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09-04 投稿


bulled 发音


英:  美:

bulled 中文意思翻译






bulled 常用词组

bull market ─── 多头市场;股市中的牛市;旺市(行情看涨的市场)

bull run ─── 布尔溪(美国一小溪,曾是南北战争中的重要战场)

bull terrier ─── 牛头犬与狸杂交而生的狗

bulled 词性/词形变化,bulled变形

动词第三人称单数: bulls |动词过去式: bulled |动词过去分词: bulled |动词现在分词: bulling |

bulled 同义词

talk through one's hat | cop | fuzz | copper | proclamation | pig | shit | Samson | bruiser |decree | dogshit | encyclical | buffalo | strapper | bullshit | Irish bull | papal bull | edict | cow | bull through | Taurus | official statement | horseshit | crap | fake | bull's eye | instruction | ox

bulled 反义词

bear | cow

bulled 短语词组

1、bulled your dreams ─── 你的梦想破灭了

2、bulled up ─── 鼓起勇气

3、bulled midget ─── 牛头侏儒

bulled 相似词语短语

1、balled ─── v.(使)成球状(ball的过去式和过去分词)

2、belled ─── adj.套接的,有钟形口的

3、buller ─── 难配准母牛;n.(Buller)人名;(英、葡)布勒

4、billed ─── n.[法]法案;广告;账单;[金融]票据;钞票;清单;vt.宣布;开账单;用海报宣传

5、bullied ─── adj.被欺负的;因害怕而屈服顺从的;v.威胁;恃强欺弱(bully的过去分词)

6、dulled ─── adj.钝的;迟钝的;无趣的;呆滞的;阴暗的;vt.使迟钝;使阴暗;缓和;vi.减少;变迟钝;n.(Dull)人名;(罗、匈)杜尔;(柬)杜;(英)达尔

7、culled ─── v.拣选;剔除(cull的过去分词)

8、fulled ─── adj.完全的,完整的;满的,充满的;丰富的;完美的;丰满的;详尽的;adv.十分,非常;完全地;整整;vt.把衣服缝得宽大;n.全部;完整

9、bullet ─── n.子弹;只选某党全部候选人的投票;豆子;vi.射出;迅速行进;n.(Bullet)人名;(法)比莱

bulled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Levinson L M. Ceramic Bull, 1989; 68(4) :866. ─── 周东祥等.半导体陶瓷及应用.武汉,华中理工大学出版社,1991.

2、You know, a bull is a symbol of boom in business. ─── 你知道,公牛是事业兴旺的象征。

3、He bellowed like a bull seeking combat. ─── 他像头寻衅好斗的公牛一样吼叫着。

4、He admitted that he had invented a cock and bull story. ─── 他承认他编造了一个荒诞不经的故事。

5、A cow charged across the farmland with a bull bellowing(out) after it. ─── 一头母牛狂奔着冲过农田,一头公牛吼叫着尾随其后。

6、The bull put its head down and charged. ─── 公牛低下头猛冲过来。

7、You need to take the bull by the horns. ─── 你需要勇敢地面对困难。

8、The bull tossed the matador. ─── 公牛用角把斗牛士挑起后抛入空中。

9、He hit the bull's eye at a hundred paces. ─── 他在百步处射中靶心。

10、He hit th bull's eye at a hundred paces. ─── 他后退了一两步。

11、The bull woofed through wide nostrils. ─── 公牛经由大鼻孔喷气而低鸣。

12、Bull or Ox - Valor and magnanimity. ─── 公牛-英勇与宽大的胸襟。

13、He wants to outpsych you, don't listen to his bull. ─── 别听他吹牛,他只不过想唬住你。

14、We got another one to ride the bull! ─── 哦!我们又有一位来骑公牛的!

15、He bulled her into handing him her share of the money. ─── 他吓唬著让她把自己那份钱交给他。

16、A bull elephant was rampaging about in the jungle. ─── 一头雄象在丛林里横冲直撞。

17、Bull by the horns, undaunted by repeated setbacks. ─── 不畏艰险,百折不挠。

18、Dongguan New Bull Automated Equi pment Co. ─── Ltd 技术拓荒 永远领先 N ...

19、We have a little bull session after work. ─── 下班后,我们要开一个小的讨论会。

20、He went off his head, like a mad bull with rage. ─── 他发起狂来,象头疯牛。

21、The bull bellowed with rage. ─── 公牛怒吼。

22、They bulled a bill throught Congress. ─── 他们强使国会通过一项法案。

23、This should not walk near that bull to him. ─── 他本不应该走近那条公牛。

24、A: What's the answer to the riddle?B: Potatoes? A: Bull's eye! ─── A:谜底是什么?B:马铃薯对吗?C:完全正确

25、He had a mother's soul in a body of bull. ─── 他身体粗壮而心地善良。

26、They did not like a bull in a china shop like him. ─── 他们不喜欢象他这样鲁莽闯祸的人。

27、The first team to arrive was Red Bull. ─── 到达的甲级队是红公牛。

28、He scored a bull's eye with his last assignment. ─── 上次任务他完成得漂亮至极,太棒了。

29、The farmer opened the gate and let the bull loose in the pasture. ─── 农夫打开了门把牛放进了牧场。

30、The bull crashed about in the fence. ─── 公牛在围栏里响声很大地走动。

31、Pretty Girl Bull shoot_Mario Winans (Feat. ─── Foxy)LRC歌词,边听边学唱.

32、It's easy to fight the bull from the barrera. ─── |在牛栏里与斗牛很容易赢.

33、Cleaned up during the bull market. ─── 在牛市时获得暴利

34、The Bull Team is made up of 15 players. ─── 公牛队由十五个运动员组成。

35、You mess with the bull, you gonna get the horns. ─── 你是在跟公牛比试,你会尝到厉害的。

36、The bull will chase them if they go into that field. ─── 公牛会追逐他们,如果他们进入那块牧场的话。

37、The bull bellowed angrily. ─── 公牛怒吼起来。

38、He bulled his way into the hall. ─── 他挤过人群走进大厅。

39、He is so strong that he can carry a bull. ─── 他很强壮,力大如牛。

40、A bull,a cock and a he goat are males. ─── 公牛,公鸡,公羊都是雄性动物。

41、IPOs have sustained previous bull runs in China. ─── 中国股市有着大起大落的历史。

42、He could sometimes be a bull in a china shop. ─── 他有时候是个笨手笨脚动辄闯祸的人。

43、Any statement against the government is like a red rag to a bull to that minister. ─── 任何反对政府的言论都会使那位部长大发雷霆。

44、He bulled his way through a crowded bus. ─── 他在拥挤的公共汽车上硬挤过去。

45、Both are correcting now as always happens in all bull markets. ─── 二者现在都在调整,这是所有牛市中都会出现的。

46、application of bulled bank blasting method for Dongshanling large landslide groups control construction in Heping country in Guangdong province is introduced. ─── 介绍了药壶台阶爆破法在广东省和平县东山岭大型滑坡群治理施工的应用。

47、He kept a herd of cows, and also a bull. ─── 他养了一群奶牛,还有一头公牛。

48、A bull, finding a lion's whelp asleep, gore him to death with his horn. ─── 一只公牛发现一只狮子的幼兽在睡觉,便用角把它抵死了。

49、People alive can not "bull", but to struggle. ─── 人活着不能“守株待兔”,而是要奋斗。

50、"All that bull(bleep)-ass calls they had out there. ─── “那些因为假摔而博得的犯规都是狗屎。

51、Bull,ram, king and actor are masculine . ─── 公牛,公羊,国王和男演员都是阳性的。

52、Horn of a bull, hoof of a horse, smile of a Saxon. ─── 公牛的角,马的蹄子,撒克逊人的微笑[130]。

53、the frauds some; but the old fool he bulled right along, spite of all the duke could say or do, and I tell you the duke was powerful uneasy. ─── 这些话叫骗子们有些招架不住了,不过那个老傻瓜不管公爵怎么个说法,或者怎么做法,还是一个劲地坚决要干下去。

54、A bull, finding a lion's whelp asleep, gored him to death with his horns. ─── 一只公牛发现一只狮子的幼兽在睡觉,便用角把它抵死了。

55、He bulled her into handing him her share of the money. ─── 他吓唬著让她把自己那份钱交给他。

56、You're full of bull this morning. ─── 今早上你尽在找碴儿。

57、It was like a rag to a bull. ─── 像拿红布给牛看一样(越发使它发火)。

58、He glared at me like a bull at a red rag. ─── 他对我怒目而视,好似(斗牛时)牛对红布的怒视一样。

59、Don't listen to his cock and bull story. ─── 别听他那荒诞的故事。

60、You can't bull me into spilling anything. ─── 你吓唬不了我,我什么也不会讲的。

61、Like a bullA bull was eating grass at the pond. ─── 一头公牛正在池塘边吃草。"

62、Your last remark really hit the bull's eye,it was exactly right. ─── 你最后的一句话切中要害,对极了。

63、He bulled his way into the room. ─── 他挤过人群走进房间。

64、Analysts are anticipating a bull market. ─── 分析家们正在期待着一个牛市。

65、The farmer tied the bull to a stake in the field. ─── 农民把公牛拴在田里的桩子上。

66、He bulled into a job that he had never done before. ─── 他冒冒失失地参加了一项他从未做过的工作。

67、He scored a bull's eye in his last assignment. ─── 他出色的完成了上次的任务。

68、A round seal affixed to a papal bull. ─── 印玺一个圆形的教皇的正式宣布训令或法令的封印

69、Bull: Crane! Stop! Now, step out slowly. ─── 仙鹤!别动!现在,慢慢地走出来。

70、He hit the bull's eye and won the prize. ─── 他命中了靶心,赢了奖。

71、He bulled his way through a crowded bus. ─── 他在拥挤的公共汽车上硬挤过去。

72、The bull charged at the drunk. ─── 公牛直奔醉汉而来。

73、He likes to throw the bull. ─── 他喜欢吹牛。

74、Two long horns project from the bull's head. ─── 公牛头上伸出两只长长的角。

75、Get along with you. It's a cock and bull story. ─── 去你的, 这是无稽之谈。

76、There is no use milking the bull. ─── 公牛挤不出奶。

77、A successful businessman always takes the bull by the horns. ─── 一位成功的生意人总是不畏艰难,勇敢地面对问题。

78、They exulted during the long bull market of the 1990s. ─── 在20世纪90年代的长期牛市里他们欣喜若狂。

79、He was John Bull in a Benedictine robe. ─── 他是身穿贝尼蒂克教派长袍的英国人。

80、He bulled his way out of the D-League onto the Rockets' roster in January 2006. ─── 在06年他通过在发展联盟的不懈努力终于进入了火箭队的大名单。

81、He hit three bull's eyes in succession. ─── 他连续3次射中靶心。

82、The bull forgot all about the matador and ran at the drunk who had wandered into the middle of the ring during a bullfight. ─── 公牛全然不顾斗牛士,向斗牛场中央的醉汉冲去,他是在斗牛比赛中糊里糊涂走进去的。

83、He wouldn't like to fight with the bull. ─── 他不想和这个彪形大汉交手。

84、Diao was down on all fours, snorting and pawing like a bull. ─── 刁四肢着地,喘着气,还不断地刨着地,就像一头牛一样。

85、The bull gored the farmer to death. ─── 公牛用角把农夫抵死了。

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