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09-04 投稿


industrious 发音

英:[?n?d?stri?s]  美:[?n?d?stri?s]

英:  美:

industrious 中文意思翻译



industrious 词性/词形变化,industrious变形

名词: industriousness |副词: industriously |

industrious 短语词组

1、industrious define ─── 勤劳的定义

2、more industrious ─── 更加勤奋

3、industrious crossword ─── 勤劳的填字游戏

4、industrious americus ─── 勤劳的美国人

5、industrious definition ─── 勤奋的定义

6、industrious synonym ─── 勤劳的同义词

7、industrious antonym ─── 勤勉反义词

industrious 同义词

busy | hardworking | energetic | tireless | bustling | gumptious | productive | fussy | assiduous |diligent | untiring | up-and-coming | active | conscientious | hard-working | muscular

industrious 反义词

idle | lazy |indolent

industrious 相似词语短语

1、industriousness ─── n.勤勉,勤奋

2、unindustrious ─── 无尘

3、industrials ─── n.[金融]工业股票

4、illustrious ─── adj.著名的,杰出的;辉煌的

5、industries ─── n.行业,工业;实业公司(industry的复数)

6、industrio- ─── 行业

7、incurious ─── adj.不关心的;无好奇心的;不感兴趣的

8、industriously ─── adv.勤奋地,努力地

9、indubious ─── 硬结的

industrious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The industrious, honest and hospitable Xingjia people heartily welcome friends all over the world to come here to develop, invest, and carve out! ─── 勤劳、朴、客的邢家人民热忱欢迎各方朋友到这里开发、资、业!

2、Employee character is very important to us. We expect everyone here at LYCE to be industrious, cooperative, honest and open-minded. ─── 员工性格很重要。我们希望李阳疯狂英语公司的的员工勤奋、协作、诚实、开明。

3、The Chinese are a hard-working and industrious people. ─── 中华民族是吃苦耐劳的民族。

4、The Chinese are an industrious nation. ─── 中华民族是个勤劳的民族。

5、An industrious student usually has good grades. ─── 勤奋的学生通常有好成绩.

6、In one industrious battle in 1495, these mastiffs leaped upon and disembowelled more than a hundred Indians apiece. ─── 一四九五年,那些獒犬在一场激战中,扑向印第安人,把他们内脏挖出来,每只杀死一百人以上。

7、He is an industrious student. ─── 他是个用功的学生。

8、Industrious and kind-hearted women, a happy holiday! ─── 勤劳善良的妇女们,节日快乐!

9、As for the encouragement of commerce, the proclamation to “industrious artisans and peasants,” met with no response at all. ─── 在商业方面,对勤劳的工人和农民的布告,没有得到任何反应。

10、Old Tong Bao himself was a respectable person; both Ah Si, his elder son, and his daughter-in-law were industrious and frugal. ─── 他自己也是规矩人,他的儿子阿四,儿媳四大娘,都是勤俭的。

11、Industrious, responsible, it was their "Yankee ingenuity" and practicality that created the work ethic. ─── 他们勤勉尽责,正是他们那“扬基式的机灵”和务实精神创立了职业道德。

12、He had gathered, as an industrious man always at his post, a chief share in administering the town charities. ─── 他象一个不辞辛劳的人,始终坚守岗位,主持地方公益事业筹集主要的款项。

13、as you know, every assistant is expected to be competent and industrious! ─── 正如你所知,每个助手都被期待着是胜任的和勤勉的!

14、The Chinese are industrious people. ─── 中国人民是一个勤劳的民族。

15、Similarly, I want to choose a frugal, gentle, learned, faithful and industrious girl for my wife. ─── 同样,我想选择一位生活节俭、性情温柔、富有学问、忠实可靠、勤勤恳恳的姑娘做我的妻子。

16、In this sense, the inhabitants of the Jinggang Mountains are indeed most industrious and intelligent. They are pioneers in the true sense of the word. ─── 井冈山人很聪明,而且非常勤劳,是真正的拓荒者。

17、She is an industrious person; she put her back into whatever she does. ─── "她是个勤奋的人,不管做什么都埋头苦干。"

18、Great surgeons are the ones who are conscientious, industrious, and boneheaded enough to keep practicing day and night for years on end. ─── 伟大的外科医生是认真的,勤奋的,没有失误的,所以他们会每天坚持实践,从来不间断。

19、"only a few industrious Scots perhaps, who indeed are dispersed over the face of the whole earth" (George Chapman). ─── “真正分散在整个地球表面的苏格兰人也许只有几个”(乔治·查普曼)。

20、You should know the poor's bothy and their industrious work and get to know majority living conditions of Chinese people. ─── 古今中外第一流的伟人如孔子、司马迁、鲁迅,又如伊索、苏格拉底、塞万提斯,他们都有过穷人的情感和耻辱的经历。

21、Long before the use of machinery and fertilizers, industrious and creative farmers had already used different kinds of methods to increase crop yields. ─── 早在使用机器和化肥之前,勤劳而富有创造力的农民就已经使用各种方法来提高作物产量。

22、It is said that when a bear is deprived of food, it sustains its life by sucking its paws. Applied to industrious idleness. ─── 坐吃山空的懒汉;不事生产而败家业者。

23、He isn't particularly clever but industrious. ─── "他并不特别聪明,但很勤奋。"

24、Attends class listens devotionally, is industrious at the ponder, attends the discussion positively, dares to express the opinion. ─── 上课专心听讲,勤于思考,积极参加讨论,勇于发表见解。

25、Graceful, romantic, humorous, frank, industrious, good, manages a household with diligence and thrift is single-mindedly my principle and my merit. ─── 优雅,浪漫的,幽默,坦率,勤劳,善良,专一勤俭持家是我的原则和我的优点。

26、Since 1940,this industrious,peace-loving country has suffered invasion,four years of cruelty,enemy-occupation,and bitter internal strife. ─── 1940年以来,这个勤勉刻苦、热爱和平的国家饱受四年外敌入侵之苦及内乱纷起之灾。

27、Employee character is very important to us.We expect everyone here at LYCE to be industrious,cooperative,honest and open-minded. ─── 员工性格很重要。我们希望李阳疯狂英语公司的员工勤奋、协作、诚实、开明。

28、The three led a joyous and secluded life, contented, industrious, happy, asking nothing better. ─── 三个人过着快快活活的隐居生活,心里又满足又愉快,工作勤劳,与世无争。

29、They are often more industrious, useful citizens than those who are never late. ─── 和那些从不迟到的人相比,他们则是更勤奋有用的公民。

30、The Chinese people are industrious, frugal, intelligent and quick to learn. ─── 中国人民勤俭机智,善于学习。

31、youth is a dream, flying above the playing. run against the wind, the industrious sweat makes you to pursue steps. ─── 青春是一种梦想,梦想在赛场上飞翔。迎风奔跑,辛勤的汗水化做你追求得脚步。

32、To do great work, a man must be very idle as well as very industrious. ─── 劳逸结合才能成就大事业。

33、It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious for? ─── 光勤奋是不够的,还要明白是为什么而努力,就连蚂蚁都是这样。

34、He is the more industrious of the two. ─── 他是两者中更勤劳的一位。

35、It became a thriving Hockchiew (Chinese: Fuzhou) settlement of industrious migrants, mostly from the district of Kutien in Fuzhou, China. ─── 在来自中国福州的移民(主要来自古田县)进行开垦之后,这里成为了一个繁荣的居民点。

36、They are industrious people. ─── 他们是一些勤劳的人。

37、Three ages of successful job experience ranging from sales responsibilities to management of marketing department. Adaptable, versatile, industrious. ─── 三年的成功工作经验,范围从销售职责到市场部门的管理。适应性强、善变通、勤奋。

38、The Chinese people have always been industrious and thrifty. ─── 中国人民一向勤劳节约。

39、Eliza sat cold, impassible, and assiduously industrious. ─── 伊丽莎冷冷地,无动于衷地坐着,勤奋地干着活儿。

40、It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious about? ─── 光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的。要看你为什么要勤劳。

41、Industrious sorts no longer burn the midnight oil. ─── 勤勉者开夜车不会再烧油。

42、He was esteemed an industrious, thriving young man. ─── 他在人们心目中被看成一个勤奋有为的青年。

43、It was a world of good little people, comfortable, industrious, credulous . ─── 住在这里的是些善良的小人物,舒适,勤恳,自信。

44、Purposeful or industrious activity;enterprise. ─── 企图,进取心有目的的、勤勉刻苦的行动;进取心

45、It is not enough to be industrious,so are the ants.What are you industrious for? ─── 光勤劳还不够,蚂蚁也很勤劳,重要的是你为什么而勤劳。----梭罗

46、As his tutor,I think he is studious and industrious. ─── 作为他的指导者,我认为他是一个认真好学的人。

47、He is an industrious pedicab driver. ─── 他是个辛勤的板儿爷。

48、His extortions from the industrious poor have been beyond computation. ─── 他对劳苦人民的横征暴敛无法计算。

49、She was an industrious and willing worker. ─── 她是个勤劳肯干的工人。

50、He is a man of great industrious. ─── 他是个非常勤勉的人。

51、He is also very industrious in addition to his intelligence. ─── 20他除了聪明之外,还很勤奋。

52、You see, God protects the honest and the industrious. ─── 你瞧,上帝保佑忠实勤恳的人。

53、The Chinese people are industrious; frugal, intelligent and quick to learn. ─── 中国人民勤俭机智,善于学习。

54、Purposeful or industrious activity; enterprise. ─── 企图,进取心有目的的、勤勉刻苦的行动; 进取心

55、He may not be so clever as Peter, but he is as industrious as can be. ─── 他也许不如彼得聪明,但却用功极了。

56、Even the most industrious person might adopt it with adventage to serve as a reminder. ─── 即使是最勤勉的人也可以以此为警示。

57、Three years of succe ful job experience ranging from sales re o ibilities to management of marketing department. Adaptable,versatile,industrious. ─── 三年的成功工作经验,范围从销售职责到市场部门的管理,适应性强、善变通、勤奋。

58、Three years of successful job experience ranging from sales responsibilities to management of marketing department. Adaptable, versatile, industrious. ─── 三年的成功工作经验,范围从销售职责到市场部门的管理。适应性强、善变通、勤奋。

59、This saying, therefore, teaches us to be industrious. ─── 因此,这句格言教导我们要勤奋用功。

60、The Chinese have always been a great, courageous and industrious nation; it is only in modern times that they have fallen behind. ─── 中国人从来就是一个伟大的勇敢的民族,知识在近代落伍了。

61、If you are industrious you can finish the job before dark. ─── 你若勤快些就能在天黑前完成这项工作了。

62、Asia's development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industrious and talented Asian people. ─── 亚洲今天的发展成就,是勤劳有才的亚洲人民不懈努力的结果。

63、His experience was only the experience of the majority of that industrious night-school in the cabin. ─── 他的经验教训,不过是舱内那批孜孜不倦的夜校学生中多数人的经验教训罢了。

64、"The honor of industrious labor; the shame of indolence. ─── 以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻,

65、But he overcame the handicaps of his upbringing to become a disciplined and industrious writer. ─── 不过他还是克服了成长过程中的各种障碍成为一名训练有素的勤奋作家。

66、It is a long-term task to advocate building up the country through thrift and hard work and being industrious and thrifty in managing our households. ─── 勤俭建国、勤俭持家应经常提倡,是长期要做的工作。

67、In the long history, the industrious and brave people of the ripple source, write a glorious chapter. ─── 在漫长的历史长河中,勤劳勇敢的涞源人民,谱写了光辉的篇章。

68、It is enough to be industrious,so are the ants.what are you industrious for? ─── 光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的,要看你为什么而勤劳?

69、For example, the work of encouraging women to be industrious and thrifty in managing their households. ─── 勤俭持家就是这样的工作。

70、How industrious they are these Turkish people, always working and learning. ─── 多么勤奋的土耳其人民!他们总是在工作中学习,乐此不疲!

71、It is not surprising, appearance is not outstanding, some just a pair of industrious hand and a heart enflamed, won her heart. ─── 才不惊人、貌不出众,有的只是一双勤劳的手和一颗滚烫的心,却获得了她的芳心。

72、He is an industrious and independent person who is indifferent to fame. ─── 他是一位勤劳、独立的人,不在乎名誉。

73、The Chinese are an industrious people. ─── 中国人是个勤奋的民族。

74、He is industrious about his study. ─── 他勤奋学习。

75、Please don't think so that everyone will praise your crackajack as if you're dirty fearless and industrious. ─── 你可不要这样想。只要你不怕脏,不偷懒,谁都会说你能干!

76、If the tiller is industrious, the farmland is productive. ─── 人勤地不懒。

77、Chinese people are industrious. ─── 中国人民是勤劳的。

78、He is industrious about his studies. ─── 他学习很刻苦。

79、The skillful and industrious have no right to take hold of the share of others as a result of their skill and industry. ─── 有一技之人的人,勤奋的人没有任何权利仅凭自己的技术和勤奋就去占有其他人的那份财富。

80、They are an industrious people. ─── 他们是一个勤劳的民族。

81、And if she was, as we say, "a little light in the upper story", she was nevertheless an industrious and kindly woman. ─── 即使她真的“有点半痴不呆”,她也不失为一个勤勉而厚道的女人。

82、He succeeded because he was industrious as well as because he had many friends to help him. ─── 他的成功是由于勤勉和许多朋友的帮助。

83、The ideals of the progressive Chinese are in keeping with the peaceful, industrious traditions of China. ─── 中国进步人士的理想是与中国和平、勤劳的传统相适应的。

84、A: Employee character is very important to us.We expect everyone here at LYCE to be industrious, cooperative, honest and open-minded. ─── 员工性格很重要。

85、He isn' t particularly clever but industrious. ─── 他并不特别聪明,但很勤奋。

86、He is an industrious worker. ─── 他是一个勤劳的工人。

87、A good heart, a pair of industrious hand. ─── 一颗善良的心,一对勤劳的手。

88、Ms. Llewellyn has proved to be industrious,conscientious,and skillful in carrying out her assignments. ─── 卢艾林女士向来工作熟练,自觉而又勤奋。

89、"Being learned in some branch of human knowledge in one thing, living in public and industrious thoughts," as Emerson would say,"is something else. ─── "在一件事物的人类知识的一些部门中被学习,住在民众和勤勉的想法,"当爱默生会,"是别的东西。


















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