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09-04 投稿



deploying 发音

英:[d??pl????]  美:[d??pl????]

英:  美:

deploying 中文意思翻译



deploying 短语词组

1、deploying docker ─── 部署docker

2、deploying vessel ─── 部署船舶

3、deploying office 365 ─── 部署office 365

4、deploying flask ─── 展开烧瓶

5、deploying wing ─── 展开机翼

6、deploying aks ─── 部署aks

7、deploying a machine learning model ─── 部署机器学习模型

8、deploying echelon ─── 部署梯队

9、re-deploying (re-deploy ─── 的现在分词) vt. 重新部署;调动 vi. 重新部署

10、deploying width ─── 展开宽度

11、deploying api ─── 部署api

12、deploying force ─── 部署 ─── 部队

13、deploying 5g ─── 部署5g

deploying 同义词

be sorry | abhor | deprecate | for | regret |lament | be sorry for | sorry | bemoan | criticize | dislike | be | rue | disapprove | bewail | condemn | censure

deploying 词性/词形变化,deploying变形

动词过去式: deployed |动词过去分词: deployed |形容词: deployable |动词现在分词: deploying |名词: deployability |动词第三人称单数: deploys |

deploying 反义词


deploying 相似词语短语

1、decoying ─── n.诱饵;诱骗;vt.诱骗;vi.被诱

2、deponing ─── vt.发誓作证;宣誓证实;vi.宣誓作证

3、deploring ─── vt.谴责;悲悼;哀叹;对…深感遗憾

4、deposing ─── v.罢免,废黜;宣誓作证;放下(depose的现在分词)

5、deplaning ─── v.下飞机(deplane的现在分词)

6、depleting ─── v.用尽,耗尽;使减少(deplete的ing形式)

7、delaying ─── adj.延迟的;v.(使)延迟;(使)耽搁;行动迟缓,磨蹭(delay的现在分词)

8、redeploying ─── vt.重新部署;调动;vi.重新部署

9、depluming ─── vt.拔去…的羽毛;剥夺…的荣誉

deploying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The development of a solution by building, testing, and deploying a core set of basic features first, then adding features in successive versions. ─── 一种解决方案开发方式,它先构建、测试和部署一个核心的基本功能集,然后在后续版本中陆续添加功能。

2、Engage in epic siege warfare, deploying mighty siege engines to lay waste to destructible buildings in your path. ─── 在高端的阵营战争中引入攻城武器和可摧毁的建筑物。

3、Do not believe that just by deploying technology in your hotel service levels will increase. This is a people business. ─── 不要以为运用了新技术就能提高服务水平,饭店是靠人经营的。

4、That would be a bad day, you know, if that happened, so we have to test, because we are deploying this parachute at supersonic speeds. ─── 那是糟糕的一天,如果发生了这个,我们就需要测试,因为我们要在超音速的情况下打开降落伞。

5、The company invested heavily in procuring air routes and in deploying its own aircrafts within and outside China for shipping goods. ─── 为了货物的运输它花费重金在中国国内和国外取得航线并布置了自己的飞机。

6、The IT department ran into trouble when it first began deploying the IP Communicators on everyone's laptops. ─── IT部门遇到了麻烦时,它首先开始部署的IP沟通对每个人的笔记本电脑。

7、Dr. Vanstone won the prestigious University of Waterloo Award for Excellence in Research for his role in researching and deploying ECC as a practical security technology. ─── Vanstone博士也因其在ECC研究及将ECC作为实用安全技术予以推广的工作中的杰出表现,荣获滑铁卢大学颁发的著名的卓越研究奖。

8、Palin said her son has enlisted in the Army, and will be deploying soon to the region. ─── 佩林说她儿子已经被征兵入伍,并且不久后将会被派驻到伊拉克。

9、The simplest way to package your smart device application before deploying it to the device is to create a. Cab file. ─── 创建.cab文件,是在将智能设备应用程序部署到设备之前对它进行打包的最简单的方式。

10、Troops deploying to Iraq or Afghanistan after August 1 will have their tour of duty reduced from 15 months to 12 months. ─── 八月一日派遣到伊拉克或阿富汗的部队将会将他们服役期从15个月缩短到12个月。

11、Basing on the encrpytion techniques, PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) provide modules and services for deploying certificate system. ─── PKI公钥基础设施已逐渐得到社会的公认,目前正处于一个不断完善的阶段。 它以加密技术为基础,提供了实际实施和运作使用证书的系统所需的组件和服务。

12、The Government hastily organized defensive measures, deploying searchlights and antiaircraft guns around the target cities. ─── 政府匆忙组织了防御措施,在目标城市周围部署了探照灯和高射炮。

13、Deploying your content across multiple, geographically dispersed servers will make your pages load faster from the user's perspective. ─── 分发你的内容到多个平台多个地区的服务器上将让用户更快加载的页面。

14、It does not provide any tools for deploying the CAB file to a target device. ─── 但未提供任何将CAB文件部署到目标设备的工具。

15、Therefore, when deploying Exchange in a cluster, consider scaling out as part of your scalability plan. ─── 因此,在群集中部署Exchange时,可考虑将横向扩展作为可伸缩性计划的一部分。

16、The next and last phase of the project, the Transition phase, focuses on deploying the solution into a production environment. ─── 这个项目的下一个也是最后阶段,产品化阶段,重点是将这个解决方案部署到一个生产环境中去。

17、Visual Studio Team System integrates process guidance, prescriptive architectures, and life-cycle tools for successfully deploying solutions on the Windows platform. ─── Visual Studio Team System集成了process guidance,prescriptive architectures和life-cycle工具,并在Windows平台上成功部署解决方案。

18、If the device is not connected with the computer, an emulator will be launched before deploying and running the application. ─── 如果设备没有与电脑连接,在部署和运行程序前一个虚拟器就会被启动。

19、Reporting Services includes server and client components for creating, managing, and deploying tabular, matrix, graphical, and free-form reports. ─── Reporting Services包括用于创建、管理和部署表格报表、矩阵报表、图形报表以及自由格式报表的服务器和客户端组件。

20、You can often avoid strong enemy positions by deploying pontoon bridges across a river. ─── 你可以避开敌军守卫森严的地方,建设浮桥渡河。

21、MONUC has also assisted WHO in deploying vehicles and other outbreak related response equipment from its Outbreak Logistics Mobility Unit in Dubai. ─── MONUC还从其迪拜疫情后勤机动处协助世卫组织配置车辆及其它与疫情相关的应对设备。

22、Carefx is deploying the state-of-the-art software for the booming healthcare industry. The Websphere specialist...... ... ─── 公司名称:湖南省凯歌信息技术有限公司工作地点:湖南省长沙市发布时间:2009-3-28

23、Whether it's delivering news and crossword puzzles or deploying remote applications and updates, Castanet does its job well. ─── 不论是发送新闻与猜字游戏还是部署远地应用和版本更新,castanet都很好地工作。

24、IBM provides more than just a toolkit for building and deploying grid services. ─── IBM提供的产品不仅限于构建和部署网格服务的工具箱。

25、Deploying Client Security policy at the site level is not supported. ─── 不支持在站点级别部署Client Security策略。

26、Deploying moderate imams and Muslim scholars to counter extremist propaganda within some Islamic migrant communities might also be helpful. ─── 在穆斯林移民的居民住安插一些持中立态度的阿訇与穆斯林学者也会起一定的积极作用。

27、He asserts that nobody cares what analysts think in the good times, when what matters is deploying your money as quickly as possible. ─── 他坚持认为,在市道好的时候最重要的是尽快为你的金钱布局,没人在乎分析师。

28、You can add support for new devices by updating configuration file settings or by deploying new device adapters. ─── 可以通过更新配置文件设置或部署新的设备适配器来添加对新设备的支持。

29、The last step before deploying your application into the production environment is to produce a Dojo build. ─── 将应用程序部署到生产环境之前的最后一步是生成一个Dojobuild。

30、The European Union had just begun deploying a peacekeeping force along Chad's border with Sudan when the rebel incursion started last week. ─── 上个星期,乍得反政府军从苏丹越界入侵乍得后,欧盟开始沿乍得和苏丹的边界部署维和部队。

31、Oracle9i Lite is an integrated set of technologies that provide critical infrastructure for developing,deploying,and managing offline mobile applications. ─── Oracle9i Lite 是一组集成的技术,可为开发、部署和管理离线移动应用程序提供关键基础架构。

32、IBM provides WebSphere Studio Application Developer tooling for deploying JCA adapters and is currently developing an adapter "wizard" to facilitate development. ─── IBM提供了WebSphere Studio Application Developer工具来配置JCA适配器,目前它开发了一个适配器"向导"用来方便开发。

33、WSDL is the key concept in developing and deploying Web services as WSDL sets up the contract between the service provider and service requester. ─── WSDL是开发和部署Web服务的核心概念,因为它在服务提供者和服务请求者之间建立了协议。

34、The key to deploying wells is to breakthrough the traditional normal polygonal well network and to establish a deformed well network. ─── 为了避免井网破坏,注采井排必须与最大渗透率方向(裂缝方向)平行或垂直;

35、The following table shows the recommended hardware requirements for deploying Team Edition for Testers test rigs. ─── 下表显示部署Team Edition for Testers测试远程测试机组的建议硬件要求。

36、The reliance on open standards provides a basis from which a wide variety of tools for creating, managing, and deploying XML content can emerge. ─── 依托开放式标准为创建、管理和发布XML内容的各种不同工具的涌现奠定了基础。

37、It is important to disable compilation with debugging information before deploying the site to a production server. ─── 在将站点部署到生产服务器之前禁止使用调试信息进行编译非常重要。

38、But they said the U. S. is deploying personnel, aircraft and radiation detection technology to gather information independently. ─── 但他们说,美国正在部署人员、飞机及核辐射探测设备,以独立收集有关日本核辐射的信息。

39、Jeff is an application and infrastructure architect with experience in architecting, designing, developing, deploying, and maintaining complex software systems. ─── Jeff是一位应用程序和基础设施架构师,具有架构、设计、开发、部署和维护复杂软件系统的经验。

40、But raising extra troops and deploying them to North Kivu may take months. ─── 但是征兵并部署他们到北基伍省可能需要几个月的时间。

41、Dot NET framework, developed by Microsoft, is a general environment for constructing, deploying and running network services and applications. ─── NET框架是微软公司开发的用于建造、配置以及运行网络服务以及网络应用程序的通用环境。

42、Deploying space activities rationally. ─── 合理部署各种航天活动。

43、Continuous Integration commonly known as CI is a process that consists of continuously compiling, testing, inspecting, and deploying source code. ─── 像CI那样的持续集成通常被称为传播是一个过程,是不断编制,测试,检查和部署源代码。

44、A GPO can be linked to more than one container; before deploying to your chosen GPO, verify that it is not linked to a site. ─── 一个GPO可以链接到多个容器;部署到所选GPO之前,请验证它是否未链接到站点。

45、Emulators within the software will allow developers to test content on an array of mobile technologies before deploying it. ─── 在内容发布前,还可以通过软件内建的模拟功能,针对不同移动技术作测试。

46、Besides electronic commerce, companies are deploying directories to keep pace with the widespread implementation of IP networks and the rapid growth of intranet applications. ─── 公司部署目录,除了为电子商务外,还为了与广泛实现的IP网络和快速发展的内特网应用保持同步发展。

47、Oracle JDeveloper is an integrated development environment for modeling, developing, debugging, optimizing, and deploying Java applications and Web services. ─── Oracle JDeveloper是一个集成的开发环境,用于建模、开发、调试、优化和部署Java应用程序和Web服务。

48、For example, if all of your customers have already installed runtime version 1.0 And deploying version 1.1 Is not feasible, you may want to target version 1.0. ─── 例如,如果所有的客户都已经安装了1.0版的运行库,而部署1.1版又不可行,您就可能希望选择1.0版。

49、Find out about downloading Telescience open source software used for deploying grids at the. ─── 上可以找到有关下载用来部署网格的Telescience开放源码软件的信息。

50、Two British soldiers at a base in Antrim took delivery of a last pizza before deploying to Afghanistan and were mown down in the street. ─── 在Antrim的一个基地将被派遣到阿富汗两名英国士兵被谋杀在马路中央,手里正拿着一盒新出炉的批萨。

51、Contains procedures for creating package configurations, for building a deployment utility for an Integration Services project, and for deploying packages. ─── 包含创建包配置的过程,为Integration Services项目生成部署实用工具的过程,以及部署包的过程。

52、Instead of deploying a defense at backbone routers, edge routers are another choice. ─── 代替在骨干路由器上部署防御系统,边界路由器是另一个选择。

53、The methods for deploying applications and components in Visual Basic 2005 are considerably different than in Visual Basic 6.0. ─── 在Visual Basic 2005中部署应用程序和组件的方法与在Visual Basic 6.0中的方法差别很大。

54、To attract new deposits, Citigroup has been deploying a double-barreled pitch of safety and hefty rates of up to 4% on six-month CDs. ─── 为吸收新存款,花旗打出安全和高回报两张牌,对6个月期大额存单实行最高4%的利率。

55、Before deploying the Surface Stereo Imager to take these images, the lander waited about 15 minutes for the dust to settle. ─── 在“表面立体相机”展开拍摄这些图片前,着陆器等待了大约15分钟等尘埃安定下来。

56、Retrofitting generating facilities for CCS is inherently more expensive than deploying CCS in new plants. ─── 为了CCS而翻新发电设备,绝对比建造新厂时就采用CCS要昂贵。

57、The EGA is an industry group focused on deploying grid, and it strives to work through the various standards described above. ─── EGA是业界中主要关注网格部署的团队,它通过上面介绍的各种标准来进行工作。

58、Office InfoPath 2007 is used for designing and deploying forms, as well as enabling rich client fill in. ─── Office InfoPath 2007用于设计和部署表单以及支持丰富的客户端填写。

59、Advertisement, publishing, repair, and install-on-demand are all available when deploying your application. ─── 在部署应用程序时提供公布、发布、修复和即需即装功能。

60、It defines a standard life cycle for building, testing, and deploying project artifacts. ─── 他定义了构建,测试和发布项目的标准生命周期。

61、Even if all the four countries send peace keepers, the force would be still far from reaching the goal of deploying 8000 troops in Somalia. ─── 即使四国都派出维和援军,军队仍离在索马里部署士兵8000人的目标相去甚远。

62、In Darfur the UN is due to start deploying its forces in a few weeks. ─── 在达尔富尔地区,联合国预定在数周内开始部署其维和部队。

63、You can filter drivers using groups.These tell MDT to only consider certain drivers when deploying an OS. ─── 你可以使用驱动组来过滤驱动,将使得MDT只考虑某些驱动而不是全部。

64、Provides a broad infrastructure for designing, developing, deploying, and managing your business applications intelligently and efficiently. ─── 为对业务应用程序进行智能且有效的设计、开发、部署和管理提供了一个广阔的基础设施。

65、In the second part of this article, I ll emphasize the pragmatic issues in developing and deploying an AOP-based system for performance monitoring. ─── 在这篇文章的第二部分中,我将把重点放在开发和部署基于AOP的性能监视系统的编程问题上。

66、If you are familiar with deploying failover clusters or Exchange clusters from previous versions, you will find deployment of a cluster for an SCC solution to be quite different. ─── 如果您熟悉早期版本中对故障转移群集或Exchange群集的部署,则会发现SCC解决方案的群集部署非常特别。

67、Using this tool eliminates the manual and repetitive task of deploying code assets from a development environment to a server environment. ─── 使用本工具可以消除将代码资源开发环境部署到服务器环境过程中的人工操作和重复性任务。

68、At the same time, Volkswagen is increasingly deploying innovative common-rail technology. ─── 同时,大众越来越多地展开创新的共轨技术。

69、Always disable debug mode before deploying a production application or conducting any performance measurements. ─── 在部署生产应用程序或进行任何性能测量之前,始终禁用调试模式。

70、At this price, the initial cost of deploying a high-speed wireless LAN is roughly equivalent to that of deploying a wired LAN. ─── 在这个价位上,部署高速无线局域网的初始成本与部署有线局域网的费用大致相等。

71、But as time wore on, the trading nations responded to the threat by deploying warships to tackle the corsair problem. ─── 但是随着时间的推移,那些贸易国家用战船来应对威胁对付海盗问题。

72、Administrators working in managed environments can find complete resources for deploying Office updates in an organization on the Office Admin Update Center Web site. ─── 在管理环境中工作的管理员可以在Office Admin Update Center网站上找到用于在组织中部署Office更新的完整资源。

73、Without a doubt, there are tremendous challenges, both technical and business, in deploying the IMS technology commercially. ─── 但实际上,随着每一个IMS新产品的推出,IMS行业迈出的每一步都更加坚实,前景也越来越光明。

74、The location of output files can be a major issue when deploying to a production environment. ─── 在部署到生产环境时,输出文件的位置可能是一个主要问题。

75、In order to elevate the efficiency of spares,a method of deploying of multilevel spares optimization is put forward based on dynamic programming. ─── 为提高引进装备备件的保障效能,提出一种基于动态规划的备件多级优化配置方法。

76、The Microsoft Office Developer Center for Project includes summaries and links to information about planning, developing, and deploying solutions based on Project. ─── Microsoft Office Developer Center for Project包括一些汇总和链接,这些链接指向有关规划、开发和部署基于Project的解决方案的信息。

77、For this reason, we strongly recommend deploying a firewall, such as Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server, between the Internet and the Exchange server. ─── 因此,强烈建议在Internet与Exchange服务器之间部署一个防火墙,例如Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration(ISA)Server。

78、In Figure 1, we see an approach that starts from the initial stages of deploying a grid to progressively realizing automated resource allocation. ─── 在图1中,我们会看到一种方法,它从最开始的阶段将网格部署到日益增多的自动化资源上。

79、Deploying Java applications with an AIR file would be very nice. ─── 通过AIR文件部署Java应用也许会非常棒。

80、However, there is some additional cost involved in deploying servers and infrastructure to create and manage Microsoft Windows PKI-generated certificates. ─── 但是,部署服务器和基础结构从而创建和管理Microsoft Windows PKI生成的证书会产生额外开销。

81、about time that the U.N. considers logistically deploying additional military resources. ─── 到了该考虑有组织地部署额外军事资源的时候了。

82、No one has more experience designing and deploying retail automation solutions in the real world than NCR. ─── NCR是目前最富有经验的零售自动化解决方案设计和开发厂商。

83、Administration tasks for Notification Services fall into two categories: deploying instances and day-to-day operations. ─── Notification Services的管理任务分为两类:部署实例和日常操作。

84、If it were to reside outside of a plug-in, deploying code updates becomes more difficult. ─── 如果它驻留在插件外部,那么部署代码更新将变得更加困难。

85、Notification Services supports deploying multiple instances on a single server. ─── Notification Services支持在单台服务器上部署多个实例。

86、Just overheard a police officer on the phone: “they already know the route now, currently deploying. ─── 听到一个警察正在打出的电话,他们已经知道市民的路线,正在作部署。

87、Infantry and armor units are already deploying on the Gaza border. ─── 步兵和装甲部队已经部署在加沙边境。

88、But deploying it would mean releasing swarms of altered insects into the wild. ─── 但利用这项技术就意味着将大量的转基因昆虫释放到野外。

89、The usual process to test a Workplace Managed Client application is basically the same as deploying that application in an enterprise environment. ─── 一般的Workplace Managed Client应用程序测试过程与在企业环境中部署应用程序是基本相同的。

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