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08-20 投稿


isle 发音

英:[a?l]  美:[a?l]

英:  美:

isle 中文意思翻译






isle 网络释义

n. 岛vt. 使成为岛屿vi. 住在岛屿上n. (Isle)人名;(英)艾尔

isle 短语词组

1、Isle Ristol ─── 雷斯托尔岛

2、cross isle ─── [计] 交叉岛

3、Loue (Isle) ─── 卢伊岛)

4、Isle of Wight disease ─── [医] 蜜蜂双翅瘫痪病

5、Isle of Wight n. ─── 怀特岛郡 [网络] 威特岛;维特岛;从 ─── 怀特岛

6、Haute Isle ─── 上岛

7、Fair Isle ─── 费尔岛

8、Isle of Man ─── [网络] 马恩岛;曼岛;英国属地马恩岛

9、safety isle un. ─── 安全岛

10、Belle Isle cress ─── [网络] 百丽岛水芹

11、Isle Saint Georges ─── 圣乔治岛

12、Isle sur Marne ─── 马恩岛

13、Isle of Skye ─── [网络] 斯凯岛;天空岛;斯开岛

14、Isle Royal National Park ─── [网络] 岛皇家国家公园

15、Emerald Isle ─── 绿宝石岛(爱尔兰岛的别名)

16、Isle Martin ─── 马丁岛

17、Isle Aumont ─── 奥蒙特岛

18、Presque Isle n. ─── 普雷斯克艾尔 (缅因州)

19、Isle Royale n. ─── 罗亚尔岛

isle 常用词组

isle of wight ─── 怀特岛(英国)

isle of man ─── 英国属地曼岛(首都道格拉斯,位于欧洲)

isle 词性/词形变化,isle变形


isle 习惯用语

1、Isles of the Blessed=Islands of the Blessed

isle 相似词语短语

1、istle ─── n.龙舌兰纤维(中南美产的)

2、isl. ─── abbr.冰岛(isliceland);abbr.星间链路(inter-satellitelink)

3、islet ─── n.小岛

4、isles ─── 群岛;n.(Isles)人名;(英)艾尔斯

5、Lisle ─── n.莱尔线织物;莱尔线;adj.莱尔线的;n.(Lisle)人名;(法)利勒;(英)莱尔

6、idle ─── adj.闲置的;懒惰的;停顿的;vi.无所事事;虚度;空转;vt.虚度;使空转

7、isled ─── n.岛;vt.使成为岛屿;vi.住在岛屿上;n.(Isle)人名;(英)艾尔

8、aisle ─── n.通道,走道;侧廊

9、isl ─── abbr.冰岛(isliceland);abbr.星间链路(inter-satellitelink)

isle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Over the years there’s been unkind talk of the relationship between FIFA and ISL, rumours of kickbacks and bribes. ─── 一直都有关于国际足联和 ISL 的闲言碎语,回扣啦,贿赂啦。

2、Her laugh was the first step down the isle. ─── 她的笑容是他们旅途的第一步,

3、Below are the new achievements for the new battleground - Isle of Conquest. ─── 以下是来自新战场的成就-征服之岛。

4、They recognize the Queen as the Lord of the Isle of Man, not as at British Queen. ─── 他们承认女王是马恩岛君主而不认为她是英国女王。

5、Every motion of a single leaf moves every leaf of every tree on every isle of earthsea. ─── 一片叶子的任何动向,都能移动地海每座岛屿上每棵树木的每片叶子!

6、Bill for DLR route between Isle of Dogs and the City submitted. ─── 对于一个新的交通系统以进出这个发展区的需求渐加清晰,这就是码头区轻轨的肇始。

7、Safe below the roiled water, he swam toward Deepwater Isle, and the underwater lighthouse that marked the rift called Umberlee's Cache. ─── 在被搅动的水下面更安全,他游向深水岛,那里的水下灯塔所标志着的裂隙叫做乌姆贝尔蕾的密室。

8、Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear. ─── 在威特岛上,只要不太贵.

9、If it were windy in Spain but not in Ireland, current would flow in one direction. On a blustery day in the Emerald Isle it would flow in the other. ─── 如果西班牙刮着风而爱尔兰风平浪静,产生的电能可以通过某一条输电线传输,在绿宝石岛多风时,则可以利用另一条输电线。

10、Their nine-day-long honeymoon was on the isle of Capri. ─── 在卡布里岛,享受九天的蜜月。

11、It would be very tempting for the Isle of Man to reduce its rate from the current 17.5% to 15% to attract more e-commerce, if the UK would allow this. ─── 如果英国允许马恩岛将其税率由现在的17.5%下降到15%,一定会对电子商务非常有吸引力。

12、ISL is founded 1985, dedicated all the time scored a success at perpendicular industry. ─── ISL创建于1985年,一直专注于垂直行业并获得了成功。

13、For example, the Isle of Man lies in the middle of the Irish Sea and is equidistant, from England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. ─── 例如,处于爱尔兰海中部,和英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士及爱尔兰距离相等的马恩岛就是如此。

14、But I tried to get them to see that going to the beaches of Presque Isle would be a much greater plan. ─── 于是,我想尽办法让他们知道,去那个美丽的沙滩将是个更棒的计画。

15、The last is by far the largest, and is often called the "Big Island" or "Big Isle" to avoid confusion with the state as a whole. ─── 最后是目前为止最大的,而且常常被称为“大岛”或“大岛”,以避免混乱的国家作为一个整体。

16、"On Isle La Motte you can see how it evolved from simple little mounds into what I call a reef city. ─── 在莫特岛上,你可以看见它是如何从简单的小土堆形成如今的岩石城的。”

17、But a study of a food chain in Isle Royal National Park, an island in Lake Superior, has shown that food-chain control can work in both directions. ─── 但是研究了位于苏必利尔湖皇家岛国家公园的食物链,展示了食物链的控制是通过两个方面决定的。

18、You are very rare look dish when, play golf or you are in most time is in Pacific a certain isle fishs. ─── 你很少有看盘的时候,多数时间你在打高尔夫或是在太平洋的某个小岛钓鱼。

19、The world's first 1)flushing toilet was used around 1700 B.C., on the 2)Isle of Crete. ─── 世界上第一个冲水马桶大约出现于西元前一千七百年的克里特岛。

20、Horses would not have been lacking in the Isle of Wight. ─── 在怀特岛上,马匹是不可或缺的。

21、To watch a sunset on a tropical isle. ─── 到热带小岛去看日落。

22、A sentinel: isle of dreadful thirst. ─── 奇渴岛上的岗哨。

23、Moose reached Isle Royale in Lake Superior by crossing over winter ice and multiplied freely there in isolation without predators. ─── 麋鹿穿过冬天的冰雪,到达苏必利尔湖的皇家岛,在那里,它们没有天敌,自由繁殖。

24、Therefore, if the encapsulated packet is 1518 bytes long, the ISL packet is 1548 bytes long for Ethernet. ─── 因此如何被封装的包是1518字节,那么ISL包就是1548字节长度。

25、La Gomera’s verdant gorges make the isle uniquely beautiful but hard to traverse. ─── 哥梅拉岛上的青翠峡谷让岛的面貌美丽得无与伦比,但却难以通行。

26、The bit in the BPDU field is set for all BPDU packets that are encapsulated by the ISL frame. ─── (BPDU字段只有一位,所有被ISL帧封装的BPDU包设置这个字段。BPDU字段被生成树算法决定网络拓扑的信息。

27、"On the Isle of Wight we get lots of foreign language students staying with families," said operations manager March Morgan Huws. ─── Southern Vectis巴士公司的运营经理马奇?摩根?胡斯说:“怀特岛有很多外国留学生是和家人生活在一起的。”

28、Between Britain and Ireland ,in the Irish Sea ,lies the small Isle of Man . ─── 在爱尔兰海域位于不列颠和爱尔兰岛之间,有一个小岛叫马恩岛。

29、Henry David Thoreau was the last male descendant of a French ancestor who came to this country from the Isle of Guernsey. ─── 亨利8226;戴维8226;梭罗的祖先是从格恩西岛移民至美国的法国人。

30、Mr. Obama got an earful when he met state and parish officials the next day on a visit to Grand Isle, a barrier island south of New Orleans. ─── 5月28日,当奥巴马视察新奥尔良南部的屏障岛GrandIsle时,会晤的州和区一级官员都向他大吐苦水。

31、Ignoring the public outcry, the pair held court at her villa on the isle of Mustique, and at Kensington Palace, where Margaret entertained guests. ─── 但这对情侣不顾众人的非议,在玛格丽特位于马斯蒂克岛的别墅和肯辛顿宫接待仰慕者。

32、A scene so wonderful and so lovely is exhibited, as may more than equal any of the resembling scene of the far-famed Isle of Wight. ─── 呈现出的如此美妙的景色,可以说是超过了驰名遐迩的怀特岛的类似景致。

33、Compared with conventional mining methods, ISL has been proven to be beneficial in the view of ecology. ─── 与传统采矿方法相比较,从生态学的观点来看,地浸已被证明是有利的。

34、That said, last weekend my husband and I stayed on a farm on the Isle of Wight (located off the southern cost of England). ─── 不过,上周末我的丈夫和我在怀特岛位于英格兰南部的(农场逗留)。

35、In her early alchemist days, Vidomina once sought a legendary artifact on the Isle of Crypts. ─── 在她早期的炼金术士生涯中,薇多米娜有一次在地穴之岛发现了一个传说中的宝物。

36、ISLE seeks to encourage such scholarship, writing, and teaching, while facilitating the development of a theoretical foundation for these activities. ─── ISLE鼓励这方面的学术领域,写作和教学,同时协助发展建立这方面活动的理论基础。

37、His decision is at hand - he will set forth to visit his uncle on The Isle of Cornucopia. ─── 他的决定是在手-他将提出访问他的叔叔岛的聚宝盆。

38、Napoleon Bonaparte escapes from exile on the Isle of Elba to begin his second conquest to France. ─── 1815年,拿破仑逃离了他被放逐的厄尔巴岛,开始第二次征服法兰西。

39、The transporter is based on a pair of extremely rugged ISL Minitrac crawler units manufactured from brass. ─── 其爬行器是在一对坚固耐用的铜质标准驱动履带爬行器的基础上精制而成。

40、Firstly they caught the bird flu from Chinese tourists and than a disastrous hurricane pounced upon the innocence isle. ─── 可怜的鸟儿们,这次真是祸不单行,不但染上禽流感,又遇上了飓风!

41、At a recent festival of pop-music in the Isle of Wight, crowds of teenagers flocked to listen to their favorite singers and musicians. ─── 在怀特岛最近举行的流行音乐节上,成群结队的青少年聚集在一起听他们最喜欢的歌手和音乐家演唱。

42、But it was a tour of the Isle of Wight when he was 20, which provided him with the inspiration to produce his first major oil painting. ─── 但20岁时到怀特岛的一次旅行激发了透纳创作第一幅重要油画作品的灵感。

43、He is from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. ─── 他来自爱尔兰海的马恩岛。

44、Angela: It was the Isle of Man. His parents run a small hotel on the Isle of Man. ─── 安琪拉:那个荒岛是曼岛。他的父母在曼岛经营一家旅馆。

45、A young dancer with international experience, Siao has decided to devote her future to promoting dancing from the Emerald Isle on the Ilha Formosa. ─── 一个年轻又有前途的国际舞者,萧逸涵选择从爱尔兰回台湾,贡献推动舞蹈,这样的人才,正是台湾需要的。

46、KJV] Pass ye over to Tarshish; howl, ye inhabitants of the isle. ─── [新译]你们要过到他施去;沿海的居民哪,要哀号!

47、Reinforcements: Isle of Conquest uses a reinforcements system similar to that of Alterac Valley. ─── 后援:征服者之岛有一个类似与奥山的后援系统。

48、Interactions between components are described using a specific language (ISL). ─── 使用特定的一种语言(ISL)来描述组件之间的交互。

49、Oh, I've been to Niece and the Isle of Greece while I've sipped champagne on a yacht. ─── 啊,我曾去过尼斯和希腊的小岛,在游艇上品尝香摈。

50、Last week, the Danish firm Vestas blamed British "nimbies" opposing wind farms for its decision to close its turbine factory on the Isle of Wight. ─── 上周,丹麦的威斯达公司批评了英国的那些“独善其身主义者”,原因是他们决定关闭威特岛上的涡轮机厂,造成风力发电厂瘫痪。

51、Ooh, I've been to Nice and the Isle of Greece, and I've sipped champagne on a yacht. ─── 哦,我曾到过尼斯和希腊的小岛,坐在游艇啜饮香槟。

52、Messenger. The Ottomites, reverend and gracious, Steering with due course towards the isle of Rhodes, Have there injointed them with an after fleet. ─── 使者公爵和各位大人,向罗得斯岛驶去的土耳其舰队,已经和另外一支殿后的舰队会合了。

53、Anna: and his parents run a small hotel on the Isle of Man. ─── 安娜:还有他的父母在曼岛经营一家旅馆。

54、Awdry dreamed up in the early 1950s, after visiting the Isle of Man to preach at a Sunday school festival. ─── 这个岛屿是奥德瑞在马恩岛一个主日学校节日上布道回来后构想出来的。

55、B: Well, I live on an isle in Scotland, and we have midges in summer sometimes. ─── 嗯,我住在苏格兰的一个岛上,夏天有的时候会有那种咬人的小虫。

56、It would be very tempting for the Isle of Man to reduce its rate from the current17.5% to15% to attract more e-commerce, if the UK would allow this. ─── 如果英国允许马恩岛将其税率由现在的17.5%降到15%一定会对电子商务非常有吸引力。

57、Loch Coruisk on the Isle of Skye, in Scotland, which can only be reached by boat or by foot, completed the top 10. ─── 在前十名的还有位于苏格兰斯凯岛的科斯克湖,人们只能乘船或步行前往。

58、The truth is that Undermine is the capital of the Isle of Kezan, the largest and southmost of the South Seas Islands. ─── 其实安德麦是南海诸岛中最大的岛屿--科赞岛的首都。

59、The Isle of Wight belongs to Great Britain. ─── 威特岛属于英国。

60、There isl a piece of paper in it . ─── 在它里面有一张的纸。

61、KJV] Be still, ye inhabitants of the isle; thou whom the merchants of Zidon, that pass over the sea, have replenished. ─── [新译]沿海的居民,就是靠航海致富的西顿商人哪!要静默无言。

62、Which of the following is a DTP mode for ISL? ─── 下面哪些是?

63、Now, 'mongst this flock of drunkards, Am I to put our Cassio in some action That may offend the isle. ─── 在这一群醉汉中间,我要叫我们这位凯西奥干出一些可以激动这岛上公愤的事来。

64、It is designed to trace back to the tradition of distilled whisky on the Isle of Mull. ─── 它旨在追溯传统的蒸馏威士忌的马尔岛。

65、A thoughtful calm pervades Scotland's Holy Isle. ─── 一种令人遐想的宁静弥漫于苏格兰圣岛.

66、A green isle for citizen spontaneity, an oasis of recycled asphalt, tires, trees, and bushes. ─── 出现了一个公民自己的绿色的岛,一个再生沥青中的绿洲,轮胎,树木和矮树丛。

67、The best time to visit Bird Isle is at the turn of summer when the birds in the kingdom are all busy building their homes. ─── 如果想饱览鸟岛的盛况,最好作春末夏初游。 那时候正是鸟国筑巢的繁忙季节。

68、ISL is still called from the LIF area on the bootable medium (disk, tape, or CD). ─── ISL 仍然是从 可引导介质上 (磁盘、磁带或 CD) 的 LIF 区域调用的。

69、She sought the advice of their old friend from Isle of Wight days, John Stebbings. ─── 她征求了在怀特岛时认识的老朋友约翰·斯特宾斯的意见。

70、The smaller island, such as the Isle of Man, are neither part of the United Kingdom nor independent. ─── 一些较小的岛屿像马恩岛,既不属于联合王国也没有独立。

71、Before he could call to her, she entered the pavilion on the isle in the middle of the lake. ─── 他想叫她,但是他还没有叫出声来,就看见她走进了湖中央的亭子。

72、The culture of the people of the British as Isle was influenced by the culture of the people on the European mainland. ─── 不列颠群岛的文化很大程度上受欧洲大陆的影响。

73、In Isle of Conquest, kill 10 players with a Glaive Thrower without dying. ─── 剑冢:在征服之岛,用掷剑器杀死10名玩家,并且自己不死亡。

74、The characteristics of satellite regular movements and the regular arrays of inter satellite links(ISL) were analyzed. ─── 天基网是一种以各种类型的卫星为网络节点通过星际链路互连起来的空间无线网络系统。

75、"The Lake Isle of Innisfree" is just a popular representative of such poems. ─── “伊尼斯弗利的湖中沙洲”一诗便是这样的典范。

76、According to legend, the Goddess of Mercy first begins to practise Buddhism on Lojiashan Isle which lies across the sea from Pu'Tuo'Shan. ─── 传说,观音菩萨先在洛迦山岛上修炼,这小岛同普陀山隔海相望。

77、The Isle of the Temple, in Japan's Inland Sea, has become a famous stopover for pilgrims who meditate and pray to dragons. ─── 在日本内海寺庙的岛已经成为冥想和祈祷龙的朝圣者著名的中途停留站。

78、Edward’s Crown and the Royal Cypher below in the middle ring and the wording ‘Isle of Man Queen Elizabeth II 2007’ in the surround. ─── 一个玫瑰花环之上是神圣爱德华王冠,圆圈中部之下是皇家御印,它的周围有一组文字:马恩岛伊丽莎白二世,2007。

79、On the occasion of my inspection tour of London, I visited the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. ─── 在我出访伦敦之际,我参观了爱尔兰海的曼恩岛。

80、Once at that cave in the Isle of Tribulations, a blood elf warrior ambushes you surprising you with a charge attack which stuns you briefly. ─── 一旦到了苦难之岛的小洞里,一位血精灵战士将在那里埋伏并且用冲锋突袭你,使你短暂的昏迷。

81、The Isle of Wight Festival was revived in 2002 to critical acclaim, headliners in 2006 were Coldplay, Foo Fighters and The Prodigy. ─── 2002年的怀特音乐节受到评论家的一致好评,2006年的音乐节头号乐队/乐人包括“酷玩”、“喷火战斗机”和“神童”乐队。

82、On a blustery day in the Emerald Isle it would flow in the other. ─── 反过来,当“翡翠岛”海风呼啸时,电能只需换个方向,一样也能流入欧洲电网。

83、In 1985, the ISL began to implement the first Olympic Plan to sell the Olympic marks. ─── 1985年ISL公司开始执行出售奥林匹克标志的第一个"奥林匹克计划"。

84、In the Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear. ─── 在怀特岛上,只要不是太贵。

85、They believe that the history of their people will end on this accursed isle of mad wizards and wretched experiments. ─── 他们认为自己会因这座岛屿上受诅咒的疯狂巫师与卑劣实验,而结束种族的传承。

86、Lush surroundings and scenery on the ancient and enchanting Emerald Isle. ─── 四周青葱翠绿,古老而迷人的祖母绿岛上的优美风光。

87、This little green isle far out in Atlantic was, in peacetime, a quiet flowery Eden without automobiles. ─── 在太平年月里,大西洋这个远离海岸的绿色的小岛是个安谧宁静,鲜花盛开连汽车都没有的伊甸乐园。

88、North of Xiangjiao Gate Bridge is Fuchi Isle, where there is a man who had both her husband and son sunk in the waterway of Xiangjiao Gate. ─── 响礁门大桥北端富翅岛上的一名妇女,丈夫和儿子都葬身在响礁门水道里。

89、From Avoch in the Black Isle, he took Inverness and stormed Urquhart Castle by Loch Ness. ─── 华勒斯从黑岛的阿瓦琪攻下茵佛尼斯,并且猛烈进攻尼斯湖旁的乌尔克哈特。

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