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08-20 投稿


probation 发音

英:[pr?'be??(?)n]  美:[pro'be??n]

英:  美:

probation 中文意思翻译



probation 词性/词形变化,probation变形

副词: proba-tionally |形容词: probational |

probation 短语词组

on probation

1. 在试用期的, 见习的

He was a mechanic who was on probation.


1、probation officer ─── 缓刑监督官 [法] 试用官, 监护官, 监视 ─── 缓刑犯的官员

2、probation home ─── [法] 缓刑犯的教养所

3、probation hostel ─── [法] 缓刑犯收容所

4、probation of will ─── [法] 遗嘱检验, 遗嘱认证

5、during probation ─── [经] 试用期间

6、probation system ─── [法] 试用制度, 缓刑制度

7、appointment on probation ─── [法] 试用

8、officer on probation ─── [法] 试用职员

9、probation offenders ─── [法] 缓刑制度

10、probation period ─── [化] 试用期

11、release on probation ─── [法] 缓刑释放

12、under probation ─── [法] 在缓刑中

13、probation manager ─── 试用期经理

14、free a prisoner on probation ─── [法] 假释

15、probation office ─── 缓刑办公室

16、probation report ─── [化] 检定报告

17、probation agency ─── [法] 青少年教养所

18、on probation ─── 作为试用, 察看, 缓刑 [经] ─── 作为试用, 试用期间

19、period of probation ─── [经] 试用期, 学徙期

probation 相似词语短语

1、proration ─── n.按比例分配;配定产量

2、improbation ─── 不赞成

3、probational ─── adj.试用的,试行的;缓刑的;检验的;察看的

4、reprobation ─── n.反对;排斥;谴责

5、probationer ─── n.试用人员;实习生;缓刑犯;试读生

6、pronation ─── n.手掌向下;(手足的)内转

7、prolation ─── 生产

8、approbation ─── n.认可;赞许;批准

9、probations ─── n.试用;缓刑;查验

probation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was followed on the list by heiress Paris Hilton who spent three weeks in jail this year on a probation violation. ─── 其次便是帕丽斯?希尔顿,今年,这位豪门女星因在缓刑期违规驾驶而入狱三周。

2、They informed me I was being put on probation for conduct unbecoming a Morgan Stanley professional. ─── 他们通知我,我因不符合摩根斯坦利专业人员的不当行为而被留职察看。

3、I was admittedly upset when the judge asked me to help administer Tom's probation. ─── 不可否认,当法官让我协助执行汤姆的缓刑时,我很烦恼。

4、In 2004 she was given a conditional discharge and a year's probation after harassing a former partner. ─── 在2004年她获得了有条件释放和一年的试用期后,骚扰的前任合伙人。

5、Due to the probation of the basketball team, Barry and the Hurricanes did not take part in the NCAA Tournament at the time. ─── 但是由于球队当年正处于NCAA的处罚期间,巴里没有参加过NCAA锦标赛,不得不说是一个遗憾。

6、OK. It seems that you are quite familiar with that position. You have the seniority and I know you can do the job. Do you understand the probation? ─── 好,看起来你似乎对那个岗位很了解啊!你具备应有资历,你会把工作做好的。你了解公司的试用期情况吗?

7、A Unit may stipulate only one probation period with any given laborer. ─── 同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期。

8、You have your concept of life, I have my concept of life, I noninterference you. As long as I can, I probation on you. If not, then I named. ─── 你有你的生命观,我有我的生命观,我不干涉你。只要我能,我就感化你。如果不能,那我就认命。

9、He is on three month ' probation . ─── 他正在三个月的试用期。

10、I'm prepared to pay you HK $3,000 a month during the probation period. ─── 在试用期间我会给你每月3000港元。

11、Probation is part of the sentencing process. ─── 宣告缓刑是量刑程序的一部分。

12、Although Libby's prison time was commuted, he still must pay a 250-thousand dollar fine and will be on probation for two years. ─── 尽管利比不必进监狱,但是他仍然必须支付25万美元的罚款,还需要察看两年。

13、He is on three months' probation. ─── 他正在服3个月的缓刑。

14、The letters "PROB" appearing on your grade report indicate that you have been placed on academic probation. ─── 你的成绩单上若出现"PROB"字样表示你已被留校察看。

15、There also was his rocky collegiate career, in which his acceptance of payments from a booster landed the school on NCAA probation. ─── 喇嘛的大学职业生涯是困难重重的,要知道他在大学期间是靠接受学校一个捐赠者的资助来完成学业的。

16、Raises are given after 3 months' probation period according to your performance. ─── 三个月试用期后,我们会按照你的表现来给你加薪的,

17、Many college graduates remain technicians on probation after they have worked for several years. Why can we not boldly promote them to engineers? ─── 好多大学毕业生,工作了几年还当见习技术员,为什么不能大胆提拔当工程师?

18、But we have a three month's probation at first. ─── 但是先要有三个月的试用期。

19、Raises are given after there months' probation period according to your performance. ─── 三个月的试用期后将根据工作表现加薪。

20、He was sentenced to time served, 6)probation, community service, and ordered to make restitution and undergo counseling. ─── 凯文最终被判入狱,缓期执行,他需服务社区,归还窃款并接受心理辅导。

21、If a labor contract has a term of no less than three years or is non-fixed, the probation period may not exceed six months. ─── 三年以上固定期限和无固定期限的劳动合同,试用期不得超过六个月。

22、During his probation period, a laborer may dissolve his labor contract at any time by informing his Unit. ─── 劳动者在试用期内提前三日通知用人单位,可以解除劳动合同。

23、If students fall too far below this standard, they may be placed on probation. ─── 如果学生的成绩远远低于此的话,校方可能把他们列为“试读”。

24、Raises are given after three months probation period according to your performance. ─── 3个月的试用期后将根据工作表现加薪。

25、He's been released from prison on probation,ie If he does not behave satisfactorily he will be sent back. ─── 他获释服缓刑(若表现不好则重新收监).

26、His request to be release on probation has not been sustained . ─── 他尚未获准假释。

27、Everyone marvels at Cruella's incredible transformation,all except her dog loving probation officer,Chloe Simon,who doesn't believe it for a minute. ─── 人人惊叹克鲁拉不可思议的转变,惟独她的监视官,爱狗的克洛艾·西蒙,对此却压根儿不信。

28、Applicants are quizzed to see if they accept the code, and those who pass their probation are offered $2, 000 if they choose to leave. ─── 公司在招聘员工时,会进行测试以确定他们是否接受这些准则,而那些通过试用期的员工如果选择离职,将会得到2000美元。

29、Inside novitiate but the probation that set does not exceed 6 months. ─── 在见习期内可设定不超过六个月的试用期。

30、Raises will be given after a three-month probation according to your performance. Is that satisfactory? ─── 三个月的试用期后根据你的表现我们会为你加薪的,这样你满意吗?

31、So those who hove just been sentenced to probation should be regard as having criminal record. ─── 前一犯罪被判处缓刑的犯罪人可以构成前科。

32、The probation period for parole shall be counted from the date the criminal is released on parole. ─── 假释考验期限,从假释之日起计算。

33、He was given two years' probation. ─── 他被判缓刑两年。

34、The caller was a probation officer who recognized the suspect's characterization and gave a lead that turned out to be correct. ─── 打电话的是谁感化主任承认嫌疑人的特征,并给予了领先,被证明是正确的。

35、Whether does labor contract have probation? ─── 劳动合同是否有试用期?

36、The school put him on probation for one semester. ─── 学校要求他先试读一学期。

37、Uniformed Group Service, Hong Kong Award For Young persons, Temporary Residential Service, Hotline Service, Probation Service, etc. ─── 包括制服团体、香港青年奖励计划、青少年临时宿舍、热线服务及感化服务等。

38、Mason plans to increase the number to a hundred in a preliminary study in which convicts are assigned to meditation practice during probation. ─── 他计划对一百名被告作初步的观察,并利用打坐取代缓刑。

39、You'll be on probation for a period of three months. What do you say? ─── 你要经过3个月的试用期。你意下如何?

40、The probation period for parole is counted as commencing on the date of parole. ─── 假释考验期限,从假释之日起计算。

41、How does graduate of school of old technical secondary school, ability agree novitiate and probation? ─── 大中专、技校毕业生如何约定见习期与试用期?

42、Assist in performance management procedure of employee probation. ─── 协助完成每月转正员工的考核。

43、The judge did not jail the young man, but put him on probation for a year. ─── 法官没有把那个年轻人关进监狱,而且将他缓刑察看一年。

44、Any employee who persists in using Instant Messaging will first receive a warning and be placed on probation. ─── 任何坚持使用即时通信系统的人,如果是初犯就会受到警告,然后试用一段时间。

45、She was sentenced to probation for one year. ─── 她被判处一年的缓刑。

46、So does from the angle of legal principle, no difference in applicable object between suspend judgment and probation. ─── 从法理的角度对暂缓判决的适用对象进行分析,发现暂缓判决适用对象与缓刑的适用对象一致,两者产生竞合。

47、Lastly, no probation is involved. ─── 另外,公司没有试用期。

48、Family cooperation is the key factor behind successful probation work. ─── 家人的配合,是观护工作成功的要素。

49、Henry was on his best behavior throughout the three months on probation. ─── 在三个月的试用期里,亨利自始至终尽量使自己表现良好。

50、After hearing our probation disk,the record company are going to see us. ─── 唱片公司的人听过我们的试听带,现在想见我们.

51、Follows up closely the end of probation period date and end of contract date. ─── 密切跟踪员工试用期或合同的到期期限。

52、With this I believe is because, Tang earth to probation. ─── 就是因为有了这份相信,唐僧才能感化人间。

53、IU accepted three years probation as well as self-imposed sanctions such as the reduction of scholarships and ejection of several players. ─── 印第安纳大学将被察看三年,另外还有自愿的制裁如减少奖学金和开除几个球员。

54、C: well, that's part of the problem. His probation period is up tomorrow and I don't think he's ready to pass. ─── 嗯,这是个问题,到明天他试用期就满了,不过我觉得他合格不了。

55、In the end both boys were arrested. Cornell spent a year in prison and Cobb got off with five years' probation. ─── 两个大儿子终于被捕:小康奈尔蹲了一年监狱; 科布判刑5年,监外执行。

56、Commonly speaking, we can classify employees into four categories through the observation during probation period and eyes on them. ─── 一般来说,通过观察期的观察与“密切跟踪”,我们基本上可以把员工分为四种:

57、The staff was to include sociologists, lawyers, police officers, clergymen and probation officers. ─── 他们的人员将包括社会学家、律师、警察、牧师和实习人员。

58、Salary: Monthly salary RMB2.5 thousand or above during probation. ─── 工资待遇:试用期月薪2.5万元以上。

59、HR Administrator: But there is a big bonus for employees at the end of the probation period. ─── 但是试用期一满,员工就会得到很大一笔奖金。

60、He was a mechanic who was on probation. ─── 他是一名见习机械工。

61、A technician on probation was hit by a piece of falling masonry. ─── 一个见习技术员被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。

62、Frankly speaking, I'm still in probation, unable to make it clear on the management pattern of JH. ─── 坦白说由于我还在试用期,所以还没完全搞清JH的管理模式。

63、Do you understand what probation is? ─── 你了解公司的试用期情况吗?

64、The status of a person on probation. ─── 察看在服缓刑(或在受察看)的状况

65、You are on probation, and one false step, you will be kicked out of the company. ─── 你在留职察看,若再犯一次错误,就会被公司开除。

66、The design calculations, probation and notice items of the condensation in the gas puriflcation are discussed detailedly in this paper. ─── 介绍了气体净化装置的冷凝冷却器详细设计计算、试用情况及设备设计注意事项。

67、He was a mechanic who was on probation . ─── 它们不过是抑制情欲的一种考验。

68、Students are on probation for the first semester in college. Any problems will be discussed by a Student Review Committee. ─── 学生在入学第一个学期,在学院里面会对学生检验.任何问题将由一个学生评论委员会讨论.

69、Umbridge, in the 1995-6 school year, having been made Hogwarts High Inquisitor, first put Trelawney on probation, then fired her. ─── 乌姆里奇在1995至1996学年度曾担任霍格沃兹高级调查官,首先把特里劳妮留用查看,然后就解雇了她。

70、If during this "probation period" person's moral standards appear not to be high enough The Daughters than kill him using telekinesis. ─── 几年后,这个女人在一家医院里面被杀了,目击者说是三个年轻的姑娘用了三种不同的铁器杀死了她。

71、He was sentenced to 15 months of probation in January 2007 on an unspecified assault charge, according to the Alberta, Canada Ministry of Justice. ─── 他被判处15个月的缓刑(于2007年1月),因为1项不明原因的指控(根据加拿大的阿尔伯塔司法部)。

72、At the outset, we will set a probation period of 6 months for this new training body on provisional basis. ─── 但新的培训机构将于首6个月内为试用期。

73、He's been released from prison on probation, ie If he does not behave satisfactorily he will be sent back. ─── 他获释服缓刑(若表现不好则重新收监).

74、He undertakes to report to the probation office once a month . ─── 他答应每月一次向负责缓刑的办公室进行汇报。

75、He is sentenced finally service of 3 years of probation, community and 10000 dollars amerce. ─── 他最后被判处3年缓刑、社区服务和10000美元罚款。

76、They agreed to a few days off without pay and two years of probation. ─── 最后他们决定禁止他工作数日同时停薪,并缓刑两年。

77、Accordingly, the salary inside probation cannot under minimum wage standard. ─── 因此,试用期内的工资不能低于最低工资标准。

78、The prisoner was put on probation. ─── 犯人已获缓刑。

79、She was on probation for that offense when she was charged with driving under the influence in 2005. ─── 她被感化,罪当她被控驾驶的影响下,在2005年完成。

80、Proceed to the next grade on academic probation for one semester.His/Her failing record will be displayed on the transcript. ─── 1可以选择升级跟班试读,但是所有不及格的成绩记录将会被显示在成绩单上。

81、Not now. After the probation, we can talk about that. ─── 不是现在,在试用期过后我们再谈吧。

82、She was inclined to give Michael probation. But, because he fired a deadly weapon during the attempted robbery, she wants him to do time. ─── 她原来有意给予Michael缓刑,但是,由于他在抢劫未遂的过程中,射击了致命的武器,因此要判他服刑。

83、The enterprise annuities plan shall be applicable to the persons after probation. ─── 企业年金方案适用于企业试用期满的职工。

84、Angels Nobuyoshi, the father of her life will pick up a book of faith, probation evil. ─── 天使信善,父便命她拿起信仰之书,感化罪恶。

85、She was found guilty of manslaughter and put on probation for two years. ─── 她被判过失杀人罪,缓刑两年。

86、He returned to jail in 1998 after violating his probation by leaving the state to visit Lindsay on a California movie set. ─── 他回到监狱后,在1998年,他违反了缓刑所留国访问波特加州布景。

87、Those with qualifications for teachers who are for the first time appointed as teachers shall undergo a probation period. ─── 取得教师资格的人员首次任教时,应当有试用期。

88、He was given two years' probation. ─── 他被判缓刑两年。

89、Conduct new BA counter coaching and monthly performance evaluation during probation period. ─── 对新入职BA进行柜台辅导,完成试用期月度评估。

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