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08-20 投稿


contractor 发音

英:[k?n'tr?kt?]  美:[k?n'tr?kt?]

英:  美:

contractor 中文意思翻译



contractor 短语词组

1、independent contractor ─── [经] 独立经营的承包商

2、civil engineering contractor ─── [经] 土木工程承包商

3、contractor's agreement ─── [法] 承揽契约

4、defense contractor ─── 国防承包商

5、registered contractor ─── [法] 注册承包商

6、actual contractor ─── [法] 实际立约人, 实际契约签订人

7、government contractor ─── [经] 政府承包人(商)

8、contractor plan ─── [计] 合同计划

9、group piecework contractor ─── [经] 包工工长, 集体计件承包商

10、contractor's all risks insurance ─── [经] 建筑工程一切险

11、drilling contractor ─── [经] 钻井承包商

12、prime contractor ─── [经] 主要订约人, 主要承包商

13、main contractor ─── [经] 主承包商, 主承包单位, 总包

14、building contractor ─── [经] 建筑承包商

15、advertising contractor ─── [经] 广告承包商

16、co-contractor ─── [经] 联合承包商

17、independent drilling contractor ─── [经] 独立钻井承包商

18、contractor unit ─── [法] 承包单位, 承揽单位

19、forwarding contractor ─── [法] 承揽运送业, 承揽运输人

contractor 词性/词形变化,contractor变形


contractor 相似词语短语

1、contracted ─── v.收缩;订契约(contract的过去式和过去分词);adj.收缩的

2、contradictor ─── n.反驳者;相矛盾的人

3、contract ─── n.合同,契约;婚约;(非正式)暗杀协议;(桥牌)定约;v.收缩,缩短;感染;订约;订(婚);负(债);结交

4、contactors ─── n.[电]接触器(contactor的复数)

5、counteractor ─── 中和剂

6、contracture ─── n.[医]挛缩

7、contraction ─── n.收缩,紧缩;缩写式;害病

8、contractors ─── n.[经]承包商;[法]立约人;合约商(contractor的复数)

9、contactor ─── n.开关;电流接触器

contractor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The selected local contractor shall be subject to approval by the Employer. ─── 业主有权决定是否同意选定的国内承包人。

2、The Employer will then execute the Agreement and return one copy to the Contractor. ─── 业主签字协议生效后,还给承包人一份。

3、The civil engineering contractor may need to lay out his own casting yard. ─── 土木工程承包者可能需要设置自己的预制

4、John E.Traister &C.Keeler Chapman, Building Contractor's Exam Preparation Guide, Craftsman Book Company, 1998. ─── 临时建造业统筹委员会,2003,非强制性分包商注册制度基本名册的规则及程序。

5、"If you are a contractor playing it straight, you can have a hard time getting things done, " a housing developer said. ─── 一个房屋建筑商说,"如果你是一个照章行事的包商,你的事就别想顺利办成。"

6、"Market-in-hand" agreement Turnkey contract requiring contractor to assist in sales. ─── “市场在握”合同要求承包商协助推销产品的交钥匙合同。

7、Main Contract"means the agreement between the Employer and the Contractor related to the Project. ─── 主合同"指业主与总包商间与项目相关的协议。

8、Load out Contractor's riser at Zhanjiang anchorage. ─── 在湛江锚地把承包商的隔水管装上平台。

9、Installation cost for equipment installed by the owner, manufacturer or other contractor. ─── 为业主、制造商或其他承包商安装设备的安装费。

10、It is owned 50-50 by Rio and BHP, but the companies propose to make the venture mostly autonomous as if it were a third-party contractor. ─── 力拓与必和必拓将分别持有合资公司的一半股权,但它们计划让该公司基本上独立,类似于一家第三方承包商。

11、The contractor shall have to furrier liability whatsoever to the owner. ─── 不知这句怎么翻译,我曾两次碰到过。

12、To make the contrac cr attractive,mhe contractor subtracted a tractor from it. ─── 为了使合同有吸引力,承包商从中减去了一台拖拉机。

13、Unforeseeable"means not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for submission of the Tender. ─── 不可预见”指一个有经验的承包商在提交投标文件那天还不能合理预见的。

14、My team doesn't play SDU. We usually dress up like contractor etc. ─── 我地每次玩都由唔同嘅人扮唔同角色,有悍匪,有SDU,亦有人质,次次都玩到好似演习咁

15、Assist Contractor to plan and coordinate the work to effectively implement the requirements of the procedure. ─── 协助承包商计划和协调工作以有效地落实该程序的各种要求。

16、The prime contractor and the software subcontractor maintain ongoing communications. ─── 主要的承包商与软件子承包商保持联系。

17、He told his employer contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life. ─── 他告诉他的老板准备离开建筑业的打算,他说他想和他的妻子过一种更休闲的生活,享受天伦之乐。

18、In this event, the Engineer shall give notice to the Contractor accordingly. ─── 在这种情况下,工程师应相应地通知承包商。

19、When the general contractor was essentially in complete control of a project, quality control was an inherent duty. ─── 过去,总承包人实质上承担一项工程的全部管理责任。这时,质量管理是一项责无旁贷的义务。

20、If disobeying this, contractor has right to pursue client to compensate relative loss due to it. ─── 如违反本条款,承包人有权要求发包人赔偿相应的经济损失。

21、Secondly, it inquires into validity of remortgage by contractor and purchaser. ─── 其次,对楼花再抵押的效力问题进行了分析。

22、The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary lighting necessary in the construction period. ─── 在施工期间,承包商应提供并维持必要的临时照明系统。

23、To make the contract attractive, the contractor subtracted a tractor from it. ─── 为了使合同有吸引力,承包商从中减去了一台拖拉机。

24、The contractor's house is seething like a swarming hive. ─── 一个穿着和时节不相称的拷绸衫裤的男子大声地呼喊:

25、What made you fix contractor on a sum to be paid for a job on that book? ─── 你怎么会选定了那本书?

26、Prosecutors raided nine locations including one asphalt contractor where they found a number of unmarked road samples. ─── 检方兵分九路,在其中一家承包商的沥青工厂,搜出没有标示的样本。

27、Contractor shall not be allowed to supply raw materials but pre-fabricated parts. ─── 不允许承包商供应原材料,只允许供应组装件。

28、Let's just say I'm not happy with my contractor. ─── 我只能说对我的承包商很不满意。

29、To hold(a building contractor) to the letter of an agreement. ─── 使(建筑承包商)遵守协议书

30、A contractor bidding for a construction is required to prepare many bid documents. ─── 参与建筑工程投标的承包商要准备许多投标文件。

31、For Contractor Punishment To Independent. ─── 对承包商的惩罚奖励制度。

32、"If you are a contractor playing it straight, you can have a hard time getting things done," a housing developer said. ─── 一个房屋建筑商说,“如果你是一个照章行事的包商,你的事就别想顺利办成。”

33、It criticizes the main contractor for seriously erring in its estimates. ─── 它批评主承包商在估算中严重出错。

34、The style of house the contractor builds depends partly on the lay of the land. ─── 他的一切希望都破灭了。

35、Therefore, residents have lower displacement costs and the contractor can take on more work with reduced labor costs. ─── 因此,居民的安置费用更低,而承包商则能以较低的劳动力成本完成更多的工作。

36、Interface with Jianli and contractor for any documentation issue. ─── 与监理公司及承包商协调有关现场文档管理事宜。

37、A documented subcontractor's software development plan is reviewed and approved by the prime contractor. ─── 子承包商文档化的软件开发计划,由主承包商讨论批准。

38、Left out right out, the last to the labor contractor without introducer. ─── 左挑右挑,最后找了没有介绍人的包工头。

39、The security contractor from Iraq concurs. ─── 其来自伊拉克之安全承包商以为如是。

40、He is the contractor of this construction project. ─── 他是这个建筑工程项目的承包商。

41、The prime contractor selects qualified software subcontractors. ─── 主要的承包商选择合格的软件子承包商。

42、AWO is an international offshore drilling contractor. ─── AWO公司是一家国际海上钻井承包商。

43、Beijing says a Chinese contractor has won a bid to construct two rail lines in Libya. ─── 中国说,一家中国承包商得标,在利比亚铺设两条铁路。

44、Please apply for contractor, If you need extra facilities. ─── 如果需要额外的设施请向主场申请。

45、No such activity shall relieve the Contractor from any obligation or responsibility. ─── 但此类活动并不解除承包商的任何义务和责任。

46、Of course, you'll want to get at least two or three bids and check references to be sure the contractor has a good track record. ─── 当然,你还应该至少向两三个建筑商询价,了解一下他们的装修质量,选择一家信誉良好的。

47、The unamused contractor, it is said, refused to bite. ─── 但是报道称,这位员工对这一支付报酬方式并不买账。

48、Unforeseeable "means not reasonable foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for submission of the Tender. ─── 不可预见”系指一个有经验的承包商在提交投标书日期前不能合理预见。

49、To do the contract attractive, the contractor subtracted a tractor from it. ─── 为了使合同有吸取力,承包商从中减去了一台拖拉机。

50、The contractor says that such a concussion “is always followed by amnesia for the actual moment of the accident. ─── 合约说,这样的冲击“一直伴随健忘症为一个实际的暂时的事故。”

51、We get estimate from three different contractor before accepting the lowest. ─── 我们得到三个承包商的报价後, 接受了价钱最低的。

52、Contractor"means the person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person. ─── 总包商"指协议所述人员,及其法定职务继承人。

53、"International Contractor" or "International Bidder" refers to recipients of this tender package. ─── “国际承包商”或“国际投标人”系指本招标文件包收件人。

54、Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service-CITIS. ─── 存储和存取已经集成了的信息。

55、A group of dwellings built by the same contractor. ─── 开发区,新社区由同一个营造商修建的房屋群落

56、Introduce function of electrical engineering of contractor for management of nanhai petrochemical project. ─── 介绍南海石化项目管理承包商的电气专业职责。

57、The beach is manually cleaned daily in season by a Council contractor. ─── 在旺季,这个海滩每日都会被一位安理会承包商清理。

58、If a defect appears or damage occurs, the Employer shall notify the Contractor accordingly. ─── 如果出现缺陷,或发生损害,雇主应根据情况,通知承包商.

59、In a contractor's organization partners do not exist because almost every contractor is a limited company. ─── 在承包部门中则不存在股东,因为几乎任何一个承包商都是一个有限公司。

60、Key Words: Nanhai Petrochemical Complex, Project Management;Project Management Contractor (PMC); Lesson Learned. ─── 关键词:中海壳牌,南海石化,项目管理,工程管理承包商,思考

61、My company was the contractor. ─── 我的公司承包了这项工程。

62、My contractor says my bathroom will be out of commission for weeks. ─── 我说我承包了浴室委员会将于星期。

63、Specialize in : Contractor Of All Kinds Of Iron Works, Iron Gates, Fencing Grill Window, Stair Cases. ─── 中文):承接篱笆、铁马、铁门、花窗、楼梯、铁闸、拦河、金字及一切铁器工程。

64、If only one private contractor bids on a social service, there may be no cost saving . ─── 如果只有一名承包商对某项社会服务设施投标,所需费用就不会减少。

65、Bonded contractor: Contractor who has taken out a surety Bond to cover any claims against him. ─── 取得履约保证的承包商:指承包商已经取得履约保证以避免承担任何索赔 。

66、When the commissioner accused the road builder of bribery, the contractor said the pot was calling the kettle black. ─── 局长指控公路承建人受贿,包工说他是五十步笑百步。

67、No matter what I said, the contractor stood firm. ─── 不管我说什么,合同人毫不让步。

68、Engineer the Contractor shall place rockfill to swamps. ─── 工程承包者应地方堆到沼泽。

69、The party awarding contract and the contractor shall conclude an agricultural contract to define the rights and duties of both parties. ─── 发包方和承包方应当订立农业承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务。

70、The Contractor shall also, if the Purchaser so requires, insure the Plant. ─── 如果买方要求,承包方也应为设备进行投保。

71、We also arranged with the cleaning contractor to collect waste paper at least once per week for recycling purpose. ─── 我们已安排淸洁服务承办商每星期最少收集废纸一次作回收之用。

72、We normally advise the guest to deal with the contractor directly. ─── 我们通常提议他们跟设计制作商直接联络。

73、At the same time, it also output motivity for startup of one high pressure contractor. ─── 同时还输出动力启动一个高压压缩机。

74、Conduct periodic HSE assessments or audit of contractor in each respective project. ─── 定期对所在项目承包商进行HSE评估或审核。

75、The prime contractor and the software subcontractor agree to their commitments to each other. ─── 主签约人和子签约人互相接受他们的任务书。

76、The prime contractor tracks the software subcontractor's actual results and performance against its commitments. ─── 主要的承包商根据责任跟踪软件子承包商的执行结果与情况。

77、Cold Jet allows the restoration contractor to achieve the desired cleaning results, without damaging the substrate. ─── Cold Jet允许修复承包商在不损坏基材的情况下实现所需的清洁效果。

78、The engineer contractor will set up the minimum specifications. ─── 工程师订合同者要规定最低的技术要求。

79、The contractees should sign a contract with the correspondents contractor to define each other's rights and obligations. ─── 发包方和承包方应当订立承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务。

80、The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go & asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. ─── 雇主看见自己的好工人要离去感到很遗憾,就问他是否可以再建一座房子,就当是他的个人爱好。

81、We told the building contractor that we wanted a garage big enough for two cars. ─── 我们告诉建筑承包商,我们想要一个可以停放两辆汽车的车库。

82、Manage the civil contractor in terms of progress and cost; Cooperate with safety engineer for construction safety. ─── 对项目土建施工单位的施工进度和成本进行管理,配合安全工程师进行施工安全管理。

83、The contract defines the apportionment of risks between employer and contractor. ─── 合同规定了雇主与承包人分担的风险。

84、In orderto solve the problem, we plan to work through a contractor. ─── 为了解决这个问题,我们正计划通过一个承包机构来做这项工作.

85、As the general contractor, your company should pay business tax according to the construction item of the tax law. ─── 作为总承包人,你公司应按建筑业缴营业税。

86、The contract defines the apportionment of risks between employer and contractor. ─── 合同规定了雇主与承包人分担的风险。

87、Daily file incoming/outgoing documents to/from EPC contractor control. ─── 与承建商每日文档收发工作。

88、After the contractor had received payment from the factory, he returned the money to the foreman. ─── 当承包商获工厂支付包装费后,便将款项交回工厂科文。

89、However, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the safe usage of these scaffolding and staging. ─── 但是,承包商应全权负责这些脚手架和分段运输架的安全使用。

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