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08-20 投稿


illuminant 发音

英:[[?'lju:m?n?nt]]  美:[[?'lju:m?n?nt]]

英:  美:

illuminant 中文意思翻译



illuminant 词性/词形变化,illuminant变形


illuminant 短语词组

1、illuminant d65 ─── 光源d65

2、illuminant mode ─── 照明器模式

3、illuminant composition ─── 发光的混合物;照明剂

4、illuminant a ─── 施照体A

5、illuminant Voting ─── 光源表决

6、illuminant cbd ─── 发光体cbd

7、illuminant FL ─── 光源FL

8、illuminant-c ─── [电] 发光C

9、illuminant cwf ─── 照明cwf

10、illuminant spectrum ─── 光源 ─── 光谱

11、illuminant color ─── 发光色

12、illuminant shield ─── 照明盾牌

13、illuminant d55 ─── 光源d55

14、illuminant D ─── 光源D

15、illuminant d50 ─── 光源d50

illuminant 相似词语短语

1、illuminances ─── n.[光]照度;照明度(等于illumination)

2、illumining ─── vt.照明,点亮;启发

3、luminant ─── adj.发光的;发亮的;n.发光体

4、illuminati ─── n.自称睿智的人;上层人士,社会精英;n.(Illuminati)光照派;光照会;n.(Illuminati)(意)伊卢米纳蒂(人名)

5、illuminance ─── n.[光]照度;照明度(等于illumination)

6、illuminants ─── n.发光体,光源;adj.发光的

7、illuminato ─── 照亮

8、illuminate ─── vt.阐明,说明;照亮;使灿烂;用灯装饰;vi.照亮

9、illuminist ─── n.光照派教徒;天启论者

illuminant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、illuminant shield ─── 光屏

2、"1 " it is to provide whole room illuminant of the basiccest illuminative. ─── “1”则是提供整个房间最基本照明的光源。

3、standard illuminant E ─── E标准光源

4、9.a white to brown oil obtained from whale blubber; formerly used as an illuminant. ─── 一种白色到棕色的油,从鲸脂中获取,以前用作润滑剂。

5、Interior space falls in the condition that carries original space structure, flat-roofed white emulsioni paint uses derelict illuminant to design the lamp that embed a canister. ─── 室内空间在保持原有空间结构的情况下,平顶白色乳胶漆采用无主光源设计嵌筒灯。

6、By research on selection of illuminant and arrangement of road lightings, the author analyzes the features of campus luminous environment. ─── 摘要通过对校园道路的光源选型、灯具布置等方面进行的研究,分析了校园光环境的使用特点。

7、In living room, you can use the assorted variation of different illuminant, him according to need, innovation gives warm atmosphere or dramatic effect. ─── 在起居室,你可以运用不同光源的组合变化,依照自己的需要,创造出暖和的气氛或戏剧性的效果。

8、source of light, luminary, incandescent filament, illuminant, luminous element ─── 灯丝。发光体。灼热体。光源。发光部件。

9、General expression for the effect of an illuminant on the color appearance of objects in conscious or subconscious comparison with their color appearance under a reference illuminant. ─── 某物体在某发光体照射下的颜色效果与该物体在标准发光体下的颜色效果进行比较后所得到的评价。

10、A. Don’ t use torch to direct shoot eyes and avoid watching illuminant directly, in case it will hurt your eyes. ─── 勿用手电筒直射眼睛,并避免直接观看手电光源,以免伤害眼睛;

11、The illume of toilet is designed, besides above illuminant problem, notice even moistureproof also be a key, must not have the least bit and careless. ─── 卫生间的照明设计,除了以上光源问题,还要注重防潮也是一个要害,不得有半点马虎。

12、With the ceiling droplight gives priority to illuminant on illume, complementary offer illumination for local space with the desk lamp of the head of a bed. ─── 照明上以天花板吊灯为主光源,辅以床头的台灯为局部空间提供照明。

13、illuminant direction ─── 光照方向

14、edible light yellow to brown oil from rapeseed used also as a lubricant or illuminant ─── 一种黄色到棕色的可食用且轻的油,从油菜籽中榨取,用作润滑剂或照明剂

15、Shenzhen Huaxing luster Electronics Technology Co., l.t.d is a new High-Tech company specialize in manufacturing of LED illuminant parts and LED monitor. ─── 深圳市华兴光彩电子科技有限公司,是一家专业生产LED光源器件和LED显示屏的新型高科技公司。

16、transmitting illuminant ─── 发射光源

17、The utility model relates to an image and illuminant device used for medical partial deep hole operations, comprising a computer 1, a bracket 2 and a lamp cap 3. ─── 本实用新型是一种医用局部深孔手术摄像照明装置,包括有计算机1、支架2和灯头3,灯头3是一种同时进行照明和摄像的灯。

18、A volatile mixture of flammable liquid hydrocarbons derived chiefly from crude petroleum and used principally as a fuel for internal-combustion engines and as a solvent, an illuminant, and a thinner. ─── 汽油一种具有挥发性、可燃的烃类混合物液体,主要来自于原油,主要作燃料用,尤用于内燃机,也用作溶剂、照明物或稀释剂

19、Lie between a design to display ark with the kitchen, lower part enchases clear glass, make can guide from the kitchen by day bring illuminant to enter inside, the tentative idea is considerate. ─── 与厨房隔间设计陈列柜,下方镶嵌清玻璃,使白天可自厨房导引光源入内,设想周到。

20、standard illuminant B ─── B标准光源

21、These windows are widely used in civil equipment with light low power laser as its illuminant,such as laser leveler. ─── 另外,我们还提供五角屋脊棱镜、别汉棱镜、波罗棱镜、阿米西棱镜和施密特棱镜等。

22、2, landscape illuminates since LED is organically combined unlike that the tradition lamp illuminant most probably is that glass steeps shell , it can be very good with city neighbourhood furniture. ─── 对建筑物某个区域进行投射,无非是使用控制光束角的圆头和方头形状的投光灯具,这与传统的投光灯具概念完全一致。

23、Research on Illuminant Intensity Measurement of Airport Visual Guide Lighting ─── 机场目视助航灯具光强测量方法

24、The 2 lamps that can adjust height according to need, can regard as the only illuminant in contemplative space. ─── 2/3 和植物有关联的家具最适合太阳能空间。

25、Metamerism index -- Evaluation method of degree of metamerism for change in illuminant (Erratum 1) ─── 条件配色指数发光物颜色改变的条件配色度评价方法(勘误1)

26、In the scientists eys, burning is a illuminant hectic chemistry reaction. ─── 在科学家看来,燃烧意味着发光、发热的化学反应。

27、Main/sub illuminant circuitry don't interfere each other. ─── 主副光源电路互不干扰。

28、Illuminant: Light source used to project the film image or to expose the film. ─── 发光体:用于放映影片的影像或曝光胶片的光源。

29、Illuminant chromaticity ─── 光源色度

30、illuminant color ─── 发光色

31、illuminant metamerism ─── 异光源色度差

32、A volatile mixture of flammable liquid hydrocarbons derived chiefly from crude petroleum and used principally as a fuel for internal-combustion engines and as a solvent,an illuminant,and a thinner. ─── 汽油,一种具有挥发性、可燃的烃类混合物液体,主要来自于原油,主要作燃料用,尤用于内燃机,也用作溶剂、照明物或稀释剂。

33、It will flash light when you press the backside of the Key Clasp illuminant. ─── 我们能设计并生产各种不同款式的发光钥匙扣。

34、To most men, experience is like the stern lights of a ship, which illumin the track it has passed. ----Samuel Coleridge ─── 对多数人而言,经验宛如船的尾灯,只照亮驶过的航班。---塞缪尔。尔雷基

35、The reference gamut that correlates the most with the image gamut is determined as the most likely illuminant in the scene. ─── 与图像色域相关性最大的参考范围就是场景中最可能的光源。

36、standard illuminant A ─── A标准光源

37、Can decorate illuminant ejaculation the light in condole ark bottom commonly, set convenient switch plant. ─── 一般可以在吊柜下部布置射灯光源,并设置方便的开关装置。

38、illuminant arrangement ─── 灯具布置

39、They were illuminant,visual field,background,and luminance. ─── 主要探讨了影响色差评定的因素:光源、视场、背景、照度。

40、The respect is designed in lamplight, best setting is close to the illuminant of natural light, make the color of the dress adjacent and normal, with convenient and master choice. ─── 在灯光设计方面,最好设置接近自然光的光源,使衣服的颜色接近正常,以方便主人选择。

41、"L " the atmosphere that the in suspension of form glances wallpaper of the setting of condole top, much illuminant, warm color tone constructs a dining room. ─── “L”形的悬浮反光吊顶、多光源的设置、暖调壁纸营造出餐厅的气氛。

42、The technical parameter of inner ballast as compared to Philips and Yaming, we strongly suggest the users confesting the illuminant of Philips and Yaming. ─── 内装镇流器技术参数同飞利浦、亚明,强烈建议用户配置飞利浦、亚明光源。

43、standard illuminant of colorimetry ─── 比色法标准光源

44、Illuminant A body that gives out light of a definite colour temperature or spectral power distribution. See Light source. ─── 发出一定色温或光谱强度分布的光的物体。参阅光源。

45、Widely used in production research, pharmacy, food industry and health care unit, it is the effective illuminant for the artcle and air disinfects the food storage and actinic react. ─── 广泛用于生物研究、制药、食品工业及医疗卫生单位,是物品消毒、空气消毒、食品贮藏及光化学反应的有效光源。

46、standard illuminant C ─── C标准光源

47、This invention is a lighting device for night reading, including an illuminant, a light-guiding device and a frame. ─── 一种夜间阅读照明装置包括一光源、一导光体与一框架。

48、illuminant lamp ─── 助航灯具

49、Lamplight or sunlight this kind of explicit illuminant, reflex can arise on fluorescent screen. ─── 灯光或日光这一类外在光源,会在荧光屏上产生反射光。

50、Desk lamp, regard the illume of the sitting room as one of illuminant, besides have illume function beyond, one designs distinctive desk lamp, it is an artwork of rare of deck sitting room more. ─── 台灯,作为客厅的照明光源之一,除了有照明功能以外,一盏设计独特的台灯,就更是装点客厅不可多得的一件艺术品。

51、Improvement of Illuminant Light Controller of Time Signal of Tiltmeter ─── 倾斜仪时号·光源灯控器的改进

52、the illumination degree, illuminant, high-effect illumination appliance and energy conservation accessories should be chosen rationally, and we must take it seriously to design illuminate controlling; ─── 建筑照明应合理选取照度水平、电光源、高效照明器具及节能附件并重视照明控制设计;

53、illuminant mode ─── 灯光类别

54、colorimetric standard illuminant ─── 标准光源

55、The monitoring can’t be actualized when CCD gathered images are not clear for high consistence of particles in the oil.So we designed apparatus which have the doubled LED illuminant. ─── 在实验过程中发现,当油液的磨粒浓度过高时,光源发出的光透过油池后照到CCD上,光强度非常弱,导致CCD采集的图像不清,无法对图像进行数字化分析,达不到在线监测的目的。

56、A colorless, highly flammable or explosive gas, C2H2, used for metal welding and cutting and as an illuminant. ─── 乙炔,电石气一无色,极易燃或爆炸的气体,C2H2,用于金属熔接和切割技术和光源。

57、illuminant module ─── 感光模块

58、Turn out but realization plus LED illuminant has no a mercurate , has importance to protect the environment and the energy saving more. ─── 再加上LED光源的生产可实现无汞化,对于环境保护和节约能源更具有重要意义。

59、Study on the Infection of Measurement Distance on the Driving Beam Illuminant of Headlamp on Motor Vehicles ─── 关于测试距离对机动车前照灯发光强度影响的研究

60、Estimation of Illuminant Chromaticity by Linear Fitting Approach ─── 利用直线拟合估算光源色度

61、In order to solve this problem, a method for shadow detection was presented firstly. Furthermore, a fuzzy Retinex algorithm, which adapts for the illuminant variation, was put forward. ─── 为解决这一问题,本章提出了一种阴影检测的方法,并在此基础上,提出了一种能适应影像光照强度变化的模糊Retinex算法。

62、illuminant invariance image ─── 光照无关图

63、The interior suspended ceiling of Shanghai Illuminant Center all adopts "Chuncui European Style" specialized gypsum products and the shape part was installed by us. ─── 上海光源中心内部吊顶全部采用“纯翠欧风”专业石膏制品,其中异形部分由我司施工完成。

64、The pilot said the aircrew of more than ten other airliners flying above Shanghai also reported the illuminant object, one by one. ─── 据悉,当驾驶航班CZ6554的飞行员于21时51分起飞后,发现的一个“不明发光体”占据了各大版面的头条。 飞行员说:“晚21时左右,CZ6554航班,上海区域,高度一万零七百米发现巨大球状发光天体”。

65、oil consisting chiefly of olein that is expressed from lard and used especially as a lubricant,cutting oil or illuminant ─── 主要由从脂肪中榨出的油酸脂构成的油,尤其用作润滑剂、切削油或照明剂

66、Lecture room of Illuminant Center ─── 光源中心阶梯会议室

67、Study on the Color of Illuminant and Energy Efficiency for Floodlighting ─── 泛光照明中光源光色与节能研究


69、Illuminant A body that gives out light of a definite colour temperature or spectral power distribution. See Light source. ─── 发出一定色温或光谱强度分布的光的物体。参阅光源。

70、Newest research shows as a result, only what benefit causes eyestrain not easily with a kind read illuminant, just be the key that solves child myopia problem. ─── 最新的研究结果显示,只有利用一种不易引起眼睛疲惫的阅读光源,才是解决孩子近视问题的要害。

71、new model illuminant ─── 新型光源

72、Absolute Concentration Measurement of Illuminant Particles by Using the Piston Source Method ─── 体光源模拟标定法测量发光粒子绝对浓度

73、Toilet returns balance of column of drying of wanted on the telephone, background music, small-sized TV, towel, electron to wait for equipment besides above illuminant. ─── 卫生间除了以上光源外还有电话、背景音乐、小型电视、毛巾烘干栏、电子秤等设备。

74、LED illuminant ─── LED光源

75、Detection on Moving Illuminant Object Under Dark Background ─── 暗背景下运动发光目标检测

76、This paper introduces a green light illuminant suitable for determini ng the speed of orthochromatic medical X-ray film. ─── 本文介绍一组绿色可见光,可适用于测定感绿医用X线胶片的感光度。

77、oil consisting chiefly of olein that is expressed from lard and used especially as a lubricant, cutting oil or illuminant. ─── 主要由从脂肪中榨出的油酸脂构成的油,尤其用作润滑剂、切削油或照明剂。

78、Two New Approaches for Illuminant Direction Estimation ─── 两种新的光照方向估计方法

79、Method to Eleminate Influence of Illuminant Fluctuation to Measured Value of Electronic Current Transformer ─── 消除光源波动对电子式电流互感器测量值影响的方法

80、colourimetric standard illuminant ─── 彩色标准光源

81、Happiness And Peace Prayed Yearningly By Illuminant Reappear Through Hours, Deluging After You... ─── 受过光芒祝福的快乐与平安在你身后如潮水一般涌来....

82、Last pace, choose illuminant for lamps and lanterns. ─── 最后一步,为灯具选择光源。

83、illuminant invariance angle ─── 光照无关角

84、It is able not only to analyse illuminant-element topograpy and composition,but also measure illuminant colour and intensity. ─── 既能作试样的形貌和成份分析,又能对发光器件进行发光颜色和发光强度的测量。

85、A Method to Eliminate Influence to Measure Value of Electronic Voltage Transformer comes from Illuminant Fluctuation ─── 消除光源波动影响的电子式电压互感器测量值计算方法

86、The shadow field for a light source, called a source radiance field (SRF), records radiance from an illuminant as cube maps at sampled points in its surrounding space. ─── 光源的阴影字段,称为源辐射场(SRF),记录从光源辐射率作为立方体在其周围的空间中的采样点处的地图。

87、Want to use auxiliary illuminant to build atmosphere additionally. ─── 另外要利用辅助光源营造气氛。

88、edible light yellow to brown oil from rapeseed used also as a lubricant or illuminant. ─── 一种黄色到棕色的可食用且轻的油,从油菜籽中榨取,用作润滑剂或照明剂。

89、The modelling of lamps and lanterns is very distinctive, it illuminant diverge, even ground is aspersed to each corners of the study. ─── 灯具的造型很独特,它将光源发散,均匀地洒向书房的各个角落。

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