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08-20 投稿


freeman 发音

英:[?fri?m?n]  美:[?fri?m?n]

英:  美:

freeman 中文意思翻译



freeman 网络释义

n. 自由民;享有市民权的人;荣誉市民

freeman 同义词

self-employed |contributor | temporary | mercenary | free-lance | independent | ad hoc | freelancer | casual | irregular | free lance | self-employed person

freeman 反义词


freeman 词性/词形变化,freeman变形


freeman 短语词组

1、be a freeman ─── 做一个自由人

2、freeman jewelry ─── 弗里曼珠宝

3、freeman face mask ─── 弗里曼面膜

4、freeman dyson ─── 弗里曼·戴森

5、Freeman vector code ─── [计] 弗里曼有向码

6、freeman boats ─── 弗里曼船

7、catcher freeman ─── 捕手弗里曼

8、Nancy Freeman Mitford ─── [网络] 南希·弗里曼·米特福德

9、morgan freeman ─── 摩根·弗里曼(人名)

10、Freeman-Sheldon syndrome ─── [医] 弗-谢二氏综合征, 颅腕跗营养不良

11、freeman beauty ─── 弗里曼美人

12、freeman gosden ─── 戈斯曼·弗里登

13、adam freeman ─── 亚当·弗里曼

14、portraits cynthia freeman ─── 辛西娅·弗里曼肖像

15、freeman jewellery ─── 弗里曼珠宝

16、Freeman's chain code ─── [计] 富雷曼链码

17、mona freeman actress ─── 蒙娜弗里曼女演员

18、freeman mcneil ─── 弗里曼·麦克尼尔

19、freeman toyota ─── 弗里曼丰田

freeman 相似词语短语

1、Freeman ─── n.弗里曼(姓氏或男子名)

2、freedman ─── n.自由民;被解放的奴隶;n.(Freedman)人名;(法、德)弗雷德曼;(英)弗里德曼

3、freegan ─── 免费素食主义者

4、unfreeman ─── 自由人

5、freemen ─── n.自由民;享有市民权的人;荣誉市民;n.(Freemen)(美)弗雷曼(人名)

6、freedmen ─── n.自由民;被解放的奴隶

7、freegans ─── 自由的

8、freewoman ─── 女工头,女领班

9、freemason ─── n.互济会会员(等于mason)

freeman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Extensive research supports neither the folk wisdom nor Freeman's claims. ─── 但大量的研究既不支持民间看法,也不支持弗里曼的说法。

2、Freeman Patterson Keep it simple. ─── 保持简单。

3、After the show, join our live chat with Catherine Freeman! ─── 在表演以后,与卡瑟琳·弗里曼一起加入我们的实时聊天!

4、COM]Myron Freeman & Ceci Chang Freeman - Honolulu Real Estate, LLC. ─── 人均页读数:Page Views per user for [HAWAIIHOMESELLERS.

5、However, the U.S. does not have an extradition treaty with China so officials waited for Freeman to leave China before arresting him. ─── 但是由于美国和中国没有引渡条约,所以有关官员一直等到弗里曼离开中国时才将他逮捕。

6、Freeman, Joshua. Working Class New York: Life and Labor Since World War II. 2000. ─── 《纽约的劳工阶级:二次大战以来的劳工和生活》2000.

7、Hollywood's Morgan Freeman, Ray Romano, Samuel L. Jacksom and others held a benefit on TV. They encouraged people to make donations to the hurricane victims. ─── 好莱坞影星摩根.佛里曼,雷。罗马若,塞缪尔L杰克孙以及其他的著名影星举行一场电视筹款义演。他们呼吁人们为飓风带来的受害者捐钱捐物。

8、Production of Ca+ and He+ ions by Freeman source under the auxiliary of inert gas and the microstructure analysis of both implanted titanium foil and nano- Ti film were described. ─── 介绍了由弗里曼离子源在惰性气体辅助下产生Ca+、He+的研究及其分别注入钛箔和纳米钛膜的微结构分析。


10、as Freeman says, it's never quite enough. ─── 正如弗里曼所言,永远没法满足。

11、"No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, or in any other way destroyed, except by the lawful judgment of his peers. " - The Magna Carta. ─── “任何自由人,未经其他自由人之依法判决,皆不得被逮捕,监禁,或加以任何其他损害。”-英国大宪章。

12、Perec did not compete in any events in Sydney, fleeing to France just hours before her much-anticipated clash with Cathy Freeman in the women400 m sprint an event Freeman won. ─── 佩雷克在悉尼没有参加任何比赛,她原来计划与卡西·里曼在女子400米短跑中决一雌雄,可是就在比赛几小时前她逃回了法国。弗里曼获得此项冠军。

13、Vote - the Instrument and symbol of a freeman 's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country . ─── 选举权——是自由民行使愚弄自己兼破坏祖国只权力的手段与象征。

14、AdrineAdrienne Freeman says the process of " rewarming" a person needs to be done slowly, in a hospital savesetting. ─── 安德里弗里曼说,使人回暖的程序要在医院环境下缓慢地进行。

15、"Our thinking is permeated by our historical myths" (Freeman J. Dyson) ─── “我们的历史神话渗透着我们的思想”(弗里曼J.戴森)。

16、Freeman, Christopher. Technology Policy and Economic Performance: Lessons from Japan. Chap. 2 and 3. ─── 《科技政策与经济绩效:日本的经验》第二及三章。

17、Freeman, with Alan Crouchman and Vic Maslen. ─── 书名 :Mighty Eighth war diary /Roger A.

18、Joe (Morgan Freeman) lives in a retirement home and seems to have adjusted relatively well. ─── 他们现在也都退休了:乔(摩根?弗里曼饰)住在一家养老院里,看上去对现状适应良好。

19、Commentary by director David Fincher, actor Brad Pitt and actor Morgan Freeman ─── 导演大卫芬奇和主演摩根弗里曼、布拉德皮特的解说音轨

20、In traditional sense, identity was the ethics shackles which had entrapped a freeman in the stern hierarchical system in the ancient society. ─── 传统意义上的身份,是在等级制度森严的社会中形成的牵绊“人”自由存在的伦理枷锁。

21、Ricklefs, R. E. and G. L. Miller. Ecology. 4th Edition. W.H. Freeman and Company. ─── 孙儒泳,李庆芬,牛翠娟,娄安如,2002:基础生态学.高等教育出版社.

22、In the women's 60-metre hurdles,Michelle Freeman of Jamaica set the fastest time of the year with 7.77 seconds to heat Slovenia's Brigitta Bukovec. ─── 在女子60米栏赛中,牙买加选手米切尔·佛里曼以本年度最快的时间7秒77的成绩击败斯洛文尼亚选手布里吉塔·布科维奇而获胜。

23、Guess you can say Freeman was my introduction to track and field. ─── 可以说是弗里曼领我步入田径之门。

24、"His interest happily coincided with his duty" (Edward A. Freeman). ─── “令人高兴的是他的兴趣碰巧和他的责任相一致” (爱德华·A·福莱门)

25、In supporting it,therefore,we support all that is dear to the freeman and the philanthropist. ─── 因此,支持联邦,我们就支持了自由人和博爱主义者所珍视的一切。

26、Ranger Freeman says members of search and rescue teams have a saying that victims are not dead until they are warm and dead. ─── 她称还要记住一点就是体温降低的患者看起来好像死了但是其实还活着。

27、illustrated by Ann Bingham Freeman. ─── 作者声明: by Robert Bingham ;

28、Ed Harris and Morgan Freeman co-star as members of the Boston Police Department. ─── 崔克为追寻真相深入贩毒网络,不惜把亲人、性命作为赌注;

29、"It was like working for the company store, " Mr. Freeman said. "You could never get ahead. " ─── 弗里曼先生说:“那就像在为公司的商店做事,你不可能走在它的前面超越它。”

30、The change presaged the dominance of mounted combat, and increasingly expensive equipment destroyed the venerable ideal of freeman warriors. ─── 这一变化预示着骑马作战的主导地位,日益昂贵的装备摧毁了自由人战士的崇高理想。

31、Featuring the voices of kate winslet,dame helen mirren,rupert graves,sean bean,robbie coltrane,jim broadbent,martin freeman,john hurt. ─── 一群会说话的真正狮子担当演出的戏剧刺激大冒险,由一众受欢迎的英国红星担任配音。

32、Mandelbrot B B.Fractal:Form,Chance and Dimension.San Fracisco:Freeman,1977 ─── 分形漫步.徐新阳译.沈阳:东北大学出版社,1995

33、"I want to thank everybody and anybody who ever had anything to do with the making of this picture," Freeman said, singling out Eastwood and Swank in an elegant, understated speech. ─── “我想感谢和这部影片有关的每一个人,不论是谁。”弗里曼说。在他朴素得体的致词中,他特别提到了伊斯特伍德和斯旺克两人。

34、Kaylee Davidson was five months old when she received a new heart during a pioneering operation at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, in 1987. ─── 1987年,凯莉·戴维森在泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔的弗里曼医院接受了一次开创性的手术,植入了一颗新的心脏,当时她才五个月大。

35、Listen as Ray Freeman reads from The Cat in the Hat. ─── 下面是雷?弗里曼朗读《戴帽子的猫》的部分段落:

36、F.Stoner, R.Edward Freeman, Daniel R. ─── 主题 西文图书 Management/James A.

37、In 1992 Freeman became the first Aboriginal track and field athlete to represent Australia at an Olympic Games. ─── 1992年,弗里曼成为代表澳大利亚参加奥林匹克运动会的第一个土著田径运动员。

38、Freeman J.A.,and Skapura,D.M.,1991, Neural Networks: Algorithms Applications and Programming Techniques, Addison Wesley Publishing Company. ─── 于化蛟,1996,类神经网路之全域最佳化应用,淡江大学电机所硕士论文.

39、He loves all the biggest international actors: Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman. ─── 他喜欢所有的国际巨星:例如,罗伯特.德尼罗,达斯汀.霍夫曼和莫尔冈.弗里曼。

40、Freedom, realm of freedom, or the freeman association society, is the highest ideal and eternal belief of Marx's philosophy. ─── “自由”或“自由王国”亦或“自由人联合体社会”则是马克思哲学的最高理想和恒久信仰。

41、Freeman Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean, Tulane University;Research and teaching: information economics, analytical accounting theory, financial analysis, cost and strategy. ─── 主要研究和教学领域:会计学理论、盈余管理、财务分析、公司财务管理,会计及资本市场,会计学理论,成本及策略。

42、Goin CJ,Goin OB,Zug GR.1978.Introduction to Herpetology[M].3rd ed.San Francisco:WH Freeman and Company. ─── [崔乃夫.1998.中华人民共和国地名大词典.北京:商务印书馆,1650.

43、Not only is Cathy Freeman good looking and an athlete who possesses supreme physical talents but also she's a great woman with a wonderful personality as well. ─── 卡西·弗里曼不仅靓丽,是一位拥有超凡运动天份的运动员,而且也是一位具有优秀性格的伟大女子。

44、Freeman Zhong, a lawyer who gained the LLB from Zhongshan University and the LLM from Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and ever completed an MBA program in U. ─── 仲峰律师,中山大学法学学士,西南政法大学研究生,曾赴美进修MBA课程一年。

45、Ricklefs R E. The Economy of Nature [M]. New York: WH Freeman Publishers, 2000. ─── 孙儒泳,李庆芬,牛翠娟等.基础生态学[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2002

46、Christine Freeman is been held without bond in ocean city Maryland. Police found the bodies of four infants at her home. None of the babies had developed to full terms. ─── 克莉丝汀。福瑞曼在马里兰市被拘捕,并不得保释。警察在她家中发现了四具婴儿尸体。所有的婴儿都未曾足月。

47、Freeman, C., 1992: Formal Scientific and Technical Institutions in the National System of Innovation , in Lundvall,B. ( ed.) , National System of Innovation, Pinter Publishers, 1992. ─── 借鉴19世纪落后的德国在赶超英国时注重基础科学研究的经验,建立起适应于21世纪知识经济发展的中国国家创新体制。

48、"Million Dollar Baby" also featured the best supporting actor winner, Morgan Freeman. ─── 《百万美元宝贝》还使摩根·弗里曼获得了最佳男配角奖。

49、P.B. Denes and E.N. Pinson,"The Speech Chain", 1993, W.H. Freeman New York, p.5 ─── 吴光明,”呼吸气流对发音特徵与模型影响之研究”,台湾科技大学,中华民国九十四年七月

50、Angelhood has invited the professional trainer Freeman Wen from to conduct a training for our customers to deepen their understandings about KINGDOM products. This training will be held on 2009-2-28. ─── “安继行”在2009-2-28邀请来自上海安继行餐饮设备有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展了一场关于KINGDOM产品培训活动。

51、He did not fully abase himself, for hewas a freeman, and while not a noble, he was head of his family. ─── 他一点也不觉得有辱自己身份,因为他是一个自由人,而不是一名贵族。他只是一家之长而已。

52、When Nelson Mandela was asked 15 years ago who should play him in a film version of his life, his reply was instant: Morgan Freeman. ─── 当15年前NelsonMandela被问到谁应在他的传记电影中扮演他时,他立刻回答:MorganFreeman

53、Why was Mr. Freeman opposed to continuing our experiment? ─── 为什么弗里曼先生反对我们继续做实验?

54、Last year I represented Freeman, Inc. to negotiate a sale with an Australian customer. ─── 去年,我还代表弗里曼公司与一澳大利亚客户谈了笔业务。

55、Freeman, Sol Levine [and] Leo G.Reeder. ─── 作者声明: Edited by Howard E.

56、For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant. ─── 因为作奴仆蒙召于主的,就是主所释放的人。作自由之人蒙召的,就是基督的奴仆。

57、Freeman C,Berg WJ,Cutler Js,et al.Occurrence and prognosis of extranodal lymphoma[J]. ─── 唐震周卫国葛湛等.小肠恶性淋巴瘤的影像诊断(附18例分析)[J].临床放射学杂志,2000,19(5):296.

58、He that is once admitted to the right of reason is made a freeman of the whole estate. ─── 一旦被纳入理性的范围,他就成为拥有全部财富的自由人。

59、Perec did not compete in any events in Sydney, fleeing to France just hours before her much-anticipated clash with Cathy Freeman in the women 400m sprint an event Freeman won. ─── 佩雷克在悉尼没有参加任何比赛,她原来计划与卡西·弗里曼在女子400米短跑中决一雌雄,可是就在比赛几小时前她逃回了法国。弗里曼获得此项冠军。

60、Psychologist Lee Hausner and lawyer Doug Freeman, of First Foundation Advisors, have been writing and talking about Financial Loss Syndrome for several months. ─── First Foundation Advisors的心理学家豪斯纳(LeeHausner)和律师弗里曼(DougFreeman)几个月来一直在讨论并撰写有关财务损失综合症的文章。

61、Freeman said.He suggested that doctors would feel less conflicted if they simply wore drug company patches on their white coats. ─── 他指出,如果医生只是简单的把制药公司的小礼物别在白大褂上,(而并未受到任何影响的话),他们就不会感到这么矛盾。

62、They took me to the homicide division, and played a cassette tape on which a man I knew named Kevin Freeman accused me of shooting a man. ─── 他们把我带到了杀人犯区审讯,播放一盒录音带,在这段录音中,我认识的一个名叫凯文·弗里曼的人指控我开枪射死了一名男子。

63、Ranger Freeman says any rough or sudden movement can force cold blood from the arms, legs and hands deep into the warmer middle of the body. ─── 她表示,求援者通过在受伤者胸、头、颈部四周放置额外的覆盖物来防止更多的热量散发掉。

64、At 16 years of age Freeman won gold at the Commonwealth Games as part of the 4 * 100m relay team. ─── 16岁时,弗里曼作为4×100m接力队的一员,在英联邦运动会上赢得了金牌。

65、He was made a freeman of London in March 1985. ─── 1985年3月,他成为了伦敦市的荣誉市民。

66、Rosner, William J.Lyddon, Arthur Freeman, editors. ─── 书名 :Cognitive therapy and dreams /Rachael I.

67、For he that is called in the Lord, being a bondman, is the freeman of the Lord. Likewise he that is called, being free, is the bondman of Christ. ─── 同样,那有自由而蒙召的人,就是基督的奴隶。

68、As he walked he took the folded Freeman from his sidepocket, unfolded it, rolled it lengthwise in a baton and tapped it at each sauntering step against his trouserleg. ─── 他边走边从侧兜里掏出折叠起来的《自由人报》,打开来又把它竖着卷成棍状。每踱一步便隔着裤子用它拍一下小腿.

69、Different recognition methods, such as the improved Freeman Chain Code, are used for different types of line. ─── 对不同类型的线条应用不同的识别方法,特别是将改进的Freeman链码应用到复合线条的分割。

70、Think of John Scofield, Craig Chaquico, and Russ Freeman (but a few - other - examples) - neither of these gentlemen sound the same and none of them sound like Al Di Meola. ─── 在艾尔早年风格蕴酿成型的时期,综合摇滚和爵士的融合乐成为他的最爱。

71、You couldn't believe me. Freeman could be anywhere. ─── 你不要问我,弗里曼在哪我根本不知道。

72、That is not to say Freeman is an easygoing guy. ─── 这倒不是说弗里曼生性随和。

73、Their minds They might bump into things or fall off over objects.Adrienne Freeman is a park ranger at Yosemite National Park in California. ─── 体温降到35以下,大脑不能清晰地思维,肌肉开始变硬,而且可能会跌倒,或是摔倒。

74、Adrienne Freeman is a park ranger at Yosemite National Park in California. ─── 上周我们谈了如何避免体温降低和其他寒冷天气下的损伤的方法。

75、She contacted Professor Joan Freeman, a specialist educational psychologist, for advice. ─── 她与一个教育心理学专家约翰.弗里曼联系寻求建议。

76、These algorithms are as follows: transformation algorithms of Freeman crack code and VCC, transformation algorithms of 4-direction and VCC, transformation algorithms of 8-direction and VCC. ─── 包括Freeman缝隙码与顶点链码之间的相互转换算法,四方向Freeman链码与顶点链码之间的相互转换算法和八方向Freeman链码与顶点链码之间的相互转换算法。

77、In Timur Bekmambetov's zazzy action film, she plays Fox, a member of Morgan Freeman's gang of supposedly sanctified assassins. ─── 在这部铁幕尔贝克曼贝托夫的超级动作大片中,她饰演芙珂丝,一名摩根弗里曼带领的神圣暗杀团队中的杀手。

78、T. and Freeman, J. (1984), "Structural Inertia and Organizational Change. ─── T. 和自由民,J。(1984),"结构的惯性和组织的变化 .

79、Simpson is a freeman again.The former football great was sentenced to prison by a Las Vegas judge for his part in an armed robbery at a hotel last year. ─── 前橄榄球大明星在拉斯维加斯法院被判处有罪入狱,他是因为去年在一旅馆涉嫌武装抢劫案。

80、Ricklefs, R.E. and G.L. Miller.2000.Ecology.4th ed.New York: W.H. Freeman &Co. ─── 孙儒泳,李庆芬,牛翠娟,娄安如,2002。基础生态学。高等教育出版社。

81、Some of the answers showed a "wonderful imagination", according to Prof Joan Freeman, the child psychologist who used the Stanford-Binet IQ intelligence test. ─── 凯琳娜 奥凯莉被要求完成有关数字的问题和一系列不同等级的挑战,包括动作能力,记忆,抓握一支铅笔,有关数字和形状等。

82、By courtesy of the trustees of the British Museum, London; photograph, J. R. Freeman &Co., Ltd. ─── 一个手抱角形竖琴的埃及小雕像,现藏伦敦大英博物馆。

83、Selected Papers 1945-1980 with Commentary, Chen Ning Yang, W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1983. ─── 《杨振宁传》,江才健著,台北天下远见出版公司与远哲科学教育基金会共同出版,2002年。

84、A rent paid by a freeman in lieu of the services required by feudal custom. ─── 免役租,代役租自由民支付的租金来代替封建惯例要求的服役

85、Ranger Freeman says any rough or sudden movement can false the force cold blood from the arms, legs and hands deep into the warmer middle of the body. ─── 守林人说任何粗暴的或是突然的移动会迫使冰冷的手臂,大腿和手里冰冷的血液流进到身体较为暖和的中心部位。

86、Wiles, J. (1985). The mind of invention: Activities to stimulate creativethinking. New York: Freeman. ─── 创造乃是创造者依照其目的,将不同事物、观念联结成新的关系,这一种能力为创造力。

87、Nathan Jacobson, Basic Algebra I, Second edition, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1985. ─── 吴海容,工程矩阵分析(第二版),黑龙江省科学技术出版社,1998年。

88、Ranger Freeman says any rough or so sudden movement can force cold blood from the arms, legs and hands deep into the warmer middle of the body. ─── 守林人副雷曼说任何粗暴地和突然的移动能强迫来自手臂、腿和手的血深入到身体的温暖中心。

89、Kittel, H.Kroemer, Thermal physics.2d, ed, 1980,Freeman, San Francisco. ─── 冯玉广等,热力学与统计物理学导论,中国科学技术出版社,1993年6月第1版.


小一时空 2017-12-23 09:13:25

























《平安夜》歌词原文是用德语写的,第一句是Stille Nacht(寂静的夜或安静的夜);







(头条号:小一时空 编辑。图片史料源自网络)



当吉他伴奏的合唱曲《平安夜》响起,每个人情不自禁地跟着唱起来。难忘的旋律不胫而走,以至于大家很快忘记了它的词曲作者。直到1995年,音乐学者才确认作词的是这座教堂的神父Joseph Mohr,作曲则是当地的小学校长、管风琴师Franz Xaver Gruber,而大多数流行的圣诞歌曲作者可没有这么幸运。

1859年,纽约的一位神父John Freeman Young将《平安夜》原词从德语翻译成英语,从此风靡世界各地。至今,这首歌已经跨越文化,成为庆祝新年到来、家人团聚的名作。

最近,挪威钢琴家、作曲家Ola Gjeilo将《平安夜》改编成一首小品,赋予了它新的意义。那就是在热闹、狂欢的新年气氛里,如何安静、美好、默想着度过跨年一刻。不论是在万人演唱会现场,还是在一家小小的酒吧;不论是一个人、两个人,还是一群人……




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