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08-20 投稿


mangrove 发音

英:[?m?nɡro?v]  美:[?m??ɡr??v]

英:  美:

mangrove 中文意思翻译



mangrove 词性/词形变化,mangrove变形


mangrove 短语词组

1、mangrove extract ─── [化] 栲树栲胶; 栲树皮栲胶

2、Mangrove Swallow ─── 红树林燕子

3、black mangrove ─── 海榄雌(树)

4、mangrove crab ─── 红树林螃蟹

5、white mangrove ─── [网络] 假红木;白红树林

6、Mangrove Vireo ─── 红树林Vireo

7、mangrove snapper un. ─── 灰笛鲷 [网络] 红鱼由;红鲔;红友鱼

8、mangrove family un. ─── 红树科

9、mangrove bark ─── [医] 红树皮

10、mangrove forest ─── 红树林

11、Mangrove Pitta ─── 红树林皮塔

12、Mangrove Snake ─── 红树林蛇

13、mangrove coast ─── 红树林海岸

14、mangrove swamp ─── 红树林沼泽

15、mangrove jack ─── 红树林杰克

16、button mangrove ─── [网络] 绿钮树

17、mangrove plant ─── [医]红树林植物

18、Mangrove Finch ─── 红树林雀

19、Mangrove Robin ─── 红树林罗宾

mangrove 相似词语短语

1、mange ─── n.[兽医]兽疥癣;[兽医]家畜疥;n.(Mange)人名;(法)芒热;(英、意)曼奇;(西)曼赫

2、engroove ─── 开槽

3、ingroove ─── 槽

4、approve ─── vt.批准;赞成;为…提供证据;vi.批准;赞成;满意

5、mangroves ─── n.[林]红树林(mangrove的复数);红树属植物

6、manrope ─── 扶手绳;安全索

7、oak grove ─── 橡树林,栎木林

8、grove ─── n.小树林;果园

9、lemon grove ─── n.莱蒙格罗韦(加利福尼亚州)

mangrove 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Oh. How large is this mangrove? ─── 到底有多大呢?

2、Among the imperilled animals are the mangrove finch, one of the species known as Darwin's finches in the Galapagos. ─── 最受威胁的动物包括红树林雀,知名的达尔文雀中的一种。

3、In a lagoon, watermarks on mangrove roots inscribe a history of depth changes. ─── 一个礁湖中红树林的根部记下了水位变化的历史。

4、The Sundarbans mangrove forest, one of the largest such forests in the world (140,000 ha), lies on the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers on the Bay of Bengal. ─── 孙德尔本斯国家公园是世界上最大的红树森林之一,占地面积140,000公顷,位于孟加拉湾的恒河、布拉马普特拉河和梅克纳河三角洲。

5、Liao Baowen,Zheng Dezhang,Zheng Songfa.The Current S it uation and Prospects of Mangrove Afforestation in the South Chinas Coastal Areas. Tropical Forestry Newsletter, 1997(1) . ─── 廖宝文,郑德璋,郑松发等.海南岛清澜港红树林次生灌丛生物量与叶面积指数的测定,林业科学研究,1993(6).

6、Photo Gallery: Freshwater Plants &Animals An eastern diamondback rattlesnake perches on mangrove roots in Florida's Everglades. ─── 意译:淡水的植物和动物图片集。一条东部各州的有菱形斑纹的响尾蛇栖息在红树林的根部位于佛罗里达的沼泽地。

7、Mangrove and salt-marsh species have been planted in places where coastal development has destroyed the natural systems, a concept comparable to replanting trees in a logged forest. ─── 在那些被海岸设施建设破坏的地方,重新种上了红树及其它的盐碱地植被,就像在砍伐过的森林里补充种植树木一样。这些尝试十分鼓舞人心。

8、You can get a piece of fried mangrove with this free ticket. ─── 凭此卷你可以在肯德基免费得到一份炸薯条。

9、Above water there is a complete cross-section of a reef from the wave zone, to the reef crest, to the lagoon, and finally, a living mangrove swamp. ─── “水表上”是一个从波带到泻湖的完整礁石横截面,之后,周边则是红树林沼泽。

10、A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chinglo, Penghu (Pescadores), which is the only habitat distributed outside of the Taiwan island. The mangrove within is Avicennia marina. ─── 图16.台湾招潮的栖地之一:澎湖青螺,台湾招潮唯一在台湾岛以外的栖地,图中的矮小红树林为海茄冬。

11、Mangrove locates at the interface between land and sea,and is likely to be one of the first ecosystems to be affected by global climate change. ─── 因为红树林位于海洋与陆地之间,其可能是首先被全球气候变化影响的生态系统。

12、The Everglades is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles co-exist,where freshwater and saltwater mix to create an environment where mangrove trees and saw grass flourish. ─── 大沼泽地是世界上惟一一块短吻鳄与普通鳄鱼共存的地方。这里淡水与盐水相互交融,营造了一个红树与锯齿草繁茂生长的环境。

13、These figures, she thinks, have allowed environmentalists to protect Belize’s threatened mangrove forests better. ─── 她认为,这些数据可使环境保护主义者更好的保护伯利兹面临危险的红树林。

14、Ptyomaxia sp. was controlled with Bt at the concentration of 8~10 IU/mL in mangrove forest, and the average lethality was 90.61%. ─── 在林间,用8~10IU/mL的Bt稀释液喷雾对海榄雌瘤斑螟进行防治实验,平均防效为90.61%.

15、Every company in a mangrove products, provide customers a satisfactory purpose, hoping to become the outdoor recreation area of Hangzhou, a wind vane. ─── 公司本着每一件红树林产品,都为客户带来一份满意的宗旨,希望能成为杭州户外休闲领域的一个风向标。

16、Based on investigating on the mangrove resources in Zhanjiang in 2001 and 2005, we found that there was only 7242.0 hm2 of mangrove left. ─── 广东省湛江市现有红树林面积7242.0hm2,人工造林未成林25.6hm2,天然更新红树林509.4hm2,另有红树林宜林地9688.6hm2。

17、The necessity, methods and benefits of developing ecological mariculture in mangrove regions are analyzed primarily. ─── 对红树林区发展生态养殖的必要性、途径和效益进行了分析。

18、CH4 dynamics in sediments of a Bruguiera sexangula mangrove were studied at Hegang estuary of Dongzhai harbor in Hainan. ─── 对海南东寨港河港河口海莲红树林土壤CH4动态进行研究。

19、Eastern is a national mangrove resource protection zone, regardless of the wind blowing from every convenience, are very fresh. ─── 东边有国家级的红树林资源保护区,不管风从那方便吹过来,都是很新鲜的。

20、We manufacture very good quality Mangrove Wood/Kachi Charcoal. Please contact us for more information. Thank you very much. ─── [相关分类:饭店供应和客人娱乐设施,木炭,烧烤,烤制和户外烹饪

21、Nanjing Mangrove River Stones Factory is the Leading manufacturer and exporter of riverstones, river stones, colored pebbles, garden stones, cobbles, Cobblestones, pebblestones. ─── 南京红树林雨花石厂是中国最大的南京雨花石网片石五彩石鹅卵石园林石滤料生产。

22、The salinity of agar media should be low for the microbial isolation and enumeration of soil samples from the mangrove areas including mudflats. ─── 包括光滩在内的红树林区土壤微生物分离与计数的培养基宜控制较低盐度范围.

23、A mangrove endophytic fungus (No.1893) isolated from a dropper of Kandelia candel from an estuarine mangrove from the South China Sea, can produce various compounds. ─── 对采自香港的红树林内生真菌(1893号)的代谢产物进行了研究,共分离得到10个化合物。

24、To help conservation efforts, it prescribes a moratorium on further cutting of mangrove for shrimp cultivation. ─── 为配合进行养护努力,其规定暂停进一步的砍伐红树林进行养虾的活动。

25、Imagine a mangrove lagoon surrounded by spectacular karst scenery and we will take you there. ─── 想像一下被壮观石灰石峭壁环绕的红树林礁湖的幽静,我们将带您去的这是这样一个地方。

26、A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chinshui, Hsinchu City, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel. ─── 图8.台湾招潮的栖地之一:新竹市浸水,图中矮小的红树林为水笔仔。

27、We should give credit to this mangrove forest. ─── 应该也都是红树林的功劳吧。

28、A collared kingfisher preens in the Sundarbans mangrove forest of Bangladesh. ─── 一只白领翡翠鸟在孟加拉国巽达班斯红树林里整理羽毛。

29、The paper describes the current situation of mangrove wetlands in Shenzhen and main threats to the wetlands.Proposals were made for development of mangrove ecotourism based on realistic situation. ─── 介绍了深圳红树林湿地的现状、面临的主要威胁,并结合实际情况对开发红树林生态旅游提出了建议。

30、We focus mainly on the adaptive evolution of mangroves and conclude that vivipary and salt-secreting traits are of independent origin in the mangrove species. ─── 开展了红树植物适应性特征进化研究,获得了胎萌和泌盐性状在红树植物中为独立起源等重要结果。

31、Next, we rode to a place to ride on a bamboo raft, we took a look of the mangrove forest ecosystem, we saw some fiddler crabs and kandelia. ─── 后来,我们骑到一个不知名的地方搭竹筏,看红树林的生态,我们看到了招潮蟹跟水笔仔。

32、A simulated mangrove wetland was set up in a greenhouse and the experiment was performed to research the behavior of nickel in synthetic wastewater in Avicennia marina simulated wetland system. ─── 在温室中建立红树林植物白骨壤模拟湿地系统,分别用正常、5倍和10倍浓度的人工配置的城市污水每周定时定量对模拟系统污灌2次,用海水作对照,持续1a。

33、At one extreme are pure, natural ecosystems like an alpine meadow or a mangrove swamp. ─── 其中一个极端是纯净的自然生态系统,如高山草甸或是红树林沼泽。

34、Authorities who have been to the crash site say the plane plunged nose first into a muddy mangrove forest about 20 kilometers from the coastal city of Douala. ─── 去过出事地点的有关官员说,飞机在跌落时机头栽进了距离海滨城市杜阿拉机场20公里的一个红树林沼泽地。

35、In the mangrove forests, we saw a lot of plants and animals, such as fiddler crabs, and kandelia. ─── 在红树林,我们看见了许多的动植物,如招潮蟹,水笔仔等生物。

36、Red mangrove roots arch across thousands of Sonneratia alba mangrove root spikes snorkeling up through a mudflat in Kosrae Island, Micronesia. ─── 在密克罗尼西亚的科斯瑞岛,拱状的美国红树树根盘据在成千上万的杯萼海桑树根之上,笋状的杯萼海桑树根是其在泥滩上的透气管。

37、Clearance work to make way for pipelines was decimating the world's third-largest mangrove forest. ─── 为铺设管道而开展的清理工作毁灭了世界第三大的红树林。

38、As we wade through the lucid pool, small fish dart among mangrove roots that spider in all directions, and crabs skitter into hiding. ─── 当我们淌过这片透明的湖泊时,小鱼们像箭一样在红树林的根系之间快速穿梭。

39、The mangrove forests are evergreen. ─── 红树林是常青树。

40、One of nature's wonders that is feeling the heat of climate change is Sunderbans, a unique mangrove ecosystem spread across India and Bangladesh . ─── 世界奇观之一,一个横跨印度和孟加拉的,奇特红树林生态系统,三德班正感受著暖化的温度。

41、In many islands, cacti and prickly bushes replaced the shore arid zone mangrove forest. ─── 在许多的岛屿上,仙人掌和多刺灌木干旱区取代了岸边的红树林区。

42、We can also protect the reefs by protecting the surrounding ecosystems, like mangrove forests and seagrass beds. ─── 我们保护珊瑚礁的方法还有保护周边的生态系统,比如红树林和海草丛。

43、This paper deals with the characters of the flora, type, physiognomy,structure, species diversity and succession of the mangrove communities in Yingluo Bay of Gauangxi. ─── 对广西英罗湾红树植物群落的种类组成、类型、外貌、结构、物种多样性和演替等进行了较系统的探讨。

44、BHBH of nearly 1,200 mu is in the center of Behai College Park, neigbouring the state AAAA scenic spot of Beihai Silver Beach ------the First Beach in China and Jinhaiwan Mangrove Eco-tourism Resort. ─── 北航北海学院,占地近1200亩,位于北海市大学园区中心,紧邻国家AAAA级风景区“天下第一滩”银滩和金海湾红树林生态旅游度假区。

45、These ponds produce delicious gei wai shrimps and also support valuable stands of mangrove and their associated wildlife. ─── 基围不单出产美味的基围虾,也是宝贵的红树林及其他相关野生生物的重要生境。

46、Therefore, it is necessary to take a multi-faceted protection measures, so that the shellfish resources and biodiversity in Zhanjiang mangrove can be in sustainable development and use. ─── 因此,采取多方位的保护措施,以使红树林区生物多样性资源得到可持续利用势在必行。

47、So,such division is of instructive significance for development of mangrove research on Hainan island in the future. ─── 对今后海南岛红树林的研究发展方向有一定的指导意义。

48、The method has already been used to regenerate mangrove forest in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. ─── 路易斯安那州已经使用这种方法重建被卡特丽娜飓风摧毁的红树林。

49、Almost extinct evergreen small arbor found in coastal and swamp areas in Tainan and Kaohsiung. It is the striking feature in Sihcao mangrove forest. ─── 产于台南高雄沿海沼泽地区已近绝迹,此为四草地区红树林的一大特色。

50、This paper deals with the species diversity of the fishes living in the forest-fringed and tidal creek waters of mangrove area at the Yingluo Bay, Guangxi Province. ─── 1999年4个季度研究了广西英罗港红树林区的林缘和潮沟潮水中鱼类的种类多样性?

51、The effects of wastewter discharge on the population structure and pollution ecology of algae in a mangrove area were studied in Futian mangrove swamp, Shenzhen. ─── 在海水退潮时,将生活污水排入红树林区,调查藻类的种类组成和数量变化。

52、The coastal area of Belize is an outstanding natural system consisting of the largest barrier reef in the northern hemisphere, offshore atolls, several hundred sand cays, mangrove forests, coastal lagoons and estuaries. ─── 伯利兹的海岸是北半球最大的堤礁自然生态系统,它由近海环礁、几百个沙洲、美洲红树林、沿海泻湖、港湾等组成。

53、Additionally, cooperation and exchange have also been carried out with mangrove scholars from Seikei University and University of the Ryukyus in Japan for mangrove research. ─── 另外,本中心还与日本成蹊大学、球大学的学者开展了红树林研究方面的合作与交流。

54、He decided to study how mangrove forests benefit humanity, but needed an accurate estimate of how much remains. ─── 他决定研究红树林对人类的有益之处,但首先必须得到当下红树林的精确数据。

55、Geiwei mariculture, blocked-web mariculture and turn flatclosed nursery are the main methods of mangrove ecological mariculture. ─── 基围养殖、围网养殖和封滩轮育等是红树林区生态养殖的主要模式。

56、In my play, "Black Beach Kuantan mangrove forests" on the subject, there were two degrees of Friends, said: Shenzhen, Hainan is there are mangroves. ─── 如果渔民住这样的房间,然后关丹人运行小康社会进入。的确,如果没有综上所述,豪华,但还是很温暖。

57、FAO and ITTO are currently working with the International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems and other partner organizations to produce a World Atlas of Mangroves to be published later this year. ─── FAO 和ITTO 目前正与"红树林生态国际社会"以及其他的合作组织共同编纂一本全球红树林分布图.并将于今年晚些时候发表.

58、Mangrove root systems have the ability to absorb and well trap sediments and pollutants in water that flows through them before they enter the ocean. ─── 红树林根系有能力吸收并很好地截留水中的沉积物和污染物,这些沉积物和污染物在进入海洋之前流经这些根系。

59、By setting-up simulated mangrove wetland in a greenhouse,the behavior of total nitrogen in Avicennia marina simulated wetland system was studied. ─── 在温室中建立红树林植物白骨壤模拟湿地系统,分别用正常、5倍和10倍浓度的人工配置的城市污水每周定时定量对模拟系统污灌2次,用海水作对照,持续1年。

60、It is the world's largest tidal mangrove forest. ─── 它是世界上最大的红树林沼泽地,

61、Yalong Bay Mangrove Tree Resort is the Exclusive Hotel of Contestants and TV Crew & Associate for World Strongest Man 2006 Sanya China. ─── 亚龙湾红树林度假酒店为2006三亚世界第一大力士冠军赛唯一指定选手和电视制作团队接待酒店暨该赛事协办单位。

62、He selected a fine 30-mile stretch of a Florida Everglade mangrove swamp and had it surveyed into a grid. ─── 他在佛罗里达的埃弗格莱兹地区选了一块30英里长的优良的红树林沼泽,把它一格格地勘查了一遍。

63、But there is one place where their numbers are increasing: the swampy mangrove forests of the Sunderbans in West Bengal, India. ─── 但是,只有一处则不减反增,那就是西孟加拉桑德班斯的沼泽红树林区。

64、Above-ground biomass and nutrient accumulation and distribution in different type Sonneratia carseolaris-Kandelia candel mangrove plantations. ─── 不同类型海桑-秋茄人工林地上生物量及营养元素积累与分布。

65、Barn Thai, a restaurant standing in the middle of mangrove swamp. Highly recommended. ─── 中间高高的天窗,既增加了空间和高度,又利用了自然光线。整体设计有过人之处!

66、Along the coast, mangrove forests have been used to develop a fashionable, new ecotourism industry. ─── 沿著海岸,红树林已经发展出一个蔚为风潮的新环保旅游业。

67、The trip allows tourists to enjoy the sight of mangrove swamps and species of birds. ─── 坐船途中,游客们也可观赏到天然的红树林区及各飞禽类。

68、Nanjing Mangrove River Stones Factory is the Leading manufacturer and exporter of riverstones,river stones,colored pebbles,garden stones,cobbles,Cobblestones,pebblestones. ─── 南京红树林雨花石厂是中国最大的南京雨花石网片石五彩石鹅卵石园林...

69、Liao Baowen,Zheng Dezhang,Zheng Songfa.Study on the biomass and productivity of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza mangrove commun it y in China, Asia-Pacific Symposium on Mangrove Ecosystems, HongKong, 1993.9. ─── 廖宝文,郑德璋,郑松发等.红树植物秋茄胚轴主要性状及其贮藏方法研究,林业科学研究,1996(1).

70、There is a rich benthic invertebrate fauna under the mangrove forests and in summer, several bird species nest in the mangroves trees. ─── 在红树林下可找到丰富的底栖无脊椎动物,夏天更有多种雀鸟在红树林筑巢栖息。

71、An eastern diamondback rattlesnake perches on mangrove roots in Florida's Everglades. Only about half of this important watershed is left today due to water diversion and draining. ─── 意译:淡水的植物和动物图片集。一条东部各州的有菱形斑纹的响尾蛇栖息在红树林的根部位于佛罗里达的沼泽地。仅有约一半的这些重要的流域是留下来为了水的转移和排出。

72、But mangrove trees grow very slowly. ─── 不过,这红树的生长速度非常慢。

73、In this paper, in terms of biodiversity restoration of mangrove frola and benthic fauna, main problems in mangrove restoration in China were analyzed and some basic research strategies w. ─── 从红树植物及与之密切相关的底栖动物的多样性恢复出发,分析了我国当前红树林恢复存在的主要问题,并提出了对此需要着重进行的基础研究思路。

74、We hope that we can promote the public awareness of the value of mangrove and community acceptance and awareness of the local through this green project plans . ─── 希望通过此绿地图项目来推动公众对于红树林价值的认识,促进社区认同和乡土意识的建立。

75、The meandering waterways of mangrove reveal stunning limestone outcrops sculptured with sheer cliffs, caves, stalactites and dense vegetation which resemble the shapes of Pekinese dog and elephant. ─── 在攀牙湾红树林蜿蜒河流的水路显露着许多奇形怪状石灰石峭壁,洞穴,有像被雕刻成小狗和大象形状的钟乳石和密集的植被。

76、However, the mangrove wetlands have been largely lost because of intensified human activities in the study area. ─── 利用多时相的遥感图像和专家系统方法对珠江口红树林湿地的时空变化进行了分析。

77、But, Barbier found, a fully functioning mangrove ecosystem would be worth the restoration cost. ─── Barbier又发现,一个完全发挥机能的红树林生态系统可与修复费用等值。

78、This paper discusses the position and effect of mangrove in sustainable development of ocean economy . ─── 从多个方面论述了红树林在海洋经济可持续发展中的地位和作用。

79、A rare mangrove terrapin, a species of turtle that has not been seen in the wild in Thailand for over 20 years, has been caught by a fisherman in the western part of the country. ─── 一种稀有的红树林水龟,已有20年间从未在野外发现,如今在泰国东部被渔民所捕获。

80、VSO China could send volunteers to attend picture exhibitions and lectures at university campuses organized by Mangrove to conduct mainstreaming among college students. ─── VSO可以通过志愿者参加红树林在大学校园内开展的图片展、演讲等活动来在大学生中开展主流化活动。

81、In the summer months, migratory birds fly along the coast to frequent the mangrove swamps. ─── 如果要表达"在夏天的月份里,候鸟常沿着海岸飞到红树林湿地"要写成:

82、A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Fangyuan, Changhua County, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel. ─── 图11.台湾招潮的栖地之一:彰化县芳苑,图中的红树林为水笔仔。

83、The area also contains forests of palm, cypress, mangrove and pine. ─── 大沼泽的林区里有棕榈树,丝柏,红树和松树。

84、A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chuwei, Taipei County, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel. ─── 图7.台湾招潮的栖地之一:台北县竹围,图中的红树林为水笔仔。

85、Fourty two species of macrofauna were gotten in Jimei Fenglin mangrove area in 2002. Among 34 species of Macrofauna, 17 Annelida, 11 Mollusca, 9 Anthropoda and 5 others. ─── 2002年4个季度取样在集美凤林红树林区获得大型底栖动物42种,其中环节动物17种,软体动物11种,节肢动物9种,其它动物5种。

86、Gaoqiao National Mangrove Reserve ,the core zone of Zhanjiang National Natural Mangrove Reserve. ─── 为广东湛江红树林国家级保护区之重要组成部分。

87、After transfering to the canoes you paddle through the mangrove forest to get a close up view of this unique eco-system. ─── 在登上独木舟后,划动您手中的船桨,经过红树林,您就能让自己置身于此独特的生态环境中。

88、There, the water-loving cats use the braided streams and river channels as highways, expertly navigating through the maze of mangrove thickets. ─── 在这儿,爱水的大猫将发辫似的溪流、道当作路,熟练地在迷宫般的红树林灌木丛内游来游去。

89、In this article,polysaccharide was extracted from Mangrove bark and the paper studied on affecting factors and technics of the extraction of polysaccharide from mangrove bark. ─── 以芒果皮渣为原料,就粗多糖提取的影响因素及工艺进行了研究。

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