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08-20 投稿


exogamy 发音

英:[ek?sɑ?ɡ?mi]  美:[ek?s?ɡ?mi]

英:  美:

exogamy 中文意思翻译



exogamy 词性/词形变化,exogamy变形

名词复数: exogamies |形容词: exogamic |

exogamy 短语词组

1、exogamy definition ─── 外婚制定义

2、exogamy is ─── 异族通婚

3、exogamy synonym ─── 异族通婚同义词

4、exogamy pic ─── 异族通婚

5、exogamy rule ─── 异族通婚规则

6、exogamy define ─── 外婚制

7、exogamy means ─── 异族通婚

8、exogamy and endogamy ─── 外婚制和内婚制

exogamy 反义词


exogamy 同义词


exogamy 相似词语短语

1、exogamous ─── adj.异族结婚的,异族通婚的

2、zoogamy ─── n.[胚]有性生殖;两性生殖

3、xenogamy ─── n.异株异花受粉

4、exogamic ─── 外婚制

5、endogamy ─── n.同部族婚姻;同组结婚;同族结婚;[植]同系配合,[生物]同系交配

6、apogamy ─── n.无配生殖

7、isogamy ─── n.[胚]同配生殖

8、oogamy ─── n.卵式生殖,异配生殖,受精生殖

9、hercogamy ─── n.雌雄蕊隔离,雌雄隔离

exogamy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For two millennia, exogamy was a major transgression for Jews. (In many communities, prayers for the dead were recited for a Jew who married a non-Jew.) As a result, out-marriage was rare. ─── 两千年来,异族通婚一直是犹太人的一大禁忌。(在许多犹太人中,诅咒一个与外族通婚的犹太人,就背诵为死人祈祷的祷文。)因此,与外族通婚非常少见。

2、chief of these questions respect the origin of exogamy and of endogamy. As. ─── 这些问题中最首要的是关于外婚制和内婚制的起源。

3、On Factors in Exogamy during the Process of Modernization ─── 论现代化进程中影响族际通婚的因素

4、clan exogamy ─── 家族外婚

5、On the whole, the account which we have given of the origin of exogamy , appears the only one which will bear examination. ─── 总体上,我们给出的异族结婚起源的说明,看来是唯一愿意经受检验的。

6、This preference for exogamy, Gutman suggests, may have derived fromWest African rules governing marriage, which, though they differed from one tribalsgroupsto another, all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin. ─── 古特曼表示,这种对于外部通婚的偏爱很有可能缘起于西部非洲制约着婚姻的规定,尽管这些规定在一个和另一个部落群体之间不尽相同,但都涉及到某种对近亲联姻。

7、On Factors in Exogamy during the Process of Modernization ─── 论现代化进程中影响族际通婚的因素

8、Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans. ─── 异族婚姻在非洲裔美国人中仍然很少见。

9、"exogamy:The custom of marrying outside the tribe, family, clan, or other social unit." ─── 异族通婚:同外部部落、家庭、部族或其他社会单元通婚的风俗.

10、Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans, but it has increased enormously, from about 1.5 percent in the 1960s to eight to 10 percent today. ─── 异族婚姻在非洲裔美国人中仍然很少见。 虽然如此,通婚比率还是从60年代的约1.5%大幅上升到今天的8%至10% 。

11、Last, it analyzes the relationship between totemism and exogamy, and the three functions of exogamy. ─── 最后,本文分析了图腾崇拜和外婚制的关系,以及外婚制的三大功能。

12、Among third-generation Hispanic and Asian Americans, exogamy -- marriage outside one's ethnic group or tribe -- is at least 50 percent, he and others estimate. ─── 据他和其他研究人员估计在第三代拉美裔和亚裔美国人中至少有50%与异族通婚。

13、On the whole, the account which we have given of the origin of exogamy, appears the only one which will bear examination. ─── 总体上,我们给出的异族结婚起源的说明,看来是唯一愿意经受检验的。

14、exogamy: The custom of marrying outside the tribe, family, clan, or other social unit . ─── 异族通婚:同外部部落、家庭、部族或其他社会单元通婚的风俗。

15、Conversely, we may say that, wherever exogamy can be found, we may confidently expect to find, after due investigation, at least traces of a system, of capture. ─── 反过来,我们可以说哪里有外婚制被发现,我们可以安心地期待在一定的调查之后,发现劫夺,至少是劫夺体系的痕迹。

16、There is no antithesis between endogamy and exogamy; ─── 内婚制和外婚制根本不构成对立;

17、Incest rules and rules of exogamy are related, not identical. ─── 关于乱伦的规定和异族通婚的规定是有关联的,但并不是完全相同的。

18、But, owing to the nature of ancient kinship, as we have seen it, exogamy afforded no proper security against the intermixture of persons near of kin. ─── 但是,由于古代血族关系的性质,如我们所知,异族结婚不提供适当的安全反对血缘亲近的人们的混合。。

19、He cited a study that showed an 80 percent exogamy rate for young, native-born Asians in New England (the U.S.Northeast), for example. ─── 他摘引的一项研究表明,例如住在美国东北部新英格兰(NewEngland)地区的当地出生的亚裔年轻人异族通婚率高竓达80%。

20、He cited a study that showed an 80 percent exogamy rate for young, native-born Asians in New England (the U.S. ─── 埃德蒙斯顿指出"与传统的西南部和西部聚居区相比,居住在各族混居地区的亚裔和拉美裔美国人异族婚姻的比例非常高。"

21、The chief of these questions respect the origin of exogamy and of endogamy. ─── 这些问题中最首要的同外婚制和内婚制的起源有关。

22、He cited a study that showed an 80 percent exogamy rate for young, native-born Asians in New England (the U.S. Northeast), for example. ─── 他摘引的一项研究表明,例如住在美国东北部新英格兰地区的当地出生的亚裔年轻人异族通婚率高竓达80%。

23、Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans,but it has increased enormously,from about 1.5 percent in the 1960s to eight to 10 percent today. ─── 异族婚姻在非洲裔美国人中仍然很少见。虽然如此,通婚比率还是从60年代的约1.5%大幅上升到今天的8%至10% 。

24、He cited a study that showed an 80 percent exogamy rate for young, native-born Asians in New England (the U. S. Northeast), for example. ─── 他摘引的一项研究表明,例如住在美国东北部新英格兰(NewEngland)地区的当地出生的亚裔年轻人异族通婚率高竓达80%。

25、8.For two millennia, exogamy was a major transgression for Jews. ─── 两千年来,异族通婚一直是犹太人的一大禁忌。

26、fusion of gametes produced by organisms that are not closely related. ─── 亲缘关系较远的生物体产生的配子相互融合。

27、And again: "It is a curious fact that nowhere now, that we are aware of, is infanticide a system where exogamy and the earliest form of kinship co-exist."(Ibid., p. 146. ─── 而且,他又说:“这是一个奇怪的事实,据我们所知,在外婚制与最古的亲属关系形式并存的任何地方,都没有杀婴的习俗。”(第146页)

28、Exogamy prevents the ill effects of inbreeding and promotes evolution of human race. ─── 其一,防止了近亲婚配所带来的不良影响,促进了人种的进化。

29、McLennan then goes on toask: Whence this custom of exogamy? ─── 麦克伦南接着问道:这种外婚制的习俗是从哪里来的呢?

30、Incest rules and rules of exogamy are related, not identical. ─── 关于乱伦的规定和异族通婚的规定是有关联的,但并不是完全相同的。

31、The Investigation of Exogamy Hui People's Famivy Structwre and the Changes of Their Customs in Huo shao tun Viuage Shili Country, Song pan County, si Chuan Province ─── 四川省松藩县十里乡火烧屯村回族族外婚家庭结构及其习俗变迁的考察

32、so that the McLennanites, who had hitherto been helplessly reeling to and fro between exogamy and endogamy, could only beat their brows and exclaim: "How could we be such fools as not to think of that for ourselves long ago?" ─── 因此,一直茫然彷徨于外婚制与内婚制之间的麦克伦南的崇拜者,现在简直要用拳头敲着自己的脑门大叫起来:我们怎么会这样愚蠢,自己没有老早把它发现出来呢!

33、This law was, when Primitive Marriage was written, unnamed ; and the author termed it exogamy. ─── 这条规则,在《原始婚姻》写作之时,并未命名,因此作者称之为外婚制。

34、Cao-Miao people have been strictly practicing endogamy, lineal exogamy and rank endogamy, which has brought about harmful effect on improvement of population quality and huma... ─── 草苗存在着严格的族内婚,支系内婚和阶层内婚,这对草苗人口素质的提高和人权平等等带来了不良的后果。

35、Hong Kong Literature; incest taboo; kunisexuality; Freud; sexology; exogamy; natural aversion; regression; guilt; genetics. ─── 香港文学;乱伦禁忌;近亲恋;佛洛依德;性学;族外婚;天然厌恶;倒退;罪疚;遗传学

36、Having now made the muddle complete, he could give himself up to the profoundest inquiries as to which of his two absurd classes was the older exogamy or endogamy. ─── 他这样把问题更加彻底混淆以后,便埋头于最深沉的研究中,去探讨在他的两个荒诞无稽的范畴中,究竟哪一种较古:是外婚还是内婚。

37、And again: "It is a curious fact that nowhere now, that we are aware of, is infanticide a system where exogamy and the earliest form of kinship co-exist."( Ibid. ─── 而且,他又说:“这是一个奇怪的事实,据我们所知,在外婚制与最古的亲属关系形式并存的任何地方,都没有杀婴的习俗。”

38、antithesis between endogamy and exogamy; ─── 内婚制和外婚制根本不构成对立;

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