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08-20 投稿


ghastful 发音

英:[['gɑ:stf?l'g?]]  美:[['g?stf?l]]

英:  美:

ghastful 中文意思翻译



ghastful 短语词组

1、ghastful definition ─── 可怕的定义

ghastful 相似词语短语

1、gastfull ─── 胃胀

2、ghastfully ─── 可怕的

3、boastful ─── adj.自夸的;自负的;喜夸耀的

4、hatful ─── n.一帽所装的量;很多

5、gustful ─── adj.刮风的;美味的

6、mastful ─── 肥大的

7、feastful ─── adj.祝宴的;过节的

8、chestful ─── n.满箱东西

9、hasteful ─── 匆忙的

ghastful 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、B: Hey. I didn't tell the elf to fail his Will save against ghast paralyzation. He did that on his own, with no consideration for how it would affect me. ─── 嘿。我可没让精灵在对抗妖鬼麻痹的意志豁免中失败。那是他自己干的,根本没考虑这会对我造成什么后果。

2、1.This ghastful dream soon awoke him. ─── 这个可怕的梦很快使他醒了过来。

3、I didn't tell the elf to fail his Will save against ghast paralyzation. ─── 我可没让精灵在对抗妖鬼麻痹的意志豁免中失败。

4、He remembered wandering through dimly lit street, past ghast, black-shadowed archways and evil-looking houses. ─── 他记得曾在灯光暗淡的街上蹓跶,走过许多可怕的、黑沉沉的拱门和鬼气森森的房屋。

5、 双语使用场景

7、Out of surfering, it merges the strongest souls. The most massive characters are shrieled with ghast. ─── 在患难中,诞生最强大的化身,最伟大的精神也会因恐惧而枯萎。

8、The room was so quiet like dead, and pure white snow shine came into the room through the windows covered by newspapers, and everyone's face was pallor like ghast. ─── 土房里如死一般寂静,皑皑的雪光透过糊着报纸的窗户映照进来,每个人的脸都像死人似的苍白。

9、He remembered wandering through dimly lit street, past ghast, black-shadowed archways and evil-looking houses ─── 他记得曾在灯光暗淡的街上??,走过许多可怕的、黑沉沉的拱门和鬼气森森的房屋。

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