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08-20 投稿


excellently 发音

英:[?eks?l?ntli]  美:[?eks?l?ntli]

英:  美:

excellently 中文意思翻译



excellently 词性/词形变化,excellently变形

副词: excellently |

excellently 短语词组

1、excellently meaning ─── 意味深长

2、excellently well ─── 非常好

3、excellently brown ─── 极好的棕色

4、excellently prepared ─── 精心准备

5、excellently means ─── 出色地意味着

6、excellently high ─── 非常高

7、excellently define ─── 完美定义

8、excellently put ─── 出色地

excellently 相似词语短语

1、expediently ─── adv.方便地;得当地;便利地

2、excellent quality ─── 优良品质;优良质量

3、excellent ─── adj.卓越的;极好的;杰出的

4、excellence ─── n.优秀;美德;长处

5、excellency ─── n.优点,美德;阁下

6、excellencies ─── 阁下

7、excrescently ─── 异常地

8、repellently ─── 憎恶地

9、excellences ─── n.优秀;美德;长处

excellently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They each excel in their respective fields. ─── 他们在各自领域里都是出类拔萃的。

2、He does Othello most excellently. ─── 他扮演奥赛罗精彩极了。

3、Good afternoon. Excel Industry . ─── 午安,是excel工业公司。

4、FoxTOExce.zip can FoxPro data transfer forms were to excel. ─── FoxTOExce.zip 可以将FoxPro中的表格数据传输到excel中。

5、The Chinese girls strive to excel, good is attractive! ─── 中国姑娘好强,好漂亮!

6、Excel mainly provides electric sheet. ─── Excel提供的主要是电子表格功能。

7、Games are his forte; he plays tennis and football excellently. ─── "体育运动是他的所长,他打网球和踢足球都很好。"

8、Characteristics Shining, transparence, light colors, excellently recyclable. ─── 光亮、透明、色口浅、高回收比。

9、An inspiring conductor can stimulate the singers to excel. ─── 一个具有感染力的指挥可以刺激歌手演唱得出色。

10、Rest assured that he will excel in his posstion. ─── 你可以放心,他绝对能胜任他的职务。

11、Describes how the date system works in Office Excel. ─── 介绍日期系统在Office Excel中是如何工作的。

12、He works excellently for his company. But because of his hard nature he cannot win favor with his boss, so he is always passed over . ─── 他在公司工作干得十分出色,可是由于性格倔强不招老板喜欢,所以总坐冷板凳。

13、Microsoft Office Excel 2007 opens with a new workbook. ─── Microsoft Office Excel 2007将打开一个新的工作簿。

14、Games are his forte ; he plays cricked and football excellently. ─── 体育运动是他的所长,他打板球和踢足球都很好。

15、Those who are "numbers and logic smart" excel at math and science. ─── 具有“数理逻辑智能”的人,在数学和自然科学方面表现出有杰出的才能。

16、It seems that they excel in controlling their breathing. ─── 他们似乎都很擅长控制呼吸。

17、Work item lists within Microsoft Excel include a Column Chooser dialog box. ─── Microsoft Excel中的工作项列表包括“列选择器”对话框。

18、Excel is widely applied in the vacuum metrology. ─── 在真空计量领域中,Excel电子表格软件得到了广泛的应用。

19、In the Save Excel files as list, click the default file format that you want. ─── 在将Excel文件保存为列表中,选择想使用的默认文件格式。

20、I can operate the computer including word, excel and basic web design. ─── 大学期间曾在旅行社做兼职,曾做前台和导游,有一定的带团经验,曾接触过外国团队(国华侨),大学时参加外联部多次出外拉赞助。

21、She is excel at insincere compliment. ─── 她很会讲一些言不由衷的好听话。

22、When you unlink a list in Excel, it removes the link with the SharePoint list. ─── 在Excel中取消链接列表时,将删除与SharePoint列表的链接。

23、The latter book has a unity of viewpoint, is excellently set forth. ─── 后一本书有统一的观点,出色地作了详细的阐述。

24、Good Computer skills, be familiar with Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Auto-CAD. ─── 优秀的英文口语和书面表达能力,六级或以上.

25、Analyzing sales data with Excel 2003 PivotTable charts is a snap. ─── 使用Excel 2003数据透视表图表可以轻而易举地分析销售数据。

26、Take advantage of the Excel calculation engine in other applications. ─── 在其他应用程序中利用Excel计算引擎。

27、Your desire to excel is beyond your imagination. ─── 你想要变得优秀的那种欲望(念头)会超乎你的想象.

28、In Excel, select the worksheet data that you want to copy to a Word document. ─── 在Excel中,选择要复制到Word文档中的工作表数据。

29、He excel in mathe matics, and not in English. ─── 他长于数学,而非英语.

30、Hamlet and Laertes were known to excel at this sword play. ─── 哈姆莱特和雷欧提斯两个人都精通剑术。

31、Typical computer skills(word,excel,outlook,etc. ─── 基本的电脑软件、操作能力。

32、Excel opens the list as a Web query on a sheet in a new workbook. ─── Excel将在新工作簿的工作表上将该列表作为Web查询打开。

33、In Excel, a worksheet or range is the equivalent of a table or view. ─── 在Excel中,工作表或范围等同于表或视图。

34、Excel and introduced application of Ms. Excel in mathematics teaching. ─── Excel在数学教学中的应用。

35、No other singer in England or France could excel him. ─── 在英国或在法国,没有一个歌手能超过他。

36、You excel so much in the dance, Miss Eliza. ─── 伊丽莎小姐,你跳舞跳得那么高明。

37、They're both playing excellently. ─── 他们演奏得都很棒。

38、He does Othello most excellently. ─── 他扮演奥赛罗精彩极了。

39、No mistakes at all, Linda. You have done it excellently. ─── 什么错误也没有,琳达,你写得非常好。

40、What America eats is handsomely packaged ; it is usually clean and pure ; it is excellently preserved. ─── 我美国人吃的东西包装考究,一般都清洁纯净,保存很好。

41、ADX Toys for Microsoft Excel supports MS Excel 2000 and higher. ─── adx玩具为Microsoft Excel支持以MS Excel 2000和更高。

42、He always hopes that his son will excel over him someday. ─── 他总是希望他的儿子有天能胜过他.

43、Then temperamental inclination of Confucianism was already excellently shown in Confucius. ─── 儒学的性情倾向在孔子那里就已有卓然的表现。

44、Brick masonry walls built with a technique known as reinforced grouted brick masonry performed excellently. ─── 用新的施工技术砌筑的配筋灌浆砖墙表现良好。

45、The data of experiment were treated with microsoft excel. ─── [方法 ]运用电子表格 Excel软件处理药物稳定性试验数据。

46、ADX Toys 2 XL supports MS Excel 2000 and higher. ─── adx玩具2 xl支持以MS Excel 2000和更高。

47、What is the use of him? In what does he excel? ─── 他有何用?他的长处在哪里?

48、This might be the case when you use filters with Excel Web Access Web Parts. ─── 在将Excel Web Access Web部件与筛选器一起使用时可能需要执行此操作。

49、What is needed to excel in your area of work? ─── 什么是优化工作所需要的?

50、Microsoft Excel limits strings to a length of 255 characters. ─── Microsoft Excel将字符串长度限制在255个字符内。

51、His children excel in music and art . ─── 他的孩子们在音乐和艺术方面很出色。

52、At the sound of the pistol, the runners got off excellently. ─── 发令枪一响,赛跑运动员立即起跑。

53、Can't excel all the rest, but also your ability is excel by everything. ─── 不可压倒一切,但也你能被一切压倒。

54、The Excel worksheet is a separate file and is not saved with the Word document. ─── Excel工作表是一个单独的文件,并不与Word文档一起保存。

55、As a elite dealing with business, sorts of tasks given by my leaders were finished excellently by me after finishing my own job. ─── 在工作之余我也出色的完成了领导布置的各项任务。

56、It is also baseless to say that those with a weak foundation in Chinese are usually unable to excel in English. ─── 也不是华语基础差的,其英语往往也好不到哪儿去。

57、From what I've heard, you are going to be excellently fit. I'll see you this afternoon to go over things. ─── 据我所知,你将非常适合这个工作,今天下午我想就有关问题和你谈一谈。

58、The Date Migration Tools do not run on versions of Excel 97 earlier than SR-2. ─── Date Migration Tools无法运行在早于SR-2的Excel 97版本上。

59、Games are his forte ; he plays tennis and football excellently. ─── 体育运动是他的所长,他打网球和踢足球都很好。

60、They each excel in their respective fields . ─── 他们在各自领域里都是出类拔萃的.

61、In addition, Excel 2007 reserves names that start with XL for internal use. ─── Excel 2007还将以XL开头的名称保留供内部使用。

62、Excel passwords can be up to 255 letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols. ─── Excel密码最多可有255个字母、数字、空格和符号。

63、Biographers excel at dredging up little known facts. ─── 传记作者们善于发掘鲜为人知的事实。

64、Why does Office Excel 2007 have a new file format? ─── Office Excel 2007具有新的文件格式的原因?

65、As with Word and Excel, new comments correctly reflect the updated system time. ─── 与Word和Excel一样,新的批注会正确地反映更新的系统时间。

66、The paper introduces the method to draw physics graphs using Excel software. ─── 介绍了用Excel软件绘制物理图像的方法。

67、Hybrids apparently excel in competitive ability on the intermediate soils. ─── 在居间土壤上杂种显然在竞争能力上占上风。

68、A format used by the Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet program. ─── Microsoft Office Excel电子表格程序使用的格式。

69、They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards. ─── 她们为孩子的出众喜极而泣,为朋友受到奖励而欢呼雀跃。

70、For practicality, oxygen therapeutics also excel. ─── 从实用的角度来看,氧气疗法也更具优势。

71、To use it in Excel, however, you need to load it first. ─── 但是,要在Excel中使用它,您需要先进行加载。

72、The Excel driver recognizes only a limited set of data types. ─── Excel驱动程序只识别有限的一组数据类型。

73、They excel for their workmanship, color, design, and durability. ─── 制品工艺精湛,色彩鲜艳,图案丰富多采,经久耐用。

74、At the sound of the pistol, the crew got off excellently. ─── 多级火箭的最大级给出的第一次大推动,使得各级火箭全部离开地面。

75、He is working hard to excel his predecessors. ─── 他正努力超越他的前任。

76、The result is that most workers still feel little motivation to excel. ─── 其结果是,大多数工人依然缺乏应有的劳动热情。

77、Is Office Excel 2007 included in Microsoft Office suites? ─── Microsoft Office套件中是否包括Office Excel 2007?

78、WOW!!!!!What a great spectacle!A showcase of Chinese culture cleverly and excellently put together. ─── 哇塞!!!!!太壮观了!非常聪明地把中国文化很好地集中展示了!

79、In Excel on the Macintosh, click Open on the File menu. ─── 在Macintosh的Excel中,单击“文件”菜单上的“打开”。

80、Having being boring as a life ambition.To excel at boringness. ─── 兴趣和爱好: Being boring, going to lengths to be boring.

81、You have managed excellently, and I begin to have great hopes of you. ─── 你干得好,我对你寄予很大的希望。

82、You say he is excel lent, so he is, and so are you. ─── 你说他很优秀,他确实很优秀,你也一样。

83、In Excel, you have a cell reference. ─── 在Excel中,您有单元格引用。

84、At the sound of the pistol,the crew got off excellently. ─── 发射枪响,各级火箭全部离开地面。

85、The challenge for the CIA is to excel at human spying. ─── CIA的挑战就是要超越人类侦探的范围。

86、You have managed excellently, and I begin to have great hopes of you. ─── 你干得很出色,我开始对你寄予厚望。

87、In Excel 2003, there are no trusted locations. ─── 在Excel 2003中,没有受信任位置。

88、A peking opera player cannot achieve eminence unless he or she can sing and sing excellently. ─── 一位京剧演员除非能唱而且唱得极好,否则是成不了名的。

89、As a phantasmist, you excel in evasion and deception. ─── 做为一名幻术师,你精于迂回与欺骗。

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