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Sioux 发音

英:[su?]  美:[su?]

英:  美:

Sioux 中文意思翻译




Sioux 网络释义

adj. 苏人的;苏语的n. 苏族(印第安人的一族, 自称达科他Dakota族)

Sioux 短语词组

1、sioux falls weather ─── 苏福尔斯天气

2、sioux city lowa ─── 苏族城市洛瓦

3、Big Sioux River ─── [网络] 大苏河;苏福尔斯位于大苏河;大苏河畔

4、Sioux City Air Defense Sector ─── 苏市防空区

5、sioux technologies ─── 苏族技术公司

6、sioux city sue ─── 苏城 ─── 苏

7、Sioux Army Depot ─── 苏军仓库

8、sioux tribe ─── 苏族三部曲

9、Sioux City un. ─── 苏城(美国爱阿华州西北部一城市) [网络] ─── 苏市;爱荷华州 ─── 苏市;爱荷华州 ─── 苏城

10、sioux falls sd ─── 苏福尔斯sd

11、diocese of sioux falls home resources ─── 苏族教区资源

12、Eastern Sioux ─── [网络] 东苏联

13、siouxsie sioux ─── 苏族 ─── 苏族

14、badgerow building sioux city ─── 苏城獾楼

15、Little Sioux River ─── [网络] 小苏维埃河

16、Sioux Falls n. ─── 苏福尔斯(美国南达科他州东南部城市)

17、Santee Sioux ─── [网络] 苏;苏族印第安人

18、Teton Sioux ─── [网络] 提顿苏族;提顿苏族人

19、bosses pizza sioux falls ─── 老板比萨苏福尔斯

Sioux 相似词语短语

1、Sioux ─── n.苏人,苏族(美洲土著,很多居于美国南达科他州);adj.苏人的;苏语的

2、bijoux ─── n.低廉首饰,小玩意;珠宝;n.(Bijoux)(巴、法、美)比茹(人名)

3、-joux ─── n.(Joux)人名;(法)茹

4、choux ─── n.周;甘蓝;心爱的人(chou的变形);n.(Choux)人名;(法)舒

5、pious ─── adj.虔诚的;敬神的;可嘉的;尽责的

6、Linux ─── n.Linux操作系统(一种类似于UNIX的计算机操作系统)

7、doux ─── n.(法)甜香槟

8、roux ─── n.(用于加浓羹汤等的)乳酪面粉糊;n.(Roux)人名;(英、法)鲁

9、-ious ─── suff.有…性质的;属于…的;如…的

Sioux 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church of Sioux Falls - Service schedule, principles, member information. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

2、American Sauk leader who aided the United States in the Black Hawk War(1832) and negotiated peace between his people and the Sioux(1837). ─── 基奥卡克美国索克人领袖,在黑鹰战争(1832年)中帮助了美国,并通过谈判使他的人与苏族人讲和(1837年)

3、We drove around for a while and then Laura asked me if I would drop her at Hardee's in South Sioux City.That was about 8:15. ─── 我们开了一段时间的车,然后,她问我是否愿意让她在南苏城的哈迪下车,当时大约是8点15分。”

4、Buffalo Bill knew many Indians and he was able to convince a famous Sioux Indian named Spotted Tail and his village to join the hunt. ─── 野牛比尔认识许多印地安人,而且他也能说服一位名叫斑纹尾巴(SpottedTail)的着名苏族印地安人及他村庄内的人添加这场狩猎行动。

5、In Sioux City on the river into the plain, the river has become bending, cross-strait majority of swamp. ─── 在苏城以下河流就进入平原区,河床变得弯曲,两岸形成广大沼泽。

6、The Great Sioux Massacre ─── 大小角战役

7、But within the territory lay the Black Hills , most sacred place of the Sioux, where braves went to speak to their gods. ─── 但在这片土地上屹立着的黑山是苏族印弟安人心目中最神圣的地方,勇士们到这里向他们的神灵祈祷。

8、In the Midwest, morningside college Morningside College in Sioux cityCity, Iowa, has more than 1,000 students. 14 of them this year are from other countries. ─── 在中西部,爱荷华州西欧克斯城的莫宁赛德学院有超过1000名学生。今年有14名是外国学生。

9、Chinese Mongolian national costume competition costumes, flags Sioux 2048 grams of stroke competition, Ma Blue Flag cultural festivals for tourists to display the deep-rooted customs and culture. ─── 中国蒙古族民族服装服饰大赛、西乌旗2048搏克大赛、蓝旗马文化节等活动为游客展示深层次的民俗风情和民族文化。

10、French-Canadian fur trappers and Sioux disparaged such country as "bad lands." The term now loosely defines any hilly terrain that is severely eroded into a forbidding landscape. ─── 法语的加拿大毛皮捕兽器和苏人的贬低国家作为“坏土地”。期限现在松散的定义,任何丘陵地形,这是严重侵蚀到可怕的景观。

11、In fact, she did not finish her university studies at Morningside College, in Sioux City, Iowa. ─── 实际上,她没有完成爱荷华州苏市茅宁塞德学院的学业。

12、In 1876, the 7th US Cavalry under General Custer moved to herd Sioux Indians in Motana into government reservations. ─── 一八七六年,美国第七骑兵队由乔治.卡斯特将军率领,要把蒙大拿州苏族印第安人赶入政府划定的居留地。

13、of or relating to the Sioux people or their language and culture ─── 属于、关于苏族人、苏族语和苏族文化

14、He became honorary chief of the tribe of Sioux when he visited the United States of America in the 90s and the television crew accompanying him showed the tribe one his movies. ─── 他90年代访问美国时被授予苏人部落的荣誉首领称号,并在电视台摄制组的陪伴下给该部落放映了一场他的电影。

15、Myths and Legends of the Sioux ─── n. 《苏人的神话和传说》,玛丽亚·L·麦克拉夫琳(Marie L. McLaughlin)著, 苏人的神话和传说

16、American soldier. A brigadier general at age23,he was killed and his troops annihilated by Sioux and Cheyenne warriors led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse at Little Bighorn. ─── 卡斯特,乔治·阿姆斯特朗1839-1876美国士兵。他在23岁时就成为准将,在小比格霍恩被由坐牛和疯马领队的苏族和夏安族的印第安士兵杀死,他的手下全军覆灭。

17、"Wounded Knee:Hamlet and creek in southwestern South Dakota, the site of two conflicts Between the Sioux Indians and the U.S. government." ─── 伤膝:美国南达科他州西南部的村庄名和小河名,是印第安人与美国政府代表曾两次发生冲突的地点。

18、A river rising in northeast South Dakota and flowing about '7' km (420 mi) southward, partly along the South Dakota-Iowa border, to the Missouri River at Sioux City, Iowa. ─── 大苏河:发源于美国南达科他州东北部的一条河,流程约'7'公里(420英里),向南,部分沿南达科他和衣阿华州边界,在衣阿华州的苏城流入密苏里河

19、Sioux: I always wanted to meet you. ─── 我老想着来见你.

20、If the Sioux hadn't learned how to handle horses and shoot Winchesters, they wouldn't have wiped out Custer's forces at the Little Bighorn. ─── 相反,前苏联的经济状况很糟糕:它只有很少量的外汇储备,并且非常迫切地需要美国和欧洲的高技术。

21、In the Midwest, Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa, has more than one thousand students. ─── 听力特快网站始建于2001年,是一个免费公益型英语听力资源学习网站。

22、The massacre of some 200 Sioux by U. S. troops at Wounded Knee.South Dakota ,on December 29,1890,marked the end of the Indian war. ─── 美军于1890年12月29日在南达科他和翁第德两地方对大约200名苏族人的大屠杀标志印地安战争的结束。

23、Lakota Oyate represents the traditional voice of the free Lakota oyate (people) from what was known as the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota,South Dakota and Montana. ─── 拉科塔奥亚特代表来自众所周知的印第安苏族的内布拉斯卡州,北达科塔州,南达科塔州和蒙大拿州的,自由拉科塔奥亚特(人民)的传统的声音.

24、They then perceived that the train was attacked by a band of Sioux. ─── 他们已经知道:这是一帮西乌人在袭击火车。

25、a chief of the Teton Dakota Sioux (1831-1890); took up arms against settlers in the northern Great Plains and against US Army troops; he was present at the battle of Little Bighorn (1876) when the Sioux massacred General Custer's troops. ─── 提顿族人中达科他苏人的领袖(1831-1890);在北部大平原拿起了反抗殖民者和美国军队的武器;他参加了在小大角羊的战斗(187。

26、An extreme close-up shows the delicate hair of an orange baboon tarantula, a resident of the Great Plains Zoo in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. ─── 意译:生活在颜色:橙色。一个大特写镜头显示这细致优雅的头发的橙色狒狒多毛毒蜘蛛,一个居民在大平原动物园位于苏人的瀑布,南达科塔。

27、A city of northeast South Dakota north-northwest of Sioux Falls.It is a commercial center in an agricultural region. ─── 沃特敦美国南达科他州东北部城市,在苏福尔斯西北偏北方向。

28、A Native American people constituting a subdivision of the Teton Sioux, formerly inhabiting the Black Hills region of western South Dakota, with a present-day population mainly in southwest South Dakota. ─── 奥加拉拉人美洲印第安人特顿苏族人的分支,以前居住在美国南达科他州西部的黑山地区,现在其人口主要居住在南达科他州的西南

29、a member of a Sioux people,especially a Santee ─── 一支苏族的成员,尤其指桑提人

30、Twenty sioux had fallen mortally wounded to the ground, and the wheels crushed those who fell upon the rails as if they had been worms ─── 有二十多个西乌人被打得半死从车上滚下去了,有的从车桥掉到铁轨上,象虫子一样被火车轮子压得粉碎。

31、Use of the capitalized form has the advantage of acknowledging the parallel with other ethnic groups and nationalities,such asItalian and Sioux. ─── See Usage Note at color 大写字母的好处在于对于其他种族和民族平等关系的承认,如意大利人 和 苏人。

32、The young woman was airlifted to the Marian Health Center in nearby Sioux City Iowa. ─── 劳娜被直升飞机运送到衣阿华州苏城附近的玛丽安健康中心治疗。

33、Holiday Inn Express Sioux Center : Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

34、In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln ordered the ????ution, by hanging, of 38 Dakota Sioux prisoners in Mankato, Minnesota. ─── 1862年,林肯总统下令绞死了38个明尼苏达曼卡托地区的达可它人苏语部落的38个囚犯。

35、As he surrendered to American officials, he told his son that he must now learn to live with the whites, and urged him to remember that his father was the last Sioux to give up his gun. ─── 他向美国官员投降时,告诉儿子说,以后得学习和白人相处,并叫儿子不要忘记父亲是最后一个缴械的苏族人。

36、Sioux Falls South Dakota region. ─── 苏人下降南方达科他区域。

37、The Sioux chief is a very wise man. ─── 苏人酋长是个很睿智的人。

38、a member of the Sioux people formerly inhabiting an area along the Missouri river in W North Dakota. ─── 一个以前居住在西北达克它的密西西比河沿岸的苏族人。

39、They were born in Sioux City, Iowa on July 4, American Independence Day, in 1918. ─── 她们俩于1918年7月4日(美国独立日)出生在依阿华州的西奥克斯城。

40、but, that once passed, the Sioux would be masters of the train between Fort Kearney and the station beyond. ─── 火车头的汽笛比神话中昂斐勇的七弦琴还要强,它使许多城市很快地在美洲大陆上冒出来了。

41、a member of the Siouan people of the N Mississippi valley; commonly called the Sioux. ─── 生活在北密西西比流域的苏族人;一般叫做苏族人。

42、Sioux War ─── 苏人战争

43、A city of northeast South Dakota north-northwest of Sioux Falls. It is a commercial center in an agricultural region. Population,17,592. ─── 南达科他州东北部城市,在苏福尔斯西北偏北方向。是农业区的商业中心。人口17,592。

44、Huron, Oneida, Sioux, Cheyenne, Lakotas, Crows, Black-feet, Teton, Navajo, Apaches, ─── 根;齐普瓦;忽隆;欧尼达;苏;斜阳;拉科塔斯;克洛斯;布雷克费特;泰顿

45、When Deuel came to Sioux Falls for gastric bypass surgery in 2004, he weighed 1,072 pounds. ─── 此次手术切除了悬挂在德尔上腹部的一个脂肪大肿块。

46、Jenny had been involved in a head-on collision and was flown to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. ─── 简妮搭乘的飞机发生正面碰撞,坠入南达科他州苏福尔斯瀑布。

47、My early years were spent in Akron (Iowa), a small midwestern town of 1000 people, approximately 35 miles from Sioux City. ─── 我的童年是在艾奥瓦州的阿克伦度过的,那是一个只有1000人的中西部小城,离苏城大约35英里。

48、Chris Kelly Premier Motorcars of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Red/Red s/n 13631. ─── 克里斯凯利总理汽车的苏福尔斯,南达科他州,红/红S/13631。

49、Native American people constituting a subdivision of the Teton Sioux, inhabiting northwest Nebraska and southwest South Dakota. ─── 布鲁列人:美洲印第安人的一支,包括提顿-苏族的分支,居位在内布拉斯加州西北部和南达科他州西南部

50、According to the treaty of 1868 between the United States Government and the Sioux Indians, the land between the Missouri River and the Bughorn Mountains was granted to the Sioux forever. ─── 根据美国政府同苏族印弟安人于1868年签定的条约,密苏里河和比格霍恩山脉之间的这片土地永远划给了苏族印弟安人。

51、Mielke from the mouth to Sioux City, Missouri flows through the hills of the plateau, still deep narrow valley. ─── 从米尔克河口至苏城,流经密苏里丘陵性高原,河谷仍深狭。

52、A city of northeast South Dakota north-northwest of Sioux Falls. It is a commercial center in an agricultural region. Population,17, 592. ─── 沃特敦美国南达科他州东北部城市,在苏福尔斯西北偏北方向。是农业区的商业中心。人口17,592

53、Sioux: Enjoying myself. ─── 感到开心.

54、In the early nineteen hundreds, a story about attacks on white settlers moving into Indian territory explained, "The Sioux had the wagon-train surrounded and the soldiers buffaloed. ─── 20世纪初,有一个故事在讲白人移民入侵印第安领地时,解释到”苏族让西进的车队投降了,并愚弄了他们的士兵。

55、Pierre is the capital and Sioux Falls the largest city.Population, 699,999. ─── 皮尔是其州府,苏福尔斯市是最大城市。

56、I was born on a bitter cold morning in Sioux City (Iowa) on January 22, 1936. ─── 1936年1月22日严寒的早晨,我出生在艾奥瓦州苏城。

57、The lawyers ultimately concluded that thirty-eight Sioux braves were guilty. ─── 律师们最终断定38名苏人勇士有罪。

58、We drove around for a while and then Laura asked me if I would drop her at Hardee's in South Sioux City. That was about 8: 15. ─── 我们开了一段时间的车,然后,她问我是否愿意让她在南苏城的哈迪下车,当时大约是8点15分。

59、She is Lakota, they call it Sioux. ─── 她属于拉克达族人,也叫苏人。

60、That was all she would say about S. Larson , but she added : ' Sioux Falls is a lovely place . Enjoy . ' ─── 这就是关于拉尔森她所愿谈论的全部内容,但是她补充说:“苏福尔斯是个不错的地方。祝你们愉快。”

61、In the 1870s they participated in various Indian uprisings, joining the Sioux at Little Bighorn in 1876. ─── 1870年代参与多起印第安人叛变事件,1876年与苏人参与小大角河战役。

62、American soldier. A brigadier general at age23, he was killed and his troops annihilated by Sioux and Cheyenne warriors led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse at Little Bighorn. ─── 卡斯特,乔治·阿姆斯特朗1839-1876美国士兵。他在23岁时就成为准将,在小比格霍恩被由坐牛和疯马领队的苏族和夏安族的印第安士兵杀死,他的手下全军覆灭

63、The region had been recognized by treaty as the sacred hunting ground of the Indians, primarily the Sioux and Cheyenne. ─── 这片土地一直通过契约被视为印第安人神圣的狩猎地,特别是苏族和夏安族。

64、"In 1890 the Sioux had been inspired by the Ghost Dance movement to take up arms and reclaim their heritage, But federal military intervention quelled the rebellion." ─── 1890年苏人认为举行鬼舞道门仪式,白人就会消失,原有土地失而复得,于是招致了联邦军队的干涉。

65、He had dropped Laura off in South Sioux City, and now he had no idea where she was. ─── 他告诉警察,他把劳娜抛在了南苏城,现在他也不知她在哪了。

66、In September, I visited Illinois again and spoke to the leading Democrats of Iowa, South Dakota, and Nebraska in Sioux City, Iowa, and to the Democratic National Committee in Los Angeles. ─── 9月,我再次访问了伊利诺伊州,接着,在爱荷华州的苏城会见了爱荷华州、南达科他州和内布拉斯加州的民主党领导人,并拜访了洛杉矶的民主党全国委员会。

67、cheers were given, the Sioux and Pawnees performed an imitation Indian battle, fireworks were let off, and the first number of the Railway Pioneer was printed by a press brought on the train. ─── 同时西乌人和包尼斯人表演了一场印第安人战斗演习,在这儿,曾经点放庆祝通车的焰火,最后,人们在这儿用手提印刷机出版了《铁路先锋报》的创刊号。

68、If the Navaho and the Sioux had known what was coming for them, they never would have made those treaties. ─── 如果纳瓦霍人和苏族人早知道会发生什么,他们绝不会签订那些条约。

69、a chief of the Teton Dakota Sioux (1831-1890); took up arms against settlers in the northern Great Plains and against US Army troops; he was present at the battle of Little Bighorn (1876) when the Sioux massacred General Custer's troops ─── 提顿族人中达科他苏人的领袖(1831-1890);在北部大平原拿起了反抗殖民者和美国军队的武器;他参加了在小大角羊的战斗(1876)

70、A city of northeast South Dakota north-northwest of Sioux Falls. It is a commercial center in an agricultural region. Population, 17,592. ─── 沃特敦:美国南达科他州东北部城市,在苏福尔斯西北偏北方向。是农业区的商业中心。人口17,592

71、Every September in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, they hold the Northern Plains Art Expo to display and promote their artwork. ─── 每年九月在南达科他州的苏瀑,他们都会举办北美平原艺术展览会,藉以展示及发扬他们的艺术作品。

72、Teton Sioux Nations Treaty Council ─── 特顿苏部落条约理事会

73、a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Sioux ─── 奥色治人说的北美印第安语系的一个分支

74、American soldier.A brigadier general at age23, he was killed and his troops annihilated by Sioux and Cheyenne warriors led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse at Little Bighorn. ─── 卡斯特,乔治 阿姆斯特朗1839-1876美国士兵。他在23岁时就成为准将,在小比格霍恩被由坐牛和疯马领队的苏族和夏安族的印第安士兵杀死,他的手下全军覆灭

75、As soon as he got to state police headquarters in South Sioux City, he phoned Donnie Taylor. ─── 道格一到南苏城的州警察局总部,立马就给唐尼?泰勒打去电话。

76、At Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa, President Carl E.Zylstra says donations are flat, the endowment has suffered, "and we don't have as much freedom to raise tuition prices. ─── 特别是学费高昂的学校,他们将集体屏住呼吸,试目以待,看看学生们是否基于现实选择费用低的学校。

77、a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Sioux. ─── 奥色治人说的北美印第安语系的一个分支。

78、Lewis and Clark first met the members of the Yankton Sioux tribe near this place. ─── 刘易斯和克拉克就是在这个地方附近第一次遇见了杨克顿苏部落的成员。

79、of or relating to the Sioux people or their language and culture. ─── 属于、关于苏族人、苏族语和苏族文化。

80、A youth athletic club serving amateur wrestling tournament enthusiasts in the midwest; Sioux Falls South Dakota region. ─── 一个少年在中西部的运动俱乐部服务业余运动员摔跤比赛热心者;苏人下降南方达科他区域。

81、Do you propose to pursue the Sioux?' ─── 您是不是预备追击那些西乌人?”

82、News, Weather and Sports for Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa (3次)(2008-12-9 20:51:00 ─── 午夜兰花手札:创业项目-创业计划书-大学生创业故事-名人名言(6次)(2008-12-920:50:47

83、She was born in Sioux City on July fourth, nineteen eighteen. Her parents named her Esther Pauline Friedman. ─── 她于1918年7月4日出生在苏市,她的父母给她取名叫以斯贴。波林·弗里德曼。

84、A Native American people constituting a subdivision of the Teton Sioux,formerly inhabiting the Black Hills region of western South Dakota,with a present-day population mainly in southwest South Dakota. ─── 奥加拉拉人美洲印第安人特顿苏族人的分支,以前居住在美国南达科他州西部的黑山地区,现在其人口主要居住在南达科他州的西南。

85、A division of the Sioux people formerly inhabiting northern Minnesota, now located mainly in the eastern Dakotas. The Yankton and Yanktonai occupy a middle position between the Santee and Teton divisions of the Sioux. ─── 扬克顿族苏族人的一支,原先居住在明尼苏达州北部,现在主要居住在达科他州东部,扬克顿人和扬克托奈人处于苏族的分支桑蒂和提顿之间的位置

86、American Sauk leader who aided the United States in the Black Hawk War(1832) and negotiated peace between his people and the Sioux(1837) ─── 美国索克人领袖,在黑鹰战争(1832年)中帮助了美国,并通过谈判使他的人与苏族人讲和(1837年)

87、French-Canadian fur trappers and Sioux disparaged such country as "bad lands. ─── 法语的加拿大毛皮捕兽器和苏人的贬低国家作为“坏土地”。

88、The Lutherans in Minnesota; the Dutch Reformed in Sioux County, Iowa and Grand Rapids, Michigan; the Polish Catholics on the West Side of Chicago, Illinois. ─── 德国改革派在爱荷华苏郡和密西根大瀑布城,波兰天主教在伊利诺州芝加哥城的西部。

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