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08-20 投稿


apiarian 发音

英:[[e?'pe?r??n]]  美:[[e?'pe?r?rn]]

英:  美:

apiarian 中文意思翻译



apiarian 短语词组

1、apiarian products ─── 养殖业产品

2、apiarian phantom ─── 蜂房幻影

3、apiarian definition ─── 养蜂人的定义

4、apiarian industries ─── 养蜂业

5、apiarian genetics ─── 蜜蜂遗传学

apiarian 相似词语短语

1、apiaries ─── n.养蜂场;蜂窝群

2、topiarian ─── adj.修剪成装饰形式的;修剪成形的(topiary的变形)

3、apician ─── 顶端的

4、apiarist ─── n.养蜂家;养蜂人

5、lapidarian ─── adj.与石有关的

6、aquarian ─── n.(Aquarian)出生于宝瓶座时段的人;adj.(Aquarian)(与)宝瓶座(有关)的;n.(Aquarian)(美、印、巴)艾克娅力让(人名)

7、acarian ─── adj.壁虱的;n.蜱螨

8、Napierian ─── 纳皮尔的

9、agrarian ─── adj.土地的;耕地的;有关土地的

apiarian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Utilizing Biotechnology to Prevent Apiarian Mite is the Mainstream in Future ─── 利用生物技术防治蜂螨是今后治螨发展的主要方向

2、Utilizing Biotechnology to Prevent Apiarian Mite is the Mainstream in Future ─── 利用生物技术防治蜂螨是今后治螨发展的主要方向

3、Rudimental Acaricide on Apiarian Production and It's Precautionary Countermeasure ─── 蜜蜂杀螨剂残留对蜂产品的危害及预防对策

4、On apiarian road, they found their place, got the esteem of people. ─── 在养蜂的道路上,他们找到了自己的位置,受到了人们的尊重。

5、Breeding of Producing Propolis Bee Species--One of the Serieses of "Breeding of the Apiarian Resources Bee Species" ─── 产胶蜂种的培育--“蜜蜂资源蜂种的培育”系列之一

6、In view of the ancient documents on beeswax, we found out that the relies interrelated to the apiarian techniques arising in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and that the relics were best in quality. ─── 结合文献资料,可以发现这件蜂蜡制品的出现与人工养蜂技术在东汉时兴起密切相关,它的品质反映出东汉时期高超的蜂蜡精炼技术。

7、On apiarian road, they found their place, got the esteem of people. ─── 在养蜂的道路上,他们找到了自己的位置,受到了人们的尊重。

8、Rudimental Acaricide on Apiarian Production and It's Precautionary Countermeasure ─── 蜜蜂杀螨剂残留对蜂产品的危害及预防对策

9、Report of Clinical and Integrative Effect on Diabetic Remedy by Various Apiarian Products ─── 多种蜂产品对糖尿病患者临床综合治疗效果报告

10、Report of Clinical and Integrative Effect on Diabetic Remedy by Various Apiarian Products ─── 多种蜂产品对糖尿病患者临床综合治疗效果报告

11、Breeding of Producing Propolis Bee Species--One of the Serieses of "Breeding of the Apiarian Resources Bee Species" ─── 产胶蜂种的培育--"蜜蜂资源蜂种的培育"系列之一

12、Discussion on Exploiting Stratagem of Apiarian Product ─── 谈蜂产品的开发战略

13、Discussion on Exploiting Stratagem of Apiarian Product ─── 谈蜂产品的开发战略

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