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09-04 投稿


ascertained 发音

英:[??s??te?nd]  美:[??s?r?te?nd]

英:  美:

ascertained 中文意思翻译



ascertained 同义词

ascension | gradient | scaling | mounting | ascending | augmentation | acclivity | upgrade | increase | heightening | climb | advancement | elevation | rake | rising | incline | slope | raise | angle | upward | ladder | progression |rise

ascertained 反义词


ascertained 词性/词形变化,ascertained变形

名词: ascertainableness |形容词: ascertainable |动词第三人称单数: ascertains |副词: ascertainably |动词现在分词: ascertaining |动词过去式: ascertained |动词过去分词: ascertained |

ascertained 短语词组

1、ascertained means ─── 确定的手段

2、ascertained goods ─── [法] 已查明的财物

3、ascertained law ─── 确定的法律

4、ascertained losses ─── [经] 实际发生的损失, 查明的损失

5、ascertained by law ─── [法] 经法律确认

6、ascertained duty ─── 确定的责任

7、ascertained from ─── 从

8、ascertained meaning ─── 确定的意义

9、ascertained damages ─── 确定的损害赔偿

10、ascertained date ─── 确定日期

11、ascertained case ─── [法] 已查明的案件

12、ascertained definition ─── 确定的定义

13、ascertained define ─── 确定的定义

14、ascertained weight ─── [经] 确认重量

ascertained 相似词语短语

1、ascertainer ─── 确定人

2、appertained ─── v.属于;和……有关;适合,适用

3、ascertaining ─── vt.确定;查明;探知

4、ascertains ─── vt.确定;查明;探知

5、ascertain ─── vt.确定;查明;探知

6、unascertained ─── adj.未确定的;未弄清的;未查明的

7、ascertainment ─── n.确定;发现;探查

8、encurtained ─── 缠结的

9、curtained ─── adj.带帘子的,装有窗帘的;v.给……挂上帘子(curtain的过去式和过去分词)

ascertained 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She could not take her ease till she had ascertained some particulars. ─── 她得把有些具体事弄确切了,才能放下心来。

2、He had ascertained that his son - in - law was among the living prisoners . ─── 他已查明他女婿曾在活着的囚犯之中。

3、As soon as the purchase is made, and the price ascertain, I will inform you at what they will be invoiced. ─── 当我们查明何时有货,价格多少时,将立即通知贵公司,以什么价格可以成交。

4、Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him. ─── 一查明他不是间谍,他们就同意了释放他。

5、The weight of Iron Ore Lumps ascertained and certified by CCIC shall be the basis of Seller's provisional invoice. ─── CCIC出具的装港水尺重量决定卖方出具的首付发票重量。

6、Hutter and Hurry would make a fresh attempt on this camp should they awake and ascertain its position. ─── 如果哈特和赫里醒来发现这一情况的话,他们就可能会再次偷袭印第安人的营地。

7、Variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors. ─── 已探知的流量的变更依赖许多因素。

8、Insofar as it can be ascertained,the horse lung is comparable to that of man. ─── 就目前的研究程度而言,马的肺比得上人类的肺。

9、We have written to Christminster to ascertain. ─── 我们已经写信到基督寺问过了。

10、Physical features at the site must be ascertained in order to make a sketch of the dam. ─── 坝址处的自然条件必须查明,以便绘出坝的示意图。

11、The previously unidentified objects have now been definitely ascertained as being satellites. ─── 原来所说的“不明飞行物”现在已完全证实是卫星。

12、Many political studies have been conducted in an attempt to ascertain who are likely to be nonvoters. ─── 为了要确定哪些人大概不会投票,曾进行过许多次政治研究。

13、Perhaps, if facts could be ascertained, it would be found that something of the same kind occurred in the Roman Empire. ─── 如果能把事实确定下来,或许可以发现在罗马帝国时代曾经发生过与此类似的某些事情。

14、It can be difficult to ascertain the facts. ─── 可能难以查明事实真相。

15、Trainees are required to attend an annual internal assessment, where their progress would be ascertained. ─── 学员每年须参加内部实科形式考试,以评定学习进度。

16、Aspirin use was ascertained at baseline and in 1997, 1999, and 2001. ─── 在基线及1997、1999、2001年,研究人员明确了阿司匹林的服用情况。

17、Just spray, wipe the stain! (Before spray, ascertain the surface material is colorfast! you can try on the corner. ─── 使用前建议先将表面能简易清除的部分清理乾净。喷洒在脏污处,擦拭。使用完毕可以以清水清洗,再以乾布或面纸擦乾。

18、The previously unidentified object has now been definitely ascertained as satellites. ─── 先前的不明飞行物现在已经查明了是卫星。

19、He will endeavor to ascertain the result of the test. ─── 他要设法找出测验的结果。

20、Our spies must be commissioned to ascertain these. ─── 令吾间必索知之。

21、We will try to ascertain if a new planet exists in our solar system. ─── 我们将查明我们的太阳系中是否存在一颗新的行星。

22、To establish or ascertain definitely,as after consideration,investigation,or calculation. ─── 在考虑,调查或计算之后,决定性地确认。

23、We'll ascertain such matter through joint assessment. ─── 我们将通过双方共同估算来确定这些东西的价值。

24、Title to unascertained goods cannot pass to the buyer until the goods have been ascertained. ─── 在货物未被认出前,它们不能转让给买方。

25、They are doing everything possible to ascertain his whereabouts. ─── 他们正在尽力调查他的下落。

26、For unascertained or future goods, property in the goods will not pass to the buyer untill the goods become ascertained. ─── 对于不确定物或未来物,在货物变为确定物以前,财产权不发生转移。

27、Where the CIF or FOB price can not be ascertained, the price for duty assessment shall be estimated and fixed by the Customs. ─── 到岸价格和离岸价格不能确定时,完税价格由海关估定。

28、Do you think you can ascertain prospect of selling such product ? ─── 您认为您能够确定这种产品的销售前景吗?

29、You had better look about you and ascertain what you do, and what yon mean to do. ─── 你最好注意点,动作要明白确定,意思也不要含糊。

30、A physical or chemical change by which a substance may be detected or its properties ascertained. ─── 化验由一种可被检测到的或其特征能被确定的物质引起的一种物理或化学变化。

31、The conviction of a crime has to be based on facts, and facts in turn have to be ascertained by evidences. ─── 惩罚犯罪必须以事实为依据,而事实需要由证据来确定,这就决定了证据裁判的基础地位。

32、Repaying debts on behalf of the controlling shareholder or other associated party; Other means ascertained by CSRC. ─── 代控股股东及其他关联方偿还债务;中国证监会认定的其他方式。

33、She felt a morbid desire to ascertain the point. ─── 她感到有一种病态的欲望想弄明白这一点。

34、It is difficult to ascertain what really happened. ─── 事情真相甚难查明。

35、The lawyer ascertained that a policeman had indeed dealt roughly with roreigners on several occasions. ─── 律师查明的确有个警察多次粗鲁地对待外国人。

36、"I will contact my superiors at once to ascertain the facts. ─── "我会马上和我的上司联系弄清事实的。

37、The court must therefore ascertain the "proper law" of the contract. ─── 因此,法院务必查明该契约的“准据法”。

38、The audit, which was completed this year, ascertained IP trends and patterns as well as a national framework to support IP development and utilization. ─── 将于今年完成的该项审计,指明了知识产权的发展方向以及建立一项支持知识产权发展与利用的国家制度的方式。

39、Methods The number of viable cells was ascertained by trypan blue dye exclusion test. ─── 人们逐渐认识到肿瘤的生成是细胞增殖和凋亡平衡失调的结果。

40、Third, ascertain the grounds for exemption to the danger doer. ─── 三是确定共同危险行为人的免责事由。

41、Since writing to you on... we have ascertained that... ─── ...月...日写信给贵方以来,我们已确定...

42、The priority is to ascertain which kurgans still have a layer of permafrost below them and might therefore be saved. ─── 关键问题是弄清楚哪些库刚下面仍然有着一层冻土因此可以被保存下来。

43、Up to now, the effects of extracorporeal shock wave (ESW) on reproduction remain ascertained. ─── 体外冲击波(ESW)对生殖的影响尚不清楚。

44、The climatological behavior of the front cannot be reliably ascertained from just two years of monitoring. ─── 仅仅从这两年的的监测来看,锋面的气候变化不能完全可靠地被确定下来。

45、The importance of "humanism" as a resource for peace building is thus ascertained. ─── 人文主义作为缔造和平的资源,其重要性因而得到认定。

46、Before you take part in a debate, be sure to ascertain that all your arguments are sound and well-grounded. ─── 在参见辩论之前,你必须确定你所有的论点都正确并且都有根据。

47、A people's court may handle an appealed case by examining the court records, if it considers the facts clearly ascertained. ─── 人民法院对上诉案件,认为事实清楚的,可以实行书面审理.

48、Ascertain the component and part mass guarantee agreement with new supplier. ─── 与新开发的供应商确定零部件质量保证协议;

49、Your 15th untimely demand quite prize ascertain due what cause. ─── 你方15日来电知悉,过早的需求使我方感到疑惑,请调查原因。

50、If they are grouped into larger units one can ascertain what group an unknown plant belongs to. ─── 如果把它们归类成较大的单位,那么就可以确知某种未知植物属于何类群。

51、It must be ascertained if the land is still owned by the government. ─── 必须确定这块土地是否仍属于政府所有。

52、I ascertained where they were to be found and , without any preliminaries , went and introduced myself . ─── 我打听清楚可以在哪里找到她们后,没有通知她们便去了。

53、The letter was written and sent away with a privacy which eluded all her watchfulness to ascertain the fact. ─── 写信和寄信都会在私下里进行,以避免埃莉诺注意,免得让她把事实都查得一清二楚。

54、Ah,I believe I have ascertained a solution.An incantation of lesser complexity should be more easily remembered. ─── 啊,我相信我已经寻得了解决方法。一个不太复杂的咒语更容易记住。

55、The acid-forming performance of novel sulfonium salts and s-triazinyl derivatives were evaluated by the method ascertained in our laboratory. ─── 利用研究室确定的测定产酸效率的方法对新型硫鎓盐和三嗪类光生酸剂的产酸性能进行了基本评价。

56、Certainly must ascertain girl's idea. ─── 一定要问清楚女孩的想法。

57、None of the aforementioned evidence shall serve as the basis of establishment of facts before it has been ascertained and verified. ─── 以上证据必须查证属实,才能作为认定事实的根据。

58、of any piece of wood packing material is difficult to determine and thus its phytosanitary status cannot be ascertained. ─── 因此,所有木质包装材料的真实原产地难以确定,从而使其植物检疫状况也不能确定。

59、Dimensions, quantity, or capacity as ascertained by comparison with a standard. ─── 度量用标准比较确定的尺寸、数量、容量

60、She wanted to ascertain that her son was among the wounded. ─── 她想要弄清儿子是受伤者之一。

61、The content of the registration should be on the property easy to be ascertained. ─── 登记的范围应限于易于确定的财产。

62、For specific or ascertained goods, property passes at the time the parties intend it to pass. ─── 对于特定物或确定物,在合同双方确定的转移时间发生转移。

63、We ascertained that our passports were in order. ─── 我们已经弄清楚了,我们的护照仍然有效。

64、The pathway of DDT degradation in soil has not been fully ascertained. ─── 在土壤中滴滴涕降解的途径还没有充分调查。

65、Most people ascertained that Pi Sia had deceived his friend. ─── 人们议论纷纷,都说达蒙上了皮斯阿司的当。

66、The rim of the plugs is usually not exposed and the enveloping material cannot be ascertained. ─── 岩栓的边缘通常是不露出的,因而不能确定其包裹的物质是什么。

67、The court must therefore ascertain the "properlaw" of the contract. ─── 因此,法院务必查明该契约的“准据法”。

68、Can you ascertain who he is? ─── 你能否查明他是何许人?

69、In fact it ascertained the accordatura of automobile consumption. ─── 事实上也就确定了今年汽车消费的基调。

70、Their explanation unconvincing also sound vacant at place now ascertain core. ─── 他们的解释不能令人信服,多处空洞无力对其主要内容现正仔细研究。

71、Therefore, the true origin of any piece of wood packing material is difficult to determine and thus its phytosanitary status cannot be ascertained. ─── 因此,所有木质包装材料的真实原产地难以确定,从而使其植物检疫状况也不能确定。

72、On this world, we need to want to ascertain self location , must adopt a reference. ─── 在这个世界上,我们要想确定自己的位置,必须采取参照物。

73、Herod next called the astrologers to meet him in private, and ascertained from them the time when the star had appeared. ─── 希律王私下又把占星学家召了来,问清楚那星是何时出现的。

74、It must be ascertained if the land is still owned by the government. ─── 必须确定这块土地是否仍属于政府所有。

75、For simplicity sake, you need not spend effort to ascertain the accounting date of the non-resident person. ─── 为方便起见,你毋须查明非居港人士的结帐日期。

76、Ascertain the first bolt of the M/E aft end and the position of the intermedial shaft bearing. ─── 初定主机末端第一颗地脚螺孔位置,初定中间轴承位置。

77、Depression (GMS) was ascertained, and serum levels of folate, vitamin B12 and homocysteine were assayed at both baseline and follow-up assessments. ─── 在基线和随访中均测定了抑郁症状和血清叶酸、维生素B12、同型半胱氨酸水平。

78、LOG operator and filter scales of steerable filters were actively ascertained in the defect areas so that the two types of defects could be segmented. ─── 并在缺陷存在区域自适应确定LOG算子和方向可调滤波器的滤波尺度用以分割两种缺陷。

79、He would at once ascertain what the truth might be as to the lady's wealth. ─── 他要立刻去查查清楚,那个女人的财产情况实际上究竟如何。

80、It should be ascertained if preventive or control procedures have already been attempted. ─── 应查明是否已采取了预防或控制措施。

81、Perhaps, if facts could be ascertained, it would be found that something of the same kind occurred in the Roman Empire. ─── 如果能把事实确定下来,或许可以发现在罗马帝国时代曾经发生过与此类似的某些事情。

82、Of what marshal, Pierre could not ascertain from the soldiers. ─── 哪位大元帅,皮埃尔未能从士兵口里听说出来。

83、In every land transaction, it is important to ascertain who is the registered owner of the property. ─── 在每宗涉及土地的交易里,确定谁是有关物业的注册业主是很重要的。

84、Below are some examples of phrases and sentences you can use to ascertain the facts. Read them out loud. ─── 下面是查明事情真相的一些例句,请大声朗读。

85、Traditionally the relatedness of species has been ascertained by a close comparison of their anatomy. ─── 传统上,物种的亲缘关系是通过对它们的解剖结构的密切比较来确定的。

86、We ascertained proper technical conditions for application of W-ADY in the fermentation of claret by tests. ─── ADY应用于干红葡萄酒发酵,通过试验,确定合适的工艺条件,生产的干红葡萄酒质量较好且稳定,取得了较为理想的效

87、In the following year, when the profits of the previous year are ascertained an assessment is made and credit given for the provisional tax paid. ─── 在下一年当有关年度的利润评定后,已缴付的暂缴税款会用来支付该年度应缴付的利得税。

88、the female , with no identity document found on her , might have fallen from height but the jumping point is yet to be ascertained. ─── 死者身上并没有身份证明文件。她可能由高处堕下,但现时仍未确定她堕楼的位置。

89、If you were, you might have ascertained that your Irish friend has no money, not a penny. ─── 如果你是的话,就该弄清楚你那爱尔兰朋友身无分文。

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