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08-20 投稿


nobleness 发音

英:[?no?b?ln?s]  美:[?n??b?ln?s]

英:  美:

nobleness 中文意思翻译



nobleness 短语词组

1、nobleness or nobility ─── 高贵或 ─── 高贵

2、nobleness synonym ─── 高贵同义词

3、nobleness dee ─── 迪伊贵族

4、nobleness def ─── 高贵定义

5、nobleness meaning ─── 高贵的意义

nobleness 同义词

aristocrat | gentleman | noble | patrician | knight | lord | peer

nobleness 反义词


nobleness 相似词语短语

1、docibleness ─── 顺从

2、ignobleness ─── n.卑贱

3、nobbiness ─── 贵族

4、knowableness ─── 可知性

5、notableness ─── 显著性

6、finableness ─── 结局

7、nimbleness ─── n.敏捷;聪明

8、doubleness ─── n.二倍;双重

9、-bleness ─── 混合

nobleness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、golden tassels endow the pulpit with garishness and nobleness. ─── 金色的流苏使整个讲道坛富显华贵,气度不凡。

2、Because there are all kinds of the interesting minds, so we gained the magnanimous nobleness and the holy ethos of democracy. ─── 正因为横看成岭侧成峰的意趣,才成就了海纳百川的尊贵,民主时代的神圣风尚。

3、It is my duty if I have some effect in my commonweal work.The honor and nobleness belong to everyone. ─── 伍泰洋有一点点公益工作成效是份内的事,光荣属于大家、高贵属于大家。

4、Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man's features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them. ─── 我担心,在一定程度上,我们的一生就是我们的耻辱。

5、But because the transformation both inherited the ancient honorable meaning and emphasized inner nobleness, it resulted in extrinsic and intrinsic contradictions in the concept of gentleman. ─── 但由于这种转变既保留了君子概念中的尊贵传统,又强调了内心高贵,从而在君子概念中隐藏了外在与内在之间的矛盾。

6、On the other hand, the western glasses became to be the symbol of nobleness in the intellectual classes. ─── 另一方面,眼镜在社会中被视为身份的象征,受到读书人的青睐。

7、Through the teaching of these works, we can help students learn to distinguish beauty from ugliness, nobleness from beggary, and then build their right and healthy philosophy and love idea. ─── 通过这些婚恋作品的教学,让学生去辨别生活中的美与丑、高尚与卑劣,帮助学生树立正确的人生观、健康的爱情观。

8、In wind snow, driver master and skyline guest brigade compare Chen Dehua the Xue Lian that does a high mountain to go up, plain be like snow like stone, nobleness. ─── 风雪中,司机师傅和天涯客旅将陈德华比做高山上的雪莲,质朴如石、高洁如雪。

9、A noble sport Invented by shepards A sport to cultivate your characters The symbol of health, civilization and nobleness Another interpretation of the beauty of sports ─── 牧羊人发明的贵族运动修身养性的绅士运动健康、文明、高尚的象征运动之美的另一种诠释

10、The whole Pensam brand designs the brand running through "nobleness、elegance、fashion" , design entirely gracefully but not artificial, fashionable but not unearthly, ripe but not conservative. ─── 公司业务范围涉及基础教育、国外优质教育资源引进、国际间教学项目合作、留学中介服务及咨询等方面。

11、And orchid is opened in spring, elegant nobleness; ─── 而兰花在春季开放,清雅高洁;

12、Get your nobleness,Enjoy your life,The beauty of individual is completely shown on the combinationof tradtion and modernity. ─── 温馨提示:由于印刷关系,图片产品的颜色与实际产品的颜色有所差异,使用时请以实物为准.

13、8. In legend story,the beauty of phoenix should be tempered through fire shower. It could transfer itself to the orthodox nobleness king bird after renascence. ─── 中文:传说中,凤凰的华美要经过一次烈火的洗浴,重生之后才能成为真正高贵的百鸟之王。收藏指正

14、The drink has always been linked with riches, romance and nobleness. Yet the French think of it in more ordinary terms. ─── 通常,法兰西的红酒意味着财富、浪漫和高贵。然而,对法国人来说,它们却十分平常。

15、For a long time, Sunko nurtures the mind of Hakka people.Though there are no nobleness and aureole of palace music, it represents honesty and true feelings of Hakka people's natural disposition. ─── 长久以来,山歌一直是客家人最重要的精神食粮,虽然没有宫廷音乐的高贵与华美,但它却代表着客家人秉性的纯朴与真情。

16、How to manage your nobleness in the nobler era? ─── 更贵的时代何营销你的高贵?

17、"There were no lords like them in all the east country for nobleness and bounty. ─── 在这个东方国家里,再没有其他郡主能比得上他们二位这么高尚宽厚和慷慨仁慈。

18、your nobleness, as well as your age, entitle you to be privileged in your impatience; ─── 您的高贵和高龄使您有权发点脾气。

19、8. The truth, simplicity, frankness of his manners, the nobleness of his integrity, the reality and elevation of his piety, won him friends in every grade. ─── 他那诚实,质朴,率直的态度,高贵的正直精神,真实而高尚的虔诚作风,使他成为各界人士的朋友。

20、This is a kind of incomparable nobleness realm. ─── 这是一种无以伦比的高尚境界。

21、Get your nobleness, enjoy your life, the beauty of individual is completely shown in the combination of tradition and modernity. ─── 坐拥尊贵,享受生活。个性的美丽,尽在传统与现代的交合中展现无遗。

22、Back of the nobleness conceal occult usually.Preexistence of the harmoniously dripping wet life blood to a certainty. ─── 高尚的背后往往暗藏玄机。和谐的前身一定鲜血淋漓。

23、All about him was nobleness of purposes and heroism of efforts. ─── 他周围的人都具有崇高的目标,英勇的作为。

24、nobleness and lowliness are the same ─── 贵贱有等

25、A Collapse from Nobleness to Classicness--An Evaluation on the Literary Aesthetic Characteristics of the Early Period of Founding of the People's Republic of China ─── 从崇高向古典的塌陷--建国初文学审美特征评价

26、If every ordinary heart could cherish every view of lives, every harmonious peace, every vernal civilization. Then the nobleness of your life would win glory for the world. ─── 如果每一颗平凡的心都能珍爱每一个生命的风景,每一处和谐的和平,每一瞬春意盎然的文明,那么你生命的尊贵必将永远荣耀天地乾坤。

27、Men talked of nothing but he charms of her face a form, the sweetness of her manners, and the nobleness of her mind ─── 男人们总是谈论她的娇媚动人的容貌和仪态,谈论她举止温柔,心地高洁。

28、this kind of decor is predestined to prevail for its splendidness and nobleness, without having to take the size into consideration., ─── 无论大小面积的装饰运用,都能营造出华丽、高贵的装饰效果。

29、Walking in the city of others, beauty is my own loneliness. Facing the nobleness myself, warmth grows slowly in the chrysalis of missing. ─── 行走在他人的城市,美丽,是我一个人的孤独。独自面对这份尊贵,思念的茧,慢慢长出温暖。

30、3. "The drink has always been linked with riches, romance and nobleness . Yet the French think of it in more ordinary terms. " ─── 通常,法兰西的红酒意味着财富、浪漫和高贵。然而,对法国人来说,它们却十分平常。

31、In the face of all kinds attention and canard, I think keeping pudicity in the harmonious entironment and keep nobleness in the magnanimous heart.” ─── 面对各种五花八门的关注与谣言,我的口号是:“贞于和谐,贵在包容。”

32、It is snowing in the Christmas day, the elegance and nobleness of Europe exhibited in the magnificent waltz of Vienna. ─── 飘雪的新年之夜,欧陆的典雅和贵族气息尽在华丽的维也纳圆舞曲旋律中绽放。

33、People think purple is a color of nobleness. ─── 人们认为紫色是高贵的颜色。

34、I hold it ever virtue and cunning were endowments greater than nobleness and riches ─── 我一向认为道德和才艺是远胜于富贵的资产。

35、“To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness.” ─── 对上级谦卑是本分,对平辈谦卑是礼貎,对属下谦卑是高尚.

36、Gentle and graceful, implied and harmonious. The pearl itself is a peerlessly beauty of nobleness. ─── 光泽柔和,优雅含蓄,和谐中透出攝入心魄的高贵华美。

37、In legend story,the beauty of phoenix should be tempered through fire shower. It could transfer itself to the orthodox nobleness king bird after renascence. ─── 中文:传说中,凤凰的华美要经过一次烈火的洗浴,重生之后才能成为真正高贵的百鸟之王。

38、May ladies dressing in S-Cruvy show their confidence, elegance and nobleness thoroughly! ─── 让女性拥有司歌尽显自信、优雅、高贵的女性主义气质。

39、Flowers are goodliness and nobleness, elegance and sweetness.Even if they are wild flowers blooming in rural , They still can show refreshing fragrance and effulgence .This is merely apprearance. ─── 花美丽高贵,优雅馨香,即使是绽放在山间的野花,也能呈现它沁人心脾的温馨与灿烂,这仅是花的外表。

40、Ambition is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds ─── 抱负是一切高尚操行的萌芽

41、A large number of facts make clear, people is one's own wishful thinking to the moral judge of orchid nobleness, elegant. ─── 大量事实表明,人们对兰花高洁、清雅的道德评判是一厢情愿的。

42、In proportion to the degree in which it is felt will probably be the degree in which nobleness and beauty of character will be attained. ─── 品德之高尚与完美所达到的程度可能与所感受到的爱美之心的程度成正比。

43、And the true nobleness comes from the people, because the world is full of love, so the happiness is all over the world. ─── 而真正的高贵来自人民,因为爱满人间,所以幸福在世界每个角落里洋溢。

44、All of you bring forth your nobleness and philanthropism.The candied princess has no interest in the absurd conflict of politics. ─── 有的政治问题我根本不懂,懂也只知道一点皮毛。

45、A man is a kind of authority and reverence,a sort of nobleness and elegance. ─── 男人是一种权威,一种尊严,一份高贵,一份典雅。


47、Healthy lifestyle possess the characteristics of go-aheadism,nobleness,harmoniousness,fitness,and health-beneficial. ─── 健康生活方式具有主动性、高尚性、和谐性、适宜性和健康有利性。

48、All praised Tao Yuan-ming as a wise and hermit man with wisdom, nobleness, broad-minded and free from seeking fame and wealth, a drinker and poet with natural, pizazz, wide-minded and quiet. ─── 对陶渊明无一例外地褒奖有嘉,呈现在我们面前的是一位明智、高洁、旷达、淡泊的智者和隐士,一位率性、潇洒、豁达、闲适的饮者和诗人;

49、6.High quality aluminum section bar decorating handle shows nobleness of box body . ─── 6、高品质的铝制型材装饰手柄彰显箱体的高贵品质;

50、Editor: Onyx, respecting elegance and nobleness, which plays an important role in Chinese traditional culture.It won people's heart with its luxurious appearance. ─── 编者按:玉一直以来都是高贵典雅的代表,在中国传统文化长河中扮演着一个极为重要的角色,以其温润华贵的外形博得了人们的喜爱。

51、Noble Group (SGX: NOBL) is a market leader in managing the global supply chain of agricultural, industrial and energy products. ─── 来宝集团 是总部在香港,在新加坡证券交易所上市的企业集团(新加坡海峡股票交易所代码:NOBL),是农业、工业及能源产品全球供应链管理的市场领军者。

52、Thank everyone's nobleness, honesty and love which love the empressement, goodness and beauty all over the world. ─── 谢谢全世界所有热爱真善美的人们的高贵、正直和爱护。

53、There is neither lowliness nor nobleness in careers ─── 事业上没有高低贵贱之分。

54、My dream is to be a real "knight" or cavalier. The chivalry are very nobleness, I really repine it. ─── 我想要当一个真正的骑士,骑士精神非常的高尚我很向往。

55、If every ordinary heart could congratulate every beauty of lives, every harmonious peace, every vernal civilization.Then the nobleness of your life would win glory for the world. ─── 如果每一颗平凡的心都能祝福每一个生命的美丽,每一处和谐的和平,每一瞬春意盎然的文明,那么你生命的尊贵必将永远荣耀天地乾坤。

56、Honesty is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds.--George Sandys, American traveler and poet ─── 诚实是高贵得以发展的芽。美国旅行家、诗人桑迪斯

57、Personality thought nobleness, manifests in regarding the detail understanding and tolerant. ─── 人格思想的高尚,体现在对于细节的理解和宽容。

58、Pureness of silver, Nobleness of gold. ─── 银的纯洁,金的高贵!

59、The gold objects that have been handed down from ancient times as a carrier of culture are naturally associated with anything of beauty such as nobleness, hope and eternity. ─── 那些流传下来的作为文化承载的黄金工艺品,顺理成章地与高贵、希望、永恒等一切美好的事物相联系。

60、There is neither lowliness nor nobleness in careers. ─── 上没有高低贵贱之分。

61、Zeng Gong"s essays about kiosk, dais, building and pavilion not only reflect his literature theory, but also prove his nobleness. ─── 曾巩的亭台楼阁散文创作实践不仅与他的经世观、文道观、创作观紧密联系,而且是曾巩高洁品性的见证。

62、Walking in the city ofothers, beauty is my own loneliness. Facing the nobleness myself,warmth grows slowly in the chrysalis of missing. ─── 行走在他人的城市,美丽,是我一个人的孤独。独自面对这份尊贵,思念的茧,慢慢长出温暖。

63、The butterfly has flied away The grace and beauty were away The pureness and nobleness were away ─── 蝴蝶飞走了飞走了婀娜多姿飞走了冰清玉洁

64、Alas,I have ever study the feeling of the nobleness in moral character of ancientry.perhaps it has different refretation fron the two ideas.but why ? ─── 唉!我曾经探求古代品德高尚的人的思想感情,或许跟上面说的两种思想感情的表现不同,为什么呢?

65、Nobleness,Vogue,Comfort come from classical and excellent design of MICAWA; ─── 气宇轩昂的王者本色,来自美加华高雅,华贵的品味。

66、Those who pass elaborate design is open model hutch eat space, have nobleness to be spent completely not only, Gao Shu is measurable, and also more abound life interest and character emotional appeal. ─── 经过精心设计的开放型厨餐空间,不仅具有高洁净度、高舒适度,而且也更富于生活趣味和个性情调。

67、Oh, don't don't do this, my indifferent nobleness. Oh don't don't be like this anymore, so irretrievable. ─── 哦,不要不要是这样,我那无所谓的高贵,哦不要不要再这样,无法挽回。

68、The nobleness is an important factor of aesthetic conceptions. ─── 摘要崇高是重要的审美范畴之一。

69、However, I will let her possess an exquisite diamond ring, a pair of eardrop, and a necklace, so as to indicate her nobleness as a lady. ─── 但我会让她拥有一枚精致的指戒,一对精致的耳坠和一条晶莹的项链,以此来表明她作为女人的高贵。

70、They both concluded that courage was indomitable fortitude that rooted in the intention for nobleness, should be moderate and needed the assistance of intelligence and wisdom. ─── 相同之处在于,二者皆认为“勇敢”系出于高尚目的,具有适度性,需要智慧与理智指导的不屈不挠的坚强意志。

71、As the flagship of the LEXUS auto type, LS owns an inresistably powerful engine and nobleness, which illustrates its excellent designing conception as morden sedan. ─── 作为LEXUS雷克萨斯的旗舰车型,LS让人无法抵挡它澎湃的动力和高贵的气质,无一不体现其作为现代轿车所具有的超凡设计理念。

72、And the true nobleness comes from the people, because the world is full of love, so the happiness is all over the world. ─── 而真正的高贵来自人民,因为爱满人间,所以幸福在世界每个角落里洋溢。

73、Want to know loose nobleness, when waiting for snow to change. ─── 要知松高洁,待到雪化时。

74、To be humble to superiors is duty,to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness. ─── 谦卑对领导迫不得已,对同事实属礼貌,对下级无比美妙。

75、please don't humiliate the glory and nobleness of tang dynasty,we have enough hedonist now,we don't need more from "tang dyansty" ─── 请不要侮辱唐朝的荣耀和尊贵,我们现在已经有了很多的享乐主义,我们不需要再从唐朝弄来更多。(此人真强大,一首歌都能上升到这高度--

76、I hope that golf fans will experience the elegance and nobleness of BMW while enjoying the pleasure of golf. ─── 我们希望高尔夫爱好者在体验高尔夫乐趣的同时,感受到bmw的高雅和尊贵

77、French wine is famous all over the world and is generally acknowledged with its pureness, aroma and nobleness. ─── 法国的葡萄酒以其醇香高贵被世人所公认,誉满全球。

78、Honesty is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds. ─── 诚实是高贵得以发展的芽。

79、I would keep pudicity in the harmonious entironment and keep nobleness in magnanimous heart for ever. ─── 无论出于哪种目的,都是一种无聊的目的。糖果公主伍泰洋永远是贞于和谐,贵在包容。

80、The Bronze Tripod of Thousands of Bless combines the two traditional cultural elements, the nobleness of the “tripod caldron” and the luckiness of “happiness”. ─── 而“福”则蕴含丰富的文化内涵,是中国人独有的意识形态,似儒家文化,在国人心目中根深蒂固。

81、The golden-electroform gifts is very refinement,nobleness,and vogue! ─── 我们提供的不仅是一流的产品,质量及完美的售后服务。

82、He is indeed the perfect exemplar of all nobleness(Jane Porter.Astandardis an established criterion or recognized level of excellence regarded as being proper, fitting, or right: ─── 他的确是所有贵族学习的最好榜样(简 波特)。standard一词是指已建立起来的标准或公认的称得上是正确、恰当或合适的标准:

83、Come into the living, you will find the true nobleness come from the people. ─── 走进生活才发现真正的高贵来自人民。

84、Form the angle of the sense of nobleness and taking Douwo's Wrong and Hamlet as examples,the author analyses the discrepaney in tragic spirit of Chinese and Western tragedies; ─── 从崇高感的角度 ,以《窦娥冤》和《哈姆雷特》为例 ,分析中西悲剧在悲剧精神方面的差异 ;

85、27 When we learn that there is no absolute big and small, and even no absolute richness and poverty, even no absolute nobleness and humbleness, our attitude of life is changed. ─── 科学是讲究界定的。凡是有意义的讨论,一定要先设定界线,否则规律,定义就无从制定,科学研究也就变得毫无意义了。

86、Goldstar Jewellery is the excellent choice in the age, fashion and nobleness are the immanent style, and we are the dazzling bright pearl in the multicolored jewellery world. ─── 高斯迪珠宝首饰是时代的骄子,流行与尊贵是固有的风格,在色彩斑澜的珠宝首饰世界里,我们是耀眼的明珠。

87、Ambition is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds. ─── 抱负是一切高尚操行的萌芽。

88、I show my respect for the ladies and gentlemen who love the lovely world with a beautiful heart.All of you bring forth your nobleness and philanthropism.Actually every problem is very easy. ─── 并且向所有用美丽的心灵呵护这个美丽世界的绅士和淑女表示崇高的敬意,你们展示了圣洁的博爱和高贵。

89、American parents think there is neither lowliness nor nobleness in their children's occupations(legitimate jobs of course) as long as they can live on their own. ─── 美国父母认为孩子将来只要能在社会上立足生存,职业是不分高低贵贱的(当然要合法)。

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