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09-04 投稿


likened 发音

英:[?la?k?nd]  美:[?la?k?nd]

英:  美:

likened 中文意思翻译



likened 词性/词形变化,likened变形

动词过去分词: likened |动词现在分词: likening |动词过去式: likened |动词第三人称单数: likens |

likened 反义词


likened 短语词组

1、likened definition ─── 相似定义

2、likened sclerosis ─── 类硬化

3、likened define ─── 比喻定义

4、likened meaning ─── 比喻意义

5、likened mean ─── 相似的中庸

6、likened network ─── 类比网络

likened 同义词

in all probability | promising | hopeful | probable | becoming | credible | achievable | appropriate | contingent | expectant | in all likelihood | apparently | possible | conceivable | seemly | tending | on the cards | prospective | expectable | in | believable | doubtlessly | opportune | congruous | suitable | expected | fitting | in the offing | in the cards | proper | probably | accessible | easily | apt | reasonable | probability | prone | all | anticipated | odds-on |liable | subject | presumable | tenable | applicable | befitting | apposite | belike | potential

likened 相似词语短语

1、listened ─── v.听;遵从(listen的过去分词)

2、likeness ─── n.相似,相像;样子,肖像;照片,画像;相似物

3、lippened ─── vi.相信;vt.信托

4、slickened ─── 光滑的

5、lichened ─── adj.长满地衣的;vi.lichen的过去式和过去分词

6、slokened ─── 慢吞吞的

7、pinkened ─── vi.变成粉红色

8、livened ─── vt.使高兴,使快活;vi.快活起来;活跃起来;n.(Liven)人名;(俄、英)利文

9、sickened ─── v.生病;令…恶心;使厌倦(sicken的过去分词);adj.患病的;恶心的

likened 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is likened to an intangible net that tightens my heart, from which I can barely slip away, merely reading you into a sign of memory gloomily. ─── 如同一张无形的网把心拢紧,而网里的我无遁路可逃,任凭自己黯然的把你默读成记忆符号。

2、And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what compa***son shall we compare it? ─── 30又说,神的国,我们可用什么比较呢。可用什么比喻表明呢。

3、Reality of society, not likened himself to a more true, because you know who he is. ─── 社会现实,而不是把自己更真实,因为你知道是谁,他is。

4、And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? Or with what comparison shall we compare it? ─── 又说,神的国,我们可用什么比较呢。可用什么比喻表明呢。

5、At Tottenham the fans likened him to Glenn Hoddle yet complained that he still fell short. ─── 在热刺,球迷们认为他是霍德尔的人,觉得他还不够好。

6、But studying whales has been likened to researching humans solely by watching them in their driveways. ─── 但是研究鲸鱼一直被人们比作研究人类自己:只是看着他们在路上自顾走过。

7、A consummate strategist, Grand Admiral Thrawn likened combat to art, and was an aficionado of both. ─── 作为一名卓越的战略家,索龙元帅把战斗比作艺术,而且对这两者都很痴迷。

8、They liken the standard for scientific evidence to that for other evidence. ─── 它们将科学证据标准与其他标准相比较.

9、One can liken this to an artist whom paints purely for the joy of painting, without concern about whether or not anyone else likes the painting, or wishes to purchase it. ─── 你可以将这比作是一名艺术家,纯粹为了绘画的欢乐而作画,而并不关心是否其他人会喜欢或希望来买它。

10、One researcher likened it to pulling the plug out of a bathtub. ─── 一位研究人员将其比喻为拔掉浴缸的插头。

11、To cause to solidify or coagulate or to undergo a process likened to solidification or coagulation. ─── 使凝结使固化或凝结或使经历类似于固化或凝结的过程

12、Life is often likened to a journey. ─── 常把人生比作旅程。

13、One aide likened the infighting between cities and rural areas, northern states and those in the South, to a "civil war. ─── 一名助手将这场城区和乡村地区,北部诸州和南部诸州的纷争比做另一场“内战”。

14、To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him? ─── 18你们究竟将谁比神,用什么形像与神比较呢。

15、One may liken such arrogance to the perception that one is all powerful, all knowing, and ALL THAT IS. ─── 你可以把这样的自大比拟为你是所有力量、所有知识并且是一切万有的看法。

16、"How you do run on," she said coldly, for there was no insult worse than being likened to a Yankee girl. ─── "看你扯到哪里去了,"她冷冷地回敬一句,因为她觉得让人家将自己跟北方佬姑娘相比,是一种莫大的侮辱。

17、If a workshop is likened to a head of willing horse, “ without swagger from diligent horses running actively ” is the highest realm of management. ─── 如果把车间比作一头耕耘的老黄牛,“无需扬鞭自奋蹄”便是管理的最高境界。

18、To whom then will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare to Him? ─── 18你们究竟将谁比神?用什么形像与神比较呢?

19、To whom then have you likened God? or what image will you make for him? ─── 你们要把天主同谁相比拟呢?你们把他与什么相对照呢?

20、A form of the prima materia (Prime), Mana is likened to the “water” or “liquid” state of that magical substance, as compared to tass, the “earth” or “solid” state. ─── 原初物质(原质)的存在形式。玛那被比喻成魔法本质的“水”或“液体”状态,而塔斯则是“土”或“固体”状态。

21、If cooking is likened to a lady from a good family, then farm-flavored food is a mid-class young girl with simplicity as its biggest characteristics. ─── 如果说料理是精雕细琢的大家闺秀,那么农家菜就是不事装扮的小家碧玉,纯朴是它最大的特点。

22、Yet Barcelona star Hleb is adamant his side will cause England problems and liken their slick movement to his fluid style of his former club Arsenal. ─── 但是赫莱布坚信他的同胞会踢出像阿森纳那样行云流水的足球来给英格兰队制造重重困难。

23、Life is often likened to a dream. ─── 人生常被喻为一场梦。

24、A form of the prima materia (Prime), tass is likened to the “earth” or “solid” state of that substance. ─── 原初物质的一种形式,塔斯被比喻成魔法物质的“土”或“固体”形态。

25、Chinese students have likened the cover to the anti-Muslim cartoons which caused world controversy in February. ─── 中国学生将此事件与二月的反穆斯林事件联系在一起。

26、One can liken this to the fact that one begins to be continuously recast after initiation 6000 by one"s soul and source. ─── 你可以将这等同于在6000股后,你开始不间断地由你的灵魂和源头进行重铸的事实。

27、Psalms 89:6 "S who among them can be likened unto the Lord? ─── 圣诗89:6“在他们之中的撒旦能与上帝相连吗?

28、He likened the feeling on his tongue to Pop Rocks candies. ─── 他喜欢这种舌头上含棒棒糖的感觉。

29、The heart can be likened to a pump. ─── 心脏好比一个水泵。

30、Energy may be likened to the bending of a crossbow;decision, to the releasing of a trigger. ─── 势如张弩,节如发机。

31、His attitude can be likened to that of a bear. ─── 他的态度卤莽。

32、And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? And to what are they like? ─── 主又说,这样,我可用什么比这世代的人呢。他们好像什么呢。

33、Huntelaar is one of Europe's most coveted attacking talents, as his exploits for Ajax have seen him likened to fellow Holland international Ruud van Nistelrooy. ─── 亨特拉尔是欧洲最炙手可热的攻击型球员之一,鉴于他为阿贾克斯做出的贡献,他经常被拿来与范尼作比较。

34、When Phoenix Suns President Rick Welts was running the NBA's international business activities, he likened his work to the music business. ─── 凤凰城太阳队总裁瑞克韦兹负责筹办美国职篮国际商业活动时,把他的工作比拟成乐坛的商业活动。

35、Any law-abiding American is ashamed to let it be known they're American by what you and that habitual liar that is liken a tyrant in the White House has done. ─── 因为你和那个在白宫?堣惯说谎的独裁者的所作所为,任何一个正直的美国人都无不以自己是美国人为耻。

36、He could not express what he felt, and to himself he likened himself to a sailor, in a strange ship, on a dark night, groping about in the unfamiliar running rigging. ─── 他在心里把自已比作在漆黑的夜里登上一艘陌生船只的水手,在不熟悉的运转着的索具中摸索。

37、Mo likened censorship to the thorough security procedures he had to go through at the airport on his way to Stockholm. ─── 莫言把审查比作在去斯德哥尔摩的途中他不得不通过的机场全面的安全程序。

38、This often prompts me to liken myself and the books on my shelves respectively to an ancient emperor and his concubines housed separately in a row of adjoining rooms. ─── 关于这事,我常自比为古时的皇帝,而把插在架上的书譬诸列屋而居的宫女。

39、The force generated from the band has may be likened to that of increased pressure in a tube. ─── 通过收束形成的力量很像给管子增加压力产生的力量。

40、One can liken perception to indigenous peoples this past cycle who were visited by other folk in large boats with sails. ─── 你能把此比作此过去周期的土著人民被其他坐着大船而来的民族所参观。

41、Obama liken s this effort to the ambitious development of the national highway system 50 years ago. ─── 奥巴马将这项工作比作50年前国家高速公路系统雄心勃勃的发展。

42、And again he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God? ─── 又说,我拿什么来比神的国呢。

43、One can liken these 36 planes to 36 separate parallel lives that one is living concurrently upon Earth. ─── 你可以把这36个层面比作36个单独的平行生命,同时与你一起生活在地球上。

44、Xia has likened the auction to an opinion poll. ─── 夏洪波将招标比作民意测验。

45、In telling this story, Dr.Conwell likened each of us to the first farmer. ─── 在讲述这个故事的过程中,康威尔博士把我们每个人比如成第一个农场主。

46、And again He said, To what shall I liken the kingdom of God? ─── k又说,我可把神的国比作什么?

47、And the Argentina captain likened it to his own move, when he left the club last summer for Barcelona under a cloud of controversy. ─── 阿根廷队长将此与自己的离开相提并论,去年夏天他离开球队前往巴塞罗那时也饱受质疑。

48、Life can be likened to a journey. ─── 人生可喻为旅途。

49、Woman in a family do not doubt the importance, if the woman likened to a man at the helm, a little too much. ─── 女人在一个家庭中的重要性是勿容置疑的,如果把女人比做一个掌舵的人,一点儿也不为过。

50、Marshall likened the VP experience to that of a man in a cataleptic fit. ─── 马绍尔却把他的副总统经历比作一个患了全身麻痹的病人。

51、He jokingly likened himself to Adam who gave names to the beasts and the flowers. ─── 他开玩笑地把自己比作亚当(亚当曾给野兽和花起名字)。

52、Life is often likened to a journey. ─── 人们常把人生比作旅程。

53、Campaigners against global warming have been likened to creators of an intolerant new religion by the former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar. ─── 与全球变暖斗争到底的人们被西班牙前首相何塞玛丽亚阿斯纳尔喻为一个令人无法忍受的新宗教的创始人。

54、He likened her to a pale gold flower upon a slender stem. ─── 他把她比作嫩枝上的一朵淡淡的金花。

55、One can liken the new consensus for ascension as the first steps towards ongoing communication between all conscious and sentient species upon all dimensions in eons of time. ─── 你可以将提升新一致体比作所有密度中所有意识和觉知物种间通讯交流的第一步。

56、To whom will you liken Me, And with whom will you make Me equal And compare Me, that we should be considered alike? ─── 5你们将谁与我相比,使谁与我同等,可以与我比较,使我们相同呢?

57、For who in the heaven can be compared unto the LORD? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD? ─── 在天空谁能比耶和华呢。神的众子中,谁能像耶和华呢。

58、Isaiah likened the coming Sacrifice to a lamb, slaughtered for the sins of others. ─── 以赛亚预言将要来的牺牲羔羊,洗净其他人的罪。

59、An object likened to a slender,pointed missile either in shape,use,or effect. ─── 外形似镖的事物物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体。

60、I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman. ─── 2那秀美娇嫩的锡安女子(女子就是指民的意思),我必剪除。

61、He likened the program's courageous goals to Rotary's ongoing partnership to eradicate polio. ─── 他认为扶輪根除小儿痲痹计划与该计划共同之处在于兩者均有拥有远大的目标。

62、In its hydrodynamic behavior, we can liken the dense phase to a liquid. ─── 从其流体动力学性状来看,可把密相看作近似乎液体。

63、Man's life often likened to sea voyage. ─── 人生常被比做海上航行。

64、The Hunter you could liken to the prototypical Ranger. ─── 你们可以把猎人看成游侠。

65、Life can be liken to a journey with an unknown destination. ─── 人生就好比一场不知终点的旅行。

66、But now Mr Wolfowitz is likened less to a benign emperor than to Caesar's suspect spouse. ─── 但是,相比一位和蔼的君主,沃尔福威茨更像是凯撒那位可疑的配偶。

67、In winter, the wintry snow scenes can be likened to an exquisite jade carving. ─── 冬日琼装玉琢,俏丽媚人。

68、She likened recent events in the United States to the Boston Tea Party, a protest by American colonists against Britain in 1773. ─── 她就像最近发生在美国的波士顿茶党,抗议美国殖民主义者对英国于1773年。

69、One double bass player likened the experience to being conducted by a metronome. ─── 一个大贝斯手将这段经历比做被一个节拍器指挥。

70、Now I am one of the least lurid mortals, and I don't at all mind being likened to a chimpanzee. ─── 我只是一个毫不可怕的普通人,我也不在意别人是否把我当作大猩猩。

71、Being without father, without mother, without genealogy; having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but likened to the Son of God, abides a priest perpetually. ─── 3他无父,无母,无族谱,既无时日之始,也无生命之终,乃与神的儿子相似,是永久为祭司的。

72、She likened the building to a ship. ─── 她把这座楼房比作一条船。

73、The prophet Alma likened faith to a seed. ─── 先知阿尔玛把信心比喻成一颗种子。

74、Those who hear your voice liken you to an angel! ─── 凡听见你声音者会将你比做天使!

75、Two plants with HWM-GS 5+10 gene are selected from the D, generation. Liken #2 with quality gene as the donor and the acceptor is Jingdong #8. The ratio is about 3.3%. ─── 在以含有高分子量谷蛋白5+10亚基的品种荔垦2号为供体、京冬8号为受体的D_1代中,通过分子标记鉴定获得了2株具有优质高分子量谷蛋白5+10亚基基因的的变异植株,变异率为3.3%。

76、Becauseof it convertibility feature, many investors liken them to warrantswhen actually they are not. ─── 因为它的可兑换性,有很多投资者来比喻他们权证时,其实却不然.

77、One can liken a non-conscious state of being as a part of self that splits off and is no longer acknowledged by the rest of self. ─── 一个人可将无意识状态比作,自我的一部分剥离而不再被自我其他部分所觉知。

78、Temenos, the: The plane of the collective soul within Astral Space, likened to the concept of the Jungian collective unconscious. ─── 众梦界:星界内集体灵魂的位面,其概念类似荣格的“集体无意识”理论。

79、In New York, notes a Milanese insider, you can find many lawyers who think liken the Harvard-educated Mr Rossi. ─── 一位米兰社会观察家的笔记中写道,在纽约市,你可以发现很多像罗西先生这样有哈佛大学教育背景的律师。

80、To whom will you compare me or count me equal? To whom will you liken me that we may be compared? ─── 5你们将谁与我相比、与我同等、可以与我比较、使我们相同呢。

81、Outside a town-hall meeting in Reston, Virginia, last week, a few buffoons likened Barack Obama to Hitler. ─── 上周,在弗吉尼亚莱斯顿举行村镇大会的市政厅外,几个滑稽剧演员把奥巴马比作希特勒。

82、An object likened to a slender, pointed missile either in shape, use, or effect. ─── 外形似镖的事物物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体

83、To whom will ye liken me, and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be like? ─── 你们将谁与我相比,与我同等,可以与我比较,使我们相同呢。

84、Codependence can be likened to seeking to change another to allow one's life to be better, or change another to allow the group to relate better. ─── 互相依赖可被比作寻求改变别人来令自己的生活变得更好,或改变别人来允许群体关系更好。

85、If ambition is likened to the navigation mark for one's life, those with no ambition have no compass in life. ─── 如果把理想比作人生的航标,那么,那些无所追求的人生活没有方向。

86、For the latest on Shevchenko, Mourinho likened the Ukrainian's situation to that of Drogba. ─── 关于的最新情况,穆里尼奥将乌克兰人与德罗巴的形势相比较。

87、FIA technical advisor Tony Purnell likened Ferrari's move to past instances of threatened "Armageddon" that failed to materialise. ─── 国际汽联的技术顾问托尼佩奈尔好比法拉利的举动,过去的事例威胁”世界末日“的失败为兑现.

88、Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man who built his house foursquare upon a rock. ─── 不是每个人都这样对我说:“我主,我主,我能否进入你天上的国。”他做了天上的父母意愿的事。许多人这样对我说:“我主,我主,我们有没有认出你的名?

89、One can liken the difference to having a constant drag upon the field, much like ascending humans living in the density of the city. ─── 可以把这个区别比作对能量场一个持续不断地拖后,就像生活在城市致密中的提升人们一样。

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