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09-04 投稿



homogeneity 发音

英:[?ho?mo?d???ni??ti]  美:[?h??m??d???ni??ti]

英:  美:

homogeneity 中文意思翻译



homogeneity 反义词


homogeneity 词性/词形变化,homogeneity变形

名词复数: homogeneities |

homogeneity 同义词

evenness | consistency | smoothness | union | sameness | harmony | homogeneousness | regularity | conformity |similarity | equality | uniformity

homogeneity 短语词组

1、homogeneity of costs ─── 成本补偿均等原则

2、homogeneity of the sample ─── 样品的均匀性

3、homogeneity theorem ─── [计]齐次性定理,同质定理

4、coefficient of homogeneity ─── 均匀系数

5、physiognomic homogeneity ─── 外貌均匀度

6、brought about homogeneity ─── 带来同质性

7、homogeneity of space-time ─── [化] 时空均匀性

8、homogeneity to the eye ─── [化] 目测均匀性

9、homogeneity spoiling pulse ─── [化] 均匀性破坏脉冲

10、homogeneity index ─── 同质指数

11、homogeneity of sample ─── 样品均匀性

12、homogeneity of acts ─── 行为的同质性

13、homogeneity test ─── 结构均一性测定,同质性检验

14、homogeneity relation ─── 齐性关系

15、homogeneity of the mixture ─── 混合物的均匀性

16、homogeneity of antigen ─── 抗原同质性

17、chromatogram homogeneity ─── 色谱均一性

18、homogeneity of variance ─── [化] 方差齐性

19、homogeneity coefficient ─── [医]均匀系数

homogeneity 相似词语短语

1、inhomogeneity ─── n.不均一,多相;不同类;不同质;不同族

2、erogeneity ─── 性欲

3、homogeny ─── n.同构发生;同源发生

4、homogenetic ─── adj.纯一发生的;同源的

5、homogeneous ─── adj.均匀的;[数]齐次的;同种的;同类的,同质的

6、homogenate ─── n.[生化]匀浆,均浆

7、homogenise ─── v.使均匀;对(牛奶)做均质处理;搅均;使相同,使雷同(等于homogenize)

8、homogenize ─── vt.使均匀;使类同;vi.变均匀

9、homogenesis ─── n.纯一发生;同型生殖

homogeneity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Microstructural homogeneity of a rebonded magnesia-chrome brick used in tunnel kiln in a period of 10 years were studied by means of OM,SEM,EDAX and XRD. ─── 利用OM、SEM、EDAX和XRD检测方法研究了一种在隧道窑烧成带使用10年的再结合镁铬砖显微结构均化现象。

2、Besides the homogeneity, the strength of rock contributes the activity of AE.The higher the strength is, the lower the activity is. 5. ─── 岩石的声发射活性除了受其均匀性影响外,还受到岩石的强度影响,强度越小,声发射活性越强;

3、This paper proposes an novel image segmentation method based on local homogeneity and spatial adjacent information. ─── 摘要提出了一种基于局部同态性和空间邻接关系的彩色图像分割方法。

4、The invention of the ball built-in and built-out homojunction, the whole density homogeneity and locate accuracy in steel liquid. ─── 本发明内外均质,整球密度均匀,在钢液中定位准确。

5、After optimizing the processing parameter and enhancing the homogeneity of the secondary cooling system,make the incidence of bleeding out steel caused by worn out corner decrease from 1.0% to 0.4%. ─── 为此,采取优化铜管内腔的工艺参数、提高二冷系统的均匀性等措施,使角裂漏钢发生率由1.0%降到0.4%以下。

6、Method:use trickle method following the pharmacopoeia,test the vermillion cinnabar content of the Sanqi powder to control the quality level.Change the mix homogeneity technology by Zhengjiao method. ─── 方法:运用药典规定的滴定法,对复方三七散中的朱砂进行含量测定,以解决三七散质量标准的控制,采取正交法从混合均匀度对原工艺进行了改革。

7、In order to increase the accuracy of regional experimental analysis. the Bartlett square deviation for the homogeneity probe must be made use of as a basic investigation step in the combined square deviation analysis. ─── 为提高区域试验分析的准确性,应把Bartlett方差同质性检验列为联合方差分析的一个基本检验步骤。

8、An alkaline phosphatase (Alpase) exhibiting Polyacrylamide gel clectrophoretic homogeneity and purity of 200-fold was obtained from the amphioxus of xiamen (Amoy). ─── 从厦门文昌鱼中,获得提纯200倍的经聚丙稀酰胺凝胶电泳鉴定为均一的碱性磷酸酶。

9、Degree of homogeneity is introduced, thereafter the magnetic field of Helmholtz coil is studied, and the best conditions of this coil is investigated by computer. ─── 引入磁场均匀度的概念,对亥姆霍兹线圈磁场的均匀性进行了定量分析,并通过计算机模拟,得出了同一精度下,形成亥姆霍兹线圈均匀磁场的最佳条件.

10、Boundary Conditions, Homogeneity, Solution Techniques. ─── 22边界条件,齐次性,求解技巧。

11、The genetic homogeneity and the individual identity of Zmu-1:DHP strain is higher than DHP strain. ─── Zmu 1:DHP品系的基因纯合性及个体一致性较DHP品系高。


13、Compared with adjacent seed flora,Menshan and Taishan have higher homogeneity quality,Laoshan.Yuntaishan and Qianshan have lower ones successivel... ─── 与相邻种子植物区系比较,蒙山种子植物区系与泰山具有较高的同质性,与崂山、云台山、千山依次递减,与芦芽山和大青山则具明显差异。

14、The global culture is of homogeneity, simultaneously of conflict and resistance between the East and West. ─── 全球文化既有趋同性,同时也有着东西方文化的冲突与对抗。

15、Socialist harmonious society and rule by law have homogeneity nature, and they are all inevitable choices of the socialist society. ─── 摘要社会主义和谐社会和社会主义法治具有同质性,它们都是社会主义社会的必然选择。

16、The test and assessment for the homogeneity of a certified reference material are introduced. ─── 介绍标准物质的均匀性检验及其评价方法。

17、Chinese liquors especially new type liquors currently have th e problem of homogeneity,and the problem could be gradually settled by the adva ncement of techniques. ─── 中国白酒目前存在“同质化”现象,主要体现在新型白酒上,但通过技术进步,可以逐步解决,并发展创新,新型白酒是传统白酒的补充。

18、There are the common issues concerning the homogeneity of the product in the market concerned, and the transparency and accuracy of market information. ─── 市场产品划一与否,以及市场资讯是否透明及准确,是普遍存在的问题。

19、Advertising art is emerging with the saturation of products in the market, increasing homogeneity of products and popularity of TV. ─── 摘要广告艺术随着商品市场进一步饱和,商品的同质化倾向日趋明显和电视传播的普及而兴起。

20、The surplus rural laborflowing into the city is an inevitable course for our country moving towards homogeneity economy from the dual economy and realizing the modernization. ─── 农村剩余劳动力向城市流动是我国从二元经济走向同质经济,实现现代化的一个必然过程。

21、Japanese Identity: Homogeneity or Difference? ─── 8日本人的特性:同质性或是特异性?

22、By improving the homogeneity and dispersity of the colloid, theagglomerate state of the powders can be controlled effectively. ─── 改善胶体的均匀性和分散性,可以有效地控制粉末的团聚状态。

23、Homogeneity of grain size combined with washing process by air and water, which prevent any sand hydraullic grading from the top to the bottom. ─── 均匀的粒径,加上气、水同步冲洗工艺,能避免滤池顶部到底部滤砂形成水力分级。

24、The fact is that small density perturbations or departures from perfect homogeneity, are unavoidable in such a medium. ─── 小的密度扰动或对理想均匀性的偏离在这样的物质中不可避免。

25、Nowadays, more and more homogeneity of products around of us, so unique design is much more popular and more important to product. ─── 在产品日趋同质化的今天,设计越来越为人所瞩目,成为国民经济新的推动力。

26、The study of homogeneity for surface composition of AgNi two phase alloys at room temperature was first reported in this paper. ─── 报导了AES对室温下AgNi两相合全表面成分均匀性的研究结果.

27、The homogeneity of quality and beautiful artistry belongs to ARTECH enjoy a good reputation in domestic and far east area. ─── 不仅如此,我们还将不断努力创新、开拓、进取、为社会贡献更优、更好的产品。

28、The revised questionnaire on social-self-concept for adolescent has a homogeneity reliability of 0.841 and a re-measured reliability of 0.798, and has a correlation coefficient of 0.553 with Texas social behavior scale. ─── 修订后的青少年社会自我问卷的同质信度为0.841,相隔两周的重测信度为0.798,与德克萨斯社会行为问卷的相关系数为0.553。

29、The proceeding of the test for homogeneity of CRM used in optical emission spectrometric analysis should be redesigned for the production of CRM in China. ─── 为了能检出光谱标样的不均匀性,应该重新设计光谱标样的均匀性检验方案,同时应明确定义不均匀性的概念。

30、Foliar application to dicotyledon is better than to monocotyledon because of different leaf types and structures of surface wax, and of different varietals plants of homogeneity. ─── 叶片类型及叶表蜡质层结构与组成的不同造成双子叶植物叶面施肥效果好于单子叶植物,甚至同种类不同品种的植物叶面养分吸收也不同;

31、That's the beauty of diversity. Homogeneity is the bane of life. ─── 这就是多样化的魅力,没有异同往往就是生活的痛苦之源。

32、A structural superposition index that can measure the degree of structural homogeneity of manufacturing was introduced. ─── 同时,文中还引入了一个结构重合度指数,利用该指数计算了历年来长三角制造业的同构度。

33、Based on digital image processing techniques, the aggregate distribution in hot-mix asphalt, i.e. homogeneity was studied directly in this paper. ─── 摘要基于数字图像处理技术,首次对沥青混合料中集料的分布状态,即沥青混合料均匀性进行了直接研究。

34、Progress of Optical Homogeneity and Weak-Absorption of Large-Sized Sapphire Crystal Used in LIGO Project[J]. ─── 引用该论文 周国清,李红军,乔景文,周永宗,邓佩珍,徐军.

35、Accordingly,liquor brands culture could not stir up the consumers' feelings and serious homogen... ─── 所以,应在保证酒品质的前提下,充分挖掘酒文化的内涵,这是品牌文化建设的趋势。

36、The comparison between BSD functional domain of FRG4 and PDZ, SH3, GK functional domain of SAP family showed that their homogeneity was lower than 10% . ─── FRG4编码蛋白形成突触相关蛋白家族(SAP家族)一个独立的分支,FRG4的BSD功能域与SAP家族的PDZ,SH3,GK功能域比较。

37、Judges should have profound knowledge in the theory of laws, adept knowledge in law, common way of thinking of homogeneity, abundant social experience and deep humanistic consideration, and noble morality. ─── 应具有丰富的法学理论知识,娴熟的法律专业知识,同质化的共同思维形式,丰富的阅历,深切的人文关怀和崇高的职业道德修养;

38、Element P can also act as a fluxing agent to decrease the surface tension and viscosity of the melt, thereby improve the sintered densification and the microstructural homogeneity. ─── P元素亦能充当稀释剂而降低熔体粘度及表面张力, 从而改善烧结致密度及组织均匀性;

39、The homogeneity of the reservoir has great influence on the isolated and network remaining oil. ─── 储层均质性对孤立状和网络状剩余油的影响均比较明显。

40、Before 2005, the domestic made engines show the following characteristics: high concerntration, single kinds, high homogeneity, obvious two polarization. ─── 2005年以前,国产发动机市场呈现以下主要特征:产业集中度较高;产品结构单一,同质化倾向明显;柴油发动机市场的"两极分化"形式加剧。

41、Nevertheless, with the fight closely situation of portal website, video website faces the problem with content homogeneity and Promethean lack likewise. ─── 不过,和门户网站的厮杀局面一样,视频网站同样面临内容同质性和缺乏独创性的问题。

42、Focus will be given to inbred animal models that have been used to improve genetic homogeneity and to control environmental influences. ─── 重点将给予近交动物已被用来改进遗传同质性和控制环境影响的模式。

43、Differentiation to general meaning is referring things transmit from homogeneity to heterogeneity. ─── 分化在一般意义上是指事物从同质性向异质性的转变。

44、In northern feeding ground, community indices as diversity, homogeneity, abundance and simplicity were higher, and in southern feeding ground, they are to the contrary. ─── 北部渔场群落多样度、均匀度、丰富度、单纯度较高,南部渔场则相反。

45、" Religion, " like " the arts, " is nothing but a basket category, for there isn't the slightest homogeneity therein. ─── 正如「各种艺术」,仅仅是一篮子的分类,因为里面根本就没有什麽同质性的一贯之道。

46、Johannes Schwider,R Burow,K-E Elssner,et al,Homogeneity testing by phase sampling interferometry[J].Applied Optics,1985,24 (18):3059-3061. ─── 87无色光学玻璃测试方法,光学均匀性平行光管测试方法[S].北京:中国标准出版社出版,1987-5-25.

47、Abstract: Homogeneity and heterogeneity are twinborn in city society.They oppose and bolster each other. ─── 摘要:在城市社会中,同质性与异质性是一对连体的双生子,是相互对立而又彼此支持的两个方面。

48、This simplification can be referred to as hardware compatibility through software homogeneity. ─── 这种简化过程可以称为通过同种软件实现硬件的兼容性。

49、Lack of consistency or homogeneity; adulteration. ─── 搀杂;不纯缺乏一贯性或同质性;搀杂

50、Yet without such patterns the world appears to be such an undifferentiated homogeneity that man is unable to make any sense out of it. ─── 但是如果缺乏这种架构,整个世界将会看起来毫无差别,也就没有任何的意义。

51、The influence of neck, skimming pocket, mechanical agitator or combined with them on the homogeneity of glass melt was studied by simulating test. ─── 应用模拟试验方法,研究卡脖、耳池、机械搅拌及其配合使用时,对玻璃液均匀性的影响。

52、Using network model, the effects of the pore radius, connection, homogeneity and wettability on the content and the distribution of the microcosmic remaining oil were studied. ─── 摘要利用网络模型研究了储层特性(孔隙半径、连通性、均质性和润湿性)对聚合物驱后剩余油含量及微观分布形态的影响。

53、Genotyping of the PCR-amplified isolate from the confirmed case shows high homogeneity with other H5N1 isolates from poultry in Java, and no evidence of reassortment. ─── 对确认病例的PCR扩增分离菌进行基因型确定,显示与爪哇禽类的其它H5N1分离菌具有很高的一致性,没有重新分类的依据。

54、However, between two isolated strong virulent strains, there was a low homogeneity of 88.2% in nucleotide, and there was a high homogeneity of 93.9% in amino acid residue. ─── 两分离株核苷酸序列同源性较低,为88.2%,但氨基酸序列同源性较高,为93.9%。

55、Abstract: Degree of homogeneity is introduced, thereafter the magnetic field of Helmholtz coil is studied, and the best conditions of this coil is investigated by computer. ─── 文摘:引入磁场均匀度的概念,对亥姆霍兹线圈磁场的均匀性进行了定量分析,并通过计算机模拟,得出了同一精度下,形成亥姆霍兹线圈均匀磁场的最佳条件.

56、Introduced were the methods and numeric standards for judging the retest reliability, the homogeneity reliability and the rater consistence reliability. ─── 介绍了判断重测信度、同质信度和评分者一致性信度的方法和数量标准。

57、Secondly, the cross correlation of pixels in neighborhood of each foreground object patch is calculated by spatial homogeneity. ─── 其次,基于前景目标局部邻域空间的一致性假设,计算该邻域内像素间的互相关系数;

58、Furthermore, the method of measuring corpus similarity and homogeneity is applied to the classes, in order to measure the appropriateness of predefined classes or texts in those classes. ─── 同时,并应用评估语料库相似度之统计方法于文件类别上,作为预先定义类别或是收录文章是否适当之初步评估。

59、This paper analyses the homogeneity of the flour quality and its control, and puts forward the calculation method of quantitative analysis for homogeneity with mathematical statistics principles. ─── 对面粉质量的均衡性及其控制进行了分析,并提出了用数理统计原理对均衡性定量分析的计算方法。

60、Polymer gel dosimetry has been used to measure the radiotherapy dose homogeneity in a breast phantom for two different treatment methods. ─── 聚合物凝胶剂量已被用来衡量放疗剂量均匀性乳房假体在两种不同的治疗方法。

61、The BPS1 were further purified by a column chromatogram of DEAE-cellulose, Sephadex G-75 to get the BPS 111. Their homogeneity were proved by Sephadex G-100 chromatography. ─── BPS1再经DEAE-纤维素、Sephadex G-75凝胶柱层析得到BPS11;

62、Where's heren guan , the homogeneity of the anti-corrupt officials for the people "reputation contained Road", known as the "firstlian li Beizhi" than in its Bao Zheng, Hai this clean. ─── 凡经他任官之地,均一反贪官污吏之所为,百姓“口碑载道”,称之为“北直廉吏第一”,将其比之于包拯、海瑞这样的清官。

63、If the intensity homogeneity is not satisfied with a segmentation criterion, it is re-segmented by increasing threshold.This process is iterated till no region needs resegmented. ─── 如果灰度均匀度不满足灰度均匀度分割准则,则增加分割阈值,对该区域进行再分割。

64、FRP antenna which endow them with high rot and wind resistibility,reduce high-frequency core loss,high efficiency,directivity homogeneity,high power endurance. ─── 全向玻璃钢天线可有效的抗腐和风荷,减少高频损耗,使天线具备效率高,方向性均匀,承受功率大等特点。

65、The treatment of soft soil foundation is carried out by geotextile with high tensile strength,decreasing the settlement and heightening the settlement homogeneity. ─── 利用土工织物的高抗拉强度对软土地基进行处理,减小沉降量,提高沉降均匀性。

66、The designing idea and means of the power supply and distribution are described, which include illumination and homogeneity, dazzle control, light source and lamp and lighting control. ─── 具体阐述了照明设计思路和安全可靠的供配电方式,包括:照度与均匀度、光控制、源和灯具,灯光控制等。

67、The increase of ECAP pass number has no effect on grain size,however homogeneity can be improved. ─── 增加ECAP道次对完全再结晶后的晶粒尺寸影响不大,但略微增加晶粒尺寸的均匀性;

68、We can reduce this by avoiding homogeneity in group composition. ─── 在群体成分中避免同质化,可以降低这种可能性。

69、Out-group homogeneity can be considered a special case of stereotyping.It means people perceive the out-group as more fixed and stereotypic, more similar and less diverse. ─── 人们在对他人或自己进行知觉和判断时,总要根据一定的群体类别来进行,如性别、年龄、种族、职业等。

70、In the age of product homogeneity,the nature of its brand internationalization is the movement of the Yue culture absorbed by it among different culture circles. ─── 在这过程中,绍兴黄酒品牌既得益于越文化又受制于越文化,从而陷入越文化“困境”。

71、In order to guarantee a certain degree of homogeneity in service delivery, all Centers receive a comparable support in terms of human resources and infrastructure. ─── 为了确保在提供服务中一定程度的同质性,所有中心都在人力资源和基础设施方面获得了相类似的支助。

72、Our lab-built stent was compatible in expansile stiffness and homogeneity with the commercial Z-stent. ─── 在此研究中,我们设计出一种简单、经济、有弹性的制作金属食道Z型支架的程序,幷以数学模式决定编织之几何参数。

73、Use the surface FD in several resolutions to discuss the complexity,homogeneity, orientational property and self-similarity of the surface. ─── 为克服二维轮廓曲线分形维数的方向局限性和无法表征表面全局特征的缺陷,利用表面在不同分辨率下的总体分维参数分析表面的复杂性,自相似性和自仿射性。

74、Abstract: "Homogeneity management model" and "department store-oriented idea" is the main problem that Shopping Mall have to face now during their development. ─── 摘要:“经营同质化”和“经营理念百货化”是当前国内购物中心发展过程中碰到的主要问题。

75、In the product gradually homogeneity and appreciate the view of the same circumstances, medicat with unneglected sales. ─── 在产品逐步同质、欣赏观同一的市场环境下,酒品包装具有不可忽视的销售作用。

76、Base on the wellbore tempera-ture dstribution model in this paper, computing the wellbore pressure distribution in the base of homogen method. ─── 以本文井筒温度分布计算模型为依据,借鉴均质模型的井筒压力求解方法计算井底流压。

77、Consequently, the rheology and homogeneity of HSLC demand a systematic research to meet the requirement of modern pumping construction. ─── 提出了轻质混凝土工作性能的评价指标及研究方法;

78、The comparison of the gene with white-tailed deer and red deer PrP gene revealed that the homogeneity of their nucleotide and putative amino acid sequences were 97.4% and 97.9%, as well as 98.1% and 97.7%, respectively. ─── 与白尾鹿(Odocoileusvirginianus)和麋鹿(Cervuselaphus)的PrP基因相比,其核苷酸序列和推导氨基酸序列同源性分别为97.4%、97.9%和98.1%、97.7%。

79、The high homogeneity and isotropy shown in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) prove that the universe has been in existence for around 15 billion years. ─── 微波背景辐射显示的宇宙高度的均匀性和各向同性说明,宇宙已经存在了约150亿年左右。

80、The performance experiment demonstrated that homogeneity of the sowing by means of row sowing device with spiral sheave was lower than0.505, which reached the demands of wheat sowing. ─── 性能实验论证了螺旋槽轮式排种器的播种均匀性系数低于0.505,达到了小麦精量播种要求。

81、The key to compatibility lies in homogeneity of design, and in agreeing on standardized conventions for inter-program communication. ─── 容性的关键是和设计同质的,并和交互程序通讯协定的标准一致。

82、The 95th percentile of the distributions were two to three times the mean values, indicating substantial homogeneity within each population as well. ─── 95%之分布为二至三倍平均值,显示其族群之同质性相当不错。

83、But it is difficult to get a high homogeneity and stability for an air enclosure with large inner space. ─── 但是在制作大容量控温箱时,要实现高度的稳定性和均匀性是非常困难的。

84、Casanova and Perlo have recently increased the homogeneity of the magnetic field generated by the system's permanent magnet to improve its resolution. ─── 卡萨诺瓦及波罗为了改善影像的解析度,最近正在提升磁场的均匀度。

85、Almost like clones in their similarity to one another, the cheetah species' homogeneity makes them especially vulnerable to disease. ─── 就像克隆人之间的相似性一样,猎豹这一物种的同质性使它们特别容易受到疾病的伤害。

86、Outsourcing of system technologies at such a prevalent scale contributed to high degree of homogeneity in the financial system, which strongly added to pro-cyclicality. ─── 如此普遍的系统技术的外包就造成了金融体系中千人一面的局面,产生了强烈的顺周期性。

87、Short extracting time, high extracting rate, and fine extracting homogeneity due to the utilization of ultrasonic techniques. ─── 应用超声提取新技术,时间短、得率高、温度低、均一性好。

88、As basic qualification of enterprises participation in market competition, the hygiene factor has the characters such as obstacle, homogeneity , dynamic expansibility, systematism and sinking-cost. ─── 作为企业参与市场竞争基本资格的保健因素,具有壁垒性、同质性、动态扩展性、系统性和沉没成本等特性;

89、The analysis included the single cancellation order probability of pure noise market, homogeneity cancellation, heterogeneity cancellation in real market and repenting index. ─── 以撤单指令为基础构建一种新的、不同于价格的金融市场分析模式,这一模式包括纯噪声市场、同质撤单、异质撤单以及毁约指标等模型。

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