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08-20 投稿


conciliating 发音

英:[k?n?s?lie?t??]  美:[k?n?s?lie?t??]

英:  美:

conciliating 中文意思翻译



conciliating 词性/词形变化,conciliating变形

动词过去分词: conciliated |动词现在分词: conciliating |动词过去式: conciliated |形容词: conciliable |动词第三人称单数: conciliates |名词: conciliation |

conciliating 同义词

make up | appease | placate | lenify | quiet | harmonize | settle | soothe |pacify | restrain | gruntle | assuage | accommodate | allay | resolve | calm | mollify | patch up | moderate | reconcile | make peace | alleviate | intervene | gentle

conciliating 短语词组

1、conciliating meaning ─── 调和意义

2、conciliating definition ─── 和解定义

3、conciliating sleep ─── 安眠药

4、conciliating in a sentence ─── 调解

5、conciliating def ─── 和解定义

conciliating 反义词

estrange | alienate

conciliating 相似词语短语

1、conciliate ─── vt.安抚,安慰;调和;驯服;怀柔;赢得

2、domiciliating ─── v.定居,以……为住所

3、conciliative ─── adj.融和的;安慰的

4、conciliation ─── n.调解;安抚;说服

5、conciliated ─── vt.安抚,安慰;调和;驯服;怀柔;赢得

6、nonconciliating ─── 不协调

7、consolidating ─── 巩固;合并

8、conciliations ─── n.调解;安抚;说服

9、conceiting ─── n.自负;狂妄;幻想;vt.幻想

conciliating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your emotions as a couple are very quickly transmitted to others, even without any particular idea of conciliating them. ─── 你们两人之间的情绪甚至都没来得及具体想想如何安抚,就很快就传染给别人。

2、In case where a people's conciliation committee violates the law in conciliating civil disputes, a people's court shall make corrections. ─── 人民调解委员会调解民间纠纷,如有违背法律的,人民法院应当予以纠正。

3、But let us suppose that so-called science has the power of conciliating all contradictions, and has an invariable standard of good and bad by which to try historical personages and events. ─── 可是,我们假定所谓科学有调和一切矛盾的可能性,它也有衡量历史人物和历史事件好坏永不改变的尺度。

4、The part of conciliating creditors rights that are not liquidated shall be exercised as bankrupt obligatory rights. ─── 和解债权未受偿的部分,作为破产债权行使权利。

5、for those men are most apt to be obsequious and conciliating abroad who are under the discipline of shrews at home. ─── 因为在老婆的严厉管束下,这种男人即使在外面,也已经习惯了妥协与奉承。

6、Women have more tact. They are more conciliating; they can persuade better. ─── 女人更懂得策略,她们更能赢得别人的同情抚慰,更善于劝说诱导。

7、Those men are most apt to be obsequious and conciliating abroad, who are under the discipline of shrews at home. ─── 一个人在家里受惯了泼妇的教训,到外面是最容易处处随和,事事顺从。

8、The author suggested revising the current consulting and conciliating mechanism to add ADR. ─── 笔者介绍和主张引入ADR解决机制,对目前的协商、调解机制提出了改进,力求敦促建立多元化机制来解决医患纠纷。

9、He spoke in a low, nervous, conciliating voice. ─── 他以一种低的、焦虑的,抚慰的声音讲话。

10、Where the peoples court declares the debtor bankrupt, liquidation received by the conciliating creditor from the debtor due to the execution of the agreement is still valid. ─── 人民法院宣告债务人破产的,和解债权人因债务人执行和解协议所受的清偿仍然有效。

11、"spoke in a conciliating tone"; ─── 注释列句:intended to placate;

12、Through conciliating the two components in conflict, Jefferson formed the theoretical system of constitutional democracy. ─── 正是在调和民主原则和宪政原则的基础上,杰斐逊建立起宪政民主的理论体系。

13、The conciliating creditors provided in the proceeding paragraph refer to those who enjoy obligatory rights to the debtor before the acceptance of the bankruptcy case by the peoples court. ─── 前款规定的和解债权人,是指在人民法院受理破产案件前对债务人享有债权的人。

14、Conciliating the settings of multi-generators’excitation system can improve the stability level of power system on the base of self-stability and has positive meaning to power system stability. ─── 多机励磁参数协调优化能够在保证励磁控制器稳定的基础上,提高系统的稳定性,对电力系统稳定有积极的影响。

15、But the author disagrees with this kind of view, and thinks that Al-Ghazzali is the spokesman and vindicator of Sufi and cannot really play a role in conciliating the two factions. ─── 但是笔者认为安萨里是一个苏非派的代言人和维护者而非融合者,他根本不可能起到真正的融合作用。

16、Those men are most apt to be obsequious and conciliating abroad, who are under the discipline of shrews at home . ─── 人在家里受惯了泼妇的教训,到外面是最容易处处随和,事事顺从。

17、Enterprises organization system just serves this way, conciliating and solving this contradiction. ─── 而企业的组织系统正是服务和服从于创新,协调和解决这种矛盾的。

18、3.spoke in a conciliating tone; a conciliatory visit. ─── 以调和的口吻说话;和解性的访问。

19、Her air was not conciliating, nor was her manner of receiving them such as to make her visitors forget their inferior rank. ─── 她的样子并不十分客气,接待宾客的态度也不能使宾客忘却自己身份的低微。

20、Those men are most apt to be obsequious and conciliating abroad, who are under the discipline of shrews at home ─── 一个人在家里受惯了泼妇的教训,到外面是最容易处处随和,事事顺从。

21、The part of conciliating creditors rights that are not liquidated shall be exercised as bankrupt obligatory rights. ─── 和解债权未受偿的部分,作为破产债权行使权利。

22、Article 5 The administrative department of economy and trade under the State Council shall be responsible for organizing and conciliating the promotion of clean production within the whole country. ─── 第五条国务院经济贸易行政主管部门负责组织、协调全国的清洁生产促进工作。

23、In case where a people's conciliation committee violates the law in conciliating civil disputes, a people's court shall make corrections. ─── 人民调解委员会调解民间纠纷,如有违背法律的,人民法院应当予以纠正。

24、This system possesses three functions: filling up injure, conciliating spirit, sanctioning and preventing offence. ─── 该制度的确立有四个方面的重大意义:一是切实保护了婚姻当事人的合法权益;

25、I’m the best and most good at searching horse, choosing horse, following horse, conciliating horse, riding horse, studying horse; ─── 做什么事情,一定要立即去做,不要拖延,不要把应该立即完成的事情,拖到以后。

26、As he was quite a creature of Mr. Quilp's and had a thousand reasons for conciliating his good opinion, he tried to smile. ─── 因为他是奎尔普先生的食客,有一千种的理由逢迎他,因此只好露出笑容。

27、Fulfilling consciously of the party and conciliating is little, the high implementing rate of forceful executive measure; ─── 当事人自觉履行、执行和解少,强制执行措施实施率高;

28、They advocated conciliating between Chinese culture and western culture,appealed to worship Confucius,having influenced ideology circles and the Confucianism movement to some extent. ─── 他们提倡中西文化调和,主张尊崇孔教,在当时产生了一定影响,推动了孔教运动的发展。

29、Gentlemen, you're on the wrong tack. Conciliating the government will do no good. What we must do is to rouse the people. ─── 诸位先生,你们走错路了,跟政府妥协是没有什么好处的。我们所应做的事情是唤起民众。

30、Enterprise s organization system just serves this way, conciliating and solving this contradiction. ─── 而企业的组织系统正是服务和服从于创新,协调和解决这种矛盾的。

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