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09-04 投稿



hausen 发音

英:[?ha?z?n]  美:[?h??z?n]

英:  美:

hausen 中文意思翻译




hausen 词性/词形变化,hausen变形

名词复数: Hausa |

hausen 短语词组

1、Hausen am Tann ─── 豪森am Tann

2、Hausen am Albis ─── 阿尔比斯的豪森

3、Hausen am Bussen Hausen ─── 在公共汽车上

hausen 相似词语短语

1、Mauser ─── n.毛瑟枪

2、hausens ─── n.大白鲟(黑海、里海及其河流等处产的,等于beluga);n.(Hausen)人名;(法)奥桑;(德、芬)豪森

3、-hauses ─── n.(Haus)人名;(法)奥斯;(德、瑞典、英)豪斯

4、Nansen ─── n.南森(挪威北极探险家、博物学家及外交家)

5、hauden ─── 雕刻

6、Jansen ─── n.詹森(姓氏)

7、causer ─── n.引起因素;引起者;n.(Causer)人名;(英)考泽

8、caused ─── v.引起;使发生(cause的过去分词);adj.由…引起的

9、hoarsen ─── vi.变嘶哑;vt.使嘶哑

hausen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Book online the cheapest hotels in Hausen ob Verena - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Hausen ob Verena 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

2、Zur Hausen, 72, was honored for his discovery of "human papilloma viruses (HPV) causing cervical cancer," the second most common cancer among women. ─── 论豪森, 72 ,感到非常荣幸,他发现了“人乳头状瘤病毒( HPV )的导致子宫颈癌, ”第二个最常见的癌症妇女。

3、The MERO system in fact was one of the first space grid systems and it was introduced in the 1940s in Germany by Dr Max Mengering-hausen. ─── 事实上MERO体系是早期空间体系中的一个,它是由Max Mengering-hausen。博士于德国20世界40年代最先介绍使用的。

4、Book online the cheapest hotels in Hausen - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Hausen 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

5、German doctor and researcher Harald zur Hausen shared the $1,400,000 prize for his work on cervical cancer, which poses a major threat to women. ─── 德国医生H也分享了1400000美金的诺贝尔奖金,是对于她做研究的子宫颈癌,现已成为妇女的主要威胁。

6、and to German virologist Harald zur Hausen for identifying viruses that cause cervical cancer. ─── 以及发现导致宫颈癌病毒的德国病毒学家哈拉尔德-楚尔-豪森获得此奖。

7、At least 90% of cervical cancer is known to be caused by papilloma viruses, and Dr zur Hausen suspects that all are. ─── 根据目前所知,至少有90%的宫颈癌是由乳头瘤病毒引起的,而DrzurHausen甚至怀疑可能全部都是。

8、"We also just got the news, there is no any special plans to celebrate," said Sete Man, "but we will definitely hold a special activity to celebrate Professor Hausen!" ─── “我们也是刚刚才得到消息,目前还没有什么特别的庆祝计划,”塞特曼说,“但是我们一定会举办一个特殊的活动,来为豪森教授庆祝!”

9、But the third (and convention dictates that the prize is split a maximum of three ways) was Harald zur Hausen. ─── 但是第三位获得者(根据以往经验获奖者最多是三位)是哈拉德.楚尔.豪森。

10、and to German virologist Harald zur Hausen for identifying viruses that cause cervical cancer. ─── 以及发现导致宫颈癌病毒的德国病毒学家哈拉尔德-楚尔-豪森获得此奖。

11、It is reported that Eitan - Hausen will be half of the prize money (prize money for all the 1,400,000 U.S. dollars), and the remaining half by the bar - and Luc Xinuo Xi - montagny share. ─── 据悉,楚尔-豪森将会获得一半奖金(奖金全部为140万美元),其余一半由巴尔-西诺西和吕克-蒙塔尼分享。

12、And Zur Hausen, who in 1984 discovered two types of cancer-causing human papillomavirus, was awarded the rest of the prize money. ─── 而1984年发现了两种致癌性人乳头瘤病毒的楚尔-豪森,赢得了另外一半奖金。

13、And Zur Hausen, who in 1984 discovered two types of cancer-causing human papillomavirus, was awarded the rest of the prize money. ─── 而1984年发现了两种致癌性人乳头瘤病毒的楚尔-豪森,赢得了另外一半奖金。

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