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08-20 投稿


cushat 发音

英:[?k???t; ?k???t]  美:[?k???t]

英:  美:

cushat 中文意思翻译



cushat 短语词组

1、cushat def ─── 这个定义

2、cushat dove ─── 库沙特鸽子

cushat 相似词语短语

1、cushie ─── 轻松。

2、cushats ─── n.斑尾林鸽;斑鸠

3、cushty ─── 粗

4、asshat ─── 混蛋

5、cuspal ─── 牙尖

6、cushy ─── adj.轻松的;容易的;轻松又容易赚钱的

7、cushaw ─── n.南瓜;[园艺]倭瓜

8、cushaws ─── n.南瓜;[园艺]倭瓜

9、cuspate ─── adj.尖的;尖头形的

cushat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The cushat, who hadn't the beak and claws of an eagle, could not fight back. It had to hide in the woods, and suffer the censure and attack from the flock of birds. ─── 了鹰嘴和爪子的斑鸠无力抵抗,只好躲进树丛里,无可奈何地忍受了群鸟的指责和攻击。

2、Although an eagle had changed into a cushat, it forgot all this while it was flying. ─── 一只老鹰虽然变成了斑鸠,但他在飞翔的时候就忘记了这一点。

3、Again, some creatures live in the fields, as the cushat; some on the mountains, as the hoopoe; some frequent the abodes of men, as the pigeon. ─── 再者,一些动物生活在田野里,例如斑鸠;一些生活在山谷,例如戴胜鸟;一些经常在人类的住处活动,比如鸽子。

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