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08-20 投稿


collation 发音

英:[k??le??n]  美:[k??le??n]

英:  美:

collation 中文意思翻译



collation 短语词组

1、collation does not mean causation ─── 校勘并不意味着因果关系

2、collation operation “ ─── 与”运算

3、collation meaning ─── 校勘意义

4、collation of data ─── 数据的整理

5、collation file code ─── [计] 整理文件代码

6、collation mismatch tableau ─── 排序规则不匹配表

7、collation sequence ─── 整理顺序

8、food collation ─── 食品整理

collation 同义词

corroboratory | indemnity | confirmative | verifying | indirect | warranty | confirmatory | circumstantial | secondary | surety |security | confirming | substantiative | substantiating | verificatory | guarantee | validatory | parallel | validating | insurance | corroborative

collation 反义词


collation 相似词语短语

1、collocation ─── n.搭配;配置;排列

2、colligation ─── n.绑扎;缚束;结束

3、decollation ─── n.杀头;断头;断头术

4、ocellation ─── 顶裂

5、collimation ─── n.瞄准

6、collection ─── n.采集,聚集;[税收]征收;收藏品;募捐

7、coloration ─── n.(植物或动物的)自然色彩,自然花纹;着色法,染色法;普遍特性;染色效应;音调(或音质)的变化;(某种)特征,品质;表明(某种)态度的一面

8、collations ─── n.校对;便餐;斋日的点心;牧师职务;排列规则

9、colocation ─── n.场地出租;主机代管

collation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore, the identifiers for variables, GOTO labels, and temporary tables are in the default collation of the instance. ─── 因此,变量、GOTO标签和临时表的标识符使用实例的默认排序规则。

2、Cross-platform restore operations, even between different processor types, can be performed as long as the collation of the database is supported by the operating system. ─── 只要操作系统支持数据库排序规则,就可以跨平台执行还原操作,即使这些平台使用不同的处理器类型。

3、In the past and current planning work, the information collection and collation is very complex and huge. ─── 在以往的及现在的规划工作中,基础资料的收集和整理是一项非常复杂和庞大的工作。

4、A data value, option setting, collation, or name assigned automatically by the system if a user does not specify the value, setting, collation, or name. ─── 在用户未指定值、设置、排序规则或名称的情况下,系统自动分配的数据值、选项设置、排序规则或名称。

5、Even if the column was explicitly assigned a collation by using a COLLATE clause in the CREATE TABLE or CREATE VIEW statement, the column reference is classified as implicit. ─── 即使使用CREATE TABLE或CREATE VIEW语句中的COLLATE子句为列显式分配了排序规则,该列引用仍归为隐式。

6、A collation of parallel passages, especially from the Gospels, with a commentary demonstrating their consonance and explaining their discrepancies. ─── 四福音对照书一种平行段落的对照书,尤其是从福音书中摘取的带有评语以说明他们的和谐和解释他们的差异

7、The salesman shall do the classification and collation of the business documents. And to keep the service work aiming to establish long-term reliable cooperation partners. ─── 全部收汇后,业务人员应该及时对相关资料进行整理。并注意对客户的售后服务,进行跟踪,以建立长期的可信赖合作伙伴关系。

8、However, the collation would be wrong when the number of digits changed, so leading zeroes are provided. ─── 不过,如果数字的位数发生了变化,整理就会发生错误,所以要给出前导的零。

9、This thesis also illustrates the applications of Yang"s Exegetics in three aspects: collation of ancient books, compilation of dictionaries and study of literature and history. ─── 从古籍整理、辞书编纂和文史研究等三方面举例说明杨氏训诂的应用;

10、The "Default collation attributes" column shows the full name of the collation for the specific locale. ─── “默认排序规则属性”列显示特定地区的完整排序规则名。

11、If the collation label started with a string that indicated an ANSI code page, conversion would be turned off. ─── 如果归类标签的起始字符串指示ANSI代码页,则会关闭转换,否则,会打开转换。

12、Analysis Services uses the same collation designators and sort order settings as the SQL Server Database Engine. ─── Analysis Services使用的排序规则指示符和排序顺序设置与SQL Server数据库引擎相同。

13、However, the expression CharCol has a collation label of Implicit, and N'abc' has a lower coercion label of Coercible-default. ─── 但是,表达式CharCol具有隐式排序规则标签,而N'abc'具有级别更低的强制标签,即强制默认。

14、Soon they had finished their tea and sat down to a collation of choice wine and delicacies. ─── "须臾茶毕,早已设下杯盘,那美酒佳肴自不必说."

15、Returns a binary string of weights for each character in a non-Unicode string expression defined with an SQL tertiary collation. ─── 为使用SQL第三排序规则定义的非Unicode字符串表达式中的每个字符,返回一个表示权重的二进制字符串。

16、Match, or resolve, the database collation settings with a non-Unicode XML encoding scheme. ─── 使用非Unicode XML编码方案匹配或解析数据库排序规则设置。

17、The guideline, or the "instructive idea" , of their collation was the "main stream" of the thought of their time, i. e. ─── 他们整理时是有明确指导思想的,即当时“主流”思潮——儒家的思想。

18、Is a clause that can be applied to a database definition or a column definition to define the collation, or to a character string expression to apply a collation cast. ─── 一个子句,可应用于数据库定义或列定义以定义排序规则,或应用于字符串表达式以应用排序规则转换。

19、Moreover, I have attached to the last part of the thesis my collation achievement in the process of research. ─── 另外,在本文的最后,附上了研究本书时所得到的一些校勘成果。

20、Functions that take multiple character string inputs and return a character string use the rules of collation precedence to set the collation of the output string. ─── 使用多个字符串输入并返回字符串的函数,使用排序规则的优先顺序规则设置输出字符串的排序规则。

21、The UNION operator is also collation sensitive, and all string operands and the final result is assigned the collation of the operand with the highest precedence. ─── UNION运算符也区分排序规则,且所有字符串操作数和最终结果被赋以具有最高优先顺序的操作数的排序规则。

22、You can use the COLLATE clause to cast a character expression to a certain collation. ─── 可以使用COLLATE子句将字符表达式转换为某个排序规则。

23、Collat and Lingane have shown that electrolytic reduction of nitrate ions proceeds all the way to NH4+ in the presence of Cu2+. ─── Collat与Ligane已经表明,在Cu2+存在下硝酸根离子的电解还原都产生NH4+。

24、Column '%.*ls.%.*ls' is not of same collation as referencing column: '%.*ls.%.*ls' in foreign key '%.*ls'. ─── 列 ''%1!.%3!'' 与引用列的排序规则不同:''%5!.%7!''(位于外键 ''%9!'' 中)。

25、The collation of the Tibetanlanguage Tripitaka (Gangyur and Tengyur) has been completed. ─── 国家重点支持的藏文《大藏经》(甘珠尔、丹珠尔)校勘项目已经完成。

26、Today,the retrieval,collation and study of this epic has been included in the state's key social science research projects,and a special institution has been founded to take charge of the project. ─── 今天,对这部史诗的抢救、整理和研究工作被列为国家社会科学重点研究项目,并成立了专门机构负责这项工程。

27、The Hindi collation is deprecated in SQL Server 2005 because the Windows 2000 Beta 2 sorting table is used in this SQL Server release. ─── SQL Server 2005中不推荐使用印地语排序规则,因为在此SQL Server版本中使用了Windows 2000 Beta 2排序表。

28、There is a collation mismatch between the main instance database and the application database. ─── 主实例数据库与应用程序数据库的排序规则不匹配。

29、List the available collation sequences and exit. ─── 列出可用的归类序列,然后退出。

30、If the input and output of the CAST and CONVERT functions are character strings, the output string has the collation label of the input string. ─── 如果CAST和CONVERT函数的输入和输出是字符串,则输出字符串具有输入字符串的排序规则标签。

31、For example, Latin1_General and French are collation designators that use code page 1252. ─── 例如,Latin1_General和法语是使用代码页1252的排序规则指示符。

32、character codes and collation. ─── 字符编码和排列法简介。

33、Camera calibration code, OPENCV did not provide a complete example of its own collation, then paste it records. ─── 摄像头标定的代码,OPENCV没有提供完整的示例,自己整理了一下,贴出来记录。

34、If you do not, the custom collation will conflict with the original collation on which it is based. ─── 如果您不更改该标签,则自定义归类将与它所基于的原始归类冲突。

35、Whenever possible, define the collation sequence of your remote database to be the same as that of your consolidated database. ─── 如果可能的话,请将您的远程数据库的归类序列定义为与统一数据库的归类序列相同。

36、Beijing center for the collation of land reserves in the forums on the value and significance of the land reserves. ─── 北京市土地储备整理中心负责人在论坛上介绍了土地储备的价值和意义。

37、The UNION ALL and CASE operators are collation insensitive, and all string operands and the final results are assigned the collation label of the operand with the highest precedence. ─── UNION ALL和CASE运算符不区分排序规则,所有的字符串操作数和最终结果都被赋以具有最高优先顺序的操作数的排序规则标签。

38、But the ruling collation in Parliament said the President's order was illegal. ─── 但是国会宪法修订者说总统的命令是违法的。

39、Material and methods: Select8 documents about acupuncture that representative different dynasties of China history, modern four documents inquire into acupuncture's accidental monograph, excerpt relative to document and collation. ─── 另随机选定51具新群尸体,进行局部解剖,探讨穴位安全针刺深度与危险深度。

40、Collation Compatible and Collation Name are mutually exclusive options. If you select Collation Compatible, the Collation Name selected will be cleared. Do you wish to continue? ─── “兼容排序规则”与“排序规则名称”是互斥的选项。如果选择“兼容排序规则”,将会清除所选的“排序规则名称”。要继续吗?

41、Returns the unique name for the collation if the column is character data or text data type. ─── 如果列是字符数据或text数据类型,则为排序规则返回唯一的名称。

42、The reference dictionary is sorted phonetically, making a systematic collation algorithm that will follow the same order impossible. ─── 参考词典是按语音顺序排列的,使得系统的排列算法无法按照相同的顺序实现。

43、The specification of a locale automatically presets all the other collation attributes to values that are suitable for that locale. ─── 指定一个地区就会自动地将所有其他排序规则属性预设置为适合这个地区的值。

44、In the concrete operating process, they were also earnest, meticulous and responsible and dealt win concrete matters relating to work, such as the collation and research of the textual tones and the reversion of Ci poet Lijue. ─── 在具体操作过程中也做到认真、实、责,从原作的校勘到词调的考证、人里爵的还原都是一丝不苟。

45、The operating methods of holographic criticisms include "There is no flaw in a piece of pure jade", reestablishment after collation and the positioning of an artistic work. ─── 全息批评的操作方法包括“白璧无瑕”、校雠重建和作品定位等。

46、The paper dealt with collation and study of ancient literatures of mineral matters ameliorating soil, but the records were fragmentary. ─── 在长期的生产实践中,已摸索出利用矿物质改良土壤之法,古文献中有零星记载。

47、Select the name of a specific Windows collation from the. ─── 列表中选择特定的Windows排序规则的名称。

48、Collation centres ability to deploy land, control the supply of land and rhythm, which will have a profound impact on urban development. ─── 土地整理中心是否有能力调配、控制全市土地供应量和节奏,这将对城市发展产生深刻影响。

49、But Unicode also provides additional implementation guidelines, such as character properties, rendering, editing, string collation, etc. ─── 但Unicode也提供了附加的实现导则,例如字符属性、渲染、编辑、字符排序,等等。

50、To remove collation information from the communication process, Service Broker uses a byte-by-byte comparison to match service names, contract names, and message type names. ─── 为了删除通信过程中的排序规则信息,Service Broker采用逐字节进行比较的方式来匹配服务名称、约定名称和消息类型名称。

51、The VersaTrak Collation Conveyor accompanies the VersaPak loader with dual servo high-speed indexing and adjustable flight spacing to consistently group packages. ─── VersaTrakCollationConveyor与VersaPak装载器配套,并有组包裹的高速双伺服指数和调整运行间距。

52、If you must work with objects that have different collation and code page settings, you must code your queries to consider the rules of collation precedence. ─── 如果必须使用具有不同排序规则和代码页设置的对象,则必须对查询进行编码以考虑排序规则优先级的规则。

53、Cross-platform backup operations, even between different processor types, can be performed as long as the collation of the database is supported by the operating system. ─── 只要操作系统支持数据库的排序规则,就可以在不同的平台之间执行备份操作,即使这些平台使用不同的处理器类型。

54、In this example, a new collation will have to be prepared for every row. ─── 在这个例子中,对于每一行都要准备一个新的排序规则。

55、Comparing strings with a German collation. ─── 用德语排序比较字符串。

56、An expression you supplied in an indexed view definition uses two columns with different collation settings, so a collation clause has been added to one of the columns. ─── 在索引视图定义中提供的表达式使用了排序规则设置不同的两列,因此排序规则子句已经添加到其中的一列。

57、Unrecognized unicode collation values, using default values. ─── 不能识别的编码序列值,请使用默认值。

58、Several sort order options can be applied to the specified Analysis Services Windows collation to additionally define sorting and comparison rules based on case, accent, kana, and width sensitivity. ─── 可以将数个排序顺序选项应用于指定的Analysis Services Windows排序规则,以额外定义基于区分大小写、区分重音、区分假名以及区分全半角的排序和比较规则。

59、Translations for data and metadata can be defined on an Analysis Services instance so that client applications can receive Analysis Services objects in a specified language and collation. ─── 可以为Analysis Services实例定义数据和元数据的翻译,以便客户端应用程序能够以指定的语言和排序规则接收Analysis Services对象。

60、Most real estate units are reflected in the collation or Chaodiebuzhang shocks, the market did not dig out the outstanding performance of the special units. ─── 多数房地产个股都表现为震荡整理或超跌补涨,市场并没有挖掘出表现特别突出的个股。

61、Is a single string that specifies the collation name for a SQL collation. ─── 为SQL排序规则指定排序规则名称的单个字符串。

62、Collation Name and Collation Compatible are mutually exclusive options. If you select a Collation Name, the Collation Compatible option will be turned off. Do you wish to continue? ─── “排序规则名称”与“兼容排序规则”是互斥的选项。如果选择“排序规则名称”,将会禁用“兼容排序规则”选项。要继续吗?

63、Select a service from the drop-down list and then make your collation and sort order selections for that service. ─── 从下拉列表中选择服务,然后为该服务选择排序规则和排序顺序。

64、The base Windows collation rules specify which alphabet or language is used when dictionary sorting is applied, and also the code page that is used to store non-Unicode character data. ─── Windows基本排序规则指定应用字典排序时所用的字母表或语言,以及用于存储非Unicode字符数据的代码页。

65、Turkish is a collation designator that uses code page 1254. ─── 土耳其语是使用代码页1254的排序规则指示符。

66、PCI9054 notes, a lot of problems and solutions in the collation, comparison utility. ─── pci9054笔记,很多问题和解决方法的整理,比较实用。

67、Phrases in the Tang Dynasty epitaphs were studied systematically, based on the entire reading and collation of them. ─── 在全面阅读、校勘唐代墓志文献的基础上,本文首次对唐代墓志词语进行了系统研究。

68、SQL Server uses the collation information of character columns from the linked server. ─── SQL Server将使用链接服务器字符列的排序规则信息。

69、Is the name of the collation to be applied to the expression, column definition, or database definition. ─── 应用于表达式、列定义或数据库定义的排序规则的名称。

70、The assignment operator cannot assign values when the collation of the right text operand has a different code page than the left text operand. ─── 如果右边文本操作数的排序规则代码页与左边文本操作数的排序规则代码页不同,则不能为赋值运算符赋值。

71、The collation label of a complex expression that references two operand expressions with the same collation label is the collation label of the operand expressions. ─── 如果复杂表达式被引用两个操作数表达式的排序规则标签相同,则该复杂表达式的排序规则标签为操作数表达式的排序规则标签。

72、Use the SORTKEY function to create an index on the description column of the product table, sorted according to a Russian collation. ─── 使用SORTKEY函数为product表的description列创建索引,排序顺序根据俄语归类而定。

73、collation is the heart of any sorting algorithm. ─── 排序是任何排序算法的核心。

74、The spine of each section is printed with a rectangle or short thick rule called collation mark. ─── 在每帖的帖脊印上称为帖标的黑色方块或粗黑短线。

75、For this reason, the default collation order for data registered within an Operator Site is binary even though this choice is meaningless for some languages, and effectively favors alphabetic languages. ─── 基于这个原因,操作入口站点(Operator Site)对于注册数据的缺省遍序是基于二进制的,这样就无需考虑究竟是使用哪种语言,同时能够支持多种字符集。

76、Global Water Challenge is a collation coalition of 22 groups working for change in water and sanitation. ─── 全球应对水问题促进会是一个由22个小组所成的联盟,致力于改变水供应和卫生设施。

77、The effects of an ORDER BY clause on mixed-case data depend on the database collation and case sensitivity specified when the database is created. ─── ORDER BY子句对混合大小写数据的影响取决于在创建数据库时指定的数据库归类和大小写。

78、The collation of epitaphs need many knowledge of many subjects, which will be helpful to the collation and studies of ancient books. ─── 再次,对五代墓志词汇进行系统的研究。

79、The subsistent reasons of Chinese quantifier are analyzed based on the collation of quantifier and the explanation of special quantifier presented in Dunhuang medical volumes. ─── 分析显示,这个词汇系统是在继承和嬗变中形成的,有明显的历史层次。

80、A Windows collation identifier corresponds to a combination of code page and sort order information. ─── Windows排序规则标识符对应于代码页信息和排序顺序信息的组合。

81、The set of rules in a collation that define how characters are evaluated in comparison operations, and the sequence in which they are sorted. ─── 在排序规则中用于定义字符在比较运算中的求值方式及其排序顺序的一组规则。

82、A binary collation in Analysis Services defines the language locale and the ANSI code page to be used, enforcing a binary sort order. ─── Analysis Services中的二进制排序规则强制使用二进制排序顺序,定义了要使用的语言区域设置和ANSI代码页。

83、The collation label of a simple expression that references only one character string object is the collation label of the referenced object. ─── 只引用一个字符串对象的简单表达式的排序规则标签是被引用对象的排序规则标签。

84、The identifiers for variables, GOTO labels, temporary stored procedures, and temporary tables are in the default collation of the instance. ─── 变量、GOTO标签、临时存储过程和临时表的标识符位于实例的默认排序规则中。

85、From the trend, the end of last year, obviously there is heavy volume of regional funds to intervene, after a concussion after the collation, currently have the ability to try for. ─── 从走势上看,去年年底放量区域明显有资金介入,经过震荡整理之后,目前具备了拉升的能力。

86、Functions that take a character string input and return a character string output use the collation of the input string for the output. ─── 使用字符串输入并返回字符串输出的函数,对输出使用输入字符串的排序规则。

87、It was in this choice retreat that Mr. Quilp ordered a cold collation to be prepared. ─── 奎尔普先生就是在这个精美的别墅里预定冷点的。

88、You can use the COLLATE clause of the CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE statement to specify the default collation of the database. ─── 可以使用CREATE DATABASE或ALTER DATABASE语句的COLLATE子句指定数据库的默认排序规则。

89、In theory,they have been used for studies of polymers microscopic dynamics and conformation,phase transtion and collation,energy transfer and the process of photopolymerization. ─── 在理论研究中,它主要是以荧光探针技术来研究聚合物的微相动力学和构象,聚合物相转移和聚集行为,聚合物能量转移及光聚合过程。

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