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09-04 投稿


ferryman 发音

英:[?ferim?n]  美:[?ferim?n]

英:  美:

ferryman 中文意思翻译




ferryman 短语词组

1、ferryman band ─── 渡船人乐队

2、the ferryman ─── 船夫

3、ferryman gif ─── 渡船人gif

4、soul ferryman ─── 灵魂船夫

5、ferryman 3 ─── 摆渡工3

6、ferryman txt ─── 渡船人txt

7、ferryman diving ─── 船夫潜水

8、ferryman of underworld ─── 黑社会渡船人

9、ferryman nyc ─── 纽约渡船人

10、ferryman of the forgotten river ─── 遗忘河的渡船

11、ferryman river styx two coins ─── 费里曼河冥河两枚硬币

12、ferryman music ─── 船夫音乐

ferryman 词性/词形变化,ferryman变形


ferryman 相似词语短语

1、ferrymen ─── n.渡船夫;摆渡者;n.(Ferryman)人名;(英)费里曼

2、quarryman ─── n.凿石匠;采石工

3、Jerseyman ─── n.泽西人

4、merryman ─── n.丑角,小丑;n.(Merryman)(美、爱尔兰、英)梅里曼(人名)

5、Berryman ─── 贝里曼(姓氏)

6、ferryboat ─── n.渡船

7、clergyman ─── n.牧师;教士

8、merrymen ─── n.丑角,小丑;n.(Merryman)(美、爱尔兰、英)梅里曼(人名)

9、wherryman ─── n.小船桨手

ferryman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He shortly arrived at the river Neman, and asked the ferryman if many deserters had passed that way. ─── 不久,他来到涅漫河,问那摆渡人有没有很多逃兵路过。

2、He became a ferryman and stayed at the river's side for many years, learning its quiet lessons. ─── 他成为一个渡船夫,在河边度过许多年,领悟河流安静的启示。

3、(Greek mythology) the ferryman who brought the souls of the dead across the the river Styx or the river Acheron to Hades. ─── (希腊神话)把死者的灵魂通过冥河或黄泉河带到冥府的摆渡者。

4、On landing him on the other side, the ferryman asked for his money. ─── 船夫将他摆渡到对岸后,向他要船钱。

5、The Songs of A Ferryman ─── 摆渡人的歌

6、(Greek mythology) the ferryman who brought the souls of the dead across the the river Styx or the river Acheron to Hades ─── (希腊神话)把死者的灵魂通过冥河或黄泉河带到冥府的摆渡者

7、How did my friends cross the cobalt river, with what did they pay the ferryman? ─── 我的朋友是如何渡过那钴蓝色的忘川?他们怎样酬谢那位摆渡人?

8、Otherwise I couldn't heard facial muscles of the Styx ferryman twisting… ─── 不然怎么会分明听到冥河摆渡人的面部肌肉已经暗中欣喜了很久…

9、The ferryman who conveyed the dead to Hades over the river Styx. ─── 卡戎送亡魂过冥河去阴间的神

10、A creek runs up to meet the path, and closes under the bank the ferryman's hut lay snugly ─── 一条小河拦住了去路,在紧挨着河岸的地方,舒适地蜷伏着撑渡船的人的茅屋。

11、A learned scholar was crossing a wide rier by a ferryman's boat. ─── 一个饱富经纶的学者做一个船夫的船横穿一条非常宽的河。

12、The ferryman:".........." The scholar:"Do you know science? ─── 船夫:“。。。。”学者:“你懂科学吗” 船夫:“。。。。”

13、He became a ferryman and stayed at the river's side for many years learning its quiet lessons. ─── 他成为一个渡船夫,在河边度过许多年,领悟河流安静的启示。

14、He shouted to the ferryman as loud as he could, "Hey, ferryman, come here, we want to cross the river. ─── 那人觉得展示他技能的时候到了,就尽力大声向对面喊:“喂,船夫,过来,我们要过河。”

15、One night a young ferryman scoffed at their fears and rowed across. ─── 一天晚上,一个年轻的渡船夫嘲笑他们的胆怯,把船划到对岸。

16、The ferryman beaches his boat. It has grown too late to sail. ─── 津口停舟渡不得。

17、O ferryman, you want your fee! ─── 呵,船夫,你要收费!

18、the ferryman who conveyed the dead to Hades over the river Styx ─── 送亡魂过冥河去阴间的神

19、" As his voice ended, the ferryman came to fetch them. ─── 当他叫声刚完,那对面的船夫就摇着船过来了。

20、The best person is the wife,the meanest person is the ferryman. ─── 最好的人是妻子,最坏的人是船夫。

21、..The tide-head of the lone river joins the darkening sky. The ferryman beaches his Boat. It has grown too late to sail. ─── 长河浪头连天黑, 津口停舟渡不得;

22、In Greek mythology, Charon (fierce brightness) was the ferryman of Hades.He took the newly dead from one side of the river Acheron to the other if they had an obolus (coin) to pay for the ride. ─── 中译:在希腊神话中,查容是冥王的渡船夫,他将死者带往冥河的另一端,如果他们付他钱币的话.....

23、With his friends Ali Baba, the raven Sheila and the ferryman Aladdin, Sindbad fights against awesome giants, warring midgets, fire-spewing dragons, demons of ice, fire and oil. ─── 终有一天,小胖独自登上了船长阿里叔叔的船,在八哥鸟飞飞的陪伴下开始了精采的冒险旅程。

24、Can't wait to start our journey as coach, the role of ferryman in this world in my mind: talk soon. ─── 迫不及待要开始我们的教练之旅,那个在我看来就像是在这个世上就像是个摆渡人一样的角色,下次聊叻。

25、But the Korean humorist said to the ferryman who too had just stepped out, "You wouldn't charge your brother, would you? ─── 可是这位幽默大师对刚下船的船夫说:“你不会向自己的兄弟要船钱,是吗?我们俩从同一船上下来。”

26、The Songs of A Ferryman ─── 摆渡人的歌

27、He shortly arrived at the river Neman, and asked the ferryman if many deserters had passed that way. ─── 不久,他来到涅漫河,问那摆渡人有没有很多逃兵路过。

28、Save yourself a penny for the ferryman ─── 给自己留一枚便士给那地狱摆渡人

29、O ferryman,you want your fee! ─── 哦,摆渡者,你要你的酬金吗?

30、The best person is the wife, the meanest person is the ferryman . ─── 最好的人是妻子,最坏的人是船夫。


摆渡人——The Ferryman

很不错的; 这本书是因为书中的内容简介很有趣和有意义。这本书的作者是克莱儿.麦克福尔他是一个美国人,而且这一本书是从英文翻译成中文的。






以下的内容严重剧透,慎点!!!!!!!!! 摆渡人负责将死去的灵魂穿过荒原带到安全地带,摆渡人会依据灵魂的取向变成他们信任的外貌,荒原也会依据灵魂的心理状态呈现不同的样子。

迪伦和男孩摆渡过的其他人很不同,在路途中,两人就这么相爱了,其中二人的心理变化就不详述了。但是!摆渡人的任务只是将灵魂带到安全地带,而自己却不能进入,于是在到达目的地的瞬间,他们就分开了,男孩继续摆渡下一人,但外貌竟然没有改变。迪伦想要回去找男孩,于是问了一个女人,女人告诉她可以回到荒原去,但很危险,之前有很多人都想穿过荒原回到自己的身体里,但因为内心的恐惧而放弃了。迪伦勇敢的进入了荒原,并遇到了男孩,二人一起逆穿过荒原,男孩一直不相信能回到现实世界,迪伦则满怀希望。最终,都回去了! 典型的心灵治愈系纯爱小说,浪费了我宝贵的火车时间。要知道我是当作悬疑小说买来用来路上烧脑用的!但看过中文翻译版,建议还是买原版看吧,至少还能烧点脑。ps,男孩名字我看过就忘了。就这样。

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