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08-20 投稿


truce 发音

英:[tru?s]  美:[tru?s]

英:  美:

truce 中文意思翻译






truce 词性/词形变化,truce变形


truce 短语词组

1、truce or consequences ─── 休战或后果

2、truce agreement ─── [法] 休战条约

3、declaration of truce ─── [法] 宣告停战或休战, 宣告停止

4、truce cleaning products ─── 休战清洁产品

5、truce definition ─── 休战定义

6、truce offer ─── 停战协议

7、a general truce ─── 全面停战

8、Truce of Altmark ─── 阿尔特马克休战

9、anglo-irish truce ─── 英爱休战

10、truce synonym ─── 休战同义词

11、flag of truce ─── [法] 白旗, 投降旗, 休战旗

12、truce define ─── 停战定义

13、truce at bakura ─── 巴库拉停战

14、truce negotiation ─── [法] 停战谈判

15、fragmented truce ─── 支离破碎的停战

16、nationalists offer truce ─── 民族主义者提出停战

17、truce minneapolis ─── 明尼阿波利斯停战

18、a truce to ─── 别再...了

19、truce brianna ─── 休战布里安娜

truce 相似词语短语

1、trice ─── n.瞬间;vt.吊起;扯起并用绳缚住;n.(Trice)人名;(罗)特里切;(英)特赖斯

2、trucked ─── n.卡车;交易;手推车;vi.驾驶卡车;以物易物;vt.交易;以卡车运输;adj.(美)运货汽车的;n.(Truck)人名;(德)特鲁克

3、true ─── adj.真实的;正确的;adv.真实地;准确地;n.真实;准确;vt.装准;n.(TRUE)人名;(英)特鲁

4、trace ─── v.(通过调查)找到;追溯;追踪;沿(特定路径)走;映描;(尤指用手指、脚趾)画;勾画出轮廓;n.痕迹;踏出来的小路;(大脑上的学习或记忆)痕迹;语迹;跟踪;微量;丝毫;描记线;交线;缰绳;n.(Trace)(美)塔斯(人名)

5、trucage ─── 卡车运输

6、truck ─── n.卡车;交易;手推车;vi.驾驶卡车;以物易物;vt.交易;以卡车运输;adj.(美)运货汽车的;n.(Truck)人名;(德)特鲁克

7、trucker ─── n.卡车司机;从事货车运输业者

8、Bruce ─── n.布鲁斯(男名)

9、truces ─── n.停战;休战;休战协定;vt.以休战结束;停止争执;vi.停战;n.(Truce)人名;(英)特鲁斯

truce 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A joint telephone call by the two rivals to the press to announce the new arrangements masks an uneasy truce. ─── 二人一起向媒体打电话宣布该组织新的领导层安排,掩盖了其内部妥协的不稳定性。

2、Their commanders negotiated a truce with the rebels and escorted several thousand German civilians out of Prague towards the advancing Americans. ─── 他们的指挥官和起义者达成协议后,护送着几千名德国平民撤出布拉格向西部的美军占领去逃去。

3、Arthur asks a truce, and the two armies meet on the field to set terms.An adder appears, a knight unthinkingly draws his sword to kill it, and the two armies are at war. ─── 亚瑟王请求停战和解,然后两方军队在战场谈条件,突然,有一条小青蛇突然出现,一位骑士毫不思索地拔起他的剑要杀死青蛇,因而引发两方军队的战争。

4、In Damascus, Hamas announced that the six-month-old Gaza truce with Israel would not be renewed when it expires on Friday. ─── 在大马士革,哈马斯宣布,和以色列持续了六个月的停火在星期五到期后不会再延续。

5、In 546BC, they signed a truce in Shangqiu(in present-day Henan province), with the participation of Chu from the south. ─── 公元前546年,北方各诸侯国加上楚国在商丘召开了弥兵会议,约定从此和平共处。

6、An armistice (or truce, as it is sometimes called) is the cessation of active hostilities for a period agreed upon by the belligerents. ─── 休战协定(有时称为停战)是双方同意中断进行中之交战状态。

7、A truce should be made in the interval. ─── 在接着的一个时期中,双方实行休战。

8、Russia says the truce allows it to stay on the in a buffer zone on the Georgian side of this the South Ossetian border. ─── 俄罗斯说休战协议允许俄方部队停留在南奥塞梯边界格鲁吉亚方的缓冲地带。

9、Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha said the group would be willing to consider a new truce offer if its demands are met. ─── 哈马斯发言人塔哈说,如果哈马斯的要求能得到满足,他们愿意考虑新的停火建议。

10、And, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum makes it clear the group is not begging for a truce. ─── 哈马斯发言人巴荷姆也明确表示,哈马斯不会祈求停火。

11、But no matter how you slice it or spin it, the truce of the matter is that MLM will not make ordinary Joe's and Jane's rich or even a career, like they want to you to believe. ─── 但是不管你如何做手脚,事实的真相是传销不会带给每个普通人富有或是一个终身的事业,就像他们希望你相信的那样。

12、The Russians rejected a French offer for a truce . ─── 俄国人拒绝法国人提出的停战建议。

13、Russia says the troop truce allows it to stay in a buffer zone on the Georgian side of the South Ossetian border. ─── 俄国说休战协定允许它(的军队)停驻在位于南奥赛梯边界附近的格鲁吉亚缓冲地区。

14、A temporary cessation of fighting by mutual consent; a truce. ─── 停战经双方同意暂时停止战斗;休战

15、Later, King of Sparta and Elis Wang signed a "sacred truce," the treaty. ─── 后来斯巴达王和伊利斯王签订了“神圣休战月”条约。

16、For me have made truce with death for once, and only for a few fragrant hours we two have been made immortal. ─── 因为我们和死亡订下一次和约,在一段温馨的时间中,我俩变成不朽。

17、The first was the primary cause, and in its absence a truce with the enemy would have been difficult. ─── 而第一个原因是主要的原因,没有这一条,同他们讲和是不容易的。

18、Nearly a month after both sides declared separate cease-fires, efforts by Egypt to mediate a durable truce are deadlocked. ─── 双方各自宣布停火将近一个月之后,由埃及调停实现持久性停火的努力受阻。

19、The shaky truce in the Middle East bears little resemblance to the realization of ultimate peace. ─── 中东不可靠的休战与最终实现和平的相似性很小。

20、The mayor of the southern Israeli border town of Sderot, Eli Moyal, says he is willing to hold truce talks with the Islamic militant group Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip. ─── 以色列南方边防城市斯德洛特的市长穆瓦亚尔说,他愿意和控制加沙地带的伊斯兰激进组织哈马斯就停战问题开展谈判。

21、Georgia alleges Russia has broken truce after Russian troops rolled into the strategic Georgian city of Gori. ─── 在俄军挺进格鲁吉亚战略要塞哥里市后,格方宣称俄方率先打破休战常规。

22、The truce was holy because it was signed at Olympia, sacred to Zeus. ─── 休战协定在祭祀宙斯的奥林匹亚签订,因而是神圣的。

23、Our enemy has greatly strengthened during the truce talks. ─── 和谈期间,敌人力量已大为增强。

24、In the first preseason game the team won the highest score and highest rebounds, Landry in a truce and then come back. ─── 在第一场季前赛拿下球队最高分和最高篮板后,兰德里在休战一场后又回来了。

25、That peace often looked like a brief truce before the next plunge into war. ─── 那种和平看起来常常像是投入新一轮战争前的短暂停火期。

26、The local government and the army negotiated a truce. ─── 该地方政府和军方谈判达成了休战协定。

27、He will eventually Be forced to seek a truce or a more cordial entente with the government. ─── 他终将被迫向政府寻求休战或者是一种比较友善的谅解。

28、The officers came to an understanding that the unofficial truce would end at midnight. ─── 军官们一致认为这个非正式的停战将于午夜时分结束。

29、On September 11, opposition ceased with the signature of a military truce. ─── 9月11日,敌对行为随着军事停战协定的签订而告终。

30、Under two secret peace deals signed by Pakistani authorities with the militants last year, covering north and south Waziristan, a truce exists there. ─── 在巴基斯坦当局和塔利班秘密签署协议后,瓦齐里斯坦的北部和南部已经休战。

31、"EXCEPT at harvest-time, when self-preservation enjoins a temporary truce, the Pathan tribes are always engaged in private or public war. ─── 在农闲的时候,一些自我保护意识强的人喜欢暂的处于休战状态.帕克部落总是好战的,无论是私人之战还是公众之战,他们都喜欢

32、Hamas says it is absurd to talk about a truce while Israeli air strikes continue. ─── H表示在以空袭期间讨论停战问题是很可笑的。

33、They struck a temporary truce with their enemies so that all could participate in the churning. ─── 他们与敌人暂时性地休战,这样全部都可以参与搅拌。

34、Later Elis and Sparta Wang Wang signed a "sacred truce on" treaty. ─── 后来斯巴达王和伊利斯王签订了"神圣休战月"条约。

35、Then conscience granted a truce, and these curiously inconsistent pirates fell peacefully to sleep. ─── 后来良心同意跟他们和解了,这两个令人费解而又矛盾重重的海盗才心安理得地睡着了。

36、She composed statistics which evidenced that the death rate for young soldiers in truce time was double that of the customary accumulation. ─── 她根据收集的统计数据证明在和平时期年轻士兵的死亡率是普通人的两倍。

37、Why is it that there will be a truce? ─── 为什么和还是要和呢?

38、Once a truce is in place, the Security Council can deploy a peacekeeping operation to help the parties carry out their agreements. ─── 一旦停战,安全理事会可部署维持和平行动, 帮助各方执行它们所达成的协定。

39、The two armies agreed to a truce. ─── 两支军队同意停火。

40、He is in favour of the declaration of a truce. ─── 他赞成宣布停战。

41、On Jan. 6,in a statement issued by its consulate in Jerusalem, Washington said its peace envoy Anthony Zinnias had set in motion preparations for a Middle East truce. ─── 1月6日,在一份发自耶路撒冷领事馆的声明中,华盛顿方面称其和平特使切尼已着手一项中东停火条约。

42、An Israeli mayor on the front lines of the conflict with the Palestinians is calling for a truce with Islamic militants. ─── 以色列和巴勒斯坦人发生冲突的一个前沿城市的市长呼吁和伊斯兰激进分子实行停战。

43、By July Chiang Kai-shek had openly torn up the truce agreement and launched an all-out offensive against the Liberated Areas. ─── 到六月下旬蒋介石便公开撕毁了停战协定,向解放区发动了全面的进攻。

44、Dabbagh says if the truce is successful in Sadr City, the government will attempt to extend it to other regions where fighting rages. ─── 他说,如果萨德尔城的停火成功,伊拉克政府会争取把停战扩大到其它正在发生冲突的地区。

45、The battle for Yahoo ended in a truce yesterday, with the direction of the company still likely to be a source of future conflict. ─── 雅虎(Yahoo)争夺战在本周之初暂告一段落,而该公司的去向问题仍可能在未来引发争端。

46、Two years ago, Chinese delegation sponsored and tabled for adoption an Olympic Truce resolution at the 62nd Session of the General Assembly. ─── 两年前,中国推动第62届联大通过了关于奥林匹克休战的决议。

47、France has led calls for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. Britain has resisted, calling i tead for an international force in Lebanon to make sure a truce is sustainable. ─── 以法国为首的国家呼吁立即实现无条件停火。英国拒绝接受,提议在黎巴嫩部署一支国际部队以确保持久的停战。

48、A truce was declared at Christmas between the two armies. ─── 在圣诞节当天双方军队宣布停战。

49、Last year, Mr Ma declared a “diplomatic truce”, meaning an end to the chequebook contest for recognition. ─── 去年,马先生宣称要“在外交上停战”,这意味着这场为获得承认而进行的支票大战告一段落。

50、In the past, Olympic Truce helped people and countries avoid wars and conflicts, and helped people develop exchanges and build friendship. ─── 在过去,奥运会的休战帮助人们和国家避免战争和冲突,促进了人们之间的交往和友谊的建立。

51、IN THE MONTH of June was fought the battle of Friedland, in which the Pavlograd hussars did not take part.It was followed by a truce. ─── 六月份,弗里德兰爆发了一场战斗,保罗格勒兵团没有参与这次战役,紧接着宣布休战。

52、And there is still the prospect of an almighty trade war over subsidies to Airbus and Boeing;a temporary truce has been called while the two sides look for a bloodless way out. ─── 围绕对空中客车和波音补贴而展开的全面贸易战也一触即发,双方为寻找一条不那么残酷的解决之路而达成了暂时的停战协议。

53、But Palestinian activist Hanna Siniora believes a truce serves the interests of both sides. ─── 但是,巴勒斯坦活动人士汉纳西尼乌拉认为,停火对双方都有利。

54、Indeed, sometimes politics supersedes families, or exists in an uneasy truce with them. ─── 事实上有时政治确实凌驾于家庭之上,或与家庭以一种不和谐的方式共存。

55、But a truce to these painful digressions: let me return to our houses. ─── 但是这些痛苦的闲话先打住:让我回到房屋的话题上。

56、The two sides call a truce to avoid further bloodshed. ─── 双方宣布停战以避免再有伤亡。

57、The belligerent countries signed a truce last week. ─── 交战国家上周签订了休战协定。

58、A truce has been declared in Israel's war in Gaza, but the smouldering conflict is not over and the legacy of the latest fighting will be bitter. ─── 以色列在加沙地带的战争刚刚宣布休战,可是积郁的冲突并没有结束,战争遗留下的问题将极为严峻。

59、A joint communique of truce was issued on June 5 that year. ─── 一名热情的年轻译员陪伴着他。

60、During the first session of the truce negotiations, the Regent had thrown a kind of temper tantrum, which only Edwards recognized as being as false as the Invid himself. ─── 和约谈判的首个回合,瑞金特便暴起狂怒,爱德华兹认为这只是假摄政王的欺骗伎俩(瑞金特是假的,狂怒也是假的)罢了。

61、A long-term truce between the Palestinian militant group Hamas and Israel may be announced within days, Hamas officials said in Cairo. ─── 在巴勒斯激进组织哈马斯和以色列之间一场长期休战或许在数天内被宣布,哈马斯官员在开罗说.

62、Europe became therefore an armed camp and peace little more than an armed truce. ─── 因此,欧洲成为一个武装兵营,而和平和武装戒备中的停战没有多大区别。

63、But they carried no weapons because this was a meeting truce. ─── 但是他们都没拿武器因为这是一场停战协议.

64、After Beijing Olympic Games, continuously overhang “truce flag” Lindane will be taken to the threshing ground presents. ─── 北京奥运会后一直高挂“免战牌”的林丹将登场亮相。

65、He announced to the enemy troops that the truce was over. ─── 他向敌军宣布休战已经结束了。

66、Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha said the group would be willing to consider a new truce offer if its demands are met. ─── 哈马斯发言人塔哈说,如果哈马斯的要求能得到满足,他们愿意考虑新的停火建议。

67、Defense Minister Ehud Barak said he hopes truce efforts will succeed. ─── 以色列国防部长巴拉克说,他希望停火努力能获得成功。

68、"One of the main factors contributing to the deterioration of the security situation in the country is the de facto truce in the tribal areas beyond the border," he said. ─── 他说:“阿富汗安全局势走下坡路的一个主要原因是边境的巴基斯坦一侧的部落地区实际上的停火。”

69、So I propose a peace, a truce. ─── 因此,我提出讲和,提出休战。

70、Iraqi lawmakers say Iranian officials helped broker the truce with Al-Sadar’s group Sunday. ─── 伊拉克国会议员称,伊朗官员帮助经纪人与萨德尔集团在周日休战。

71、And they obey the rules of war (such as honoring a truce) only as long as it is convenient for them. ─── 他们会遵守战场的规则(例如,遵守停战协定)但只持续到这对他们有利的情形结束为止。

72、Deaths occurred on both sides before a truce was called. At least 60 were hurt. ─── 在冲突停止前,双方都发生死亡,至少有60个人受伤。

73、France has led calls for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. Britain has resisted, calling instead for an international force in Lebanon to make sure a truce is sustainable. ─── 以法国为首的国家呼吁立即实现无条件停火.英国拒绝接受,提议在黎巴嫩部署一支国际部队以确保持久的停战。

74、On the very first day of the truce, they broke it no fewer than twenty-nine times. ─── 停战的第一天,他们破坏停战就达29次。

75、Suspension of active hostilities; a truce. ─── 停火暂停敌对行为;停战

76、Their call for a cease-fire joins that of the United States, which said Hamas must respect the truce. ─── 他们的停火协议与美国一致。美国表示,哈马斯必须尊重停火协议。

77、An Israeli mayor on the front lines of the conflict with the Palestinians is calling for a truce with Islamic militants. ─── 以色列和巴勒斯坦人发生冲突的一个前沿城市的市长呼吁和伊斯兰激进分子实行停战。

78、Jamaal Magloire in a truce, the Heat hope that the joy - and David - to contribute more to Padgett. ─── 在马格洛伊尔休战之后,热队希望乔伊-和大卫-帕吉特能够更多贡献。

79、They refused to sign a truce. ─── 他们拒绝签订休战协定。

80、Russia says the troops truce allowes it to stand stay in a buffer zone on the Georgian side of this South Ossetian boarder. ─── 俄方说停火协议允许俄军扎驻在格鲁吉亚靠近南奥塞梯的缓冲地带。

81、She would willingly forgo a birthday treat if only her warring parents would declare a truce. ─── 只要她的父母停止争吵,她愿意放弃生日宴请。

82、However, as they race against the clock -- and the tension mounts with each assault against Broome -- they form a tentative truce. ─── 但在他们与时间赛跑时,压力也随着布伦受到的攻击不断增加,他们开始试着休战。

83、Meanwhile, the president of the Palestinian authority is urging Israel and Hamas to agree to an Egypt-broker truce. ─── 与此同时,巴勒斯坦当局总统希望以色列和哈马斯能够同意由埃及调解的休战协议。

84、He told The Sun: "A courtier told me the corgis used to fight with her at first, but after lots of barking and some hissing they came to a sort of truce. ─── 不过他说,刚开始时女王的威尔士矮脚狗并不欢迎迈姆的到来,“我听说那些狗们开始对它狂吠,但后来它们休战了。”

85、They'll transact with the enemy for truce. ─── 他们将与敌方谈判停火事宜。

86、A temporary cessation of fighting by mutual consent;a truce. ─── 停战经双方同意暂时停止战斗;

87、The two sides called a truce to avoid further bloodshed. ─── 双方宣布休战,以免更多的流血。

88、But the Egyptian-mediated talks hit a snag, when Israel linked any truce with the release of captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, held for more than two years by Hamas in Gaza. ─── 不过,由埃及调停的停火谈判遇到阻力,因为以色列把释放被俘以色列军人沙利特做为停火协议的前提。

89、A truce was declared between the two armies. ─── 两军宣布休战。

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