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09-04 投稿


intolerant 发音

英:[?n?tɑ?l?r?nt]  美:[?n?t?l?r?nt]

英:  美:

intolerant 中文意思翻译



intolerant 短语词组

1、heat-intolerant ─── 耐热性

2、intolerant tree ─── 阳(性)树

3、fault-intolerant ─── [计] 对故障灵敏的, 不能容错的

4、intolerant definition ─── 不容忍的定义

5、intolerant synonyms ─── 不容忍同义词

6、intolerant species ─── 不耐污染品种,敏感性物种

7、intolerant to ─── 不能容忍

8、intolerant of ─── 不能容忍

9、intolerant milk ─── 不耐受牛奶

10、intolerant one crossword ─── 不能容忍的一个填字游戏

11、cold intolerant ─── 不耐寒的

12、lactose intolerant adj. ─── 患有乳糖不耐症的

13、intolerant define ─── 不宽容的定义

14、cheeses lactose intolerant ─── 不耐乳糖奶酪

intolerant 同义词

illiberal | biased | chauvinistic | fanatical | unsympathetic | prejudiced | racist | narrow-minded | xenophobic | impatient | contracted | blinkered |bigoted

intolerant 反义词


intolerant 词性/词形变化,intolerant变形

副词: intolerantly |

intolerant 相似词语短语

1、integrant ─── adj.(部分)组成整体的;n.组成部分

2、tolerant ─── adj.宽容的;容忍的;有耐药力的

3、intolerant of ─── 不能容忍

4、intolerantness ─── 不容忍

5、intolerance ─── n.(尤指对别人的意见)不宽容;偏狭

6、intemperant ─── 酗酒者

7、intolerantly ─── 不能容忍地

8、intolerably ─── adv.到难耐的程度;无法忍受地

9、intolerable ─── adj.无法忍受的;难耐的

intolerant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Intolerant non-smoker ─── 不能耐受的不吸烟者

2、Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others;stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas. ─── 保守的不能容忍其它信仰观念的;对新观念顽固不予接受的

3、It was a dogmatic movement intolerant of those disagreed with its views, and it emphasized only one way, the Arya Samaj way, to the realization of Truth. ─── 它是一种独断的教条主义运动,对不一致的观点采取不宽容的态度。它强调只有唯一的道路,也就是雅利安社道路才能实现真理。

4、Do not be intolerant of people whose opinion differ from yours. ─── 不要容不得与自己意见不同的人。

5、Most bigoted people are intolerant of opposition. ─── 多数固执己见的人受不了反对意见。

6、The taxi driver became more and more intolerant of the back - seat driver. ─── 出租车司机对那个爱指手画脚步的乘客越来越感到难以容忍。

7、He was always intolerant of sham, and she liked him for it. ─── 她又知道他一向疾恶虚伪,而她喜欢他的地方也就在这一点。

8、It is said to be intolerant of uncertainty in human behavior, and refuses to recognize the private, the ineffable, and the unpredictable. ─── 它据说对人类行为的不确定有着偏狭性,并拒绝承认私人的,有避讳的,以及难以预测的情况。

9、"The truth was, that the little Puritans, being of the most intolerant brood that ever lived, had a vague idea of something outlandish, unearthly, or at variance with ordinary fashions, in the mother and child;" ─── 事实上,这伙小清教徒们是世上最不容人的,他们早就在这对母女身上模模糊糊地看出点名堂,觉得她们不象是人世间的人,古里古怪地与众不同;

10、So, what happens if your child has a milk allergy, is lactose intolerant, or simply doesnt like to drink milk? ─── 因此,要是你的孩子对牛奶过敏,或者有乳糖不耐症,抑或仅仅不喜欢喝牛奶,那该怎么办?

11、He was always intolerant of sham, and she liked him for it. ─── 她又知道他一向疾恶虚伪,而她喜欢他的地方也就在这一点。

12、single intolerant species ─── 单一非耐阴种

13、And even if they did, they'd have to be careful, as China is infamously intolerant of political dissent. ─── 即便他们做到了,他们也必须小心翼翼,因为中国对于政治异己的容忍度方面声名狼藉。

14、They regard anything foreign as inferior, and it's sheer ignorance and narrow minded bigotry that make them so smug and intolerant. ─── 他们认为一切外国的东西都是差的。这种彻头彻尾的无知、狭隘和偏执使得他们如此沾沾自喜、如此缺乏宽容之心。

15、They expanded, in this way, further the intolerant racial religion, which would keep the Jews separated from the rest of mankind forever, if it could be enforced. ─── 他们扩大了,这样进一步不能容忍宗教,种族,将保持犹太人分开休息人类永远的,如果它可以执行。

16、Intolerant nationalism---that is, not allowing views, opinions or beliefs different from the main trend of views or beliefs. ─── 偏执国家主义,是不允许不同于主流的那些观点和信仰等存在。

17、Most sectarians are intolerant of the views of any other sect. ─── 大部分宗派主义者不能接受其它宗派的观点。

18、He is intolerant of opinions which differ from his own. ─── 他容不得和他不同的意见。

19、a man who is intolerant of opposition ─── 不能容忍反对的人

20、He soon became intolerant of dissent and began to wrangle with opponents who suspected he had always wanted to run in next year's election. ─── 不久之后,他就无法容忍别人的异议,并开始与怀疑他一直想要参加明年大选的反对者打起了嘴仗。

21、The alarming thing is that the foods to which we are likely to be intolerant are those we crave the most. ─── 令人担忧的是我们容易对其产生排斥性的食物常常是我们最喜爱吃的东西。

22、She said that must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. ─── 她告诉我不能宽容无知,但可以理解文盲。

23、Clinical Study on Infantile Lactose Intolerant Diarrhea Treated by TCM ─── 中医药治疗小儿乳糖不耐受症腹泻的临床研究

24、But the unreasonable and rigid Puritanism makes Hester have a feeling to some extent of Puritanism as being intolerant and cruel. ─── 另一方面又认为在一定程度上不合理且死板的清教教义是残忍并且让人无法忍受的。

25、She's lactose intolerant and suffers the most agonising trapped wind. ─── 她是乳糖不耐症患者所以有时会恼人地止不住地放屁。

26、The quality or condition of being intolerant; lack of tolerance. ─── 不容忍:不能忍受的品质或状况; 缺少耐性

27、be intolerant; be unforbearing ─── 不能容物

28、be intolerant of ─── 对 ... 难忍

29、Campaigners against global warming have been likened to creators of an intolerant new religion by the former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar. ─── 与全球变暖斗争到底的人们被西班牙前首相何塞玛丽亚阿斯纳尔喻为一个令人无法忍受的新宗教的创始人。

30、Newton proved himself equally intolerant of chicanery, when, in his waning years, he took a position as Master of the Mint. ─── 牛顿本人同样也不能容忍欺诈行为,在他晚年的时候,他担任了皇家铸币厂的主管官员。

31、Labour women, intolerant of Islamist views on gender, make up a disproportionate chunk of those demanding change. ─── 女性工党认为伊斯兰教对性别的看法不可理喻,她们成群聚集,要求改革。

32、Did you know that today's American youth are displaying intolerant actions at alarming rates-and at younger and younger ages? ─── 你知道,今天的美国青年展示了不能容忍的行动,在惊人的速度和在年轻化的年龄呢?

33、to be intolerant of sth/sb ─── 不能容忍某事/某人

34、Do not be Intolerant of people whose opinion differ from yours ─── 不要容不得与自己意见不同的人

35、Don't be so intolerant. ─── 别如此没有雅量。

36、"In Europe, repressive policies, as well as xenophobic and intolerant attitudes, against irregular immigration and unwanted minorities is also of grave concern," she said. ─── 但是,阿尔布尔对欧洲国家制定的越来越强硬的反移民政策提出尖锐的批评。

37、No supply chain so dependent on workers should be breathtakingly intolerant of any of their needs. ─── 供应链严重依赖于生产工人,工厂不应当对工人们的需求采取如此惊人的无视态度。

38、They regard anything foreign as inferior,and it' s sheer ignorance and narrow-minded bigotry that make them so smug and intolerant ─── 他们认为一切外国的东西都是差的。 这种彻头彻尾的无知、狭隘和偏执使得他们如此沾沾自喜、如此缺乏宽容之心。

39、Study of Patients Intolerant of Converting Enzyme inhibitors ─── 不能耐受转换酶抑制剂的患者中的研究

40、intolerant of ─── 不能容忍, 经受不住

41、He is intolerant towards others. ─── 他往往不能容人。

42、Research by Dr Simon Williams of the University of Warwick divides sleepers into eight categories, from the socially attentive, intolerant, selfish and anarchic to the snoozers, nappers, feigners and deviants. ─── 华威大学威廉斯博士领导的研究,将睡眠者分成8类,从谨守社会规范、不宽容、自私、无法无天,到打盹、小睡、假睡、睡眠不正常的人。

43、He is intolerant of heresy. ─── 他不容异端邪说。

44、There was in him the heartiness and intolerant joviality of the prosperous farmer ─── 在他身上有种生意昌隆的农场主常常表现出的春风得意欢天喜地的劲头,叫人消受不了。

45、If you feel impatient and intolerant when others express their childlike feelings, then this is an indicator of how you treat yourself. ─── 如果别人传达他们童真的感觉时,你会觉得不耐烦、不想听,那也就是你对待自己的方式。

46、VBL remains the only alternative in patients intolerant of carvedilol or those unlikely to comply with drug therapy. ─── 为了降低血管结扎过程中出血的风险,我们应细心的选择病人,谨慎的进行手术。

47、a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own ─── 一个怀有偏见,不能接受与自己观点相左的意见的人

48、intolerant tree species ─── 喜光树种

49、Standing in marked contrast to the intolerant savagery of other religions, Buddhism is neither fanatical nor dogmatic--so say its adherents. ─── 佛教徒们说,与其他宗教让人不可容忍的残酷相反,佛教不推崇武断和狂热。

50、"If you're slightly allergic or intolerant to a food, your body wil try to dilute what it sees as poison by retaining water in the area--boosting your weight and waistline." ─── 如果你对某一食品过敏或有排斥,身体则会在它认为有害的部位储存水以稀释有害物质,但这样就会增加体重和腰围。”

51、Intolerant ex-smoker ─── 不能耐受的曾吸烟者

52、Application of Low Temperature Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Plasma Sterilization to Heat Intolerant Orthopedic Instruments: A Discussion ─── 不耐热骨科手术器械采用低温过氧化氢等离子灭菌的应用探讨

53、They were bitterly intolerant of the opinions of their enemies and the pleasures of their friends. ─── 他们对敌人的主张和对朋友的享乐都是绝对不能容忍的。

54、His insatiable ambition can make him short-tempered and intolerant. ─── 他的不知足的野心能够使他脾气坏和不容忍。

55、The quality or condition of being intolerant;lack of tolerance. ─── 不容忍:不能忍受的品质或状况;缺少耐性

56、But there always be some limitations of the times on these heroes, Yue Fei was a national hero in those days , but today he is intolerant for the national unity. ─── 但这样的英雄往往是有时代的局限性的,岳飞当年是民族英雄,但在各民族团结的今天来看他是狭隘的。

57、Puyang is mainly due to the promotion of ethanol is gasoline, environmental pollution, which is intolerant of oil burned an important factor! ─── 主要是因为濮阳现在推广的是乙醇汽油,环保 低污染 ,这是油不耐烧的重要因素!

58、The old man did not smoke himself and was so intolerant that he did not allow his friends to smoke when they visited him. ─── 老人自己不抽烟,也不容许他的朋友拜访他时抽烟。

59、Camel milk contains five times more vitamin C than cow milk, less fat, less lactose and more insulin, making it a good option for diabetics and the lactose intolerant , Van Almsick said. ─── 凡?阿尔姆西克说,骆驼奶所含的维生素C是牛奶的五倍,低脂肪、低乳糖和高胰岛素,因此很适合那些糖尿病患者和乳糖不耐症患者饮用。

60、If the metal contact ring corrosive medium, and the corrosion of the metal itself is intolerant, it will h**e a surface corrosion, which is leaking, the early wear and tear, damage, and other audible. ─── 如果金属环表面接触腐蚀介质,而金属本身又不耐腐蚀,就会产生表面腐蚀,其现象是泄漏、早期磨损、破坏、发声等。

61、Why would anyone want to be labeled intolerant? ─── 为什么有人想被贴上不宽容的标签呢?

62、a member of a sect who is intolerant of the views of any other sect. ─── 一个不能接受其它宗派观点的宗派成员。

63、If you're slightly allergic or intolerant to a food,your body wil try to dilute what it sees as poison by retaining water in the area--boosting your weight and waistline. ─── 如果你对某一食品过敏或有排斥,身体则会在它认为有害的部位储存水以稀释有害物质,但这样就会增加体重和腰围。

64、What is Intolerance? What is Tolerance? What Does it Mean to be Intolerant? ─── 再来一篇,深入探讨。看看什么是不宽容。

65、Intolerant speech is often amplified and impossible to retract. ─── 偏执的言论往往会被扩大,达到无法收回的地步。

66、They are deeply intolerant of all opposition. ─── 他们对所有的反对意见都极为排斥。

67、bigot: person who holds strong(esp religious or political)beliefs and opinions,and is intolerant of anyone who disagrees ─── 偏执的人(尤指在宗教信仰或政治方面)

68、Oh yes, and I am getting rather religiously intolerant by the day because of frequent instants of bad experiences with members of a particular religious group. ─── 丢了,还有,最近我似乎对某宗教越来越排斥了。因为老是与某宗教的成员有不愉快的经历。

69、There are many explanations for intolerant attitudes, some dating back to childhood. ─── 对于不宽容的态度有很多解释,有些可以追溯到童年时代。

70、In repressive, intolerant cultures, this can lead to fruitless confrontations and other problems. ─── 在压抑和褊狭的文化体系里,这可能会导致徒劳的对抗和其它社会心理问题。

71、Her opinion is a bit square and intolerant. ─── 她的意见总是很老套,让人难以忍受。

72、intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas ─── 不能容忍其它信仰观念的;对新观念顽固不予接受的

73、Tolerant or Intolerant: Two Faces Shown by God--Study of Problems of Tolerance in the UK in the Middle Ages ─── 上帝示人的两张面孔:宽容与不宽容--中世纪英国宽容问题研究

74、Zhou Yu, chief commander of Wu, Was talented and proficient in strategies and tactics But was narrow-minded and intolerant of others. ─── 东吴大都督周瑜,精通兵法,才智超群,只是肚量狭小,不能容人。

75、be intolerant of bad manners [oppression] ─── 不能忍受无礼 [压迫]

76、" She said that I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. ─── “她说我必须永远不要容忍无知,但应理解没有受过教育的人。

77、Ostrogoths, Vikings, and in a different way, intolerant masters of the Inquisition are no less - "European" than ancient Greeks. ─── 东哥特人、维京人,以及另一条道路上的“宗教裁判所”不宽容的主人们,相比于古希腊来说,也不是“欧洲味”更少。

78、He is narrow-minded and intolerant. ─── 他心胸狭窄,容不下人。

79、The quality or condition of being intolerant. ─── 不容忍:不能忍受的品质或状况。

80、Intolerant people will always case aspersions on people who are different from them. ─── 偏执之人会经常诽谤与他们迥然不同的人。

81、milk intolerant ─── 不耐乳的

82、intolerant of other people's views ─── 不容别人有意见

83、Few wives in China will divorce with their husbands who have love affairs with other women, while, to American wives, cheating is absolutely intolerant and divorce is the only solution. ─── 中国有多少在外面"包二奶""搞女人"的男人,他们的妻子又有多少为此离婚的呢,比例并不高,而对于美国女人来说这是断然无法容忍,没得商量的事情,只有离婚一途。

84、plants intolerant of shade ─── 不耐阴的植物

85、219. Most bigoted people are intolerant of opposition. ─── 多数固执的人都不能容忍反对意见。

86、intolerant of interruptions. ─── 不容打扰

87、Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas. ─── 保守的不能容忍其它信仰观念的;对新观念顽固不予接受的

88、The people have grown intolerant in recent weeks of the king's autocratic ways. ─── 最近几周,民众越来越难以忍受国王的专制行径。

89、a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own. ─── 一个怀有偏见,不能接受与自己观点相左的意见的人。





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