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08-20 投稿


varices 发音

英:['ve?r?si?z]  美:['v?r?,siz]

英:  美:

varices 中文意思翻译



varices 短语词组

1、varices testicules ─── 睾丸静脉曲张

2、banding varices ─── 带状静脉曲张

3、varices signs and symptoms ─── 静脉曲张的体征和症状

4、varices veins banding ─── 静脉曲张

5、varices esophagus ─── 食管静脉曲张

6、varices size ─── 静脉曲张大小

7、varices define ─── 静脉曲张定义

8、varices definition ─── 静脉曲张定义

9、esophageal varices ─── 食管静脉曲张

10、varices egd ─── 静脉曲张

varices 词性/词形变化,varices变形


varices 相似词语短语

1、variates ─── n.[数]变量;改变

2、carices ─── 漫画

3、variances ─── n.差异;变化幅度;差额(variance的复数)

4、caprices ─── n.反复无常(caprice的复数)

5、varicose ─── adj.(静脉)曲张的;(腿)受静脉曲张影响的

6、variceal ─── adj.(医)静脉曲张的,脉管曲张的

7、-atrices ─── 中庭

8、matrices ─── n.[数]矩阵;模型;[生物][地质]基质;母岩(matrix的复数)

9、varies ─── n.多重复合;v.使不同;改变;违背(vary的三单形式)

varices 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A common cause is bleeding (hemorrhagic shock), typically from trauma, surgical interventions, peptic ulcer, esophageal varices, or aortic aneurysm. ─── 常见原因有出血(出血性休克),主要是有外伤、手术、消化性溃疡、食管静脉曲张或主动脉瘤等引起。

2、CONCLUSION Octreotide is an effective drug in the treatment of esophageal varices bleeding. ─── 摘 要目的 为探讨奥曲肽治疗食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血的疗效.

3、Keywords Nurse in operating room Varix of lower limb Protective countermeasure; ─── 手术室护士;下肢静脉曲张;防护对策;

4、congenital retinal aneurysmal varix ─── 先天性视网膜动静脉瘤性静脉曲张

5、Objective: To compare the effect of Somatostatin and Sengstaken-Blackmore Tube in the treatment of large hemorrhage caused by cirrhosis combined esophageal and fundal varices. ─── 目的:比较生长抑素和三腔二囊管对肝硬化并食道胃底静脉曲张破裂大出血的止血疗效。

6、Chalasani N, Imperiale TF. Ismail A: Predictors of large esophageal varices in patients with cirrhosis. Am J Gastroenterol, 1999, 94(11): 3285. ─── 唐莲凤,金群馨,陈振侬.门静脉高压食管静脉曲张程度与上消化道病变的关系.中华消化内镜杂志,2002,19(3):170.

7、Method 80 cirrhotic patients accepted gastric endoscpy and CT examine,measure the diameter of esophageal varices in the esophageal lumina of CT image. ─── 方法选择80位肝硬化患者,所有患者均接受胃镜及食道CT检查,测量CT图像下食管腔内曲张食道静脉直径。

8、Objective: To study the clinical efficacy and safety of fixed TH glue (a-cyanoacrylate) embolization in the treatment of gastroesophageal varices bleeding. ─── 摘要目的:介绍经皮经肝TH胶“三明治”栓塞技术在胃冠状静脉栓塞术中的应用。

9、Methods The esophageal varices of 45 cases with cirrhotic patients were treated by endoscopic sclerotherapy with non-water ethanol totalling 96 times. ─── 方法对我院45例肝硬化并发食管静脉曲张的患者,在内镜下用无水酒精行96次静脉内注射。

10、Objective To study the curative therapy of varices of esophagus and fundus of stomach. ─── 摘要目的探讨食管胃底静脉曲张的有效治疗方法。

11、After endoscopic treatment, varices recurrent rates within 3 years was 10.53%(4/38) and rebleeding was 6.52%(3/46). ─── 内镜下治疗后3年内观察曲张静脉复发率仅为10.53%(4/38),再出血发生率为6.52%(3/46)。

12、Methods 72 patients suffered from bleeding in gastro-esophageal varices for cirrhosis were divided into two groups,and clinical effect of Sandostatin and Vasopressin were measured respectively. ─── 方法:将72例肝硬化门脉高压食管胃底静脉出血患者分为善宁组和垂体后叶素组,进行临床疗效的对比观察。

13、The presence of gastric varices has no influence on portal hypertensive gastropathy . ─── 胃静脉曲张对门脉高压性胃病无影响。

14、Esophagogastric varices (EGV) were identified as the bleeding sources in 74%, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer each accounted for 10%, another 6% were undetermined. ─── 出血原因中,74%是食道静脉瘤破裂,胃溃疡及十二指肠溃疡出血各佔10%。另外6%之病患,其出血部位则无法决定。

15、Keywords Non-water ethanol;Esophageal varices;Endoscope; ─── 无水酒精;食管静脉曲张;内镜;

16、Those retroperitoneal collateral circulation can resenable those periesophageal varices as lobulated masses. ─── 向后至腹膜后腔的侧枝循环可如食道周围静脉一种出现巨大的团块。

17、Application of Radiofrequency Treatment for Non - varix Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage ─── 射频治疗在上消化道非静脉曲张出血的应用体会

18、The doctor said that varices are common in pregnancy. ─── 医生说妊娠期间常见静脉曲张。

19、Objective To evaluate the effects of dense endoscopic variceal ligation (DEVL) for bleeding varices with primary hepatocellular carcinoma(PHC). ─── 方法采用内镜下密集多点结扎术治疗原发性肝癌合并食管静脉曲张急性出血患者58例。

20、Twenty-six cases of portal hypertension with a history of bleeding esophageal varix were treated by this procedure on elective basis. ─── 26例患者均为肝炎后肝硬化伴有比较严重的食管胃底静脉曲张及1次以上出血史者。

21、Methods Twenty five cases of varices of esophagus in patients with portal hypertension due to liver cirrhosis were ligated repeatedly under endoscope. ─── 方法应用内镜和结扎器对肝硬化门静脉高压患者的食管静脉曲张患者反复结扎。

22、Cheng LF, Cai FC, Wang ZQ, et al.Interventional treatment of esophagogastric varices hemorrhage [ J ].Chin J Hepatic, 1998, 6(2):71-3. ─── [9]程留芳,蔡逢春,王志强,等.门脉高压静脉曲张出血介入治疗[J].中华肝脏病杂志,1998,6(2):71-3.

23、Surgery was performed for cosmetic reason and pathology was compatible with varix. ─── 病患因美观及诊断因素接受手术,病理报告确定为静脉瘤。

24、International Digest: What are the issues require special when we do band ligation in elderly patients with bleeding from ruptured gastro-esophageal varices? ─── 国际肝病:对于老年患者进行胃食管静脉破裂出血套扎时,须要特别注意哪些问题呢?

25、Observation and nursing care of patients with esophageal varices treated by endoscopic single ring close loop ligature ─── 内镜下单环密集套扎术治疗食管静脉曲张病人的观察及护理

26、Eradication of varices was achieved in 61.5% in SPS group and 86.3% in DPS group respectively,with significant difference(P

27、Comprehension on treatment of esophageal varices by loop ligature of disconnectable helices nylon string underendoscope ─── 内镜下可分离式单环尼龙绳套扎治疗食管静脉曲张的体会

28、However, none of these methods has been proven precise enough to be able to select patients who are likely to have varices and these patients should be endoscoped with normal gastroscopy. ─── 但没有一种方法可以能够比较满意的筛选到静脉曲张的患者,只有常规的胃镜检查可以做到。

29、Method108 cases of portal hypertension were treated by pericardial devascularization plus submucous varix transligation in the gastric fundus. ─── 方法回顾性分析108例贲门周围血管离断并胃底粘膜下血管环扎术的临床资料。

30、Varices of the vocal cord: report of 21 cases ─── 声带血管扩张症21例临床分析

31、Seperatable Nylon Ring Ligation Treatment Under Endoscope for Esophageal Varices Hemorrhage ─── 内镜下可分离式尼龙圈结扎治疗食管静脉曲张破裂出血

32、Esophageal varix ligation under endoscope(EVL)is a safe and effective treatment for esophageal varices. ─── 内镜下食管曲张静脉结扎是一种安全有效的新方法。

33、Varices classically demonstrate avid contrast enhancement. Focal calcifications (representing phleboliths) may be detected. ─── 静脉曲张的典型表现为明显强化,可能会出现局部钙化(代表静脉石)。

34、Injection of esophageal varices by endoscopy ─── 内镜检查下食管静脉曲张注射术

35、Endoscopic detachable single nylon-band ligation in the treatment of esophageal varices ─── 内镜下可分离式单环尼龙环套扎治疗食管静脉曲张

36、Prior to EVL with UMP the EVs could be viewed and measured; there existed also varices and collateral veins in deep layer of gullet. ─── EVL前 ,UMP可以观察和测量食管可见的曲张静脉 ,还可探测到食管深层的曲张静脉及交通支。

37、The Classification Study of Lingual Varix Character in Patients with Primary Liver Cancer ─── 原发性肝癌患者舌下络脉特征的聚类研究

38、Being familiar with esophageal varices , carcinoma of colon, hepatic abscess, obstruction of biliary tract , spleen trauma. ─── 熟悉食管静脉曲张、结肠癌、肝脓肿、肝囊肿、胆道梗阻、脾外伤的影像学表现。

39、There is affinitive relationship between the incidence of varix of lower limb and long-term working on their feet、extended length of service、insufficiency of protective countermeasure, respectively. ─── 下肢静脉曲张的发生率与长期站立工作、工龄长短及防护措施不力有密切关系。

40、Methods: to perform emergent endoscopic ligation in 138 cirrhosis patients with esophageal varices bleeding in a state of emergency and observe the hemostatic effect. ─── 方法:对138例肝硬化食管静脉曲张出血患者在急诊状态下紧急内镜套扎,观察止血效果。

41、Methods Analyze the relationship between the condition of peptic ulcer, liver function, esophageal varices, etiology and HP infection in patients with liver cirrhosis. ─── 方法对明确诊断为肝硬化的82例患者的消化性溃疡、肝功能、食管静脉曲张、肝硬化病因等状况与HP感染情况的关系进行分析。

42、great saphenous vein varices in lower limb ─── 下肢大隐静脉曲张

43、The indications of surgical intervention were serious hypersplenism and recurrent episodes of gastrointestinal hemorrhage from esophagogastric varices. ─── 手术指征是食管下段和胃底静脉曲张破裂,消化道大出血反复发作和严重的脾功能亢进。

44、This paper introduces the designing theory and method of a novel pneumatic massage device for lower limb varix. ─── 介绍一种能有效治疗下肢静脉曲张新型气动式按摩仪的设计原理和方法及其在临床中的应用。

45、The up GI X-ray examination revealed that esophageal varices was significantly attenuated 1 month after surgery. ─── 术后1个月复查食管吞钡显示食管曲张静脉较术前明显减轻。

46、Treatment of gastric coronary vein varices in portal hypertention with TH glue embolization ─── TH胶栓塞胃冠状静脉曲张在门静脉高压治疗中的应用

47、palpebral post-traumatic varix ─── 外伤后眼睑血管曲张

48、Enzymatic Histochemistry Study of the Effect of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester on Esophageal Varices in Rats ─── 左旋硝基精氨酸甲基酯对大鼠食管静脉曲张影响的酶组化研究

49、MethodsEighteen portal hypertension patients with a history of bleeding esophageal varix were treated by this procedure on elective basis. ─── 方法采用择期经腹食管下段胃底切除术治疗门静脉高压症18例。

50、Varices were present in half of the patients. ─── 一半病人有静脉曲张。

51、Ask one good recipe : The varix dialectical experience side of low limbs , thank sincerely ! ─── 求一良方:下肢静脉曲张辨证经验方,诚谢!

52、Objective: To observe and compare the effect of stilamin and Sengstaken-Blackmore Tube in the treatment of large hemorrhage due to cirrhosis combined esophageal and fundal varices. ─── 目的:观察、比较施他宁和三腔二囊管对肝硬化并食道胃底静脉曲张破裂大出血的止血疗效。

53、Further work-up showed portal hypertension with esophageal varices. ─── 进一步检测发现门脉高压伴食道静脉曲张。

54、The combination of EVL and EVS made varices reduced in 93.75% (30/32) and course of treatment 2-3 weeks. ─── EVL结合EVS曲张静脉完全消退达93.75%(30/32),总疗程2-3周。

55、Endoscopic ultrasonography used in diagnosing esophageal and gastric varices ─── 内镜超声对食管胃底静脉曲张的诊断价值

56、The effect of endoscopicvariceal ligation combined with Octreotide or Pituitrin in the treatment of esophageal varices bleeding issatisfactory. ─── 内镜下结扎术联合奥曲肽或垂体后叶素治疗食管静脉曲张破裂出血止血效果确切;

57、Among these collateral vessels, esophageal varices are of great clinic significance because they frequently result in gastrointenstinal bleeding and endanger the patients' health and life. ─── 在这些扩张的侧支血管中,食管胃底静脉曲张常导致上消化道出血,危及患者健康和生命,具有重要临床意义。

58、Surgical Treatment and Operation Modification for the Varix Saphena Magna Cohabit Ulcer ─── 大隐静脉曲张并发溃疡的治疗与术式改进

59、Following parameters including PT, HA, BPC, child Pugh score and endoscopic red sign are the main factors in predicting bleeding from large esophageal varices. ─── PT、HA、BPC、Child- Pugh C级及胃镜下红色征可作为预测出血的主要因素

60、Methods: 105 cases of varix of esophagus underwent the endoscopic ligation 179 times.Cases that bled again shortly after the ligation were observed and the risk factors involved were analyzed. ─── 方法:对105例食管静脉曲张患者,进行了择期内镜下结扎治疗179次,对其术后近期再出血患者进行了危险因素分析。

61、The red-color sign was more prevalent and the degree of the varices was greater in patients with hemorrhagic type 1 and 2 gastroesophageal varices and type 1 isolated gastric varices (P

62、Keywords octreotide;3 cavity tube;esophagogastric varices;hemorrhea; ─── 奥曲肽;三腔管;食管胃底静脉曲张;出血;

63、The blooding rate of varices with two or more than two supply veins is higher than varices with only one supply vein. ─── 统计学处理结果显示由多支血管供应食管胃底静脉曲张时,消化道出血的发病率明显提高。

64、Methods Clinical materials of laser treatment of 420 patients (525 limbs) with greater saphenous vein (GSV) varices were studied retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析420例(525条肢体)下肢大隐静脉曲张患者的临床资料。

65、Relation of the endogenous nitric oxide and esophageal varices and its clinical implications ─── 内源性一氧化氮与食道静脉曲张程度的关系及意义

66、Orbital varix is a pathological enlargement of the venous channels within the orbit with or without neighborhood invasion. ─── 摘要本文观察一年中三例眼眶静脉瘤之病患,三例均为男性,其中二例21岁,一例37岁,均接受直接注射眼眶静脉摄影。

67、Method 60 cases of portal hypertension and esophageal varices bleeding were treated by paricardial devascularization with a long Nissen?s fundoplication. ─── 方法用贲门周围血管离断加Nissen氏胃底成形术治疗门脉高压并食管静脉曲张出血60例。

68、Conclusion EVS and EVL are effective therapentic metheds for esophgeal varices b... ─── 套扎与硬化结合可作为食管静脉曲张破裂出血的首选治疗方法。

69、Keywords Endoscope;Ligation;Sclerotherapy;Esophageal varices; ─── 内镜;套扎;硬化治疗;食管静脉曲张;

70、Following the use of vasoconstrictors, endoscopic therapy is often used to arrest the bleeding varices and prevent early rebleeding. ─── 使用血管收缩剂以后,内视镜疗法常被用来止血及预防早期再出血。

71、The observation of early rebleeding after endoscopic multiple rubber-band ligation for esophageal varices ─── 快速多环食管静脉曲张结扎术后早期再发大出血观察

72、Keywords Cost-effectiveness analysis;Esophagogastric varices;Sclerotherpy; ─── 关键词食管静脉曲张;硬化治疗;成本-效益分析;

73、In patients with cirrhosis, LSM positively correlated with the presence of esophageal varices (P = 0.002), although no correlation between LSM and esophageal varices size was detected. ─── 在肝硬化病人,虽然并未发现LSM和食道静脉曲张间的相互关系,但LSM确实与存在食道静脉曲张有关(P=0.002)。

74、varix of small saphenous vein ─── 小隐静脉曲张

75、Electric coagulation and subcutaneous suture for primary great saphenous varices ─── 电凝和皮内缝扎治疗原发性大隐静脉曲张

76、Octreotide and Pituitrin's function on the treatment of massive hemorrhage of weasand and tummy varix ─── 奥曲肽和垂体后叶素治疗食管、胃静脉曲张大出血疗效观察

77、Objective: to discuss hemostatic efficacy and safety of emergent endoscopic ligation in the treatment of cirrhosis esophageal varices bleeding. ─── 目的:探讨急诊内镜下套扎对肝硬化食管静脉曲张出血的止血效果及安全性。

78、The miniature ultrasonic probe and azygos hemodynamic study play a more important role in evaluation the treatments of esophageal varices. ─── 运用微探头超声检查食管下段静脉与奇静脉血流动力学的变化在食管静脉曲张治疗的评价中具有重要意义。

79、Keywords Octreotide;weasand tummy varix;hemorrhage;hepatocirrhosis; ─── 关键词奥曲肽;食管胃静脉曲张;出血;肝硬化;

80、The main etiologies, such as trauma, chronic maxillary atelectasis (silent sinus syndrome), breast cancer metastasis, and orbital varix, will be discussed. ─── 对常见的病因比如外伤,慢性上颌骨塌陷,乳腺癌转移和眼静脉曲张都进行了讨论。

81、Methods One hundred and twenty-five cases of saphenous vein varicosity underwent proximal saphenous vein ligation plus small-incisional stripping of varices, the results were reviewed and evaluated. ─── 方法采用大隐静脉高位结扎加点式剥脱术治疗下肢静脉曲张125例,观察其手术效果。

82、Keywords Endoscope;Varix of Esophagus;Bleeding;Ligation; ─── 关键词内镜;食管静脉曲张;出血;结扎治疗;

83、Among these collateral vessels, esophageal varices are of great clinic significance because they frequently result in gastrointenstinal bleeding and endanger the patients health and life. ─── 在这些扩张的侧支血管中,食管胃底静脉曲张常导致上消化道出血,危及患者健康和生命,具有重要临床意义。

84、For the prevention of recurrent bleeding, 138 cases received several times of sclerotherapy.In 62 cases, all varices were obliterated. ─── 一次或多次硬化剂注射预防性治疗138例,曲张静脉62例完全消失,76例转为轻度;

85、Bleeding esophageal varices may be the first manifestation of cirrhosis. ─── 出血性食管静脉曲张可能是肝硬化的首要表现。

86、International Digest: Rebleeding from ruptured gastro-esophageal varices is one of the major causes of death in patients with portal hypertension. ─── 国际肝病:胃食管静脉曲张破裂再出血是门脉高压患者死亡的主要原因之一。

87、Methods: 16 cases with pul-monarg venous varix were retrospectively analysed to investigate the imaging methods and features. ─── 方法:对确诊为肺静脉曲张的16例影像学表现进行分析、总结。

88、In particular, the presence of esophageal varices may contraindicate prophylaxis as it is associated with postoperative hemorrhage. ─── 特别是有食管静脉曲张时表明预防性抗血栓治疗与术后出血有关系。

89、There was significant difference in the incidence of esophageal and gastric varices between A and B group(P0.05). ─── A、B两组患者食管-胃底静脉曲张发生率间差别有显著性意义(P0.05)。

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