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08-20 投稿


forehand 发音

英:['f??h?nd]  美:['f?r'h?nd]

英:  美:

forehand 中文意思翻译




forehand 网络释义

n. 正击,正打;马体的前部adj. 正打的n. (Forehand)人名;(英、西)福汉德

forehand 短语词组

1、forehand drive ─── [体]正手抽球

2、forehand clear ─── [体]正手高运球

3、forehand grip ─── [体]正手握拍法

4、forehand rent ─── 预付租金

5、forehand tennis drills ─── 正手网球练习

6、forehand chop ─── 正手削球

7、forehand rentals ─── 正手租金

8、forehand topspin ─── 正手上旋

9、forehand stroke ─── 正手击球

10、forehand tap ─── 正手拍

11、forehand service ─── 正手服务

12、forehand technique ─── 正手技术

13、forehand attack ─── 正手进攻, ─── 正手攻球

14、forehand shot ─── [体]正手射门

15、forehand define ─── 正手定义

16、forehand winner ─── 正手制胜

17、forehand side ─── [体]正面

18、forehand tackle ─── 正手铲球

19、forehand swing ─── 正手挥杆

forehand 同义词

forehanded |forehand stroke | forehand shot

forehand 反义词


forehand 词性/词形变化,forehand变形


forehand 习惯用语

1、get theforehand of ─── 占上风, 居于优势, 居于有利地位

2、have theforehand of ─── 占上风, 居于优势, 居于有利地位

forehand 相似词语短语

1、forehanded ─── adj.对将来有预备的;(美)节约的;正手拍的;富裕的

2、forefend ─── v.防止;避开;挡住;用预防措施保护(等于forfend)

3、aforehand ─── adv.事先地;adj.事先的,预先的

4、forehands ─── n.正击,正打;马体的前部;adj.正打的;n.(Forehand)人名;(英、西)福汉德

5、barehand ─── 赤手空拳

6、forelands ─── n.沿海地区;前沿地;海角

7、foreshank ─── n.牛前腿上部的肉

8、foreland ─── n.沿海地区;前沿地;海角

9、beforehand ─── adv.事先;预先;adj.提前的;预先准备好的

forehand 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But in the last year, she has molded her forehand into a weapon as well. ─── 但是在去年,她将正手也变成了获胜的武器。

2、He served to his opponent's forehand. ─── 他把球发向对方的正手方向。

3、In my hand, TO is obviously better than TL in transferring power,even at close-to-table backhand blocking. On forehand side, TO is absolutely better, even near the table. ─── TL TO都有这种用力后好象传给球时打了折扣的感觉,所以近台感觉发力不爽,相比之下,TL还好些.

4、Through this course, students are able to learn the grip, forehand and backhand strokes and serving skills in tennis. ─── 学员能掌握正手击球、反手击球和发球等技术。

5、“Zhang Yu in works as player's time, his forehand and serves, is the powerful attack weapon, therefore he teaches me these, is also with a clear goal. ─── “张宇在当球员的时候,他的正手和发球,就都是有力的进攻武器,所以他教我这些,也算是有的放矢。”

6、ANDY RODDICK: Oh, yeah, it helps my forehand so much. My serve is so much better (smiling). ─── 安迪:哦,当然。它帮助了我的正手,也帮助了我的发球。(笑)

7、Win the point within letting your opponent play a forehand. ─── 在你得分前使你的对手只用正手回球。

8、Services include the backhand topspin and backspin serves, the forehand topspin and backspin serves, and the high toss service. ─── 发球方法包括,反手上旋球和下旋球,正手上旋球和下旋球。和高抛发球。

9、His forehand suddenly wasn’t as feared.His imperiousness had been punctured by the rise of Rafael Nadal. ─── 他的正手杀伤力不在令人胆寒,已经被实力不断上升的纳达尔击败数次。

10、Investigation of Teaching and Training of Forehand Smash Skill ─── 乒乓球正手攻球技术的教学与训练探讨

11、In order to make it easy for people to understand, I gave this technique a descriptive nickname which is the "backhand grip forehand shot". ─── 为了能便于理解,在下给它起了个特有的名称,这就是所谓的“反手正打”技术,或者称之为”反拍正打”技术。

12、Simply turn to forehand in the table of contents and you'll find “My Forehand Is Going Beyond The Baseline. ─── 只要简单地在目录中转向正拍这部份,你将发现”我的正拍球一直超越基底线。”

13、I was impressed with his skills in the backhand smash,the forehand smash,and the drop shot. ─── 他在反手扣杀、正手扣杀和吊球方面的技术,给我留下了很深的印象。

14、And so much of his time training was with Cheng, who could mimic everything Waldner did, from his serve and serve returns, to his forehand loops and drives, etc. ─── 他与成进行了很长时间的训练,成模仿瓦尔德内尔的所有一切,从发球,接发球,到正手弧圈和抽杀等等。

15、forehand straight punch technique ─── 前手直拳技术

16、I have always been able to rely upon my serves, frequently directly point-winning. I have furthermore worked hard to follow up my serves with a varying forehand stroke. ─── 乒乓球比赛中,我经常依靠我的发球,往往直接得分。而且我致力于发球抢攻,用我变化较多的正手击球。

17、2.Services include the backhand topspin and backspin serves, the forehand topspin and backspin serves, and the high toss service. ─── 发球方法包括反手上旋球和下旋球.正手上旋球和下旋球以及高抛发球.

18、offside forehand ─── 右侧向前击球

19、And gone was the gritty buccaneer look that so perfectly complemented his savage forehand. ─── 再也看不到了,他那幅俨然刚硬海盗似的模样,那种狂野的扮相是和他凶悍的正手很是相配。

20、Never stand completely sideways to the net when you hit your forehand. ─── 在打正手球时候,千万不要完全采取侧身位。

21、Unaccustomed after use the toilet backhand presses average person use strong water button, their design can install pushbutton on the metope of forehand position. ─── 一般人在如厕后都不习惯反手按动冲水按钮,他们的设计就可以把按钮安装在正手位置的墙面上。

22、Basic shots include the backhand and forehand chops,the backhand and forehand drives,the backspin chop,the block shot,the drop shot,the smash,the cross shot and the half volley. ─── 基本打法包括: 反手和正手削球,反手和正手抽球,削下旋球,推挡,吊球,扣杀,斜线球和快拨。

23、Basis shots include the backhand and forehand chops, the backhand and forehand drives, the backspin chop, the loop, the block shot, the drop shot, the smash, the cross shot and the half volley. ─── 基本打法包括:反手和正手削球、反手和正手抽球、削下旋球、弧圈球、推挡、吊球、扣杀、斜线球和快拨。

24、After the first round you said you had a few problems with your strokes, your serve, your forehand. Do you think you have improved? ─── 第一轮过后,你说你的击球、发球、正手都有点小问题,现在你认为它们改进了吗?

25、She has a strong forehand. ─── 她正手击球强劲有力。

26、services include the backhand topspin and backspin serves,the forehand topspin and backspin serves,and the high toss service ─── 发球方法包括,反手上旋球和下旋球,正手上旋球和下旋球。和高抛发球

27、9. The basic individual skills include serving, volleying, backhand and forehand ground strokes, the smash, the lob and passing shots. ─── 个人的基本技术包括:发球,截击空中球,反手和正手击落地球,高压球,挑高球和超身球。收藏指正

28、He served to his opponent's forehand. ─── 他把球发向对方的正手方向。

29、serving, volleying, backhand and forehand ground strokes, ─── 发球,截击空中球,反手和正手击落地球,

30、Basic shots include the backhand and forehand chops, the backhand and forehand drives, the backspin chop, the block shot, the drop shot , the smash, the cross shot and the half volley. ─── 基本打法包括:反手和正手削球,反手和正手抽球,削下旋球,推挡,吊球,扣杀,斜线球和快拨。

31、Batting Point and Forehand Attack Theoretical Teaching and Practical Coaching ─── 击球点与正手攻球教学

32、Basic shots of table tennis includes the forehand and backhand chops, the forehand and backhand drives, the backspin chop, the block shot, the drop short, the smash, the cross shot and the half volley. ─── 乒乓球的基本打法包括:正手反手削球、手和反手削球、手和反手抽球、下旋球、挡、球、扣杀、线球和快拨。

33、4. Services include the backhand topspin and backspin serves, the forehand topspin and backspin serves, and the high toss service. ─── 发球方法包括,反手上旋球和下旋球,正手上旋球和下旋球。和高抛发球。收藏指正

34、With increasing frequency since the days of Ivan Lendl, the big forehand has replaced the first volley as a primary offensive shot. ─── 从伦德尔开始,随着越来越广泛地运用,强力正手已经取代截击成为主要的进攻手段。

35、Agassi saw his chance and, with another lightning forehand, reached match point. ─── 阿加西看准时机,以一记闪电般的正手击球拿到了赛点。

36、Fighting tooth and nail to stay in this game, Andy earned the first break point of the set by whipping a forehand at Inzer that he couldn’t handle and sent it into the net. ─── 在明天的决赛中,他将面对本次比赛最大的黑马世界排名仅416位的同胞伊斯尼尔,而身高在两米以上的伊斯尼尔正是因为自己擅长在三盘大战中取得抢七胜利而一路杀至决赛。

37、hard straight return made on the forehand side (as in tennis or badminton or squash). ─── 在正手方向用力并且直接的回击(例如在网球或羽毛球或壁球上)。

38、a mishit on the forehand that sent the ball beyond the first row, followed by a forehand into the net set the precedence for the breaker. ─── “就是因为这一分,我丢掉了第一盘,不过我和主裁都清楚地看到这一个球出界了。”

39、Djokovic saved two, but Moya then hit a forehand down the line.Djokovic got his racket to it, but his crosscourt attempt went wide. ─── “我很崇拜休伊特,他是我最喜欢的球员之一,我喜欢他的打法和敬佩他在球场上的斗志。”

40、Turn sideways with your racquet back ready to hit a forehand. ─── 以你的网拍在背后预备好的状态中转身向旁边击出正手拍。

41、Rachel: Oh! Well, um.. (Grabs his forehand) You've got plugs! ─── 哦!(抓他的头发)你还植发了?

42、Become issue of art of eyesight correct forehand! ─── 做视力矫正手术问题!

43、A left-hander with a booming forehand, Nadal had been known as a clay-court specialist since playing his first pro tournaments in 2001. ─── 阿左投手,蓬勃发展的正手,纳达尔被称为自2001年,他打第一场职业比赛红土专家。

44、Because Timo often returns the serve of his opponent with his forehand and his forehand grip is slightly different from his backhand grip. ─── 反手击球情形正相反:食指向下移(见图片1)球拍向内,这样的拍形有利于反手击球(搓球,反拉,弹击和拉上旋球)。

45、Simply turn to forehand in the table of contents and you’ll find “My Forehand Is Going Beyond The Baseline. ─── 只要简单地在目录中转向正拍这部份, 你将发现”我的正拍球一直超越基底线。”

46、Research on the new methode of forehand fast drive ─── 乒乓球正手快攻技术自学辅导教学的实验研究

47、Slice serve to the forehand. ─── 向正手发切削球。

48、I learned serve, had more steady forehand, improved my backhand, and volleys, urhh, I still need to work on that. ─── 好好享受今天所拥有的,把不开心的事留到明天再去想,这已渐渐成为了我的处世哲学。

49、He is using his forehand to drive the opponent's loop. ─── 他用正手把对方的弧圈球荡过去。

50、Your Over-Developed Wing By Carl Danner Are you much stronger on one wing (forehand or backhand) than the other? ─── 你过多发展的翅膀。你是否一边的翅膀(正手或反手)比另一边要强得多?

51、Basic shots of table tennis includes the forehand and backhand chops,the forehand and backhand drives,the backspin chop,the block shot,the drop short,the smash,the cross shot and the half volley. ─── 乒乓球的基本打法包括: 正手反手削球、正手和反手削球、正手和反手抽球、削下旋球、推挡、吊球、扣杀、斜线球和快拨。

52、She hit a forehand volley into the net. ─── 她正手截击球未过网。

53、In correct forehand art was made above knee, already 2 many months, foot how cannot of complete unbend. ─── 在膝盖上面做了纠正手术,已经2个多月了,脚怎么不能完全伸直的.

54、As an example, let's say that in your last match you were having a problem with your forehand continually going beyond the baseline. ─── 例如,就这样说吧,上一次比赛中你正拍不断地打出超过底线的问题。

55、hard straight return made on the forehand side,as in tennis or badminton or squash ─── 在正手方向用力并且直接的回击,例如在网球或羽毛球或壁球上

56、In all lateral movements shoulder-in, travers, renvers, half-pass, the horse is slightly bent and moves with the forehand on different tracks. ─── 在肩内、内、外和斜横步各种侧方运动中,马的前躯是轻微的朝不同的方向曲绕。

57、As an example, let’s say that in your last match you were having a problem with your forehand continually going beyond the baseline. ─── 例如,就这样说吧, 上一次比赛中你正拍不断地打出超过底线的问题。

58、Students can learn forehand stroke, backhand stroke and rules of competition in this course. Importantly, they have to understand how to avoid injury in playing squash games. ─── 学员能学习到正手击球、反手击球等技术及比赛规则,最重要是学习怎样预防在训练或比赛时可能出现的受伤情况。

59、His forehand is as accurate as scalpel . ─── 他的正手击球如手术刀般精准。

60、2. In all lateral movements shoulder-in, travers, renvers, half-pass, the horse is slightly bent and moves with the forehand on different tracks. ─── 在肩内、腰内、腰外和斜横步各种侧方运动中,马的前躯是轻微的朝不同的方向曲绕。

61、The ability to develop natural balance, allowing some of the weight of the forehand to be transferred back to the hind legs. ─── 保持自然平衡的能力,能够将前腿的部分重量转移到后腿。

62、Did he appear weaker to you, his forehand? ─── 他的正手对你来说是不是威胁更小了?

63、Oh, by the way, if your forehand is going long, beyond the baseline, what are some things to consider for correction? ─── 哦,顺便一提,如果你的正手拍正打长了,超过底线,为了订正我们所要考虑的是那些事物呢?

64、The strong forehand or backhand stroke, the body should be hitting the side of the turn to steady feet. ─── 在进行有力的正手或反手击球时,身体应向击球一侧转动以便站稳双脚。

65、He is famous for his powerful forehand and quick wits. ─── 他最著名的是强有力的正手拍与敏捷的判断力。

66、She has a strong forehand drive(= in tennis). ─── 她正手击球强而有力。

67、You never pick up a tennis racquet. we’re going to build you up to a fundamentally sound forehand through a series of step and series of progressions. ─── 前面学习中将手臂伸直后虽然击球线路加长了,但实际上并没有掌握挥拍路线,自然是每打一次球肘部的负担增加了不少。

68、Q. What do you feel let you down most? Your serve? Your forehand? ─── 你认为今天导致你失利的主要原因是什么?发球?正手?

69、Dare not impose the same demands on the backhand as a forehand.A forehand can end a point, but a backhand is almost always less about closure and more about creation. ─── 别像要求正手那样去要求反手,正手可以一击致命,反手在大多数情况下只是为了过渡,但是也更富有创造性。

70、If you have a forehand grip or a Continental grip( which can be used for slice shots, but is not well suited for drives or topspin) the racquet face will tend to be open at contact. ─── 如果你是正手握拍或者大陆式握拍(用来下切击球,但是不适合用力打击或打上旋球)拍面在接触时倾向是开放的。

71、But in the second set, the umpire called "out" twice when she hit the ball with a forehand stroke. ─── 但在第二盘维纳斯打正手球时,裁判曾两次喊“出界”。

72、Denton just hit an excellent forehand return. ─── 丹顿打了个非常漂亮的正手回击。

73、What do you feel let you down most? Your serve? Your forehand? ─── 你认为今天导致你失利的主要原因是什么?发球?正手?

74、Two practice partners are selected, one with a very strong forehand, one with a very strong backhand (but also a good forehand), and they learn to play together as a team. ─── 但在中国,由于雄厚的实力,能。挑选两个陪练员,一个正手很强,另一个反手很强(但正手也不弱)。

75、Some weird sporting instinct that reacts to any adversity by wanting to hit a topspin forehand, which only takes you so far. ─── 这是某种不可思议的运动本能,一旦遇到任何不利形势,第一反应就是想打个正手上旋球。

76、If she is right handed, and on the right hand side of the court, she uses a backhand defensive posture; from the left side of the court she uses her forehand. ─── 如果她是右手持拍,站在场地的右边,她可以时候反手的防守姿式站位;站在左边的半场,她可以用正手的接球方式。

77、See the Forehand section on generating power. ─── 关于产生力量看一下正手拍的部分。

78、2.I think the players should be skilled at serving, volleying, the backhand smash, the forehand smash and the drop shot. ─── 个人的基本技术包括: 发球,截击空中球,反手和正手击落地球,高压球,挑高球和超身球。

79、I was impressed with his skills in the backhand smash, the forehand smash, and the drop shot. ─── 他在反手扣杀、手扣杀和吊球方面的技术,给我留下了很深的印象。

80、“the daily 30 minutes serve teach especially, every day innumerable fixed-point forehand attack. ─── “每天30分钟的发球特训,每天数不清的定点正手攻击。”

81、What a terrific forehand return! ─── 多么漂亮的正手回击呀!

82、Her forehand shots usually go very wide. ─── 她的正手打击通常都打得很远。

83、The basic individual skills include serving,volleying,backhand and forehand ground strokes,the smash,the lob and passing shots. ─── 个人的基本技术包括:发球,截击空中球,反手和正手击落地球,高压球,挑高球和超身球。

84、5.When it comes to such basic skills as serving, volleying, backhand and forehand ground strokes, the smash, the lob and passing shots, she is the best among the four players. ─── 个人的基本技术包括:发球,截击空中球,反手和正手击落地球,高压球,挑高球和超身球。

85、Seles serves and saves Break point with nice forehand winner. ─── 塞莱斯发球然后正手接球得分。

86、The Pirouette (half-pirouette) is a turn of 360 degrees (180 degrees) executed on two tracks, with a radius equal to the length of the horse and the forehand moving around the haunches. ─── 定后肢迴旋(定后肢半迴旋)是以两蹄迹运动转360度(180度),半径等于马体长度,前躯围绕臀部旋转的运动。

87、Because forehand slice is not really my favorite shot to play, but as long as I don't miss it and sometimes win a few crucial rallies like I did on set point, I think that's great. ─── 但只要我没打丢这个球,并且有时候还用这招赢得一些重要的回合,比如在盘点的时候,这也很棒。

88、1.Services include the backhand topspin and backspin serves, the forehand topspin and backspin serves, and the high toss service. ─── 发球方法包括反手上旋球和下旋球.正手上旋球和下旋球以及高 抛 发球.



1. 正手出手(Forehand):这是最常见的出手方式。持盘手将手臂伸直,并用手掌将飞盘握住,然后将手臂从后方挥动到前方,类似于投掷球的动作,将飞盘无旋转地释放出去。

2. 反手出手(Backhand):与正手出手相反,持盘手将飞盘放在手背上,然后将手臂从后方甩到前方,释放飞盘。这种出手方式会给飞盘产生一定旋转,使其在飞行过程中更加稳定。

3. 夹盘出手(Pancake):这种方式是将飞盘夹在食指和中指之间,然后向前推动手臂,释放飞盘。这种出手方式使用的变化较少,主要用于短距离传球或过人。

4. 中指出手(Thumber):这是一种比较特殊的出手方式,持盘手将飞盘握在手掌上,然后用中指施加压力将飞盘向上翻转,然后将手臂甩到前方,释放飞盘。由于这种方式的出手角度较大,所以飞盘在飞行过程中会有较大的旋转。


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