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09-04 投稿


flop 发音

英:[flɑ?p]  美:[fl?p]

英:  美:

flop 中文意思翻译





flop 词性/词形变化,flop变形


flop 常用词组

fosbury flop ─── 背越式跳高;福斯贝利式跳高

flop 短语词组

1、buffered flip-flop ─── [计] 缓冲触发器

2、extent flip-flop ─── [电] 延伸正反器

3、flip-flop n. ─── 啪嗒 ─── 啪嗒的响声, 向后翻的筋斗, 突然改变, 双稳态多谐振荡器, 触发器 [计] 触发器, 劈拍

4、clocked flip-flop ─── [电] 时钟跳摆

5、D-flip flop ─── [计] D型触发器

6、belly flop n. ─── 肚子先着水的跳水笨动作

7、d flip-flop ─── [电] D型正反器

8、bipolar flip-flop ─── [计] 双极型半导体触发器

9、flag flip-flop ─── [电] 标志正反器

10、double flip-flop circuit ─── [电] 双跳摆电路

11、add flip-flop ─── [计] 加法触发器

12、delay flip-flop ─── [计] 延迟触发器

13、edge-triggered flip-flop ─── [计] 边沿触发的触发器

14、belly-flop v. ─── 胸腹先着水的跳水

15、flip-flop equipment ─── [电] 起伏装备

16、flip-flop circuit ─── [计] 触发器电路

17、cross coupled flip-flop ─── [计] 交叉耦合触发器

18、flip flop ─── 双稳态多谐振荡器

19、complementary flip flop ─── [电] 互补正反器

flop 习惯用语

1、with a flop ─── 扑通落下

2、flop down on ─── 一屁股坐在...

3、take a flop ─── 猛然跌倒

flop 相似词语短语

1、floc ─── n.絮状物;棉束;废棉絮

2、flip ─── vt.掷;翻转;轻击;vi.翻转;蹦跳;adj.无礼的;轻率的;n.弹;筋斗

3、clop ─── n.马蹄声;vi.发出得得声

4、flap ─── n.拍打,拍打声;神经紧张;(飞机的)襟翼;风门,挡板;[医]皮瓣;vi.拍动;神经紧张;鼓翼而飞;(帽边等)垂下;vt.拍打;扔;拉下帽边;飘动

5、flog ─── vt.鞭打,鞭策;迫使;vi.剧烈抖动;除尘

6、flob ─── v.吐痰

7、flow ─── v.(使)流动,涌流;流通;传播;流畅;充满;大量供应;涨;涨潮;川流不息;飘扬;来自,由……产生;来月经;(矿物、岩石等)变形;n.流动;生产,供应;车流;流量;传播;流通;滔滔不绝;连贯,流畅;涨潮;泛滥;(苏格兰)湿地,沼泽;月经;n.(Flow)(美)弗洛(人名)

8、floe ─── n.浮冰;大浮冰;n.(Floe)人名;(英)弗洛

9、flops ─── abbr.每秒浮点计算(floating-pointoperationspersecond)

flop 特殊用法

1、complement flip flop ─── 互补双稳态触发器

2、reset-set flip flop ─── 置位复位触发器

3、master slave J-Kflip flop ─── 主从 J-K 双稳态触发器

4、flip flop ─── 双稳态多谐振荡器 ─── 触发电路, 触发器

5、T-flip flop ─── 触发式双移多谐振荡器

6、belly flop ─── 肚皮先着水的拙笨跳水动作 ─── 肚皮扒在雪撬上的下滑

flop 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Today, on an incredibly hot day, my flip flop broke, leaving me to walk barefoot on the hot asphalt for a mile and a half to my car. FML. ─── 今天天气死热,我的拖鞋坏了,害得我在滚烫的柏油路上光脚走了一英里半才上了我的车。FML。

2、But the fact remains that today's activists' meeting was a flop right from the start! ─── 可是今天的活动分子大会根本就不健全!

3、But in the world's second-largest economy, English-language education has been a flop. ─── 但是在世界第二大经济国,英语教育则是猛落。

4、You are on a full table and look down to see a pair of tens.This type of hand plays easily after the flop, but you are debating on what to do pre-flop on a full table. ─── 你手里的牌是10一对,你应该怎么下注,投票确定了自己的答案以后,回复你的观点查看官方答案。

5、Edna: A flop is something that does not succeed. Kinda like your English study Colin! ─── 埃德娜:就是没能取得成功。就跟你的英语学习似的。柯林!

6、Efficient Ways of Teaching JK Flip- flop ─── 关于JK触发器的教学方法

7、Raul is convinced Real Madrid can overcome Liverpool at Anfield next week - and has praised Spurs flop Juande Ramos for turning the club around. ─── 劳尔相信下个星期皇马能在安菲尔德置利物浦于死,同时盛赞前热刺主教练拉莫斯能俱乐部起死回生。

8、What should I do if I go on a date, and early on it's clear the evening is going to be a huge flop? ─── 我应该怎么做,如果我去的约会显然将是一个巨大的失败?

9、I place the fishes on the bank, where they flop and twirl. ─── 安放岸边地上。鱼儿蹦跳、扭曲。

10、Flop: To turn over the film so that a mirror-image is produced. ─── 反转:把菲林反转以获得左右对调的影象

11、Design of D-Type Flip Flop for Keeping Away Metastability ─── 一种用于高可靠性同步器电路的D触发器设计

12、In cups of rocks it slops: flop, slop , slap: bounded in barrels. ─── 它在岩石凹陷处迸溅着:唏哩哗啦,就像是桶里翻腾的酒。

13、Also, if the burr is very elastic, and tends to just flop side to side rather than getting harder to feel as you use lighter strokes or finer grits, that is a bad sign. ─── 同样地,当你使用细目砂轮(带)打磨时如果卷边很有弹性地在刀锋两边移来移去就是个坏信号。

14、Data out Tuesday suggests Google's much-hyped smart phone, the Nexus One, is so far something of a flop. ─── 周二公布的数据显示,到目前为止,谷歌炒得很火的智能手机NexusOne遭遇了滑铁卢。

15、a register consisting of a flip flop which stores binary data ─── 一种由保存二进制数据的触发器所组成的寄存器

16、The one where you force your opponent to fold on the flop and always win a small pot; the one where you force him to fold on the turn and mostly win a larger pot; or the one where you play to the river and sometimes win the biggest pot? ─── 一个是让你的对手在翻牌圈弃牌,你永远只赢了一个小锅,一个是在转牌圈弃牌,你赢了一个比较大的锅,或者是河圈赢了大锅???

17、Despite all the publicity , her latest novel be a complete flop ─── 她的最新小说尽管广为宣传, 结果还是彻底失败

18、is the public who decide whether a film is a hit or a flop. ─── 决定一部电影是成功还是失败的是公众。

19、Fiorentina sporting director Pantaleo Corvino has confirmed that the deal to sign Milan flop Alberto Gilardino is all but completed. ─── 佛罗伦萨体育部经理科尔维诺宣称,签下米兰前锋吉拉迪诺的转会基本结束只差最后的完成。

20、When I got home and tried to duplicate the recipe,it was a flop. ─── 回家后我按食谱如法炮制,结果竟弄得一塌糊涂。

21、he tumbled flop into the mud. ─── 他噗的一声跌倒在泥泞里。

22、He fell with a flop into the water. ─── 他扑通一声掉进水里。

23、Started in 1996 as a spoof for the summer Olympics held in Atlanta, the games feature bobbing for pigs feet, hub cap hurling and the mud pit belly flop contest for trophies. ─── 在1996年开始作为一个恶搞的夏季奥运会在亚特兰大举行,游戏功能捉摸不定的猪英尺,集线器第投掷和泥浆坑肚皮翻竞赛奖杯。

24、By 1980, 13 of the 16 Olympic finalists were using the Fosbury flop. ─── 到了1980年,奥运会跳高比赛历史中16个最好成绩有13个是由福斯贝里背越式跳高创造的。

25、At home, another flop. ─── 可 回 家 后 我 又 一 次 做 砸 了 。

26、When I got home and tried to duplicate the recipe, it was a flop. ─── 回 家 后 我 按 食 谱 如 法 炮 制 , 结 果 竟 弄 得 一 塌 糊 涂 。

27、West Ham flop Javier Mascherano had previously occupied the top spot on Juve's wish list, but it is now being mooted that he will instead join the Reds ?C freeing Sissoko for Juve. ─── 先前占据尤文转会清单第一名的是西汉姆的哈维尔?马斯切拉诺,但是现在有传闻说他将加盟红军利物浦,这样西索科就能转会尤文了。

28、And after a strenuous workout, dog and human get to flop out. ─── 在进行完一整套动作后,狗狗和主人开始练习瑜伽的休息术。

29、They believe the Chinese government is bound to price the deals so share values rise afterwards, in as much as a flop would undermine future privatisations. ─── 他们相信中国政府将会对这些交易定价,所以股价将会随后上涨,好像这些失败会破坏未来私有化进程一样。

30、You're coming off a flop. ─── 你太脱离现实了。

31、They heard the click of the mail slot and flop of letters on the doormat. ─── 他们听到邮箱喀嗒一声响,接着就是信件落到门垫子上的声音。

32、Yao schooling manu. Flop I'll take Lucas starting over Rafer anyday. ─── 姚明在教训吉诺比利了,我在任何时候都接受卢卡斯的首发。

33、Forbid it as we shouldn't all flop (if it was anyways convenient) to get 'em out o' this here dismal risk! ─── 别应验,我们都应当跪下来(若是方便的话)祈祷他们逃出这种可怕的危险。

34、So, the organization that emphasized developing its own pitching and watched Hughes and Ian Kennedy flop, will attempt to be major players in the free agent market. ─── 因此洋基在强调补强投手实力,又考量到休斯和小甘的表现不佳时,将全力争取自由市场上的大鱼.

35、Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish! ─── 就掉在甲板上扑打像鱼!

36、Based on SEU,SET mitigation techniques,an improved D flip flop which can be used for SEE mitigation was proposed. ─── 在对抗单粒子效应技术研究的基础上,构造了一种改进型的抗单粒子翻转和单粒子瞬变的主从型边沿D触发器。

37、She knelt down with a flop before the coffin and began to cry.At first, she just shed tears in silence.Then, in undertones.Later she burst into loud weeping and wailed more and more loudly. ─── 她“扑通”一声,在五奶奶棺材前跪下了,先是不出声地流泪,接着就小声哭,到了后来,声越哭越大。

38、Her first flop was Shanghai Surprise. ─── 她的首部惨败之作是《上海惊情》。

39、A Very High Speed ECL D Type Flip Flop ─── 一种ECL超高速D触发器的设计与制作

40、Gillard pronounced Australia and America great mates, but by the standards of a world-transforming president with a Nobel prize, the trip was a flop. ─── 吉拉德称澳大利亚和美国是挚友,但是作为诺贝尔和平奖得奖者,以有改变世界的能力这一标准来衡量,这次出国访问完全失败了。

41、Even is a death, he also embraced to bleed of she, stare at, self-effacing fall flop. ─── 即使是死亡,他也抱住了流血的她,凝视着,颓然倒下。

42、Stocks took a flop last week. ─── 上周股票猛跌。

43、No matter how beautiful, how rich, how filial, no man will marry feet that flop like pike. ─── 不管你多漂亮,多有钱,多孝顺,没有男人愿意娶一个走起路来象黄梭鱼那样啪嗒啪嗒响的姑娘。

44、Why would I want to bet that flop? ─── 为什么我会倾向于在翻牌圈下注?

45、After yesterdays' flop in the negotiations for AC Milan's ace Kaka, Manchester City officials are willing to save face and are now targeting Russia and Zenit star Anderi Arshavin. ─── 在昨天收购卡卡失败之后,曼城官方想迅速挽回颜面,现在把目标锁定为俄罗斯球星阿尔沙文!

46、Based on RS filp flop,the logical function of Timer 555 is discussed. When provided a voltage over 2 Ucc /3 to high flip plop terminal of Timer 555,a voltage no more Ucc /3 to terminal of it,Basic RS flip flop is set 1. ─── 从基本RS触发器功能出发 ,对 5 5 5定时器的逻辑功能进行了讨论 ,认为 5 5 5集成定时器高电平触发端加小于 2Ucc/ 3的电平 ,低电平触发端加小于Ucc/ 3的电平时 ,触发器置“1”

47、The first of DARPA's Grand Challenges, in 2004, was a flop. ─── 2004年DARPA举办第一届国际挑战赛彻底失败。

48、The EU's savings directive, designed to squash tax evasion by individuals within Europe, took effect in2005 after a decade of wrangling, but has proved something of a flop. ─── 在历时十年的口角之后,欧盟出台的储蓄指令初始生效,其设计初衷是为了在欧洲范围内打击个人逃税行为,然后,事后被证明。

49、While Sohu.com, for example, stands to gain while when its online roleplaying games are hits, its advertising and other businesses would cushion the effects of a flop. ─── 以搜狐为例,当它的角色扮演类网络游戏火爆时该,公司固然可以大赚一把,但当网游业务不景气时,搜狐的广告和其他业务也可起到减震器的作用。

50、A register consisting of a flip flop which stores binary data. ─── 一种由保存二进制数据的触发器所组成的寄存器。

51、When I first started playing NL (and for a long time afterwards), I only bet the flop when I had top pair. ─── 当我第一次玩开始玩无限(并在相当长的时间里),我只在翻牌时有顶对以上才下注。

52、Personally, I think it's a flop. ─── 就我个人来说,我觉得我它蛮失败的。

53、Without a break I will flop. ─── 不休息一下我会倒地不起。

54、But Koizumi's successor Shinzo Abe was a flop, selling only about 600 masks. Abe quit after one year in office after an election rout. ─── 但小泉的继任者安倍晋三的面具销量却很蹩脚,仅售出约600个。安倍任职一年后便在一次选举失利后辞职。

55、The control of a specific flip flop which stores the algebraic sign of numbers. ─── 对存储数字的代数符号的特殊触发器的控制。

56、In cups of rocks it slops: flop, slop, slap: bounded in barrels ─── 它在岩石凹陷处迸溅着:唏哩哗啦,就像是桶里翻腾的酒。

57、If you have JThearts and the flop comes 2 7 9 hearts dont let the Q, K, A hearts get a card for cheap. ─── 如果你有红桃JT,翻牌是红桃2 7 9,那么不要让拿着红桃Q K A的家伙便宜地再得到一张牌。

58、She goes from the princess of pop to the ultimate fashion flop. ─── 她是流行乐界的公主,时尚界的大败笔。

59、Despite all the publicity, her latest novel is a completed flop. ─── 她的最新小说尽管广为宣传,结果还是彻底失败。

60、He took a nasty flop on that slippery sidewalk. ─── 他在那打滑的人行道上跌得很惨。

61、People are already shouting that this will be a flop and that Apple have dropped the ball this time. ─── 人们已经开始叫嚣这次对于苹果来说将会是一次失误。

62、They tend to expect to complete their flush again if they flop another draw. ─── 他们在打另一副牌的时候就会期待再次抓到同花的五张牌。

63、He stretched his hand toward the flower bed, then let it flop to his side. ─── 他边说边把手指向那个花畦。说完,他的手就无力地垂落下来,

64、Wow, I never knew that a belly flop hurts! ─── 哎唷,我还不知道跳水时腹部先入水会有这么痛!

65、Ivey bets the flop, a standard feeler-bet, to see if Jackson has something. ─── Ivey下注,一个典型的试探性下注,看看是否Jackson有些什么。

66、It was all your fault that the outing became such a flop. ─── 好好的一次郊游搞成这样子,都是你!

67、He seemed so sure of his decision, how could he flip-flop so dramatically now? ─── 他似乎对自己的决定非常肯定,现在怎么会戏剧性地改变立场呢?

68、Peter flips off the board and emote flips into the air five and a half times before doing a belly flop! ─── 彼得爬上跳板,紧接著腾空离开跳板,在空中旋转5周半,然后呯的一声,肚皮先著了水!

69、Tiago Mendes was a disastrous flop last term and is of interest to both Monaco and Atletico Madrid, but they only want him on loan. ─── 蒂亚戈。门迭斯在上个赛季的表现非常失败,摩纳哥和马德里竞技都对他很感兴趣,但这两家俱乐部只想租借他。

70、For example, large companies created ex nihilo, as in joint ventures, have a remarkable tendency to flop. ─── 例如,合资企业中一些大而不当的公司,其垮掉的可能性是非常高的;

71、An Integrated Charge--Control J--K Flip--Flop ─── 一个电荷控制的整体式J-K触发器

72、"It's easy to find work, but not easy to find good work, " said He, wearing a thin grey jacket and a flop of gelled hair. ─── “找工作容易,难的是找一份好工作。”他说道,只见他身穿灰色夹克,头发已经多天未洗的样子。

73、he landed on the bed with a great flop. ─── 大的崩溃让他跌倒在床上。

74、Or, if they flop, their floppings goes in favour of more patients, and how can you rightly have one without the t'other? ─── 就算祷告吧,也不过是祷告别人多生几回

75、Youfu as well.Very soon, the two entangle and flop onto the ground. ─── 两个人很快嘻嘻哈哈地纠扯在一起,扑通一声倒在了地上。

76、If you must go flopping yourself down, flop in favour of your husband and child, and not in opposition to 'em. ─── 你想跪可以跪,你得为你的男人和娃娃祈祷点好的,可别祈祷他们倒霉。

77、With the above three aspects, the functions of muscle dusters of extending hip in flop are researched in order to probe deeply into the event characteristics of the flop. ─── 以期对背越式跳高的项目特征有更深入的认识。

78、If immediately after seeing a flop, a player quickly touches her fingers together (high-confidence gesture) and then shifts to hand-wringing behavior (low-confidence gesture). ─── 在这些情形下,越是反射性的和短暂的瞬间行为,就越是倾向真实。

79、But this new study shows that wings with a little flop can actually get more air-pushing lift from each flap. ─── 但这项新的研究表明,有点向下弯曲的翅膀确实能从每次拍打中获得更多的空气挤压升力。

80、From EP I will play them as I would low pair (see the flop cheap, if you didnt hit a set or a low flop when you have overpair fold to agression). ─── 在前位,我拿着这种牌就当作低对玩(便宜地看翻牌,如果没有击中三条或小翻牌,在遭遇激进打法时就弃牌)。


82、How could a leader so widely credited with being a masterly communicator and strategist at the same time be such a dangerous public flop? ─── 一位被普遍称赞为既是传播能手又是战略家的领导人怎么能在公共关系中处于这样危险的惨败境地呢?

83、One of them, Benito Mussolini, thinking conquest was easy, proved the year's greatest flop. ─── 他们当中的墨索里尼把征服看成了易事,最后成了这一年最大的输家。

84、The former Chelsea and Lyon midfielder had been an unmitigated flop in his first two seasons, but seems to be finding his feet since Claudio Ranieri's dismissal. ─── “我的重生得益于主教练对我的信任以及能最大限度展示我的能力的新阵型。

85、The EU's savings directive, designed to squash tax evasion by individuals within Europe, took effect in 2005 after a decade of wrangling, but has proved something of a flop. ─── 在历时十年的口角之后,欧盟出台的储蓄指令初始生效,其设计初衷是为了在欧洲范围内打击个人逃税行为,然后,事后被证明。。。

86、Because the location is the key flop far, for anything fundamental side, a physical Kaikai only stoop wriggle inside wood underneath plastic. ─── 因为钥匙掉落的位置比较远,伸手根本够不到,凯凯只能弯腰蜷着身体钻到木板底下去捡。

87、It took several minutes to explain the concept to Mr Chang, who ultimately concluded that an odourless durian would flop in his country. ─── 向常先生解释“无臭榴莲”的概念得花上几分钟,最终他指出无臭榴莲在他的国家没有销路。

88、A Mechanics Analysis on the Wold Women's Fasbury Flop ─── 世界女子背越式跳高关联度力学分析

89、You are $10 deep here I'd be inclined to fold because they are probably re-raising you wide enough that you would need a setup flop to stack them and this will happen too infrequently. ─── 你有$10的深筹码,这里我倾向于弃牌,因为虽然他们可能用范围很广的牌来再加注你,但是你也需要翻牌后凑成牌才能好打(但是很少能凑成)。

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