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epididymis 发音

英:[,ep?'d?d?m?s]  美:[,?p?'d?d?m?s]

英:  美:

epididymis 中文意思翻译



epididymis 网络释义

n. [解剖] 附睾;副睾

epididymis 短语词组

1、appendage of epididymis ─── [医]附睾附件

epididymis 词性/词形变化,epididymis变形

形容词: epididymal |名词复数: epididymides |

epididymis 相似词语短语

1、epibiosis ─── n.附生生活

2、epidemics ─── n.流行病;蔓延(epidemic的复数);时疫

3、epididymal ─── adj.附睾的

4、epidemic ─── adj.流行的;传染性的;n.传染病;流行病;风尚等的流行

5、epidermis ─── n.上皮,表皮

6、epididymitis ─── n.[泌尿]附睾炎

7、epididymides ─── 附睾

8、epidermic ─── adj.外皮的

9、epidictic ─── 流行性

epididymis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、infective fibrosis of epididymis ─── 感染性附睾纤维化

2、congenital malformation, a common first ectopic epididymis, the tube closed epididymis, the absence of the vas deferens or development; ─── 先天性畸形,常见有附睾头异位、附睾管闭锁、输精管缺如或不发育;

3、Expression of germ cell nuclear factor in rat epididymis during postnatal development ─── 生殖细胞核因子在不同成长期大鼠附睾中的表达

4、Keywords testis;epididymis;tumor;inflammatory node;ultrasonography;tomography;X-ray computed; ─── 睾丸;附睾;肿瘤;炎性结节;超声检查;体层摄影术;X线计算机;

5、infection, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, tuberculosis and other bacterial infections can be caused by blocked epididymis and the vas deferens; ─── 感染、淋球菌、结核菌和其它一些细菌感染可引起附睾及输精管阻塞;

6、Sperms in semen are surrounded by the protein ubiquitin, which patrols in epididymis where sperms are stored before ejaculation. ─── 精液中的精子被蛋白质泛素包绕,在射精前精子一般保存于附睾。

7、The maleLikelihood already drag in prostate, spermary, epididymis, FemaleAlready drag in accessory, uterus. ─── 男性可能已累及前列腺、睾丸、附睾,女性已累及附件、子宫等。

8、A 69-year-old man presented with a painless mass over the left epididymis. ─── 一位69岁男性因为左侧副睪发现无痛性肿块至本院求治。

9、Left epididymis ─── 左附睾

10、infective fistula of epididymis ─── 感染性附睾瘘

11、The metabolism of mouse testis and epididymis was toxic,which give the evidences to the toxicity effects of TDI on the reproductive systems. ─── TDI在小鼠睾丸及附睾中代谢为有毒性的产物,为TDI的生殖毒性提供了依据.

12、Effects of medicated caput epididymis sterilization on meat performance of age in months dairy bull ─── 不同月龄奶公牛附睾注药绝育对其肉用性能的影响

13、Infection may move into the prostate, seminal vesicles, and epididymis, causing testicular pain and fever. ─── 感染可能进入前列腺、精囊、附睾,引起睪丸疼痛和发烧。

14、Effect of 2,4-D isooctylester on sperms in tail of epididymis and HSP70 expression of testis tissue in rats ─── 2,4-D异辛酯对大鼠精子的影响及与热休克蛋白70的表达关系

15、Progress in Study of Cadmium Toxicity and Protective Mechanism in Rat Epididymis ─── 大鼠附睾组织镉中毒及防护机制的研究进展

16、Methods Retrospective analysis of ultrasonic features about 70 cases of the Epididymis Tuberculosis. ─── 方法对70例附睾结核彩色超声表现及预后做回顾性分析。

17、The results indicate that caudal segment of the epididymis has significant absorption funciton. ─── 研究结果表明家兔附睾管尾段具有一定的吸收作用.

18、Within the epididymis,CRES protein was expressed mainly in the cytoplasm of the principal cells of epididymal epithelia. ─── 实验组比对照组CRES蛋白表达增强。

19、Sonographical Features of the Epididymis Tuberculosis with Caseous Necrosis ─── 干酪样坏死性附睾结核声像图特征分析

20、Afore-mentioned physiology functions are to pass epididymis epithelial absorption, secrete and condense function to finish. ─── 上述生理功能是通过附睾上皮细胞的吸收、分泌和浓缩机能来完成的。

21、When sexual intercourse, sympathetic releases a large number of going to armour adrenalin, quicken epididymis rear to be carried to the spermatozoon of seminiferous duct. ─── 当性交时,交感神经释放大量去甲肾上腺素,加速附睾尾部向输精管的精子输送。

22、Conclusion: Integrated treatment epididymis pool of treatment can significantly improve the clinical efficacy. ─── 结论:应用综合治疗方法治疗附睾郁积症能显著提高临床疗效。

23、Keywords Two-dimensional electrophoresis;Mass spectrometry;Peptide mass fingerprint;Epididymis;Proteome; ─── 双向凝胶电泳;质谱;肽质量指纹谱;附睾;蛋白质组;

24、Objective To investigate the value of ultrasoundguided biopsy for diagnosis of testis and epididymis lesions. ─── 目的探讨超声引导经皮穿刺活检在睾丸、附睾病变诊断和鉴别诊断中的价值。

25、During the operation, a yellowish tumor infiltrating the entire epididymis was noted, and a radical epididymo-orchiectomy was then performed. ─── 手术中发现左侧副睪被黄色肿瘤所均匀浸润,最后我们为病人施行根除性睪丸切除手术。


27、Keywords nitric oxide synthase;male rat;epididymis;immunohistochemistry; ─── 一氧化氮合酶;雄性大鼠;附睾;免疫组织化学;

28、The pathology revealed a leiomyoma with an intact testis and epididymis. ─── 病人术后恢复良好并于手术后三日出院。

29、Methods A retrospective study of diagnosis and therapy data of a rare case of angioleiomyoma of epididymis and tunica vaginalis was made. ─── 方法回顾性复习了1例临床罕见的附睾及睾丸鞘膜血管平滑肌瘤的诊治资料。

30、Methods Forty-eight patients with testis and epididymis diseases were examined with high frequency probe. ─── 方法应用高频线阵探头对48例睾丸及附睾病变进行检查并诊断,睾丸肿瘤经手术、病理证实。

31、Methods Guinea pig animal model of experimental allergic orchitis(EAO) was created by active immunity to observe the qualitative changes of spermatogenic cells in testes and sperm in cauda epididymis. ─── 方法运用主动免疫法造成豚鼠实验性变态反应性睾丸炎(EAO)模型,观察睾丸生精细胞和附睾尾部精子质量的变化。

32、The molecule which might be suppressed by 17B-estradiol in the testis, epididymis or gubernaculum was not identified. ─── 但本文中并未辨认出的睪丸,副睪丸及睪丸引带中,可能受雌二淳影响之蛋白质。

33、Study of experimental varicocele on cell apoptosis of epididymis in adolescent rats ─── 实验性精索静脉曲张诱导青春期大鼠附睾细胞凋亡的研究

34、Longitudinal section of a testicle showing the seminiferous tubules and the convoluted epididymis . ─── 睾丸纵切面,示生精小管和迂回蟠曲的附睾。

35、Keywords radix ranunculi ternati capsules;pulmonary tuberculosis;crewels;tuberculosis of epididymis;lymphoid node reaction; ─── 猫爪草胶囊;肺结核;淋巴结核;附睾结核;淋巴结反应;

36、Effects of Experimental Varicocele on Methylenedioxyamphetamine, Total Antioxidants Content and Sialic Acid of the Epididymis in Adolescent Rats ─── 大鼠精索静脉曲张模型附睾中丙二醛、总抗氧化物及唾液酸含量的改变及意义

37、Keywords nitric oxide synthase;testis;epididymis;monkey; ─── 一氧化氮合酶;睾丸;附睾;食蟹猴;

38、Three anatomic parts of the epididymis are recognized. ─── 据认,附睾由三个解剖部分组成。

39、3) NSSR1 proteins were highly expressed in the epididymis as phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms; ─── 3)NSSR1在附睾中呈现高表达,并且同时有磷酸化和非磷酸两种状态的蛋白;

40、Keywords hormone-sensitive lipase;testis;epididymis;spermatogenesis; ─── 激素敏感性脂肪酶;睾丸;附睾;精子发生;

41、Keywords Diethylstilbestrol;adult hamster;testes;epididymis;spermatogenic cells apoptosis; ─── 二乙基己烯雌酚;成年仓鼠;睾丸;附睾;生精细胞凋亡;

42、Keywords testicular torsion;carnitine;epididymis;detorsing;rat; ─── 睾丸扭转;肉毒碱;附睾;复位;大鼠;

43、Objective To improve the level of understanding in angioleiomyoma of epididymis and tunica vaginalis. ─── 目的提高对附睾及睾丸鞘膜血管平滑肌瘤的认知水平。

44、The ef-fects of 17B-estradiol on the histomorphology and protein profile of the testis, epididymis and gubernaculum in the neonatal rat were studied. ─── 本文观察新生大白鼠睪丸下降过程中,雌二醇对睪丸,副睪丸及睪丸引带之组织形态和蛋白质组成的影响。

45、The activity of SDH and ACP in the testis and SDH and ATPase in the epididymis also decreased. ─── 曲细精管上皮细胞SDH及ACP酶活性减弱,ATP酶无明显变化;

46、Keywords pyrimethamine/pharmacology;contraception/methods;testis;epididymis;rats; ─── 关键词乙胺嘧啶/药理学;避孕方法;睾丸;附睾;大鼠;

47、There have been many animal expriments on male reproductive toxicity of methoxychlor,mainly involving in changes in testicle,epididymis and seminiferous epithelium. ─── 甲氧滴滴涕的雄性生殖毒性研究较多,主要为睾丸、附睾及生精上皮的改变。

48、To elucidate the metabolism of mouse testis and epididymis,this paper studies TDI in vivo and main metabolite of mouse testis and epididymisadded TDI by HPLC. ─── 为阐明TDI在小鼠睾丸及附睾中的代谢过程,对TDI进行体外代谢研究.应用HPLC测定TDI在小鼠睾丸及附睾中的线性范围、回收率及代谢常数.

49、Mature sperm can wait up to two weeks in a holding area called the epididymis before they make their debut. ─── 在它们首次露面前,成熟的精子在一个叫作附睾的保存区可能要等上多达两周的时间。

50、Keywords cadmium;epididymis;sperm;principal cell;rat; ─── 关键词镉;附睾;精子;主细胞;大鼠;

51、It is well known that the best contraceptive method for male is to disturb spermatozoa maturation and the function of epididymis. ─── 一些抗生育药物可直接作用于附睾,阻止精子正常发育;

52、Objective To confirm the clinical value of color Doppler ultrasound in the treatment of the epididymis Tuberculosis. ─── 目的探讨彩色多普勒超声在附睾结核治疗中的价值。

53、Keywords epimedium;cytoxan/procarbazine;epididymis;rat; ─── 关键词淫羊藿;环磷酰胺;附睾;大鼠;

54、The first was to establish changes in gene expression along the epididymis as androgenic support is withdrawn. ─── 首先在雄激素水平下降时确定附睾中基因表达量的变化;

55、The homologue of monkey ESc-615 was cloned in rat by screening rat epididymis cDNA library. ─── 为得到该基因在大鼠中的同源基因,采用了筛选大鼠附睾cDNA文库的方法,得到了猕猴附睾ESc-615在大鼠附睾中的同源基因。

56、Longitudinal section of a testicle showing the seminiferous tubules and the convoluted epididymis. ─── 睾丸纵切面,示生精小管和迂回蟠曲的附睾。

57、Tight junctions between adjacent principal cells permit the formation of a specific microenvironment in the lumen of the epididymis that is essential for sperm maturation. ─── 主细胞之间的紧密连接将附睾管腔形成一个特殊的微环境以促进精子成熟。

58、Keywords Children;Testis and epididymis emergency;Spermatie cord torsion; ─── 儿童;睾丸附睾急症;精索扭转;

59、Color Doppler ultrasound of normal adult epididymis ─── 正常成年人附睾的彩色多普勒超声表现及其检测方法研究

60、In 17 epididymis cases,epididymitis was in 9 cases tuberculosis in 3 cases and spermatocele was in 5 cases. ─── 彩色多普勒超声对睾丸及附睾病变的阳性病变诊断合格率为100%。

61、Keywords Tumor of epididymis;Small round cell tumors;Pathologic diagnosis; ─── 关键词附睾肿瘤;小圆细胞肿瘤;病理检查;

62、Keywords seminiferous tubules;embedding;magnification;morphometry;stereology;fixation;dehydration;testis;epididymis;eyeball;density;volume; ─── 关键词生精小管;包埋;放大倍数;形态定量;体视学;固定;脱水;睾丸;附睾;眼球;体积;密度;

63、canals of the epididymis ─── 射精管

64、Keywords gonadotropins;chorionic;epididymis;epithelium; ─── 促性腺激素;绒毛膜;附睾;上皮;

65、As spermatozoa progress through the epididymis they first acquire the capacity to phosphorylate tyrosine on targets on the principal piece, followed by the midpiece. ─── 精子进入附睾后,它首先获得将精子主段以及中段上的目的蛋白的酪氨酸磷酸化的能力。

66、When men go without ejaculating, the number of sperm stored in the epididymis at the top of the testicle increases. ─── 在不射精的情况下,男性存储于睾丸顶部的附睾中的精子增多。

67、Ultrasonic Feature of the Epididymis Tuberculosis of Caseous Necrosis and Its Analysis of Clinic and Pathology ─── 干酪坏死性附睾结核声像特征及其临床与病理分析

68、Increased motility, zona binding and oolemma fusion capacities are also acquired within the epididymis and are necessary for those cells that finally arrive at the site of fertilization. ─── 精子在附睾中同时提高了运动力、透明带的结合能力以及与卵膜融合的能力,而这些能力是精子到达授精位置所必需的。

69、These critical spermatozoal functions are acquired in the epididymis where a specific luminal environment is created by the blood-epididymal barrier; ─── 精子功能在附睾特殊的管腔环境中获得,这一环境是由血-附睾屏障来维护。

70、But they do not yet have the ability to move progressively or to interact with an oocyte, they gain these abilities during the epididymal transit along the caput, corpus and cauda epididymis. ─── 在附睾分泌蛋白的作用下,一些精子表面蛋白的结构或分布区域发生改变,而另一些精子表面蛋白则被附睾分泌蛋白所覆盖或替换。

71、A 32-year-old man recovered completely from hypokalemic hypertension that had been caused by primary reninism after the ablation of an ectopic left testis,epididymis and ductus deferens. ─── 本文报道一位32岁男性患者,经异位左侧睾丸、附睾和输精管切除手术后,原发性肾素增多症引起低血钾高血压经治疗后完全康复。

72、Luminal acidification in the epididymis is an important process for the regulation of male fertility. ─── 附睾管腔内酸化是调控男性生育的重要过程。

73、The Golgi apparatus in the cells of the epididymis and the vas deferens of normal, starved, and refed animals were studied.2. ─── (2)输精管上皮细胞内高基体原作线状,列于细胞前部。

74、Keywords Oligospermia;Epididymis;Testis;Biopsy;fine-needle;Sperm count; ─── 少精液症;附睾;睾丸;活组织检查;细针;精子计数;

75、It is also suggested that improving the motility of spermatozoa from caput epididymis is the way to improve their fusibility with egg plasma membrane. ─── 此外,还发现改善附睾头精子的运动状态也是提高精卵膜融合率的重要途径.

76、Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of real-time color Doppler imaging in diseases of testis and epididymis. ─── 目的评价实时彩色超声显像在睾丸附睾病变诊断的应用价值。

77、Spermatozoa not noly mature but also are stored in epididymis. ─── 现公认最为理想的男用避孕环节是干扰精子成熟以及附睾机能。

78、The epididymis is a single and highly convoluted tubule system in mammals.The epithelium is the major compartment for epididymal function. ─── 哺乳动物的附睾是一条高度卷曲的管道系统,附睾上皮是执行附睾功能的重要组成部分。

79、Keywords color Doppler flow imaging;testicle;epididymis; ─── 彩色多普勒血流显像;睾丸;附睾;

80、Insufficient: Man of the part after art can appear epididymis Yu accumulates disease and unwell. ─── 不足:术后部分男性会出现附睾瘀积症而不适。


82、Recently,some antifertility drugs can act on epididymis directly,blocking the normal maturation of spermatozoa. ─── 用附睾及精浆等分泌的某些具生物活性的蛋白去免疫动物,也能导致动物不育或生育能力下降。

83、P34H, a member of the short chain dehydrogenase/reductase(SDR) superfamily, is acquired on the acrosomal cap of human spermatozoon during its maturation arising within epididymis. ─── P34H是由人附睾上皮细胞分泌并定位于精子顶体的精子膜蛋白,属于短链脱氢酶还原酶(SDR)超家族成员。

84、Observation of Enzyme Activity of Epididymis in Rats After Artificial Cryptorchism ─── 实验性隐睾术后大鼠附睾酶活性的观察

85、Objective To discuss the value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and diffrentiation of benign tumors of epididymis. ─── 目的探讨常见附睾良性肿瘤的超声表现和鉴别诊断价值。

86、P53 and DNA-PKcs expression as well as cell cycle and apoptosis of testis cells were tested. The results are as follows:1 The rate of epididymis weight to body weight increased by 36.4% after 3.2 mT and 45.5% after 6.4 mT ELF EMFs exposure. ─── 3.2和6.4mT ELF EMFs暴露后,与对照组比较,附睾体熏比增加了36.4%和45.5%。

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