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08-20 投稿


allures 发音

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英:  美:

allures 中文意思翻译




allures 短语词组

1、allures 401k 401k ─── 诱惑

2、allures 52 ─── 诱惑52

3、allures 51 ─── 诱惑51

4、allures 45 ─── 诱惑45

5、allures 44 ─── 诱惑44

6、allures 49 ─── 诱惑49

allures 词性/词形变化,allures变形

副词: alluringly |动词过去分词: allured |动词过去式: allured |动词第三人称单数: allures |动词现在分词: alluring |名词: allurement |

allures 相似词语短语

1、-blures ─── 模糊

2、failures ─── n.失败(failure的复数)

3、allure ─── n.诱惑力;引诱力;吸引力;v.吸引;引诱;n.(Allure)(俄、美、印)艾罗尔(人名)

4、allured ─── n.诱惑力;引诱力;吸引力;v.吸引;引诱;n.(Allure)(俄、美、印)艾罗尔(人名)

5、alludes ─── vi.暗指,转弯抹角地说到;略为提及,顺便提到

6、allurer ─── 诱惑者

7、alures ─── n.走廊;院廊;通道(等于akkure)

8、-lures ─── n.鱼饵(lure的复数形式)

9、Silures ─── n.西卢尔人,志留人

allures 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters), until they believe: A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. ─── 你们不要娶以物配主的妇女,直到她们信道。已信道的奴婢,的确胜过以物配主的妇女,即使她使你们爱慕她。

2、It allures attacker by some obvious security holes, at the same time, monitors the hacker"s behavior and records all the information for further analysis. ─── 它通过构造一个有着明显安全漏洞的系统来引诱入侵者对其进行攻击,并在攻击的过程中对入侵者的入侵动机、入侵手段、使用工具等信息进行详细地记录。

3、The yellowtrap allures most quantity of adults; ─── 黄色粘卡诱集效果最好;

4、Used oil yellow trap allures more quantity of adults and no costs. ─── 废机油黄板无需成本,诱集效果较好。

5、"Not evil, but longing for that which is better, more often directs the steps of the erring. Not evil, but goodness more often allures the feeling mind unused to reason." ─── 往往不是恶,而是向善的愿望,引导人们误入岐途。往往不是恶,而是善,迷惑那些缺少理智、多愁善感的人。

6、While he allures them with the hope of worldly dominion, he gains dominion over the soul. ─── 但是,撒但给人的权柄,本不属于他自己,而且很快就要从他手中夺去。

7、Not evil, but goodness more often allures the feeling mind unused to reason. ─── 往往不是恶,而是善,迷惑那些缺少理智、。

8、The fine weather allures the ladies into the garden. ─── 晴朗的天气吸引女士们来到花园里。

9、Nothing allures people more than the power. ─── 没有什麽比权力更诱惑人。

10、Not evil, but goodness more often allures the feeling mind unused to reason. ─── 往往不是恶,而是善,迷惑那些缺少理智、多愁善感的人。

11、It depicts the graceful and colorful "Divine Deer," a deity that allures the viewers into the place where Truth resides in sleep. ─── 那是能将观者吸引入其中的神,真理也在那里宿眠。

12、Beware lest wrath allures you into scoffing, And do not let the greatness of the ransom turn you aside. ─── 18不可容忿怒触动你侮慢神,也不可因赎价大就偏行。

13、Cyber-communication is dummy, real-time and open etc. It strongly allures university students to use it. ─── 虚拟性、即时性和开放性等特征,对大学生有着莫大的吸引力。

14、In other words, it's a crude shortcut preferred by those who are uncertain of their allures unaided by financial inducements.It is pornography elevated -- or descending -- to the level of practice. ─── 换言之,是那些不施加经济刺激就对自己的吸引力没有把握的人喜欢的一种捷径。

15、This unique tie between theoretical academic studies and field-based action research is one of the continuing allures of the program. ─── 本系提供将理论学术研究和田野调查研究结合的机会,也是最吸引人的特色之一。

16、One of the allures of parenting services is they help avert some of the exasperating confrontations of childrearing. ─── 这门生意之所以大受欢迎,是因为它能转移一些父母同孩子之间的激烈冲突。

17、this fine weather allures many parents into gardens and parks with their children. ─── 看到天气这么好,很多家长禁不住带着孩子们去逛公园。

18、Thus, the allures of gold-and-green and ink landscapes are combined into one in this masterpiece. ─── 树杪苇叶描上金线,使本来寒荒的渔村,在雪后阳光照耀下格外明亮。画家灵活地结合金碧与水墨山水的韵致。

19、A woman with a spark is a woman with a light that shines from the inside, whose aura gives joy and beauty to others, who has an energy that charms and allures everything she touches. ─── 能活出生活火花的女性,彷佛从心里散发夺目光辉,无论身在何方,她的迷人气态,总让人感到美艳与欢愉。

20、The brilliant life of city allures the human resource from countryside, ─── 多彩的城市生活吸引着农村的人力资源,

21、One of the allures of parenting services is they help avert some of the exasperating confrontations of childrearing. ─── 这门生意之所以大受欢迎,是因为它能转移一些父母同孩子之间的激烈冲突。

22、the allures of parenting services is they help avert some of the exasperating confrontations of childrearing. ─── 这门生意之所以大受欢迎,是因为它能转移一些父母同孩子之间的激烈冲突。

23、I found an amphitheater in my first time here.It is interesting to gaze people dancing under moon light, looks like skating on the blue-silver ice lake.It catches me and allures my coming! ─── 第一次漫步在这里,发现这里有个露天舞池,看著许多人在月光下共舞,看似在银蓝色的湖面上溜冰,我知道我还会被吸引过来。

24、29 A lawless man allures his neighbor, and leads him into a way that is not good. ─── 强横的人,诱惑朋友;引他走入不正之徒。

25、And people do learn from experience: procrastinators know all too well the allures of the salient present, and they want to resist them. ─── 人们也从经验获知:拖延者太清楚重要的当下的诱惑了,并且想要抵制它。

26、this fine weather allures many parents into gardens and parks with their children. ─── 看到天气这么好,很多家长禁不住带着孩子们去逛公园。

27、Hawaii allures many tourists. ─── 夏威夷吸引了许多旅游者。

28、This unique tie between theoretical academic studies and field-based action research is one of the continuing allures of the program. ─── 本系提供将理论学术研究和田野调查研究结合的机会,也是最吸引人的特色之一。

29、1.As the herald of the new civilization, Desdemona allures the conceited hero to take off armour and attend the ablution of the new civilization. ─── 苔斯狄蒙娜装扮成新文明的使者,诱使自以为是的英雄卸下恺甲,参加了新文明的洗礼。

30、Indeed He allures you from the jaws of distress Into a spacious place, where there is no constraint; And what is upon your table is full of fatness. ─── 16神也必引你出离患难的虎口,进入宽阔不狭窄之地;摆在你席上的,必满有肥甘。

31、Cyber-communication is dummy, real-time and open etc.It strongly allures university students to use it. ─── 网络传播具有虚拟性、即时性和开放性等特征,对大学生有着莫大的吸引力。

32、The ostensible glory of that company allures the unwary investor. ─── 那家公司表面上的兴隆吸引了那个心存侥幸的投资者。

33、Defeated by all kinds of allures in our society, unfortunatally,some of the journalists have lost their professional spipits they should adhere to and violated the morals of journalism profession. ─── 有些新闻记者经不起社会的各种诱惑,频频出现丧失职业精神和违背职业道德的现象。

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