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08-20 投稿


autarchy 发音

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英:  美:

autarchy 中文意思翻译



autarchy 短语词组

1、autarchy quantity ─── 独裁数量

2、autarchy autarky ─── 自给 ─── 自足

3、autarchy def ─── 专制定义

4、autarchy autocracy ─── 独裁专制

5、autarchy price ─── 独裁价格

6、autarchy define ─── 专制定义

7、autarchy antonym ─── 专制反义词

8、autarchy economy ─── 专制经济

9、autarchy meaning ─── 专制意义

10、autarchy equilibrium ─── 独裁均衡

11、autarchy means ─── 专制意味着

autarchy 词性/词形变化,autarchy变形

形容词: autarchic |名词复数: autarchies |

autarchy 相似词语短语

1、autarky ─── n.自给自足

2、duarchy ─── n.二头政治,二人政治

3、anarchy ─── n.无政府状态;混乱;无秩序

4、autarchic ─── adj.独裁的;专制国家的

5、autarchs ─── 专制主义者,

6、starchy ─── adj.含淀粉的;浆糊状的;刻板的

7、autarchies ─── n.专制,独裁;专制国家

8、octarchy ─── n.八人执政

9、autarch ─── n.独裁者

autarchy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(2) the dictatorship and autarchy of the Kuomintang is the immediate reason; ─── (2)国民党的独裁专制统治是民主党派参与民主宪政运动的直接原因。

2、" Pointed out not yet obtains the autarchy Nora really only has two roads: One is "comes back", two is "degenerates", since long ago causes the people deep ponder. ─── ”的问题,指出在尚未取得经济独立的娜拉实在只有两条路:一是“回来”,二是“堕落”,长期以来引起人们深深的思考。

3、male autarchy ─── 家长专制

4、autarchy centralization of state power ─── 集权专制

5、conception of autarchy ─── 独裁概念

6、The absolute obedience under the autarchy reduces the sense of responsibility. ─── 独裁下的绝对服从导致了社会责任感下降。

7、As a volunteer, it is my duty and wish to do my best to help the people which have not shake off the penury, illness, war, fatuity and autarchy. ─── 作为志愿者,尽自己最大努力去帮助在贫困、疾病、战火、愚昧、专制中挣扎的人们是我最真诚的心愿与责任。

8、Autarchy exiled his uncle by accusing him for rebelling. 90 years old Wisdom was exiled to the island of Belial together with 300 magicians and 200 warriors trained by him and his brother Brave. ─── 年近90的温斯特和他精心栽培的近300名魔法师以及200名忠诚与他们俩兄弟的战士被流放到比利尔岛,认其自生自灭。

9、The abuses of the system impaired the base of the republic of Weimar gradually. In fact it accelerated the autarchy of Nazi and made itself withering. ─── 这些体制性弊端一步步侵蚀了魏玛共和的根基,它客观上助长了纳粹独裁,也使自己最终葬送于纳粹独裁之手。

10、imperial autarchy society in China ─── 中国皇权专制社会

11、This thesis mainly works at its three genres’ thoughts on the value of the liberalism and their failings in 1930s when the controversy of democracy and autarchy was drastic. ─── 本文主要研究自由主义在1930年代“民主与独裁”论战这一分化期三个流派关于自由主义价值的思想及其失误。

12、Friedman's advocacy of American energy independence illustrates the error of a unidirectional view of history.Energy autarchy may be a sensible policy, but it signifies a retreat from globalization. ─── 弗里德曼支持美国能源自给展示了以单一视角看待历史这一错误,能源专制可能成为一项敏感的政策,但它意味着从全球化的后退。

13、The new curriculum criterion pointed out that “It’s an endless and difficult historical process to grow from autarchy to democracy and change the rule of man into the rule of law. ─── 课程标准在必修部分提出,理解“从专制到民主、从人治到法治是人类社会一个漫长而艰难的历史过程,确立为民主法制建设而奋斗的人生理想”的教学要求。

14、There are reasons for the literature trend: The cultural autarchy compelled the publisher to abandon the Left Wing Literature; ─── 小书局促成革命文学的速兴与速衰;

15、The modern society's logos is dissimilated to a tool reasonableness,with the discipline,modern autarchy is produced. ─── 惯习的力量是强大的,规训的制度很快被认同,压制了自由的意识。

16、If I join the party,could I change Chinese autarchy?If I join the party,I could do less things. ─── 如果我入了党,我能完全改变中国的专制吗?如果我入了党,我能做的事情就少了。

17、Dear beauty,how do you think the capitalism and the communism? democracy and autarchy? ─── 贝贝美女,你怎么看待资本主义与共产主义?民主与独裁?

18、22. The main causes of the failure are as follows: Kuomintang adopted one-party autocracy and Chiang Kai-shek practiced individual autarchy; ─── 其失败的原因主要有:国民党实行一党专政,蒋介石则实行个人独裁;

19、Even now America still continues to instigate more and more areas to get independent to be countries under the altisonant flags of Nationalism and Democratisation against Autarchy etc. ─── 而现在美国也是在不停地促使各个地区独立成为国家,理由是各种冠冕堂皇的民族主义、民主反独裁等等。

20、adopting the management of autarchy or indulging in the management of classrooms; ─── 在课堂管理上,或采用专制型管理,或采用放任型管理;

21、The leadership in North Korea can be called autarchy, though they consider their country to be the best in the world. ─── 北朝鲜的领导方式可谓专制,尽管他们认为自己的国家是世界上最好的。

22、The stability of autarchy , is in accordance with the long-standing and stability of feudalism autarchy system. ─── 含义的稳定性,与封建专制制度的长期性、稳定性是相一致的。

23、It became a myth to both cotemporary and later years about Chiang Tingfu's idea of autarchy of new type. ─── 有关蒋廷黻提出“新式独裁”论之缘由为时人乃至后人试图解读之迷思。

24、enlightened autarchy ─── 开明专制

25、Emperor Autarchy ─── 皇权专制

26、After present age feminine autarchy, is their actuallywhat course to follow, still is worth the people matter of concern! ─── 在当代女性经济独立之后,她们究竟何去何从,依然是一个值得人们关注的问题!

27、Militarization of Japan, leading to autarchy, and war in China. ─── 日本的军事化导致专制统治及侵华。

28、Abstract: In the middle of 1930s, a debate on autarchy and democracy proceeded in China, which had great significance to the cognition of the politics of China. ─── 摘要: 1930年代中叶,国内思想界发生了一场对认识中国政治的本质具有极大意义的独裁与民主论战。

29、The absolute obedience under the autarchy reduces the sense of responsibility. ─── 专制下的绝对服从,导致社会责任感下降。

30、Only Beethoven's, he not only revolted the autarchy feudalism, but also used his music to summon people to fight for freedom and happiness. ─── 只有贝多芬,他不但愤怒地反对封建制度的专制,而且用他的音乐号召人们为自由和幸福而斗争。

31、In the history, the examples of the democratic autarchy were much more. ─── 历史上以民主名义行独裁之实的例子数不胜数。

32、Dear beauty, how do you think the capitalism and the communism? democracy and autarchy ? ─── 贝贝美女,你怎么看待资本主义与共产主义?民主与独裁?

33、When the people incarnate the autarchy and wildness, he would not has a great mien, but a droll mien, not has a strong power , but a narrow power. ─── 当一个人野蛮独裁的时候,他的形象是可笑了,而不是高大了,他的气势是狭隘了,而不是雄壮了。

34、Such phenomenon, is difficult to transfer in an autarchy society, but has chances in a democratic society. ─── 这种现象,如在专制社会要扭转是有难度的,如在民主社会要扭转是有机会的。

35、What is more, the East Mahayana's view and activities against the feudalist autarchy produced huge and profound influence on the folk religion at that time and the following centuries. ─── 特别是东大乘教对封建专制制度的叛逆思想与行为活动,对当时与后世的民间宗教产生了巨大而深远的影响。

36、The new philosophical proposition implied concern on the people's livelihood and animadverting on the political system of autarchy. ─── 这新的哲学命题中实际上蕴涵着对民生的关注和对专制政体的批判。

37、Following a visitor to Iraq this week, Senator Levin said the autarchy Maliki government cannot achieve chiefa political settlement because it is too bound by its owned sectarians prejudices. ─── 参议员 Levin 在本周访问过伊拉克后表示 Maliki 政府不可能实现政治和解,因为他被自身的宗派偏见束缚的太重了。

38、In fact,it is a inevitable to"assassinate Yang",the action aim was not at Soong Qingling,its main aim was to jugulate the League of Safeguard on Civil Rights,and clean off the obstacle for autarchy at one stroke. ─── 其实“杀杨”是必然的 ,此举并非针对宋庆龄 ,主要目的是要扼杀民权保障同盟 ,一举扫除专制道路上的障碍。

39、It is important to keep the righteous system because it could warn people to prevent the democratic autarchy from happening. ─── 程序正义之所以重要,就是它能使人们警惕“民主独裁”的出现。

40、People yearned for liberation from feudal autarchy and imperialist oppression by constitutionality.However, the constitutionality is only the tool... ─── 中国人民的解放,中国政治的现代化,不仅仅是制定几布宪法,而是人民政治自由的实现。

41、Therefore, to be against the autarchy of the church is the solution to save the confused peasants. ─── 所以,为了拯救这些迷茫的农民,必须反对专制的教会;

42、The ague ment between autarchy and democracy happened in academic area in 1930's. ─── 摘要“独裁与民主”之争为20世纪30年代发生于思想领域的一次主要论争。

43、The main causes of the failure are as follows: Kuomintang adopted one-party autocracy and Chiang Kai-shek practiced individual autarchy; ─── 其失败的原因主要有 :国民党实行一党专政 ,蒋介石则实行个人独裁 ;

44、of or relating to or characterized by autarchy. ─── 属于、关于或以独裁为特征。

45、I,a single maiden could make the elderships improve people's livelihoods, consummate laws, and change the autarchy. ─── 糖果公主一个人对话就能促进长辈们改善民生,完善法制,改变专制。

46、So it's absolutely right and necessary to criticize the historical Confucius, and it can even be said to be a revolution to object to feudal autarchy and to relocate realistic Confucius as a saint. ─── 因此“五四”时期,批判“历史的孔子”是完全正确而且非常必要的,是反对封建专制主义、还“实在的孔子”的圣哲真面的革命。

47、autarchy of new type ─── 新式独裁

48、The paranoid autarchy of North Korea, even with Kim Il Sung gone, is just as unlikely to tolerate dissenting views. ─── 即使金正日已经去世,过分猜疑的朝鲜独裁政府依旧不太可能容忍异议。

49、However, the development of the idea of rule of law in some extent prevented the regression from "organic state" to autarchy. ─── 不过,“法治国家”思想的发展在某种程度上防止了“有机国家”向绝对主义国家的回归。

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