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08-20 投稿


bawdy 发音

英:[?b??di]  美:[?b??di]

英:  美:

bawdy 中文意思翻译



bawdy 网络释义

adj. 猥亵的;下流的;卖淫的

bawdy 词性/词形变化,bawdy变形


bawdy 短语词组

1、bawdy house law term ─── 淫秽房屋法术语

2、bawdy house calgary ─── 卡尔加里淫秽之家

3、bawdy house law ─── 淫秽房屋法

4、bawdy jokes ─── 淫秽笑话

5、bawdy house ─── 妓院

6、bawdy house definition ─── 淫秽房屋定义

7、bawdy poetry ─── 淫秽诗

8、bawdy crossword clue ─── 淫秽纵横字谜线索

9、bawdy house define ─── 淫秽屋定义

10、bawdy-house ─── [法] 妓院

11、bawdy definition ─── 淫秽定义

12、bawdy bookworm ─── 淫秽书虫

13、bawdy falls- gravity falls ─── 淫秽瀑布-重力瀑布

14、bawdy crossword ─── 淫秽纵横字谜

15、bawdy house means ─── 下流的房子意味着

bawdy 相似词语短语

1、bawd ─── n.鸨母;妓院女老板;妓女

2、bawdry ─── n.猥亵的言语;卖淫

3、baddy ─── n.坏人,反面人物

4、bardy ─── 可食用的钻木虫;有反抗性的;巴尔迪

5、bawley ─── n.渔船

6、bandy ─── adj.向外弯曲的;(双腿)罗圈的;v.(网球)打来打去;传播;争吵;n.早期的曲棍球(冰球);曲棍;n.(Bandy)(美、英、加、澳)邦迪(人名)

7、baldy ─── n.秃子;adj.秃的;秃顶的;n.(Baldy)人名;(法)巴尔迪

8、bawds ─── n.鸨母;妓院女老板;妓女

9、bawdily ─── adv.淫秽地

bawdy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Recently, the one origin that court of people of the city zone accepts Beijing on the west uploads bawdy picture to offend the case of criminal law. ─── 近日,北京市西城区人民法院受理的一起因上传淫秽图片触犯刑律的案件。

2、Discovery of gold nearby in 1848 changed the city from a small community into a thriving boom town known for its lawlessness and bawdy amusements. ─── 1848年在附近地区发现了金矿,这使原来的小社区发展成为一个日益繁荣的城镇,以无法规约束且多猥亵的消遣方式而闻名。

3、A light humorous, nonsensical, or bawdy verse of five anapestic lines usually with the rhyme scheme aabba. ─── 五行打油诗韵脚通常为aabba的幽默、无聊或下流的抑抑扬格五行诗

4、it was smoking-room bawdry or they published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy. ─── 这是只适用于男性的下流语言。

5、Subsequently, net alarm having collate test to another computer in inn, discover this computer D dish put in next folder have two bawdy motion pictures. ─── 随后,网警在对店中另一台电脑进行了勘验,发现该电脑D盘下一个文件夹中存有两部淫秽电影。

6、His political and social commentary catered to the bawdy tastes of the time. ─── 他对政治和社会评判迎合了时代的需求。

7、prostitutes, following the army, swarmed the town and bawdy houses were blossoming with women to the consternation of the church people. ─── 这里有好几天前新开的酒吧,有随着军队蜂拥而来的妓女,有令教会人士大为惊恐的春色满院的娼寮。

8、All the people in the party were disgusted with his bawdy jokes. ─── 所有参加宴会的人都有厌恶他那淫秽的笑话。

9、The oldest British joke dates back to the 10th Century and reveals the bawdy face of the Anglo-Saxons -- "What hangs at a man's thigh and wants to poke the hole that it's often poked before? ─── 来自10世纪的英国最古老的笑话,同样有点黄:什么东西总是被男人紧紧拿着用它来插入平时经常插的洞?

10、This law not will " download bawdy information " label prohibit sexual regulation. ─── 该法并未将“下载淫秽信息”列为禁止性规定。

11、bawdy songs; ─── 猥亵的小曲;

12、I was hoping to cheer him up.Instead, he made me laugh with bawdy jokes and droll comments on current events. ─── 能于如此严格的评选标准脱颖而出,对合勤科技而言是荣耀也是责任,未来合勤科技将继续贡献企业力量,善尽企业应尽的社会责任。

13、Network humanness denounces, basically put in a large number of low common, bawdy information because of it. ─── 网络为人诟病,主要因为它存在大量低俗、淫秽信息。

14、4.The bawdy Middle Ages, as Mr McLaren explains in his admirably deadpan prose, “once again made impotence a laughing matter”. ─── 不堪的中世纪,麦克拉伦用他极其冷静的笔触说道,“再一次让阳萎成为笑柄”。

15、A few smirked as if they had been caught coming out of a Bawdy house ─── 一些人尴尬地笑着好像他们被人发现从妓院出来。

16、His eyes were shrewd and bawdy ─── 他的一双眼睛机灵而轻佻。

17、bawdy house ─── 妓院

18、Wanted us to take her to a bawdy house where they put on the dog and man act. ─── 她要我们带她去一家妓院,他们在那儿表演人与狗交媾的把戏。

19、s Medico-Legal Lab include earthy and bawdy Angela Montenegro, who's created a unique way to render an original crime scene in a three-dimensional computer image; ─── 当遗体已经变得无法辨认,当死者有冤屈在身,当谋杀案的调查陷于停滞的时候,我们这位博士总是能从受害人的骨头上寻找到蛛丝马迹,使破案工作突破性的进展。

20、All the people in the party were disgusted with his bawdy jokes. ─── 派对上的所有人都讨厌他的黄色的黄色笑话。

21、Feburary the middle ten days of a month, mechanism of public security of Anhui Anqing city discovers " of net of film of city of appropriate of this city " has a large number of bawdy motion pictures. ─── 2月中旬,安徽安庆市公安机关发现该市 "宜城电影网"有大量淫秽电影。

22、According to preliminary statistic, this website disseminates information of bawdy frequency electron through making, seek profit illegally already more than yuan 40 thousand. ─── 据初步统计,该网站通过制作传播淫秽音频电子信息,已非法牟利4万余元。

23、1.After a few drinks, they were all singing bawdy songs at the top of their voices. ─── 喝了几杯酒之后,他们就扯着嗓门唱一些下流歌曲。

24、He was extremely muscular, an adventurer, and he would tell these bawdy stories. ─── 他是肌肉猛男,一个冒险家,而且会讲荤故事。

25、Bold lipstick and bawdy dancing are the trademarks of Nida Chaudhry, who performs to packed houses at Lahore's Al Falah theater. ─── 大胆的口红和下流的舞蹈是奈达·乔杜里的招牌特征。 她在拉合尔阿尔法拉剧院的演出场场爆满。

26、bawdy talk or stories ─── 淫猥的话或故事.

27、The bawdy Middle Ages, as Mr McLaren explains in his admirably deadpan prose, "once again made impotence a laughing matter" . ─── 不堪的中世纪,麦克拉伦用他极其冷静的笔触说道,“再一次让阳萎成为笑柄”。更详细。

28、In this kind of new business culture, the bawdy flirting culture is one of the most magical contents and signs. ─── 在这种新型的商业都市文化中,扬州的青楼风月文化,最具魅力的内容及标志之一。

29、Jong's own adaptations, interpolated through the book, show the poems' range: graceful calibrations of raw passion and allusive indirection, elegant turns of phrase capping bawdy banter. ─── 琼自己的改编,在整本书各处添加了仿摹萨福的诗作,体现出了萨福原作的范围:优美地平衡在原始的热情和间接的暗示之间,优雅地摆弄词汇来掩饰猥亵的戏谑。

30、Yet the Arab canon extends far wider, linking the tribal bards of pre-Islamic Arabia to Sufi mystics, bawdy medieval jesters and angst-ridden modernists. ─── 然而阿拉伯诗歌流传却更为深远,它将前伊斯兰阿拉伯国家的部落诗人与苏菲神秘派、淫秽的中世纪小丑以及饱受焦虑摧残的现代主义者串联在一起。

31、'Tis no less, I tell you, for the bawdy hand of the dial is now upon the prick of noon. ─── 我告诉你,不会错;那日规上的指针正顶着中午呢。

32、Their"guests" would sing bawdy songs as they approached, to show they were no greenhorns. ─── 那来照顾她们的,还老远的要唱着窑调,显出自己并不是外行。

33、bawdy jokes, stories, etc ─── 淫猥的笑话﹑ 故事等.

34、They tell bawdy Chaucerian tales, and show their crooked, gappy teeth like horses when they laugh. ─── 她们尽讲些乔叟[13]式的下流故事,露出一口歪牙,活像几匹大笑的老马。

35、They published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy. ─── 他们出版了一部伊丽莎白艳情史。

36、On March 12, seek profit because of be suspected of transmitting bawdy article blame, the procuratorate austral dark green of Zhejiang lukewarm city is approved formally caught Xu Ning. ─── 3月12日,因涉嫌传播淫秽物品牟利罪,浙江温州苍南检察院正式批捕了许宁。

37、Ideal date: Classical concert, dinner at a health food restaurant, bawdy stand-up or drag show then back home for a nightcap. ─── 完美约会:古典音乐会,健康餐厅的晚餐,淫秽的站姿或扮装秀,然后回家去品尝睡前的小饮料。

38、He would become conscious of the bawdy laughter of the men who were still drinking at his left ─── 左边那几位还在喝酒的家伙的下流笑声马上又闯入了他的知觉。

39、He would become conscious of the bawdy laughter of the men who were still drinking at his left. ─── 左边那几位还在喝酒的家伙的下流笑声马上又闯入了他的知觉。

40、TYPICAL USE:All the people in the party were disgusted with his bawdy jokes. ─── 所有参加宴会的人都厌恶他那淫秽的笑话。

41、Like other black churches, Trinity’s services are full of raucous laughter and sometimes bawdy humor. ─── 和其他黑人教堂一样,三一教堂的礼拜充满喧闹的笑声,不时还有些荤秽的打趣。

42、And transmitting bawdy article fault is order of obstructive society government, the clue is serious highest can be in two years of the following set term of imprisonments. ─── 而传播淫秽物品罪是妨害社会管理秩序,情节严重的最高可处两年以下有期徒刑。

43、The journey home went without trouble, the weather was fine.Makes a change not hearing that old drunkard of a captain singing bawdy songs for hours at a time. ─── (旅途没有烦恼,天气很好。

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