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09-04 投稿


digestive 发音

英:[da??d?est?v]  美:[da?'d??st?v]

英:  美:

digestive 中文意思翻译



digestive 网络释义

adj. 消化的;助消化的n. 助消化药

digestive 短语词组

1、digestive gastrosuccorrhea ─── [医] 消化性胃液溢, 消化期胃液分泌过多

2、digestive enzyme ─── [医] 消化酶

3、digestive leukocytosis ─── [医] 消化性白细胞增多

4、digestive glycosuria ─── [医] 消化性糖尿

5、digestive system ─── [医] 消化系统

6、digestive tonic ─── [医] 助消化剂

7、digestive function butter ─── [医] 消化机能试验

8、digestive gland ─── 消化腺

9、digestive fluid ─── [医]消化分泌液

10、digestive apparatus ─── [医] 消化器

11、digestive enxyme ─── [机] 消化

12、compound digestive elixir ─── [医] 消化酏, 复方胃蛋白酶酏

13、digestive chambers ─── [医] 消化腔(在变性的髓磷脂中有液体充满的大空隙)

14、digestive biscuit n. ─── 消化饼干, 粗面饼干

15、digestive tract ─── [医] 消化道

16、digestive juice ─── [医] 消化液

17、digestive ferment ─── [医] 消化酶

18、digestive fever ─── [医] 消化热

19、a disorder of digestive organs ─── 消化器官的紊乱

digestive 同义词

mastery | understanding | incorporation | comprehension | ingestion | breakdown |assimilation | absorption | consumption

digestive 词性/词形变化,digestive变形

名词: digestiveness |副词: digestively |

digestive 反义词


digestive 相似词语短语

1、digestion ─── n.消化;领悟

2、digressive ─── adj.枝节的;离题的

3、digestifs ─── 餐后酒

4、digestives ─── n.餐后酒;助消化饮料

5、digesting ─── n.蒸煮;v.消化;吸收;接受,领会(digest的ing形式)

6、digestif ─── n.餐后酒;助消化饮料

7、indigestive ─── adj.消化不良的;引起不消化的

8、digestible ─── adj.易消化的;可摘要的

9、digestively ─── 消化

digestive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Reader's Digest" prints nearly 19 million copies a month. ─── 《读者文摘》每月印行1900多万份。

2、Sketching can digest the tradition and also develop it. ─── 写生可以消化传统,发展传统。

3、An array of byte values that contains the message digest. ─── 包含消息摘要的字节值数组。

4、Erythritol has a superior digestive tolerance to rival polyols, claims Cargill. ─── 嘉吉公司声称,赤藓糖醇具有优越的消化耐受性相对于其它多元醇。

5、The doctor told him there might be something wrong with his digestive system. ─── 医生对他说他的消化系统可能有问题。

6、He paused, waiting for her to digest the information. ─── 他停了一会儿,等她慢慢领会这一信息。

7、He read rapidly but did not digest anything. ─── 他书读得很快,但什么也没学到。

8、He suffers from digestive trouble. ─── 他消化不好。

9、It takes hours for a meal to digest . ─── 一顿饭要几小时才能消化掉.

10、She always reads the Reader's Digest from cover to cover. ─── 她常把《读者文摘》从头看到尾。

11、You must digest and absorb what you study. ─── 学过的东西要消化、吸收。

12、A similar digestive chamber in certain insects and worms. ─── 前胃某些昆虫和蠕虫体内类似的消化器官

13、Miracle is going on, KC Weekly Digest is going on. ─── 奇迹正在继续,KC每周速览也会继续。

14、To produce a message digest, you need a scrambling mechanism. ─── 为了生成消息摘要,您需要一种加密编码机制。

15、Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2008: Abstract 243. ─── 2008年消化道疾病周(DDW) :摘要 243。

16、Drink chamomile tea with ginger before going to bed to aid and settle your digestive system. Warm milk can be a sleep aid as well. ─── 睡前喝点甘菊茶,加一点生姜,可以帮助平复消化系统。温牛奶也可以帮助睡眠。

17、SHA-256 generates a 256-bit message digest of the original data. ─── SHA-256为原始邮件生成一个256位的邮件摘要。

18、What thing can be promoted digest? ─── 哪些东西能促进消化?

19、Your food will digest more quickly if you chew it well. ─── 如果你把食物嚼啐一点,食物就能消化得更快。

20、You wouldn't believe what I have to digest. ─── 你可能都不会相信我的遭遇。

21、Fermentation also makes bread dough rise and helps us digest food. ─── 利用发酵也可以使做面包的面团发起来,还能帮助我们消化食物。

22、Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2009: Abstract 283. ─── 2009年消化症周(DDW):摘要283。

23、Fuel for every human function is extracted via the digestive system. ─── 一啖水、一口食物,当我们放进口中之后的工作、去向会是怎样?

24、They observe the action of drug on the digestive system. ─── 他们观察药物対消化系统的作用。

25、Here,this is the September issue of the Digest. ─── 喏,这是九月份的《读者文摘》。

26、His rudeness is hard to digest. ─── 他的莽撞令人难以消受。

27、Schedule it at least four hours before bedtime so your digestive system will be reasonably quiet by the time you're ready to sleep. ─── 至少要在睡觉前四个小时进晚餐,这样当你准备睡觉时,消化系统才不会发出饿的声音。

28、TNC are able to digest and clear apoptotic TNC-T. ─── TNC能消化和清除凋亡的TNC T。

29、English digest---Dance with my father. ─── 和爸爸跳舞。

30、She takes a digestive powder every day. ─── 她每天吃消化粉剂。

31、He subscribed to Reader rs Digest. ─── 他订阅《读者文摘》。

32、So it is possible for a calcium tablet to pass through the digestive tract without being completely absorbed. ─── 因此钙片可能驰过消化道而没有完全吸收掉。

33、This may be particularly useful for those with weak digestive systems. ─── 对于那些有着虚弱的消化系统的人来说是十分有用的。

34、On 2 DAH, the mouth and the anus were opened, the digestive tract run through. ─── 孵化后第2天,口和肛门形成,消化道贯通。

35、Shop assistant: Sligh tadverse reaction of the upper digestive tract. ─── 少病例报道出现严重的急性过敏反应。

36、Saliva helps one chew and digest food. ─── 唾液能帮助咀嚼和消化食物。

37、The twelve issues of Reader's Digest have been bound up into a thick volume. ─── 12期《读者文摘》已经合订成一厚册。

38、Purgation, especially for the digestive system. ─── 导泄尤指消化系统的导泄

39、In fact,it slows down the movement of food through the whole digestive tract. ─── 事实上,它通过整个消化道减缓了食物的运动。

40、Too rich a diet will disorder his digestive. ─── 太油腻的饮食会使他的消化系统变得紊乱。

41、Cheese doesn't digest easily. ─── 奶酪不易被消化。

42、Foods are broken down in the digestive tract. ─── 食物在消化道内被分解。

43、Her rudeness is more than I can digest. ─── 她的粗暴无礼我实在无法忍受。

44、You should digest what he said. ─── 你应该仔细体会他说的话。

45、Although he is thin, he has good digestive power. ─── 尽管他很瘦,他的消化能力挺好。

46、He was really intothe herbalux digestive tonics. ─── 他真的挺会做Herbalux消化滋补品的。

47、Exercise stimulates the digestive and excretory systems. ─── 运动刺激消化和排泄系统。

48、The world smiles with Reader's Digest. ─── 《读者文摘》为全世界的人们带来欢笑。

49、Here, this is the September issue of the Digest. ─── 喏,这是九月份的读者文摘。

50、Side effects were mainly myelo-suppression and digestive tract reaction. ─── 主要毒性为骨髓抑制及消化道反应。

51、Reader's Digest is a periodical. ─── 《读者文摘》是一种期刊。

52、Bickel, L. 1974 Facing Starvation. Reader's Digest Press, New York. ─── 唐锡如译1975和饥饿作战的人。今日世界出版社,香港。

53、The digestive tract is inhabited by many species of parasites. ─── 寄生于消化道的寄生虫,种类很多。

54、Do not give the baby meat to eat , because he cannot digest it . ─── 别给这个孩子肉吃,因为他不消化。

55、The baby is too small to digest meat. ─── 婴儿太小,吃肉不消化。

56、Do not give the baby meat to eat, because he can not digest it. ─── 别给那婴儿吃肉,因为他消化不了。

57、He leaned in the doorway, trying to digest Spruance's savage news. ─── 他靠在门洞子里,竭力盘算着斯普鲁斯那凶讯的意思。

58、Can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system. ─── 可能导致消化系统堵塞甚至破裂。

59、Darwin thought that only a few animals have an appendix and that the human version was what was left of a digestive organ called the cecum. ─── 达尔文认为,只有少数动物有阑尾,他还认为人类的阑尾是盲肠这个消化器官在进化过程中残留下来的部分。

60、He has suffered from a disorder of the digestive system. ─── 他已患消化系统失调。

61、Passwords are stored using a Message Digest 5 (MD5) hash digest. ─── 使用消息摘要5(MD5)哈希摘要存储密码。

62、Don't give the baby meat to eat,because he cannot digest it. ─── 别给这个孩子肉吃,因为他不消化。

63、It may impair the digestive system. ─── 它可能会损害消化系统。

64、The sender encrypts the message digest under her private key. ─── 发送方用自己的私钥加密消息摘要。

65、It often takes a long time to digest new ideas. ─── 吸收新思想往往需要很长时间。

66、Further details will be given in the March News Digest. ─── 三月的新闻摘要会报道详细情况。

67、He wrote a digest of the book. ─── 他写了本书的纲要。

68、It also stimulates blood circulation and supports our digestive system. ─── 它也促进血液的循环,支持我们的消化系统。

69、If you chew your food properly it is easier to digest. ─── 吃东西好好嚼,容易消化。

70、A disruption of any part of the digestive system upsets the whole system. ─── 其中一部分发生紊乱将会影响整个消化系统。

71、Vesicles store, transport, or digest cellular products and waste. ─── 小泡的作用是储存、运输和消化细胞产品和废物。

72、May cause irritation of the digestive tract. ─── 五月引起消化的广阔地面的刺激。

73、The doctor prescribed some pills to help the patient digest. ─── 医生为病人开了一些助消化的药。

74、The Camarasaurus had a very good digestive system; it would swallow gizzard stones to help grind up the tough vegetation that it would eat. ─── 卡玛拉龙有个非常强壮的消化系统,它会吞下砂石来帮助消化胃里其它坚硬的植物。

75、Learning is not simply to absorb, but to fully digest. ─── 学习不是单纯的吸收,而是充分的消化。

76、She chews it over. It seems hard to digest. ─── 她在仔细考虑那件事,感到不是滋味儿。

77、Indeed, it is egg white that doesn't digest easily. ─── 事实上,是蛋白不容易消化。

78、A digest J , be that the right pronunciation ? ─── "digest"这样发音对吗?

79、Making bile to help digest fats from food. ─── 分泌胆汁,以助消化食物中的脂肪。

80、If you're interested in feeding your cat dairy, give it a very small amount at first to see how its digestive system handles it. ─── 如果你很想给你家猫咪吃点乳制品,就先给它尝一点点,观察它的消化系统有何反应。

81、Reader's Digest : The world smiles with Reader's Digest. ─── 《读者文摘》:《读者文摘》给全世界带来欢笑。

82、Humans cannot digest plants such as grass. ─── 人不能消化草类植物。

83、Chees doesn't digest easily. ─── 奶油不易消化。

84、It took her a while to digest the bad news. ─── 她过了一会儿才接受这坏消息。

85、Act on digestive system, forming secondary antifeed reaction. ─── 作用于消化系统形成次生拒食反应;

86、That's a lot of information to digest. ─── 很多信息要消化。

87、She suffered from digestive trouble. ─── 她患有消化系统疾病。

88、He read rapidly but did not digest anything . ─── 他书读得很快,但什么也没学到。

89、M.Whiteman,Digest of International Law[J].Vol.10 (1968). ─── 张召忠编著.海战法概论[M].北京:解放军出版社,1995.



1-硬水,就是含矿物质的水,主要是钙盐、镁盐等组成的。那么钙盐和镁盐含量越多,水的硬度越大。在外用上,硬水是无法去污的,用硬水洗脸时,硬水中钙盐、镁盐与香皂相互作用,形成不溶于水的钙镁皂,像胶质、有黏性的物质,附在脸上不易去掉。这样的话,原来皮肤上的污垢没有洗净,又堵塞了皮肤的毛孔、刺激皮肤,皮肤就得不到正常代谢,使皮肤萎缩、老化。 在大自然界中,井水、泉水的硬度算是最大,湖水、河水硬度属于中等。那雨水、雪水、蒸馏水的硬度最小,所以用后三种水洗脸比较好。 食用上,没有经常饮硬水的人偶尔饮硬水,就造成肠胃功能紊乱,就是我们说的“水土不服”。 硬水呢,还是有优点的,那么多的人买矿泉水喝,就是钙和镁都是生命必需元素中的微量金属元素,对吧? 2,软水。是不含或含较少可溶性钙、镁的水。 (1)软水也不是什么都好,长期饮用软化水会导致我们人体钙质流失,影响健康。国外曾有报道,在饮用软水的地区,心脏病成为高发病。 (2)软水能减少水垢的形成,适于洗涤和洗浴。 我们现在的生活用水只能在热水管路上安装软化器,保证饮用和烹用的仍是硬质水。 *其实水的软硬程度,与我们的健康并没有十分必然的关系。* 主要还是水要有活性,对我们的身体最好的!







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