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09-04 投稿


styptic 发音


英:  美:

styptic 中文意思翻译



styptic 网络释义

adj. 止血的;收敛性的n. 止血剂,止血药

styptic 短语词组

1、Binelli's styptic ─── [医] 比内利氏止血剂(木溜油溶液)

2、styptic bitters ─── [医] 收敛性苦味药

3、vascular styptic ─── [医] 血管收缩性止血剂

4、chemical styptic ─── [医] 化学止血剂

5、mechanical styptic ─── [医] 机械性止血物

6、styptic powder ─── [医] 止血散

7、Warren's styptic ─── [医] 华伦氏止血剂, 收敛洗液(含硫酸、松节油及乙醇)

8、styptic wool ─── [医] 止血棉(浸过氯化铁的棉花)

9、styptic pencil ─── [医]止血笔

10、colloid styptic ─── [医] 止血(火棉)胶

11、styptic cotton ─── [医] 止血棉

12、styptic weed ─── [网络] styptic杂草

13、styptic colllodion ─── [医] 止血火棉胶

styptic 词性/词形变化,styptic变形

名词: stypticity |

styptic 相似词语短语

1、septic ─── adj.败血症的;[医]脓毒性的;腐败的;n.腐烂物

2、skeptic ─── n.(对一切都)持怀疑态度的人;怀疑论者,不可知论者;无神论者(等于sceptic)

3、glyptic ─── adj.雕刻的

4、sceptic ─── n.怀疑论者;疑虑极深的人

5、cryptic ─── adj.神秘的,含义模糊的;[动]隐藏的

6、styptical ─── 柱头的

7、stylitic ─── 风格的

8、styptics ─── adj.止血的;收敛性的;n.止血剂,止血药

9、stypsis ─── n.收敛疗法;收敛作用

styptic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you were silly enough to trim nails without a styptic on hand, corn starch or white flour will do temporarily if need be. ─── 一些厚实的手套。然而,为多数猫,快整理没有做做法成考验导致不痛的修剪以很少或没有奋斗。

2、Discussion on the anti - infectious effect of the styptic of the Chinese medicine ─── 谈中药止血药的抗感染作用

3、Keywords Quick-acting styptic powder;Trauma;Hemorrhage; ─── 速效止血粉;创伤;出血;

4、Objective To evaluate hemostasia effect of the combination of non-ionization soluble styptic gauze and venom haemocoagulase in operation bleeding and wound errhysis. ─── 目的评价非离子化可溶性止血纱布与蛇毒血凝酶联合应用对手术出血及创面渗血的止血效果。

5、The styptic fibre composition is composed of polyvinyl alcohol, gelatin, sweetgum leaf extract and berberine hydrochloride. ─── 一种止血纤维的组成,包括有聚乙烯醇、明胶、枫香叶提取物及盐酸黄连素。

6、vascular styptic ─── [医] 血管收缩性止血剂

7、styptic pencil, IE a stick of this, used eg on a cut made while shaving. ─── 止血笔(用止血剂制成的药棒,如用于刮脸时划破之处)。

8、Binelli's styptic ─── [医] 比内利氏止血剂(木溜油溶液)

9、Objective To observe clinical curative effect and safety of quick-acting styptic powder on the treatment of acute trauma hemorrhage. ─── 目的观察速效止血粉治疗急性创伤出血的临床疗效和安全性。

10、styptic plaster ─── 止血橡皮膏

11、Conclusion: It is of benefit to treat the relief incisions during palatorrhaphy with absorbable styptic gauze. ─── 结论:腭裂松弛切口填塞可吸收性止血纱布比填塞碘仿纱条更有利于患者术后的康复。

12、styptic cotton ─── 止血棉

13、If you “quick” your cat (cut the nail too short, causing bleeding) apply a styptic immediately and call your veterinarian. ─── 如果您的猫真实地是不服从的,您可能也需要帮手并且/或者?

14、astringent: tending to draw together or constrict tissues styptic. ─── 有助于聚集或收缩有机组织的;收缩性的.

15、Clinical research on the treatment of acute trauma hemorrhage with quick-acting styptic powder ─── 速效止血粉治疗急性创伤出血的临床研究

16、13. Asiatic tr fern having dense matted hairs sometimes used as a styptic. ─── 亚洲一种树冠茂密的树蕨,有时用于止血。

17、All these monomers exhibited quick and reliable styptic effect on the hemorrhage of the liver,the spleen and the kidneys of rabbits and rats respectively,and their styptic effect was superior to that of most conventional hemostatics. ─── 对家兔和大鼠肝、脾、肾出血也均有较快的粘合止血作用,效果明显优于常用的几种止血剂。

18、I use a styptic pencil on shaving cuts. ─── 我用止血笔处理刮胡子割破的伤口。

19、chemical styptic ─── 化学止血剂

20、Tending to draw together or constrict tissues; styptic. ─── 收缩性的有助于聚集或收缩有机组织的;收缩性的

21、Said invention also includes the air-drawing process spinning technology for styptic fibre. ─── 本发明还包括止血纤维的气体牵伸法纺丝工艺,该工艺流程简单、生产效率高。

22、Experimental Study about Styptic Action of Didanmingmu Capsule in Animals ─── 地丹明目胶囊对动物止血作用的药效学研究

23、And any gentleman who's ever beenbackhanded by a lady with her diamond ring should know a styptic pencil willstop the bleeding. ─── 那些被戴着钻戒的女士们反手扇过耳光的先生们应该知道止血笔是管用的。

24、styptic pencil ─── 止血笔

25、styptic colllodion ─── [医] 止血火棉胶

26、Objective: To evaluate hemostatic effects and safety of the soluble styptic gauze made by hydroxyethyl cellulose. ─── 目的:考察羟乙基改性纤维素可溶性纱布的止血效果及安全性。

27、A styptic pencil, IE a stick of this, used eg on a cut made while shaving. ─── 止血笔(用止血剂制成的药棒,如用于刮脸时划破之处)。

28、Objective: To evaluate hemostatic effects and safety of the soluble styptic gauze made by hydroxyethyl cellulose. ─── 目的:考察羟乙基改性纤维素可溶性纱布的止血效果及安全性。

29、Warren's styptic ─── [医] 华伦氏止血剂, 收敛洗液(含硫酸、松节油及乙醇)

30、styptic sponge ─── 止血海绵

31、styptic fibre ─── 止血纤维

32、Nursing Care of the Patients with Hemorrhage of Upper Digestive Tract Cirrhosis Treated with Different Styptic Methods ─── 肝硬化上消化道出血病人止血治疗的护理

33、Soluble styptic gauze ─── 可溶性止血纱布

34、The styptic fibres are made by spinning a mixture of gelatin and a synthetic low molecular polymer. ─── 本文报告了止血纤维一些实验研究的结果。

35、Objective To observe clinical curative effect and safety of quick-acting styptic powder on the treatment of acute trauma hemorrhage. ─── 目的观察速效止血粉治疗急性创伤出血的临床疗效和安全性。

36、Results Quick-acting styptic powder was suited for various kinds of trauma hemorrhage,especially for middle and large artery hemorrhage,and promoted coagulation. ─── 结果速效止血粉适用于各种创伤出血,尤其在中、大动脉出血的止血效果方面具有常规方法不能比拟的优势。

37、Asiatic tree fern having dense matted hairs sometimes used as a styptic. ─── 亚洲一种树冠茂密的树蕨,有时用于止血。

38、styptic technology ─── 止血技术

39、styptic(al) pencil ─── (用明矾等止血药制成的, 用来止住小创口的)止血笔

40、Methods 56 cases of traumatic vitreous hemorrhage were treated with cool blood and styptic and invigorate the circulation of blood of dialectical traditional Chinese medicine. ─── 方法对56例外伤性玻璃体积血根据其出血早晚分别采用中药凉血止血活血化痪治疗。

41、a styptic pencil ─── 止血药管

42、Warren's styptic lotion ─── 华伦(氏)止血剂:收敛洗剂

43、Asiatic tree fern having dense matted hairs sometimes used as a styptic ─── 亚洲一种树冠茂密的树蕨,有时用于止血

44、Operating scissors;The organization cuts;Dressing tweezers;Styptic pincers ;Palace neck pincers ;Scalp pincers.; ─── 经营范围: The desk-top high speed is at odds with the community or the leadership;

45、The exploration on styptic method of blood Vessel press by paper column ─── 纸柱压迫血管止血法的探讨

46、Keywords Cu - IUD;regulate liver and be styptic;BSL;tissue plaminogen activator;plaminogen activator inhibitant; ─── 含铜宫内节育器;调肝止血;柴胡止血液;组织型纤溶酶原激活物;纤溶酶原激活物抑制剂;

47、A styptic pencil,ie a stick of this,used eg on a cut made while shaving ─── 止血笔(用止血剂制成的药棒,如用于刮脸时划破之处).

48、colloid styptic ─── [医] 止血(火棉)胶

49、Method: 43 patients with contusion hyphema were used hormone and styptic medicine.If necessary urokinase was injected under conjunctiva or anterior chamber was washed with urokinse. ─── 方法:挫伤性前方积血43例,全身应用降眼压、皮质激素和止血药治疗,必要时行尿激酶球注或前房冲洗术。

50、a styptic drug ─── 收敛剂

51、styptic wool ─── [医] 止血棉(浸过氯化铁的棉花)

52、absorbable styptic gauze ─── 可吸收性止血纱布

53、mechanical styptic ─── 机械性止血药

54、styptic powder ─── 止血散

55、Keywords catheterization;styptic technology;supervention after operation;nursing; ─── 心导管术;止血技术;术后并发症;护理;

56、styptic bitters ─── [医] 收敛性苦味药

57、Methods Quick-acting styptic powder was cast on the bleeding part of human body. ─── 方法把速效止血粉直接洒在出血部位,观察止血效果、止血时间和起效时间。

58、Quick - acting styptic powder ─── 速效止血粉

59、HaveFilling kidneyFill essence of life, astringent or styptic treatment for spontaneous sweating to stop the effect of discharge, apply to the premature ejaculation of kidney essence deficit. ─── 有补肾填精、固涩止泄的功效,适用于肾精亏损之早泄。

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