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09-04 投稿



exhibitive 发音

英:[?ɡ?z?b?t?v]  美:[?ɡ?z?b?t?v]

英:  美:

exhibitive 中文意思翻译



exhibitive 词性/词形变化,exhibitive变形

副词: exhibitively |

exhibitive 相似词语短语

1、exhaustive ─── adj.详尽的;彻底的;消耗的

2、exhibiting ─── 展览;陈列

3、exhibitions ─── n.与展览,展示会;展示会(exhibition复数)

4、inhibitive ─── adj.抑制的;禁止的

5、exhibitively ─── adv.起显示作用地;供展览地

6、exhibition ─── n.展览,显示;展览会;展览品

7、prohibitive ─── adj.禁止的,禁止性的;抑制的;(费用,价格等)过高的;类同禁止的

8、cohibitive ─── 共容的

9、exhibitioner ─── n.展出者;获得奖学金的学生

exhibitive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Peninsula booth An exhibit at the end of an aisle, with aisles on three sides. ─── 半岛展位,展位背对通道顶端,其他三面都是过道。

2、You simply exhibit a my-way-or-the-highway attitude. ─── 你我只是一个证物程或最公路态度。

3、What line of products do you intend to exhibit? ─── 展出商品是哪一类产品?

4、To exhibit great activity or energy. ─── 展现活力表现出激情或精力

5、The species' collection is divided into tropical and sub-tropical plants: different species are hosted according to exhibitive and observation purposes. ─── 该植物园中植物物种的收集被分成热带植物和亚热带植物:不同的种类依照展览和观察目的放置。

6、Will you need exhibit space? ─── 你需要展出的场地吗?

7、Coumarins found in fruits and vegetables exhibit antimicrobial activity. ─── 在水果和蔬菜中被发现的香豆素具有抗菌活性。

8、An Ongoing Voyage. Library of Congress exhibit. ─── 1492年:进行中的航行。国会图书馆展览。

9、Under this model, brokered deals should exhibit less VTB financing. ─── 在这种模式下,有经纪人参与的交易所获得的卖方融资应该更少。

10、He was surprised when he stole an exhibit from the museum. ─── 当他从博物馆偷盗一件展品时被当场捉住。

11、Why don' t you exhibit his portrait ? ─── 你为什么不展出他的画像?

12、We are very much impressed by the exhibit at the Guangzhou fair. ─── 广州交易会的展品给我们留了极深的印象。

13、Within a thin disk, the spiral arms exhibit a pinwheel structure. ─── 在单薄的圆盘体上,螺旋臂呈现出一个风车状结构。

14、Maybe the zoo just opened a koala exhibit. ─── 也许是该动物园刚刚推出无尾熊展吧。

15、The museum's exhibit features paintings of colonial times. ─── 博物馆的展览品特别介绍殖民时代的绘画。

16、Shanghai Yijiang Exhibit Facture CO., LTD. ─── 上海一江展示展览制作有限公司。

17、What Behavior Should You Exhibit? ─── 你应该展示出什么行为?

18、In OO methodology, classes contain certain data and exhibit certain behaviours. ─── 在面象对象方法学中,类包含通常的数据并列出通常的行为。

19、Small lesions may exhibit no caseation. ─── 微小病灶可不出现干酪性坏死。

20、Guangzhou Vogue Exhibit Design Co., Ltd. ─── 广州市万格展览设计有限公司。

21、The outstanding item (the prize piece or main exhibit) in a collection. ─── 在一个收藏品中的重要条目(珍贵的物件或主要展物)。

22、He will exhibit his wares tomorrow in Taichung. ─── 他明天会在台中展览他的作品。

23、They exhibit the range of the liberal arts. ─── 他们开示了一套君子之道。

24、Saturn and Spica are nearly the same brightness but exhibit different colors. ─── 土星和角宿一亮度大致相当,但两者焕发不同的星光。

25、Do you exhibit strong leadership skills in group activities? ─── 你是否在集体活动中表现出很强的领导能力。

26、Rolled up his sleeve to exhibit the scar. ─── 卷起袖子来显示露出伤疤

27、You often need to model objects which exhibit some sort of symmetry. ─── 你可能经常需要制作一些具有对称特性的模型。

28、China Petroleum's exhibit included an oil derrick mock-up. ─── 中国石油公司的钻油模型也搬到会场来了。

29、His extremities do not exhibit any clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. ─── 四肢无杵状指,发绀或水肿。

30、Exhibit the history of telecommunications in Norway. ─── 展示挪威电讯史。

31、"Territory" means the [countries] listed in Exhibit C. ─── “地域”指附件三中列出的(国家)。

32、He seldom permitted his opinions to exhibit themselves in his face. ─── 他难得将自己感觉的东西形之于色的。

33、Some of the exhibit reflects changes in Hudec's hotel. ─── 展览的一部分将会反映邬达克饭店里发生的变化。

34、Franchised store maily serves for exhibit and sale. ─── 专卖店以展示及销售为主。

35、XML files that contain test results do not exhibit this behavior. ─── 包含测试结果的XML文件不会展示此行为。

36、His behavior was exhibitive of his lack of interest. ─── 他的行为表示他缺少兴趣。

37、A process or state in which rays of light exhibit different properties in different directions, especially the state in which all the vibration takes place in one plane. ─── 偏振(现象)光线在不同的方向上表现出不同特性的过程或状态,尤其是所有的振动都发生在一个平面的状态

38、Among the rarest sights at the exhibit are two giant squids. ─── 展品中最珍眼的是两条巨墨。

39、Isabel felt he never did it to exhibit himself. ─── 伊莎贝尔感到,他这么做不是为了卖弄自己。

40、Americana are featured in the exhibit. ─── 展览展出了关于美国(或美洲)的资料

41、Secondly, cultural contents and their identification exhibit their unanimity. ─── 其次,文化的内容及其认同表现出一致性。

42、He ask the information office for details of company exhibit at the motor show. ─── 他向信息询问了有关汽车博览会方面各公司参展的详情。

43、bird behavior exhibitive of the nest - building instinct. ─── 鸟的行为显示出筑巢的本能

44、This species did not exhibit parental care behavior. ─── 卵胎生,4~5月产仔,双亲无育幼行为。

45、The exhibit will be open through February, 2004. ─── 展览将一直开放到2004年2月。

46、Investment exchange between the two countries exhibit dynamism and promise. ─── 两国间的相互投资生机勃勃,前景广阔。

47、They suddenly exhibit a striking new trait. ─── 它们突然呈现出一种新的显著特征。

48、Two-thirds of the exhibit area was devoted to high-efficiency machine tools. ─── 三分之二的面积都用来展出高效能的机床。

49、Lyalin soon began to exhibit the strain of leading a double life. ─── 利亚林不久就显露出了双重生活的重压。

50、Many will also exhibit high levels of arousal. ─── 很多人还会表现出非常积极的状态。

51、All three grayscale channels exhibit the same exact lack of noise. ─── 同时使用这三种灰度模式,几乎不会出现失真的情况。

52、Neutron stars are the second exhibit in the gallery of stellar corpses. ─── 中子星是死之恒星陈列馆内第二类样品。

53、Most of the photos in the exhibit were captured accidentally. ─── 大部分展出的照片都是偶然拍摄到的。

54、The first exhibit is a knife which the prosecution claimed is the murder weapon. ─── 当庭出示的第一件物证是一把刀,据原告称是为谋杀凶器。

55、He seemed to exhibit courage and manliness when others chickened out. ─── 别人都害怕了,可他却显示出一副勇气十足的大丈夫气概。

56、There is a special exhibit at the museum. ─── 博物馆有一个特殊展品。

57、She is able to exhibit the small shortcomings we hope to keep in the dark. ─── 她能够显示出我们想要保密的那些小小的缺点。

58、Mosquitoes do exhibit blood-sucking preferences, say the experts. ─── 专家说蚊子显示出对吸血的选择。

59、The host configuration is shown in the exhibit. ─── 主人结构在展览品中被显示。

60、They deprecated the new exhibit. ─── 他们很不赞成新展品。

61、Exhibit the instruments of physics. ─── 展示物理学使用的仪器。

62、Next week those goods will exhibit in that shop. ─── 下个星期, 这些货物将在那家商店展出。

63、The extracts of flavonoids exhibit strong antioxidant activity on lard. ─── 从无梗五加中提取的粗黄酮对猪油有明显的抗氧化作用。

64、Great artists often exhibit an ability to transcend social and cognitive walls. ─── 伟大的艺术家经常表现出超越社会与认知藩篱的能力。

65、It was amazing that she should exhibit such temerity, but he would teach her! ─── 她竟然表现得如此放肆,真是惊人,但他要教训她!

66、To exhibit an iridescent shimmer of colors. ─── 发乳光呈现出珍珠光泽的七色光线

67、The buyer admire the exhibit on our stand. ─── 买主纷纷称赞我们货架上的展品。

68、Begin from 28 days, 49 curiosa will exhibit formally. ─── 从28日开始,49件珍品将正式展出。

69、What did the world passenger car exhibit leave for us? ─── 世界客车博览亚洲展给我们留下什么?

70、A group of artists will exhibit next year . ─── 一组画家明年将展出他们的作品。

71、Exhibit the Swedish history of telecommunications. ─── 展示瑞典的电讯史。

72、The substance is then said to exhibit hysteresis. ─── 因此人们说这类物质出现滞后现象。

73、The curator is devoting time and energy to assembling an interesting exhibit of Stone Age artifacts. ─── 保管员正在花费时间和精力组织一次有趣的石器时代艺术品展览。

74、The first exhibit is a knife which the prosecution claim is the murder weapon. ─── 当庭出示的第一件物证是一把刀, 据原告称是为谋杀凶器。

75、Most of nation leaders give a high prise after visiting all of exhibit. ─── 大多数国家的领导人看了全部展览品,都给予了高度赞扬。

76、Exhibit dinosaur skeletons, fossil and the Jurassic Period. ─── 展示恐龙骨架、化石和侏罗纪时期。

77、Do you put it in the minute book as an exhibit? ─── 你把它放在会议记录本里作为一个法律依据吗?

78、Georgia: Lead the way! (They walk to another exhibit. ─── 乔琪雅:请带路!(两人走到另一个展览场。)

79、There's a new exhibit at the museum. ─── 听说在博物馆有个新的展览。

80、Other brands and models of microcomputers exhibit difference in appearance and operations. ─── 其他品牌和型号的微机在外貌和操作上各有不同。

81、They want us in Cairo next week for the opening of the exhibit. ─── 他们想让我们下周去开罗参加展览会开幕式.

82、Why do not you exhibit your paintings in an art gallery . ─── 你为什么不在美术馆展出你的画?

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