了。

19、If Wellington had not begun, Blucher could not have finished. ─── 如果没有威灵顿打头阵,布吕歇尔也收拾不了残局。

20、10.The Blucher went only 4 miles per hour, but it pulled a load of 30 tons of coal up hill. ─── 布吕歇尔号蒸汽机车的时速只有4英里,但是它拖载了30吨煤上山。

21、The battle on 18 June 1815 in which Napoleon met his final defeat,Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon. ─── 1815年6月18日拿破仑遇见了他的最后战败的战斗,普鲁士和英国军队在布卢彻和惠灵顿公爵领导下击败了拿破仑领导下的法国军队。

22、Let us inflict punishment, since we are history: old Blucher disgraced himself. ─── 我们既在叙述历史,那就可以贬责:衰老的布吕歇尔玷污了自己。

23、At five o'clock Wellington drew out his watch, and he was heard to murmur these sinister words, "Blucher, or night! " ─── 五点钟时威灵顿取出他的表,说了这样一句忧心如焚的话:“布吕歇尔不来就完了!”

24、Because of Blucher? ─── 由于布吕歇尔的缘故吗?

25、10.The Blucher went4 miles per hour,it pulled a load of 30 tons of coal up hill. ─── 布吕歇尔号蒸汽机车的时速只有4英里,它拖载了30吨煤上山。

26、Dehner Blucher field boot with Riding Boot Lacing. ─── Dehner Blucher领域启动骑马开机花边。

27、but at five o'clock, perceiving Wellington's peril, Blucher ordered Bulow to attack, and uttered these remarkable words: "We must give air to the English army. ─── 但是到了五点钟,布吕歇尔看见威灵顿形势危急,便命令比洛进攻,并且说了这样一句漂亮话:“得给点空气给英国军队了。”

28、Blucher shoes ─── 布鲁彻尔氏鞋

29、Classic cap-toe blucher. ─── 经典第脚趾布卢彻。

30、Blucher from Prussia and the Duke of Wellington wanted Napoleon stopped. Therefore, they marched their armies to the French border. ─── 普鲁士的布吕歇尔和威灵顿公爵想阻止拿破仑,于是他们率军来到法国边境。

31、At this epoch when Waterloo is only a clashing of swords, above Blucher, Germany has Schiller;above Wellington, England has Byron. ─── 当滑铁卢剑声铮铮的时代,在布吕歇尔之上,德国有哥德,在威灵顿之上,英国有拜伦。

32、nor Blucher, who took no part in the engagement. ─── 也不是不费吹灰之力的布吕歇尔,

33、The coming of General Blucher at Waterloo turned the day against Napoleon ─── 布鲁克将军到达滑铁卢,使得拿破仑转胜为败。

34、About the first adventure we had yesterday afternoon after landing here, came near finishing that heedless Blucher. ─── 我们上岸后,在昨天下午碰到了头一件险事,差点断送了冒失鬼勃鲁吉的性命。

35、Blucher could not have finished. ─── 布吕歇尔 也收拾不了残局。

36、Grouchy hoped for, Blucher arriving. ─── 救星不来,反逢厉鬼。

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