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09-04 投稿



goodliness 发音

英:[?ɡ?dl?n?s]  美:[?ɡ?dlin?s]

英:  美:

goodliness 中文意思翻译



goodliness 相似词语短语

1、goodliest ─── adj.漂亮的;优秀的;相当多的(goodly的变形)

2、goofiness ─── 愚笨;傻;可笑;疯癫

3、gooiness ─── 粘性

4、goodiness ─── n.糖果;身份低微之老妇;吸引人的东西;伪君子(goody的变形)

5、goodness ─── n.善良,美德;仁慈,慷慨;精华,养分;int.(表示吃惊或愤怒)天哪;上帝的替代语

6、growliness ─── 咆哮

7、goosiness ─── 鹅

8、godliness ─── n.虔诚;信仰;敬神

9、goopiness ─── 粘性

goodliness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These activities need money, goodliness, and the habit of catering for people. ─── 这些个活动需要钱,需要美貌,需要迎合大众的口味。太难了!

2、I lvoe to take a stroll along the forset alley,enjoy the baptism of the warm sunshine,hearken the music of spring water tinkling,love the serenity of nature.All are so goodliness. ─── 我喜欢漫步在林间的小路上,享受暖暖阳光的洗礼,倾听泉水叮叮咚咚的奏乐,喜欢大自然的宁静,一切是那么美好!

3、Time will prove everything. Waiting is blessedness and goodliness. ─── 因为时间会证明一切,有时等待也是一种幸福,一种美好!

4、" with the rule of knowing-easy,writing-easy,nicety and goodliness,and using antecedence theory,coming into existence the combo organization and originating professional publication and so on.Mr. ─── 于右任先生以“易识、易写、准确、美丽”为原则 ,采用理论先行、成立社团组织、创办专业刊物等方法 ,推广“标准草书”。

5、Philosophy seeks eternity and goodliness, but political practice always has deficiency. ─── 摘要哲学追求永恒与美好,政治实践则总有欠缺。

6、Our company is ready for goodliness in the future with new and old client, calling people. ─── 公司产品广泛应用于建筑、造船、汽车、电器等行业,是隔热、隔火、保温、吸音、绝缘的最佳内衬材料。

7、i just want to say it is impossibility,lots of girl will be met by future if you come out the school and watch this social,and then i think you should plaint what goodliness this world! ─── 唔理时间过得几耐.世界变成点.我对你.永远不变.!我知时间可以淡忘一切..但时间亦可以证明一切.!我只想用我呢一世嘅时间去换取你嘅幸福.

8、Flowers are goodliness and nobleness, elegance and sweetness.Even if they are wild flowers blooming in rural , They still can show refreshing fragrance and effulgence .This is merely apprearance. ─── 花美丽高贵,优雅馨香,即使是绽放在山间的野花,也能呈现它沁人心脾的温馨与灿烂,这仅是花的外表。

9、How long it can receive from the world the information of goodliness, wish, joy, encouragement and strength, ─── 它能在多长时间里接收到人间万物传递来的美好、希望、欢乐、鼓舞和力量信息,

10、Whether you reveal goodliness and adoration ?Temper sprinkles with flowers . ─── 青春随花绽放,是否凸显美丽与倾情;

11、Because of the mild nature of sheep, Chinese people consider it a symbol of goodliness and luck. ─── 因为羊天性温顺,中国人常把羊看作美好、吉祥的象征。

12、these are our infinity power .In the past we try our best to satisfy clients , now we exceed the past for the futrue that are more goodliness and more brighter. ─── 这就是我们的“不竭能量”。过去我们尽力使顾客舒适满意,现在我们超越过去,迈向更美好更灿烂的明天。

13、,Ltd wish to crate the goodliness future together hand in hand with Chinese and foreign clients! ─── 昌煜公司全体员工愿与中外新老客户 共同携手,开创美好未来!

14、AIDE company would like hand in hand with cooperat associates collective create goodliness future. ─── 爱德公司愿与各方合作伙伴携手共创美好未来。

15、Magic Groupama let us met again like a myth, your goodliness and kind-hearted will let you obtain a lot of happiness in your future life. ─── 这个公司带给了我更多的工作经历与经验,尽管到最后有些疲惫不堪,但在今后这些经验必定能成为耀眼之处。

16、Joining Universe will be goodliness and Crossing disciplines will be Flourish ─── 天地交泰,学科交兴

17、Today is the best goodliness to me in the life, for I stay with you. ─── 今天是我一生中最美好的一天,因为我现在和你在一起。

18、This Propitiousness &Goodliness Silver Commemorative Medallion Set is made under authorization of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad. ─── 此套纪念章设计新颖,工艺精良,配有北京2008年奥运会特许商品防伪标签,限量发行30000套。

19、When loving close to pollution close to destroy, we have to give up for remained goodliness. ─── 当爱情接近世俗,接近毁灭的时候,为了残存的一丝美好,宁愿放弃!

20、Deduct all of the goodliness things as much as one likes. ─── 尽情演绎人间的一切美好事物。

21、Goodliness and longevity will be recovered and developed gradually, ─── 美妙和长寿将得到恢复并不断发展

22、This Propitiousness & Goodliness Commemorative Medallion Set is made under authorization of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad. ─── 吉祥美好纪念套章经北京2008年奥运会组委会授权制造发行。

23、3.Certainly,you can do it yourself and it maybe very fine, interesting, and wonderful, this is comeliness, goodliness, and charming between two languages. ─── 显然,您可以用您的睿智去做,或许会更完好、有趣、奇妙,这是中英二种语言的漂亮、艳貌、迷人之所在。

24、Deduct all of the goodliness things as much as one likes. ─── 尽情演绎人间的一切美好事物。

25、His transposition considerations and the changing the point of view make Su-shi catch sight of the goodliness of the life. ─── 移位思考,变换角度看问题,使他看到生活中美好的一面。

26、When I untied the riband, parents with me live through those goodliness time had rayed in my brain. ─── 在我解开丝带时,父母和我共度的那些美好时光浮现在我脑海。

27、6 The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: ─── 有人声说、你喊叫罢.有一个说、我喊叫甚麽呢.说、凡有血气的、尽都如草、他的美容、都像野地的花。

28、In the real life, no one could keep only brightness, goodliness without any shadow and evil in his heart. ─── 现实生活中不存在内心只有光明、美好、向善而无一丝阴暗和恶意的人。

29、On the base of that, we must know that we must cherish today, because today would be tomorrow’s yesterday, and yesterday always arouse our recollection in goodliness. ─── 在我的生活里,我每天都是在想方设法化解着这些矛盾,让他们尽量朝着我们所谓的幸福明天来发展。

30、3. Certainly,you can do it yourself and it maybe very fine, interesting, and wonderful, this is comeliness, goodliness, and charming between two languages. ─── 显然,您可以用您的睿智去做,或许会更完好、有趣、奇妙,这是中英二种语言的漂亮、艳貌、迷人之所在。收藏指正

31、we hurt someone so easily ,also are hurt by someone else so easily, we pursue the decadent happiness, we are inebriated in the lonely goodliness; ─── 我们轻易的伤害别人,也轻易的被别人所伤,我们追逐于颓废的快乐,陶醉于寂寞的美丽;我们坚信自己与众不同,坚信世界会因我而改变;

32、Maths makes us logical,while Chinese helps us to face life sensibly and to learn the goodliness of life. ─── 数学让我有了一个理性思维,语文让我可以更加感性的看待生活,体会生活的美好。

33、It's enough.only let you know I have loved you so deeply.even the goodliness is the one second memory.only It has happend truly. ─── 只要让你知道我深深地爱着你,哪怕美好只是一秒钟的回忆,只要它曾真实的发生过,我也就无怨无悔了。

34、I think singing is the best way to express your emotions, and the best way to show your goodliness. ─── 我认为歌是表达感情的最美的方式,歌也是展示美丽的最好的方式。

35、Our desirability is that:You can spend each day with quality time accompanying by our products,and feel that life is goodliness more and more! ─── 我们的愿望是:让本厂的产品陪伴着你愉快地度过每一天,让你温馨的生活更温馨!

36、relax take yourself lightly. happy is a choice in a large extent. please feel grateful for your goodliness in your life. ─── 放松。把自己看得轻一点。快乐在很大程度上,是一种选择。为你生命中所拥有的美好,心怀感激吧。

37、The goodliness world is still there. ─── 这仍然是一个美好的世界。

38、For keeping the goodliness of the Earth,and ameliorating the life of human beings.We try our best to protect the environment,and also sustain the cultural arts of all around the world. ─── 为保持地球的美丽,改善人们的生活,我们努力保护环境,并支持全世界的文化艺术。

39、The goodliness world is still there. ─── 这仍然是一个美好的世界。

40、Thus, we were on a bus. I suddenly wake up when she was sweetly leaning on my shoulder, wasn't it the goodliness and happiness? ─── 在车上她甜蜜地靠在我肩上时,我忽地意识到,这不就是我一直想要的美好和快乐么!

41、China and foreign countries' artists all made a splendid performances. Under the goodliness blessing, Beijing 2008 Olympics one-year countdown ceremony ended. ─── 中外艺术家们表演了精彩的节目。在人们的美好祝福中,北京2008年奥运会倒计时一周年庆祝活动结束。

42、The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field ─── 有人声说,你喊叫吧。有一个说,我喊叫什么呢。说,凡有血气的,尽都如草,他的美容,都像野地的花。

43、Then I began to admit the goodliness when we were together with a smile. ─── 于是我开始笑着承认曾经一起时候的美好。

44、I'm yearning for all the goodliness . While seeing the good things in this world, I will smile from the bottom of my heart. ─── 我向往一切美好的东西,看到人世间的美好事物时,总是会很满足的笑,那是发自内心的。

45、There is a kind of friends, which is between love and friendship, You can think of him quietly at one time.You can feel warm and have a goodliness and sensation when you think of him. ─── 有一种朋友,我想那是一种介乎于爱情与友情之间的感情,你会在偶尔的一时间默默地想念他,想起他时,心里暖暖的,有一份美好,有一份感动。

46、His transposition considerations and the changing the point of view make Sushi catch sight of the goodliness of the life. ─── 移位思考,变换角度看问题,使他看到生活中美好的一面。

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