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n. 马加比家族(公元前一世纪统治巴勒斯坦的犹太祭司家族);马卡比书

Maccabees 短语词组

1、maccabees toothpaste kisses ─── 马卡比牙膏之吻

2、II Maccabees ─── [网络] 二马加比;马卡比伪经

3、I Maccabees ─── [网络] 我马加比;麦克比斯前书;马克比前书

Maccabees 相似词语短语

1、Maccabees ─── n.马加比家族(公元前一世纪统治巴勒斯坦的犹太祭司家族);马卡比书

2、macaques ─── n.猕猴,恒河猴;短尾猿

3、macabre ─── adj.可怕的;以死亡为主题的;令人毛骨悚然的(等于macaber)

4、hiccatees ─── 打嗝

5、macaber ─── adj.恐怖的;死亡舞蹈的

6、accable ─── 可接受的

7、Maccabaeus ─── n.马加比

8、Maccabean ─── adj.马加比家族的;马加比的(犹太游击队领导人)

9、maccabaw ─── 马卡布

Maccabees 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Edom's remnant was absorbed with the Jews during the period of the Maccabees. ─── 以东的遗民在马加比时期纳入犹太人之内。

2、The Slavonic and Latin Vulgate also accept Psalm 151 and 3 Maccabees. ─── 斯拉夫语和拉丁文圣经,也有诗篇151篇和马卡比三书。

3、Naturally, they supported the Maccabees during the uprising of 165 BCE. ─── 自然地,他们在公元前165年的起义期间,支持马加比家族(公元前一世纪统治巴勒斯坦的犹太祭司家族)。

4、Antiochus harmed many, but three years later the Maccabees led faithful Jews to victory and rededicated the temple, an event celebrated at Hanukkah. ─── 安提阿哥作恶多端,但是三年后马加比带领忠心耿耿的犹太人取得胜利,重新洁净了圣殿,修殿节庆祝的就是这一事件。

5、They continued to persecute the Jews until they were subdued and Judaized by the Maccabees. ─── 上帝使用那些以东的盟军去攻打他,完成了上帝的旨意。

6、This book is largely a repetition of The First book of Maccabees. ─── 这书大多是重复玛加伯上。

7、Maccabees a faithful Jewish family. ─── 玛迦比是一个虔诚的犹太家足。

8、An eight-day festival beginning on the25th day of Kislev, commemorating the victory in165 b.c. of the Maccabees over Antiochus Epiphanes(c.215-164 b.c.) and the rededication of the Temple at Jerusalem. ─── 犹太圣节一种从(犹太历)三月的第二十五天开始并持续8天的节日,以纪念公元前165年马卡比一家战胜安提俄克斯·埃皮费尼(c。215-164公元前)和为位于耶路撒冷的神殿的献身

9、Mrs Florence MacCabe, relict of the late Patk MacCabe, deeply lamented, of Bride Street. ─── 布赖德街那位受到深切哀悼的已故帕特里克·麦凯布的遗孀,弗萝伦丝·麦凯布太太。

10、The Maccabees recaptured Jerusalem and reconsecrated the Temple after leading a successful revolt against Syrian rule. ─── 在马加比家族领导下推翻叙利亚的统治,再次占领耶路撒冷并将重新奉献圣殿。

11、Their population gradually decreased due to the many battles, and they eventually became absorbed into the population of Judah during the period of the Maccabees. ─── 他们的人口由于许多交战而逐断减少,最后在马加比时代被纳入犹大人口之中。

12、The Maccabees are involved in the history of what world religion? ─── 马加比家族和哪个世界宗教的历史有关?

13、At the same time, the Seleucids had to contend with the revolt of the Maccabees in Judea and the expansion of the Kushan Empire to the east. ─── 在同一时期,塞琉古不得不应付马加比家族(公元前一世纪统治巴勒斯坦的犹太祭司家族)在朱迪亚的叛乱。

14、The Maccabees Building is listed in the National Historic Register. ─── 注册以获得一个免费帐号,或登入(如果你已经是会员)。

15、Revolt of the Maccabees ─── 马加比家族起义(公元前168-前143)

16、The Maccabees subsequently re-entered the temple and re-dedicated the altar of worship in the temple. ─── 马加比后来再进入圣殿并且重新奉献在殿中的祭坛。

17、The Greek and Slavonic bibles also accept 1 Esdras, and 3 Maccabees,another Maccabean book. ─── 希腊语和斯拉夫语圣经还有以斯得拉一书,还有马卡比三书,另一本马卡比书籍。

18、After the revolt of the Maccabees and rulership by this family of Jews, the country was overthrown by the Romans who were in power when Jesus was born. ─── 马加比族人起义后,统治了犹太人一段时间,耶稣出生时犹太人已受罗马帝国统治。

19、there were these people called the Maccabees! ─── |有一群人叫犸加伯人!

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