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08-20 投稿


cerebriform 中文意思翻译



cerebriform 短语词组

1、cerebriform polyp ─── 脑息肉

2、cerebriform wart ─── 脑状疣

3、cerebriform cell ─── 脑状细胞

4、cerebriform cancer ─── [医] 髓样癌

5、cerebriform nuclei ─── 脑回状核

6、cerebriform tongue ─── [医] 脑状舌, 裂缝舌

7、cerebriform mole ─── 脑状痣

8、cerebriform pattern ─── 大脑样纹

9、cerebriform masses ─── 脑样肿块

cerebriform 相似词语短语

1、cribriform ─── adj.(尤指筛骨板)筛状的,多孔的

2、serpentiform ─── adj.蛇形的,蛇状的

3、calcariform ─── adj.距状的

4、colubriform ─── 阴沟虫

5、cirriform ─── adj.触须状的;卷云状的

6、cobriform ─── 盖

7、aeriform ─── adj.气态的;非实体的

8、amoebiform ─── 阿米巴

9、serriform ─── adj.[生]锯齿形的

cerebriform 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A 30-year-old female patient presented with macrodactyly of the left thumb, hemihypertrophy of the left lower extremity, plantar cerebriform hyperplastic mass and nodules for thirty years. ─── 因左拇趾粗大、左下肢偏侧肥大、左足跖脑回状增生性斑块和结节30年就诊。

2、On CT, it can often have a lobulated (cerebriform) appearance. ─── 在 CT 上,它经常表现为分叶状(脑状)。

3、On CT, it can often have a lobulated ('cerebriform') appearance which has been reported to be very specific. ─── 在CT上,其经常可以表现为分叶状(脑回样),这被认为是非常特异的。

4、cerebriform mononuclear cell ─── 脑形单核细胞

5、cerebriform tongue ─── [医] 脑状舌, 裂缝舌

6、cerebriform mononuclear cell(CMC) ─── 脑回状核的单核细胞

7、cerebriform intradermal nevus ─── 脑形皮内痣

8、cerebriform cancer ─── 髓状癌

9、left thumb, hemihypertrophy of the left lower extremity, plantar cerebriform hyperplastic mass and nodules for thirty years. ─── 左拇趾粗大、左下肢偏侧肥大、左足跖脑回状增生性斑块和结节30年就诊。

10、cerebriform carcinoma ─── 髓样癌

11、cerebriform congenital nevus ─── 脑形先天性痣

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